sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2016


Por G. Hammer
31 de diciembre de 2016

Dicen lo que dicen sin decir lo que dicen cuando dicen lo que dicen a los que dicen que lo que hicieron que no fue por lo que dicen sino por lo que no han dicho cuando dicen lo que dicen a quienes les interesa decir lo que dicen cuando dicen lo que dicen para conseguir lo que dicen que les corresponde por lo que dicen que les hicieron, sin decir lo que hicieron cuando dicen lo que dicen en su historia.

Se dice que los expulsaron de España en el siglo XV. Bueno, no a todos. Los médicos de la corte, entre otros, por ejemplo, dicen que no fueron tomados en cuenta y se quedaron. 

Ahora España para remendar ese hecho histórico, a los descendientes de aquellos que tuvieron que salir de los Reinos a la fuerza han sido bienvenidos a casa dándoles la Nacionalidad Española.

Para los interesados en la historia de España, aquí les va el link del decreto al respecto, incluyendo una lista de los nombres de los seleccionados para tal efecto:

Pinchar: aquí.

Pero, mon Capitaine, no fueron los únicos. Hubo otros, de otras etnias, ¿no?. 

Oui, mon ami! Por lo tanto, deberían también remendar esa parte de la historia de alguna manera. De lo contrario, no se puede hablar de justicia ni mucho menos de democracia.


Uploaded by Robin Davidsen.

martes, 27 de diciembre de 2016


Fuente: Sheriff Dog.

Por G. Hammer
27 de diciembre de 2016

Ante todo, dejaremos claro que aquí no estamos para fomentar nada que tenga que ver con la cacería. 

Pero si eres un contribuyente del tesoro nacional, hay rumores que dicen que, para aquellos individuos que están interesados en el deporte de la caza mayor, no hay mejor lugar en el mundo donde ir que España. 

¿Por qué será?

Bueno, dicen que en España hay una ave que vuela muy rápido, lo suficiente como para emocionar a cualquiera que emprenda el viaje en su viaje migratorio. 

Sin embargo, según dicen los expertos, esta ave ya tiene un precio sobre su cabeza. Tan alto que hace danzar de alegría a los banqueros que ya se adueñaron de su carne e incluso de sus plumas. 

¿Qtal si averiguamos cuál es y su precio?

Pincha aquí y aquí.


Uploaded by Oliver Solis.

Más información: aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí y aquí.

sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2016




Marty The Rat. Photo: Gele Muis via Pin It.

By Gundhramn Hammer, Yudit Elisabeth S. Trullén & Blanca Irina Ruíz Sánchez
December 24, 2016

Many humans have monuments in their honour. And some of these humans who have them do not deserve them. 

As a matter of fact, they do not deserve a piece of merde! They don´t deserve jack!

On the contraire, nonhuman animals whose lives have benefitted mankind, even have made some people or corporations billionaires, in countless ways do not have any monuments of honour at all. 

Of course, there are exceptions, for religious or commercial reasons.

And nonhuman animals exploited by humans certainly do deserve monuments more than some lousy humans.

Take rats as an example.

Do they have monuments?

As a matter of fact they do! In Russia.

According to Donna Dickens (2013), Russian scientists have recently built a monument to honour lab rats (Fig. 1). 

Figure 1. Russian scientists´ monument to honour laboratory rats. Source: Donna Dickens via BuzzFeed.


The lab rat monument is "a symbol of gratitude for their sacrifices to science. Without rodents, many breakthroughs would not have been possible" (Dickens, 2013).

In other words, obviously, it is because millions upon millions of rats have been killed in biology, cosmetic, pharm and medical research laboratories around the world year after year.

Lab rats have been - and still are (e.g., Falck, 2013), which is unfortunately for the animals - part of any scientific, biological and medical endeavour and advancement for a long time.

Numerous books have been written on laboratory rats and mice and other animal models (e.g., Hankenson, 2014; Hau & Schapiro, 2011; Whishaw & Kolb, 2005; Sharp & La Regina, 1998; Sharp & Villano, 2012; Suckow et al., 2006; Krinke, 2000; Baker et al., 1979).

And rats are just one of the many animals humans kill annually. 

Think of the billions of cattle, chickens, ducks, turkeys, pigs, horses, sheep, etc., which are slaughtered in the abbatoirs worldwide.

Annually, over 9 billion animals were slaughtered in the United States alone in 2014, according to the Humane Society. 

The following chart (Fig. 2) will give you an idea of the level of this animal holocaust.

Figure 2. Total of domestic animals slaughtered in the United States (1960-2007). Source: The Humane Society of the United States.

To the above let us add some more animal holocaust. In those countries where people celebrate Christmas and New Year´s Eve gathering around an animal cadaver on a dining table always means hell for a lot of domestic animals that have been slaughtered for the occasion too (Videos 1-2)

Video 1. Your turkey sandwich. Uploaded by mercyforanimals.

Video 2. Christmas turkey. Uploaded by billyberie´s channel.

