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Source: oldcatman-xxx.com. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
Banking in a
nutshell. The evidence speaks by itself. All banks are motherfuckers. We mean
Earthfuckers. Here is the proof.
Read this document: .
Click HERE.
Now, now... If you have gotten this far and have read the document, don´t go about crying because you have been exposed. Don´t get upset or mad because everybody will know you belong to this insane gang. If you do cry and get upset, you are already mad anyway! Quit being a brat! Grow up!
OK now? Let us continue.
Click HERE.
Now, now... If you have gotten this far and have read the document, don´t go about crying because you have been exposed. Don´t get upset or mad because everybody will know you belong to this insane gang. If you do cry and get upset, you are already mad anyway! Quit being a brat! Grow up!
OK now? Let us continue.
Facts are facts. And what is on this document amounts to global fucks.
Horrible, isn´t it?
Do you know of any exceptions?
Some naive people may think of one or two exceptions. Perhaps more.
But upon closer inspection, these so-called “exceptions”, i.e., “ethical banks”, we have found that some members of their directive boards happen to have connections under the connections to connections connected to other connections that eventually lead to some tax haven connections.
Therefore they ain´t good exceptions.
So far we know of none. But we keep our minds open for any possibilities.
We also remain doubtful, for where there are huge quantities of money, there will always be tricksters and banksters. The same people who have empty hearts, i.e., with tonnes of unmet emotional needs since childhood.
From the psychological and ethological perspectives, it is human nature that empty parents beget empty children, with few exceptions.
Empty children tend to grow up to be empty adults. And empty adults not only tend to produce empty children but also seldom tackle their own emptiness.
So empty, mindless, careless and insatiable adults will have a tendency to grab more than what they need at the expense of others.
These grabbers feel that money and power give them security.
However, in life nothing is secure but death.
Then, how could empty people create good banking institutions?
All in all, who gives anyone the right to grab a great deal more than what he needs?
We come back to emptiness again. Back to zero. Back to childhood.
Concerning unmet emotional needs, have you calibrated yourself? Are you empty?
If empty in a crowd of human emptiness, may God save planet Earth!
Let us see why.
All wealth comes from Mother Earth
In these empty people´s filling up equations of any hoarding stations, boring conversations and obligations, accumulating sessions, back and forth commissions, foreign missions, identifications, sophisticated computer visualisations and conceptualisations, manipulating degustations and deglutitions, fast palpitations, multiple flirtations and copulations, bullying communications, cable transmissions, unhealthy addictions, frustrations, greedy obsessions, extrusions and protrusions, sucking-up occasions, cover-up aggresions, elaborate derogations and resolutions, political interrogations and ramifications, directions and misdirections, decisions, difamations, infiltrations, agitations and manifestations, army interventions and occupations, retaliations, mineral prospections and exploitations, explosions, subterfuge sequestrations, underground assassinations, mercenary decapitations, emasculations, convictions and incarcerations, violations, colonisations and depopulations, itchy abrogations, greedy progressions, pervading perversions, arrogant suffocations, interest derivations, obfuscations, deceptions, cancelations, perceptions and misperceptions, money interventions, undisclosed aberrations, mafia cabalgations, extorsions, heart breaking evictions, intensive negotiations, maverick fusions, out of the air money fabrications, debt creation and dominations, interpolations and capitalisations, depositing and borrowing permutations, credit manipulations, amortisations, risky solutions, corruptions, depresssions, capital speculations, obscure reclamations, liquidations, foreclosures and condemnations, collapse preventions, strange functions, unexpected dysfunctions, secret submarinations and machinations, occult connections, calibrations and recalibrations, endless consultations and calculations, economic optimisations, auctions, deliberations, dangerous approximations, air and maritime transportations, critical administrations and inversions, money diversifications, insurance facilitations, colateral evaluations, bizarre correlations, mathematical interventions, unfair compensations, malversations, forced statistical regressions, economic extrapolations and transmutations, land alterations and contaminations, insane constructions and destructions, sprawling anti-biospheric urbanisations, exterminations or anthropogenic nature devastations, we must always keep in mind one important thing.
It is a fact that all wealth comes directly or indirectly from Mother Earth.
In the long run, it is Earth the one that bears the brunt of all our assaults and violations upon her to create and accumulate any wealth.
This is why we think that all banks are against our Mother. All banks are motherfuckers. We mean Earthfuckers.
But banks are made up of people.
So, this is also why any greedy accumulation beyond anyone´s need is motherfucking. It is Earthfucking.
Thus far, we humans (Homo insapiens) are all motherfuckers (Video 1).
Video 1.Mapping human influence on the Biosphere in the 21st century.
Despite having all of the current sustainability mumbo jumbo, we all are still Earthfuckers.
Getting out of this dilemma is our biggest challenge.
Farrell J. P. (2010a). Babylon´s Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion. Feral House, Port Townsend, WA, USA. 406 p. (eBook)
Farrell J. P. (2010b). Financial Vipers of Venice: Alchemical Money, Magical Physics, and Banking in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Feral House, Port Townsend, WA, USA. 245 p. (eBook)
Gledhill J. (2000). Power and its Disguises: Anthropological Perpectives on Politics. 2nd Edition. Pluto Press, London, UK. 272 p.
Ratigan D. (2012). Greedy Bastards: How We Can Stop Corporate Communists, Banksters, and Other Vampires from Sucking America Dry. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, USA. 215 p. (eBook)
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