sábado, 21 de junio de 2014


Source: The House of Mel Gibstein.

 By Gundhramns Hammer
June 21, 2014
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In a world where evil forces predominate, it is hard to talk about justice. All in all, there is one kind of justice for the poor and another justice for the rich. 

For example, who has been prosecuted and charged for the war crimes committed by the allied forces during the recent holocaust in Iraq, done in order to get and secure the oil fields? 

Thus, justice is not what men do when they do what they think is the law under the law that may not be a fair law but what they ought to do by law but so often they do not do because those that made the laws had in mind not what law is for everyone regardless of anyone´s status be it rich or poor but what law can be to those that go outside the law but can have the law on their side because of the loads of money they may handle in any given society.

The kind of justice we often see in the movies does not frequently happen in real life. 

If you have a lot of money you can hire a good lawyer to defend your rights to make justice when you need justice in a world where there is basically no justice. 

Otherwise you may end up in jail whether you are innocent or not.

Justice can take as many shapes as people´s heads. Thus, what we could call just justice would be hard to find in such a case. 

This is the reason why laws are constantly evolving and changing. 

Overall, whether it is done for the betterment of everyone on this planet remains to be seen.

All laws if well intended should do. But where economic interests come into play, things can become dirty.

Let us see a classic Western movie to see what justice was all about in those days when there were as many bandits as now and see what you think is justice at the present time on a vastly polluted humanized planet where there are still as many crooks as then although modern vampires are now conveniently disguised as meek sheep in the global flock of human sheep.

Look into any crook´s eyes, and if you still have keen antennae to perceive evil forces, you might then see what you should see: A fucking devil.

Anyway, go ahead and masturbate your mind with today´s feature. But do not finish off the line with a twisted brain because, after all, this is the purpose of all movies.

Today´s movie: Hang´em High (La marca de la horca)


Jed Cooper va a ser ahorcado acusado de haber robado ganado. En el último instante, es salvado por un comisario a las órdenes del juez Fentom. Cooper es aconsejado por el juez para que se olvide del pasado y le ofrece un puesto como comisario de todo el territorio, ocupándose de las misiones más complicadas y trayendo a los acusados para que sean juzgados por el propio juez. La vida de Cooper, sin embargo, está marcada por la cicatriz que le dejó la soga en el cuello... [indiemoviez]


Oklahoma, 1889. Unos hombres acusan injustamente a Jed Cooper (Clint Eastwood) de haber robado ganado y no dudan en ahorcarlo. En el último instante, lo salva un comisario que trabaja a las órdenes del juez Fentom. Aclarados los hechos y demostrada su inocencia, el juez aconseja a Cooper que olvide lo ocurrido y le ofrece un puesto como comisario. Su misión será capturar vivos a los que intentaron lincharlo para que sean juzgados por el juez. [FilmAffinity]


Watch movie: 

Part 1,  
Part 2,  
Part 3
Part 5


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