domingo, 24 de febrero de 2019


Resultado de imagen de alienigena, wikipedia
Fuente: Google images

Por G. Hammer
24 de febrero de 2016

Están aquí. Parece que siempre han estado aquí. Están infiltrados en la sociedad humana. Al menos es lo que nos dicen ciertos expertos.

En este mundo que se ha convertido en su mundo, no todo lo que parece estar quieto, está quieto. Siempre hay movimiento. Aunque alguien diga lo contrario, e pur si muove

Si de humanos se trata, se mueve lo que se mueve cuando los aliens con sus aliados humanos mueven lo  que mueven para mover lo que quieren mover para dominar todo lo que quieren dominar cuando mueven sus hilos con el objetivo de dominar a todos los que quieren dominar en este planeta.

Su objetivo es el dominio mundial en todos los aspectos y espectros, de acuerdo a algunos expertos.

En su trayecto, dicen que son lo que son pero no son lo que dicen que son, pues al final de cuentas sus cosas no son como dicen que son. Siempre predomina el son de su canción.

Así, en su granja humana, aparentan dar su fruto pero sólo para usufructuar el producto de su fruto. 

En asuntos de economía, por ejemplo, no hay cosa alguna que no se haya convertido en su fruto.

Estamos hablando de geopolítica alienígena en Latinoamérica, con énfasis en el opus panameño (Video 1).

Video 1. Geopolítica alienígena en Latinoamérica: el opus panameño. Uploaded by Alfred Lambremont Webre.


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Adonde van los niños desaparecidos (Where do missing children go?). Uploaded by Fritz Springmeier en Español.

The views and opinions expressed on the video(s) are those of the speakers or authors and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions held by the author(s) or the administrator of Gundhramns Hammer Blog.


Fuente: Wikipedia.

Por G. Hammer
24 de febrero de 2019

Dicen que una sola golondrina no hace el verano. Se necesitan más.

Por lo tanto, metafóricamente, la "golondrina" que se apoderó de Cuba, necesitó muchas "golondrinas" para hacer el verano castrista, el cual ya lleva 60 años.

Entonces, tomemos la "vereda tropical" para averiguar algo acerca de las otras "golondrinas" que ayudaron a Fidel Castro a hacer su verano (su agosto) en Cuba.

¿Te interesa saber quiénes fueron estas "golondrinas" del verano castrista que colaboraron con el Comandante cubano?

Te recomendamos leer el siguiente artículo: pincha AQUI.

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2019


Source: Yesterday Today via YouTube.

By Gundhramn Hammer
February 2, 2019

As long as no other predators including members of their own species screw them up, clubbed them down as prey, they roamed freely as the wind. 

There is no doubt that life was tough. It was a raw-tooth life. The evidence from the past shows that humans (Therapsida: Mammalia: Primates: Homo sapiens) were hunters (Fig. 1) and gatherers. 

Figure 1. Bison hunting. Painting by George Catlin. Source: Wikipedia.

And at the same time, intra- and interspecific cannibalism was fucking rampant too.

But there is one thing for sure. Humans ate wholesome and fresh food, right out Mother Nature´s "shelves"

Then, man being a restless childish creature, quite inventive, dreamer of enslaving dreams, fearful, lover of the least effort, passionate about tool- and weapon-making, extremely crazy about sex, addicted to hogging anything that calms down his fucking inner hell, and deeply infected by the invisible juice exudated by the evil archons, as time went by, he came up with the idea of living cramped like sardines in what Illuminati historians and archaeologists have come to call "cities".

In a nutshell, he insanely canned himself. Humans became city-dwellers (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Man´s favourite habitat: The City. Source: The City.

Now, canned humans still hunt and gather like in the past. But they do it differently. First they must work for money, i.e., give up some of their life energy in exhange of money. And next they go hunting for food at "markets" or "grocery stores"

It is a matter of canned humans hunting canned food (Video 1).

Video 1. A historical view of humans (Primates: Homo sapiens) hunting at grocery stores in the United States. Uploaded by Yesterday Today.

Yeah, we can say that man has "progressed" alright. But he now eats and drinks canned crap, and breathes crap. 

It is not at all surprising that he now has his colon not only full of shit, but also of cancer, amongst other things that are screwing him up.

His whole body-package of symphonically-organised particulated matter has become loaded by toxic particulate matter of his own making. Good news for the big pharma!

And now to soothe his present insanity, the Illuminati experts working at huevonology centres and institutes have come up with the ingenious idea of "sustainability" to continue with the same Earth-crapping story. A farce neatly disguised under fake green childish stories.

But wait... What the hell is huevonology

Huevonology is a term derived from the American spanish huevón, a lazy person. Here I use it in reference to those high-salaried bureaucratic savants (i.e., Biosphere-chewing folks, be it directly or indirectly, for Nature is the fountain of all economics) specialised in scratching their genitalia in comfy officies around the world and good at writing piles of data that won´t do jack to save man´s butt unless these same ideas or so-predicated things are brought into real practice. Folks who love getting together to talk bullshit (blah.blah.blah...) at annual meetings at the expense of the tax-payers. And when they do so, there is usually some previous, in-between or after hours screwing, topped with some heavy eating of fancy meals which are accompanied with expensive wines. People who work for the Illuminati & Co. and who at the same time are also part of the real problem. Members of a huge worldwide-plague that do indeed get a big portion of Mother Nature´s pie. 

But wait a minute!... Aren´t we all humans a plague on this planet? 

Yep... We are.

Let´s face it, any human riding on and feeding off today´s "economic development" wave is only sustainable when dead and fully recycled by Nature.

Anyway, so much for canned man.

See you later alligators!!


España es el país europeo que más ha sufrido los efectos de los incendios forestales en Europa. Casi 700 mil hectáreas han sido arrasadas por el fuego entre España y Portugal este 2017, siendo tres factores los que se han convertido en determinantes: las repoblaciones con especies foráneas, el abandono del medio rural y el cambio climático. Una parte importante de los fondos destinados a prevención de incendios ha parado de manera fraudulenta en manos de empresas de extinción. Se trata de una trama de corrupción conocida como el "cártel del fuego", compuesto por 14 empresas. teleSUR []

Corrupción ha impedido adecuada prevención de incendios en España. Publicado por teleSUR tv.