sábado, 6 de julio de 2013


By Gundhramns Hammer
July 6, 2013

Elephant ivory imperial couple. Source:

China needs a lot of everything to keep the pace of its consumption. Chinese are competing with other human rats who are devouring the Biospheric Cheese. 

China eats tonnes of cheese, meaning natural resources, and puts out shit, in the same way the rest of "civilised" humans do around the world.

But Chinese businessmen have outdone everyone else on the lethal game of destroying Nature. A lethal game called "economic development".

They have a simple strategy, summarised here in a conversation between two humans, a Chinese businessman and an African dictator, who want to make lots of money:

The Chinese businessman asks the African dictator:

- What are you selling?

The African dictator replies:

- I´ve got oil to sell.

The Chinese says:

- Very well, I´ll buy it all from you. I´ll pay you a fair price. Since you don´t have an infrastructure to get the oil to the coast, I´ll build the road or railroad for you at a cheaper price than other constructors. If you need money and technology, I´ll also give them to you. Of course, I require that you continue selling to me all the oil you´ve got. And as far as human rights, I don´t go about playing double standard games like others buyers in the markets do. Your blood on your hands and the skeletons in the closet is your own business. I don´t give a damn about that. Here is the contract. What do you say to that?

The African dictator rushes in:

- Let me sign  your contract right now. I need the money to build my dream palace next week and stash away some cash in Switzerland as well.

The Chinese businessman adds:

- I´ll help you with that too. I´ll build you the palace free of charge but you´ve got to sell me gold too.

The African dictator agrees and says:

- I´ll drink to that. You´ll get all the gold you wish.

The Oriental businessman, quite happy with the deal, adds:

- If someone comes trying to bother you, I´ll provide you the weapons and ammunition, along with the advising you need to defend the oil wells and mines too. Weapons to crush rebellions too.

The African dictator said:

- I agree to that. I like this way of doing business. I haven´t lost my ass in a futile war for nothing, only to see that others take away what´s mine in the end. Not a single drop of blood was shed and I´ll be in charge for a long time in this land with your help.

- Do you buy uranium?, asked the African dictator.

The Chinese businessman finished off the conversation saying this:

- I´ll buy anything that you have for sale. I´m desperate for anything I don´t have. I need lumber, minerals, many things. I also need tiger´s pricks, elephants ivory and rhino horns for my medicine. I´ll buy even your dogs and cats if you have any. But let´s not talk no more. I´ve got the butter and you´ve got the bread. Let us have lunch!

With such a simple formula, Chinese businessmen have been able to fully penetrate in areas of the world like Africa and Latin America, regions that were considered until recently only the dominions of Europe and the United States.

Without firing a single shot, Chinese dragonsmen have outdone, outwitted and outsmarted the Western powers.

China has only picked up where it was left off by force before the Opium Wars. And it is not walking now. It is running!!

Is there any hidden hand behind the Red Dragon?

This is a good question. But who knows who set up this social experiment. Some people say it was the Jesuits, who applied in China on a grand scale what these warrior monks had done with their Missions (the famous "reducciones") in South America in the 16th-18th centuries.  Others think it was the Venetian banking guild or the Rothschilds. But there are even experts who indicate that the Rothschilds are mere banking agents to the Vatican. There are some who blame the Zionist Jews. A few investigators point out that all has been planned by the Reptilian aliens and their legions.

Whoever did it, they did it. But we can be sure of one thing: In politics nothing just happens, it is made to happen. And the hidden owners of Chinese human cattle herd are already collecting tonnes of golden eggs.

You´d better watch out! The Red Dragon is now loose! 

Nature, take cover!!

China has had quite a few damn good Western "teachers" on this business of gobbling up the Biospheric Cheese. "Teachers" who don´t give a damn about Nature. The scars are now everywhere. 

Chinese people, following the "Western economic model", are already breathing, drinking and eating shit (Videos 1-2).  The same way we are in the West.

                                  Video 1. Toxic Linfen, China. (1/2)

                                  Video 1. Toxic Linfen, China. (2/2)

Ecovampirism is now rampant. But Mother Nature will eventually not tolerate too many squandering human rats. It will send them straight to the graveyard to join the labyrinthodonts, should man not heed Her Laws.

Where is man´s common sense along his insane line?

The Biospheric Cheese that belongs to everyone human and nonhuman alike is at stake.

The devil´s trap is already set up. Will the human rats (Homo insapiens) fall or will they wake up before it is too late?


Guerrero D.-G. & Manji F. (2008). China´s New Role in Africa and the South: A Search for a New Perpective. Fahamu, Oxford, UK. 258 p.

Manji F. & Marks S. (Eds.) (2007). African perspectives on China in Africa. Fahamu, Oxford, UK. 174 p.

Rosales O. & Kuwayama M. (2012). China y América Latina y el Caribe. Hacia una relación económica y estratégica. Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), Naciones Unidas, Santiago de Chile, Chile. 251 p. 

Sanderson H. & Forsythe M. (2013). China´s Superbank: Debt, Oil and Influence - How China Development Bank is Rewriting the Rules of Finance. Bloomberg Press, Wiley & Sons Singapore Ptee, Ltd., Singapore. 203 p. 

Shambaugh D. (2012). China Goes Global. The Partial Power. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA. 296 p.

van Dijk M. P. (Ed.) (2009). The New Presence of China in Africa. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 224 p.


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