viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015


Fuente: Loiola XXI.

Fuente: Los Legionarios de Cristo: Red Pederasta, Poder y Corporación Empresarial Transnacional 
Por Ricardo Melgar B., Investigador del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia de México 

Cita textual:


La dimensión global de la pederastia está asociada al turismo sexual, el negocio de la porno­grafía infantil y la pederastia eclesial, la cual ha conmocionado a las dos Américas, aunque sus redes transnacionales y de poder que le son inherentes hayan sido insuficientemente analizadas y debatidas. Realizaremos un estudio de caso de pederastia eclesial transnacional a través de la orden Legionarios de Cristo. Los orígenes de este poder fáctico y las perversiones que la significaron, se ubican entre la Segunda Guerra Mundial y los inicios de la Guerra Fría. Reintegramos a Marcial Maciel –su fundador– a sus redes de poder y complicidad en un arco temporal mayor hasta su punto de quiebre. Discutimos la trama real y simbólica de la pederastia eclesial a través de categorías y símbolos diversos: el poder, el dolor, la pureza, la mácula y las sustancias alteradoras de la conciencia y de los sentidos (opiáceas)."

Leer el artículo completo: AQUI.

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author. If you have a problem with the correctness of the information, please contact the author.

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015


Marienplatz, Munich (Germany). Source: Goggle Images.

By Gundhramns Hammer
February 26, 2015  
Select, paste & translate

It happens once, twice... And it is always after a big war. And the trackmarks left by the masters´ social engineers in charge of designing the dreamful economic traps to catch humans can be seen everywhere.

If you know where to look for beyond your nose, especially where there has been recent bloodshed - which was in the first place stirred and created by the same rascals with the idea to topple local oligarchies reluctant to hand in their power to the global masters´ power that control the globalization tsumani - you will find their fresh footprints.

These blood suckers are quite dangerous and do know humans to a large extend. 

When the global oligarchs want to push any place as a tourist attraction down anyone´s throat, for example, they can do it. Easily. People are gullible. Basically, humans (Homo insapiens) behave much like cattle.

Take Switzerland as an example. 

Do you remember the first James Bond movies with Sean Connery starring as 007?

Switzerland and its Alpine neighbours were sold to the masses of rising consumers as a tourist destination. 

The scene where the "bad guys" were chasing 007 down a snowy slope were quite popular in these chupacabra movies (Video 1). 

 Video 1. James Bond skiing in Zermatt.

Scenes where the sex maniac 007 agent was having a glass of expensive wine with a pretty girl on a fancy hotel deck overviewing the deep Alpine valleys or huffing and puffing in bed in a mountain hotel room were also a common thing on these brainwashing movies.

These movies were a small part of a new beginning of an old beginning of the global elite´s efforts to move masses of people where they wanted them to move to keep penned.

The idea behind was and is that these global oligarchic chupacabras could and can move what they wanted and want to move deep underground: The great quatities of dirty money to be washed in carefully planned laundry machines connected to tax havens which have nothing to do with heavens but are sold to consumers like heavens.

In the late 1950s and 1960s and even beyond, Switzerland was always on the news, be it movies, magazines, TV, travel brochures, etc. 

Everywhere people were talking about this country. And it still is famous and a lot of people still think of it as paradise. Way too much.

It worked. The world´s oligarchs sold the Alpine countries along with snow sports to the herds of human cattle. 

Hmmm... A fish that smells fishy but it is not a fish! 

As it turns out, snow is white on top but black underneath!

And all in all, what has happened? 

All of a sudden, people had and have discovered Switzerland! A place where previous to WWII, most Swiss were basically poor and some were even eating their own crap to survive.

A country where there is even historical evidence of child slavery (Verdingkinder). 

Children were used for slave labour in this so called Swiss "heavenly paradise" a few decades ago (Video 2).

 Video 2. Child slavery in Switzerland.

What we know today as the famous "Swiss miracle" happened only a while back. It took off riding chiefly on the back of weapons exports.

In the 1940s, particularly during World War II the Swiss economy profited from the increased export and delivery of weapons to the German Reich, France, Great Britain, and other neighbouring and close countries (Wikipedia, 2015).

Today´s Swiss industrial tango includes more than just weapons sales. 

It has grown roots into private banking (i.e., a safe for the world´s biggest chupacabras´ fortunes), watches, clocks, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food processing (e.g., Nestlé), amongst others. 

Curiously, Swiss companies usually have counterpart companies including banks registered offshore. In Panama, for example.

Mon dieu, mon Capitaine! In Panama?

Oui, mon ami. In Panama.

The Hidden Hand´s grasp is global. Besides, birds of a feather flock together, mon ami. 


A fantasy overhaul

Since human cattle do not live by fodder alone, the masters made sure there was plenty of dreams to make people dream their secret dreams.

Before WWI but more so after WWII, the Alpine countries underwent a massive overhaul (Fig. 1). A fantasy overhaul.

Figure 1. Château de Gruyères (Gruyères, Fribourg, Switzerland) before the fantasy overhaul.