It is neither a "Merry Christmas" nor a "Happy New Year" for these animals!!

Let us wrap it up. Putting the exceptions aside (e.g., cows in India), most animals do not have any monuments to them.

The majority of people just eats them. Most humans do not give a hoot about animal suffering and cruelty ever. 

These cannibalistic folks are impermeable to animal pain.

After all, is the world not a vast field filled with millions of zombies? 

Human zombies, that is.

Anyway, here is a short film about a charming laboratory rat to ponder about this matter. Maybe it will dezombise you a little bit!:

Watch video: Click here.

Hurrah for those humans who love rats!!!

And just in case you are one of those folks who hates animals in spite of eating them, we ain´t talking about eating them!

Hmmm... How about the rats in the sewer?

Regarding rats in the sewage systems, do not forget that rats were not the ones who built these sophisticated mazes to transport our shit away from our homes and dump it into rivers and oceans (Video 1).

Video 1. Crumbling and underground human waste. Uploaded by PBS NewsHour.

We, humans, did. 

Besides, we are not here to talk about zoonoses transmitted by rats (Rattus spp.) either, folks.

But let us face it, as a species, despite all of our fancy washing and bathing to "smell clean", overall we are fucking filthy! We are full of crap

If in doubt, go ahead and ask your pooch or your proctologist for a frank opinion.

We still have a lot to learn and a long way to go to live harmoniously with ourselves, amongst ourselves and with everyone else on this planet.

And we are running out of time!


Baker H.J., Lindsey J.R. & Weisbroth S.H. (Eds.) (1979). The laboratory rat. Volume I: Biology and Diseases. Academic Press, Inc., New York, NY, USA. 435 pp.

Dickens D. (2013). Russian scientists build monument to honor lab rats. 3 p.

Falck E. (2013). Genomic and generic alterations in endometrial adenocarcinoma. Önebro Studies in Medicine 81, 46 pp.

Hankenson F.C. (2014). Critical Care Management for Laboratory Mice and Rats. A Volume in The Laboratory Animal Pocket Reference Series. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA. 76 pp.

Hau J. & Schapiro S.J. (Eds.) (2011). Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science. Volume II: Animal Models. 3rd Edition. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA. 453 pp.

Krinke G.J. (Ed.) (2000). The Laboratory Rat. 1st Edition.  The Handbook of Experimental Animals, Academic Press, London, UK. 756 pp.

Sharp P.E. & La Regina M.C. (1998). The Laboratory Rat. A Volume in The Laboratory Animal Pocket Reference Series. CRC Press, LLC, Boca Raton, FL, USA. 204 pp.

Sharp P. & Villano J. (2012). The Laboratory Rat. 2nd Edition. A Volume in The Laboratory Animal Pocket Reference Series. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA. 357 pp. 

Suckow M.A., Weisbroth S.H. & Franklin C.L. (Eds.) (2006). The Laboratory Rat. 2nd Edition. American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine Series. Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington, MA, USA. 912 pp.

Whishaw I.Q. & Kolb B. (Eds.) (2005). The Behavior of the Laboratory Rat: A Handbook with Tests. Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, NY, USA. 504 pp. 





Source: 123RF.

By Gundhramn Hammer, Gaviota & Halcón Stark
December 24, 2016

There is not such a thing as a revolution without their revolution which has been set up to get more slices out of everyone´s cake. It is all designed by them to get you in their framed revolution to achieve what they want with you in revolution so that you finish the line screwed up with their revolution that was never your revolution in the first place. They control the dices of revolutions. It will continue to be so unless you wake up.

But who is them

According to the experts, it is the Hidden Hand. Some folks call it the Illuminati. Others, the Brotherhood of the Snake. It´s got many names but only one goal: World control.

Sadly to everyone on this spaceship we call Earth, the Hidden Hand is lousy when it comes to managing wisely the planet and its natural resources. It is fucking stupid!!

But its members do know one thing: How to manage you, how to suck your life energy. They can make you dance and keep you dancing. The more you dance against Mother Nature´s grain, i.e., antibiospherically, the better. And you love it! You love your invisible bar cage!

Despite having all the money in the world and well-paid experts galore with their mumbo jumbo telling you nothing is wrong, except those who dare lose their job or truly care about Nature, they - these Hidden Hand biological entities - are not interested in putting you on the right ecological track. They fear your revolution without their revolution.

Anyway, they way they manage people, most of you are not even interested in taking the right course.

However, so far as a result of humans (Homo insapiens) screwing up Nature, the boat - the Biosphere - is full of holes. Humans are messing it up. Little by little, they are working dumb hard to turn it into a plastic cesspool!

Wake up!!!!! Before Nature says Enough!!!

Always remember, Mother Nature doesn´t need you but you do indeed need Her (Video 1). Nature will go on without humans:

Video 1. Nature speaking to us (La Naturaleza nos habla). Uploaded by Conservation International. 

Any clues about the Hidden Hand out there?


Here is a good example of the Hidden Hand´s footprints: The images used to get the masses rounded up: