martes, 14 de octubre de 2014


Source: Pictures Of...

By Gundhramns Hammer
October 14, 2014
Select, paste & translate

A few sites selling stuff on the web are using our domain´s name, Gundhramns Hammer, attached to their homepage or URL, this way they hope to attract traffic to their sites.

Here is a an example:


Gundhramns Hammer blogspotcom - Car Fast
More Results Related to Gundhramns Hammer blogspotcom. Gundhramns Hammer - Esta mafia no trabaja sola. Está compuesta de complicadas ...

At least Car Fast had the decency to mention our blog´s name and URL. 

Here is another example: 

And this site is for hot people!

But no matter what, these are clear examples of riding on someone else´s back. 

There have been cases of complete taking over our domain´s name and incorporating to their URL to sell viagra-like pills. But before we took action against them, this web site vanished!

We just want to make one thing clear: 

We have NOTHING to do with these web sites. If you receive any spam from any web site that is using our domain´s name, just tell them to fuck off. 

Furthermore, we are NOT getting any money from these people or any one riding on our blog´s domain back. 

Thanks for your attention. 

The Gundhramns Hammer team

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