lunes, 8 de julio de 2013


By Gundhramns Hammer
July 8, 2013

A matador´s fulfilled wishful thinking. Source: Wild Ones.

The blood tainted San Fermin Festival in Spain not only belongs to the Dark Ages but also it is a waste of human energy. 

If crazy people want to run, why not put these human nuts running on a green wheel much like goats or hamsters on a running wheel to make some electricity? Why let 240 watts/runner go to waste?

Perhaps take them to do some erosion controlling chore at a nearby mountain? Why not take them to Africa to dig wells for the thirsty poor?

No, these masses of people claim uproariously some blood in the name of a saint. The bottom line for Dark Age-minded people is to torture and kill to have fun. Any activity salted and sprinkled with alluring power, powder of money, blood and sex is fair game.

Considering there is so much carnage in the world, some historians do question whether or not man is still living in the Dark Ages. At least many people still do, inside their brains, if they have any.

Night and day, rain or shine, humans are maimed, blown up and killed with sophisticated drones or machine guns at wars and nonhuman beings have their necks cut at slaughterhouses and die bleeding, suffering a gruesome death. 

And the blood shed one way or another is the holy grail for anyone who wants to tap this hellish chain to get rich. 

Because blood is a bloody business that gives lots of blood to the bloody people who have mind-mastered this bloody human pyramid.

The masses of brainless human sheep, knelt at the base of this bloody pyramid, eat a lot of shit thinking they are munching on sweets. They faithfully nod their heads saying yes at any novelty which stirs their genitals and shit, agree to whatever is thrown at their hands and feet as long as they have something to fuck with.

The San Fermin Festival is one of those twisted things thrown at the masses to fuck with. Masses of macho men run ahead of the bulls, excited by the bull´s prick. It is a question of to get or not to get pricked. These men are crystallised  grownup babies yelling in their guts:

- Mummy!! Mummy, look at me!! I´m so brave!!!

Lions do not chase these modern day Pleistocenic-minded men, unless they go trekking in Africa. Neither do their human neighbours, as it used to happen in Neolithic Europe, when cannibal hunters would go about catching other humans outside their own band to put them in the roasting pit. 

These dangers are way back in time. Unless you happen to be in a war zone at the present time or fall in the hands of a human organ harvesting mafia.

With their basic necessities of food, water and housing solved, their bellies bloated with shit, legions of 21st century "brave men", bored and boring Homo insapiens, want to get fucked up to the hilt in the ass by the bull´s horn instead of a man´s prick. 

This is an insane game of risking to get pricked by symbolic pricks (Video 1). Macho runs to hide fears and hidden wishes or latent feelings of getting fucked. Something for these "machos ibéricos" (Iberian macho men) to brag about amongst the brainless crowd, an adrenaline loaded bull running to find some remedy to their loneliness and hopefully assert their own questionable manhood.

                                      Video 1. San Fermin bull running, 2013.

This kind of suicidal behaviour is not surprising in an upside down world, overcrowded and plagued with dysfunctional people at any and every level,  ever prowling on an eternal quest to fuck or get fucked. 

Fucked to get fucked or to get fucked, fuck and get fucked. In bed, at work or at war and peace, this is man´s civilisation in a nutshell. 

Thus is man (Homo "sapiens"), the hominid beast who is screwing up his own nest: The Biosphere.

Where are his fucking brains?

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