The architecture, especially the not so "perfect" countryside folks´ homes, mountain hotels and castles, was made slowly to carefully match the imaginary world of the " Germanic" fairy tales. 

Even "ancient" traditions were revived, reinvented or invented right out of the rabbit´s hat when necessary to add more zest and flavour to the cooking pot. This is called "national identity" in their dreams.

Switzerland, Germany and Austria were overhauled for such purpose to make the masses of human cattle drool-dream as part of an "economic development" plan under the guidance of the same folks who had brought the big War upon them and worked for the Hidden Hand. How sweet! 

This result of these dream lines along the lines to keep the herds of human cattle inside the dreams of the master-minded Matrix is that masses of people called "tourists" overflock into these alpine countries nowadays. 

This way the globe-trotting tourists may fulfil or fill up their globalised childhood fantasies and take "idyllic" photos to make their friends mad with envy once they get back home.

So now, brainwashed people, particularly those new chupacabras flocking from the rising economies, those who have amassed large fortunes sucking poor people´s blood in slave factories or have laundered truckloads of mafia money to live like kings and take long trips abroad when they feel like it, drool upon hearing the name of Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Europe... My goodness!

Thus, some spots have become hotspots, quite popular and a must to visit if you visit these countries.

Marienplatz in the heart of Munich (Germany), for instance, has become the place to be at when the Rathaus-Glockenspiel (Fig. 2) tangoes its stuff. August is high tide. 

Figure 2. The Glockenspiel at Marienplatz in Munich (Germany). Source: Wikipedia.

Japanese and Chinese tourists, for example, never misss this occasion to be part of the the crowd that gathers like zombies each afternoon at Marienplatz during the summer. 

They literally go crazy taking pictures at this square! 

It is "their" dream come true. A dream shoved in their brains by the masterminds that own the media factories worldwide. 

If you pay careful attention at Marienplatz, an excellent place to study human cattle behaviour, you will see that the tourists´ bodies shake up, shiver, even fart in some occasions, enthralled with emotion, looking at one another flabbergasted to make sure they are not dreaming even when they are indeed dreaming and sharing a common brainwash dream sold to them as a dream!  

Undreaming their dream

Of course, there is nothing wrong with dreaming. But if you are dreaming what you have been told to dream over and over by those who want you to dream their dream to give life to their dreamed hidden agenda, then your dreams turn into dreams not dreamed by your dreams but become dreams of dreams upon dreams which can only serve to dream of dreams which will make you dream in a never ending chain of dreams, chasing a dream which can never be dreamed unless you do not dream their dream.

So, if you want to keep dreaming their dream, the road is clear.

Otherwise, it would not be such a bad idea for you to find out where your dreams end and their dreams begin to end what is not your dream to give life to your real dreams which should have nothing to do with dreams we are told to dream of.

Dreaming is not dreaming unless you dream of dreams that have nothing to do with dreams but nevertheless are dreams in the rolling dream of life.

Are you dreaming or you are letting someone else dream for you?

Even though there are dreams and dreams, knowing how to dream real dreams is the beginning of your dreams. Find the difference.

Once you are there, you will realise that dreaming is not what you think dreaming is all about. What you dream inside your dream, you are in the dream of life. 

But do not dream what you wish to dream. Dream what you must dream so everyone else around you can have good dreams.

Do not become a nightmare. There are already too many of them.

Learn to see what you must see to see what you might see in your dreams of the dreams you should dream in your dream life.


Then you still don´t know what is a true dream. You still see what they want you to see to keep you trapped inside their dream.

Do you dare undreaming their dream?

Probably not.

If so, have pleasant dreams! 


Collantes F. (2005). Farewell to the Peasant Republic: The Demise of the Traditional Economies in Marginal Europe (1850-1990). Economic History Society Annual Conference 2005, Leicester, UK. 27 pp.  

Collantes F. (2006). Farewell to the Peasant Republic: Marginal Rural Communities and the European Industrialisation, 1815-1990. Agric. Hist. Rev., 54 (2): 257-273.

Viazzo P.P. (1989). Upland Communities: Environment, Population and Social Structure in the Alps since the Sixteenth Century. Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time. Cambridge University Press, New YorK, NY, USA. 325 pp.

Wise M.Z. (1998). Capital Dilemma: Germany´s Search for a New Architecture of Democracy. Princeton Architectural Press, New York, NY, USA. 190 pp.


Salve al Aguilucho Cenizo, la rapaz esteparia más amenazada de Europa

Fuente: SOS Cenizo Andalucía 

El Aguilucho Cenizo es la rapaz europea que ha tenido un mayor descenso en su población en los últimos 15 años. Es una de las pocas rapaces que cría en el suelo, eligiendo prados naturales. La expansión de la agricultura sustituye este tipo de vegetación por praderas cerealistas, en armonía con modalidades de cultivo ancestrales que ofrecían un lugar perfecto para la nidificación de los aguiluchos. Esta armonía se rompe con la llegada de la agricultura productivista, donde se sustituyen variedades de cereal de ciclo largo por las actuales de ciclo corto para recolectar a mediados de junio. En estas fechas las aves se encuentran en plena época de desarrollo de pollos y son incapaces de volar, por lo que son atrapados por las cosechadoras, dándoles muerte o dejándolos mutilados.

