miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014


Source: Silicon Angle.

By Salvatore Scimino & Gundhramns Hammer
January 22, 2014 
Select, paste & translate

He has just arrived in class and is already flunking the relevant courses. He is too stubborn and lazy.

He has a big brain relatively speaking but basically uses it most of the time to perfection his weapons and war machines. 

Overall, he has brains with no brains on the matters for which he should have brains.

Ecological Consciousness and Transpecific Compassion and Empathy have proved to be the most difficult courses for him. As a matter of fact, he is getting a big F so far. His pride, greed and blindness get in his way.

He has not realised yet that his doings are under keen observation and has already been given an ultimatum.

By whom? Let us find out.

  • Listen, you puny talking ape who believes to be the king of  creation!, said Mother Nature 

  • Who me?, asked man

  • Yes, I am talking to you!, affirmed Mother Nature

  • I am warning you: Never forget that I am who downloaded you and can upload you any time without any notice! You´d better watch your step, for you are crushing too many of my children!!! You are nothing but one amongst millions of my children!!! You big devil... You big twit!!... You´d better behave!!!!, warned Mother Nature.

                                           The power of Mother Nature.

Will this fucking talking ape (Homo insapiens) wake up, obey Mother Nature, straighten up and quit his destructive and contaminating acts?

As a whole, it is doubtful.

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