For those of you who enjoy eating chicken you should know that
what you are very likely consuming meat contaminated with poop (90%), along with antibiotics, growth hormones and
tons microscopic bugs! All
approved by the FDA!!
It is up to you to eat chicken poop. But remember, the
more you chicken the more you eat shit! Bon appétit!!
Desai Sapna D., Riddhi P. Savaliya & Dipti Y. Gohil (2010). Guillein-Barré Syndrome and Campylobacter species. J. Pharm. Tech Res., 2 (4): 2204-2209.
Hughes Richard A. C. & David R. Cornblath (2005). Guillain-Barré syndrome. Lancet, 366: 1653-66.
Nachamkin Irving, Ban Mishu Allos & Tony Ho (1998). Campylobacter species and Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Clin. Microbiol. Rev., 11 (3): 555-567.
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