lunes, 15 de julio de 2013


By Salvatore Scimino & Gundhramns Hammer
July 15, 2013

Source: Google Images.

We challenge you to watch the following clips (Videos 1-3) to measure your own empathy level:

                                Video 1. Live chicks are mutilated and ground up.

                                                    Video 2. Cow´s hell.

                                                      Video 3. Animal hells.

So now let us ask you: 

Who is the animal and who is the human?

The Psychopathic-Empathy  Metre:
  1. I don´t give a damn
  2. No pain no gain
  3. Arousing
  4. That´s the way it is 
  5. Unaware or I have never thought about it
  6. Feel uneasy
  7. Disturbing
  8. Too disturbing
  9. I cannot stand it!
  10. It should be a crime!

Where are you on this scaling?

How is your empathy level? 

If you have no empathy for any suffering animals in animal hells (factory farms) and at the slaughterhouses, then it could be that: 

  1. You are deeply asleep, and act as a biological robot, running on a dead intelligence programme, and need reprogramming, 
  2. You are a somnambulist and, depending on your upbringing, your genetics and epigenetics, your neurochemistry and endocrinology, what you eat and your health, and on when and what "insect" bites you in your daily life and when and what buttons people push on you, you could be a Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde,
  3. You are a latent danger to any human society.

We should all be concerned about the way animals are abused, tortured, injected poisoned, maimed, decapitated and assassinated by Homo "sapiens", day and night, rain or shine on streets, at city markets, at slaughterhouses and laboratories around the world. 

No song can be sung without a sound. Their sound is our sound too.

How sad! ... A "humane" human society for human and nonhuman alike still seems a utopia. 

Are you working towards this goal?


Blair J, Mitchell D. & Blair K. (2005). The Psychopath: Emotion and the Brain. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA, USA. 201 p.

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