martes, 12 de junio de 2012


By Salvatore Scimino
June 12, 2012

The research of more than 4,000 climate scientists predict that if global temperatures continue to go up at the present rate, Earth´s temperature will rise 1 degree within 10 years, 2 degrees within the next 40 years and warmer by the end of the century.

Should the Earth´s temperature rise to 3 degrees warmer than the pre-industrial average, the results would be catastrophic for our civilisation (Video 1).

                                      Video 1. Hot planet. Uploaded by cooDocu 31/10/2011

The solution is in our hands. The sooner we kiss good bye our oil addiction the better off we´ll be. But this is the problem, people are stuck with an economic model that is obsolete. 

And to change the world we must first change ourselves. Unless we transform our way of thinking, overhaul our subconscious in a way that we feel that happiness is in being and not in having, quit being greedy children and grow up psychological speaking, no economic model will be sustainable.

One thing that marketing psychologists have taught us is that changing the masses of sheeple (sheep people) is not a hard thing to do. Besides there is a domino effect as well.

We must break free from our own chains. Our waking up from our crazy feeding frenzy of Mother Nature´s resources would pressure on the companies that control the world and these in turn would push governments to implement solutions agreeable with the environment. 

Of course, don´t go around begging for solutions when you yourself drive your metallic mastodont just to go around the corner to buy a can of soda or go on a shopping spree. These habits must go. 

Start walking, bicycling, take public transportation or stay home when you feel the desperado worm crawling in your head, face it up, grow up kid! And quit consuming garbage! Quit buying superfluous things!

Lots of people will be out of work, those whose livelihood depend upon making junk food, silly gadgets or anyone that labours at factories specialised in stupid things that end up in the city dump. To solve this problem, as someone suggested, it should be a crime against Earth and its earthlings to accumulate fortunes beyond 100.000 euros or US dollars, applicable especially to politicians.

And for heaven´s sake, let´s stop shooting our brethren and neighbours! Defense budgets corrode any nation´s well being. Let´s put the guns down and commit ourselves to sharing and being kind. Not the other way around as we are being taught openly, subliminally or surreptitiously by the media.

Wake up before it´s too late! In some part of the world it already is a crime sharing your food with the homeless (Video 2)!! We are being drowned in permits, laws, city ordinances and what have you.

Video 2. Man arrested for fedeing the homeless. Uploaded by  el 20/03/2009

As things stand today, governments are not there to protect the public but to protect the big corporations´ interests. This can be seen in the case of the Canadian tar sands where scientists from the University of Alberta have clearly shown that pollution from this industry is messing up the Arctic ecosystem and still the government insists that nothing is happenning, that the pollution (arsenic, chromium, etc.) is natural. Meanwhile people keep dying sick of cancer.

Nonetheless we are still left with one hurdle: changing the people behind big business. And this is not easy as they are the toughest nut to crack. Perhaps impossible, too hard headed and hard hearted.

These people are psychopaths, drunken with power and greed. So are the shareholders. Their eyes see nothing but green bucks, which is unfortunate for all of us earthlings.

But in the end is the very same people around these power hungry individuals who give them the power, feed their egos. Most people admire, revere and worship power (Fig. 1). Sick people admire or gravitate towards sick people. It is a matter of vibrations.

                    Figure 1. Opening of the English Parliament. Source:

Since power worshippers come by the tonnes, a drawback to ancient times when it was necessary for humans to follow the leader to a good hunt, now it should be illegal to asskiss. Beware of leaders who are pushing you down the cliff!

So we must wean ourselves off our harmulful consumption and take sound bearings and a good map to walk straight ahead into the future.

Grow up Homo sapiens

Earth is sick because people are sick. Sick of greediness. The cure is simple: "Rich is not the man who owns the most but the one who needs the least" (Henry David Thoreau).

It is time we start admiring the humble and wise (Fig. 2). Let´s start today!

Figure 2. Ant tending scale insects. Source: Wikipedia.


Tamminen, Terry (2008). Lives Per Gallon: The True Cost of Our Oil Addiction. Shearwater Books, Washington, DC. 262 pp.

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