El Aguilucho Cenizo está protegido por la legislación europea, clasificado según el Libro Rojo de los Vertebrados en España como Vulnerable a la Extinción, por la destrucción de su hábitat natural, y es responsabilidad de la Junta de Andalucía protegerlo para evitar que la especie desaparezca definitivamente de nuestros campos.

La Junta de Andalucía activó un Programa Regional del Aguilucho Cenizo, con el que se localizaban los nidos y se marcaban para evitar que las cosechadoras afectasen directamente a las nidadas. Sin embargo, el Programa Regional del Aguilucho Cenizo lleva parado desde 2011, y los aguiluchos han sido abandonados a su fatal suerte. 

Reclamamos a la Junta de Andalucía que busque una solución al problema, que se reactive en 2015 el Programa Regional del Aguilucho Cenizo, conveniando fincas con presencia de la especie y subvencionando variedades de cereal de ciclo largo para evitar afecciones fatales a las poblaciones Andaluzas. 

Tu firma es importante para salvar al Aguilucho Cenizo (Circus pygardus)!

Por favor, firma AQUI.


The Montagu's Harrier is the European bird of prey that has had the biggest decline in its population in the last 15 years. It is one of the few birds of prey which breeds on the ground, choosing natural meadows. The expansion of agriculture replaced this type of vegetation with cereal crops, which had been in harmony with ancient cultivation methods and offered a perfect place for the breeding of the Harriers. This harmony is broken with the arrival of the productivist agriculture or intensive cereal farming, where long cycle cereal varieties are substituted by the current short cycle varieties to be hatvested in mid-June. At this time the birds are at the height of development in the nests and are unable to fly, so they are trapped by the harvesting machines, killing them or leaving them mutilated.

The Montagu's Harrier is protected by European legislation, classified according to the Red Book: Vertebrates in Spain as Vulnerable to extinction due to the destruction of its natural habitat, and it is the responsibility of the Junta de Andalucía (Governing Body of Andalusia) to protect it to avoid that this species disappears forever from our fields. 

The Junta de Andalucía activated a Regional programme of the Montagu´s Harrier by which the bird nests were located and marked to avoid that the harvesters directly affected the clutches. However, the Regional programme of the Montagu's Harrier has been inactive since 2011, which means that this species has been abandoned to its own fate. 

We ask the Government of Andalusia to seek a solution to this problem, reactiving the Regional programme of the Montagu's Harrier in 2015, searching conservation agreements with the farmers whose farms have the presence of the species, subsidizing them for planting long cycle cereal varieties to prevent fatal losses in the Andalusian populations of this harrier.

Your signature is important to save the Montagu´s Harrier (Circus pygardus)!

Please sign HERE.

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015


La foire de Maurs. Source:

Par Gundhramns Hammer
25 février 2015

Laissez-nous voyager à Maurs, dans le sud de la France pour voir la foire aux chevaux célébré chaque année. Vous pourrez voir la cruauté en action.

Les chevaux sont torturés, frappés avec des bâtons comme piñatas sans vie.

Animaux trafiquants, grossistes en viande et des mafieux se réunissent pour acheter des chavaux pour l´abattage pour satisfaire l´appétit des amateurs de viande de cheval, localement et internationalement (Video 1):
Qui est l´animal?

Video 1. Foire aux chevaux de Maurs.

Plus d´informations ICI.


Fuente: Clarín Veracruzano.

Fuente: El Lado oscuro de Harvard
Por Juan Ramón Jiménez, Profesor de la Facultad de Contaduría, UNAM

Cita textual:

"El lado brillante de la Universidad numero 1 del mundo nadie lo discute, por sus aulas han pasado académicos tan importantes que sería una incoherencia no reconocer su aportación a las ciencias económicas, administrativas, jurídicas, contables, internacionales, etc, sin embargo en este artículo hablaremos sobre un lado poco conocido y explorado de Harvard.

Para empezar diremos que esta investigación nació de la insistencia de colegas de preguntarnos porque de esta Universidad tan afamada salieron los peores presidentes que haya tenido México, nos referimos a Miguel de la Madrid y Carlos Salinas de Gortari y que en el presente Vicente Fox presuma de un título de educación continua de esa universidad, no se nos escapa de la mente otros depredadores de la Nación Mexicana como Ernesto Zedillo de Yale o Francisco Gil Díaz de Chicago o Guillermo Ortiz de Stanford, o Pedro Aspe del MIT, solo para mencionar unos cuantos egresados de la crema de las universidades privadas de EU, pero en lo especial nos orientaremos a analizar a Harvard.

Desde la Independencia de los Estados Unidos, un grupo de personajes conocidos como “La Junta de Essex” empezó a controlar la Universidad de Harvard, la cual fue fundada por la Junta de Gobierno el 6 de junio de 1650, entre ellos tenemos al Senador George Cabot (pariente del articulista de Reforma Juan Enríquez Cabot, miembro de la Harvard Business School, correo,, al Juez John Lowell, al Secretario de Estado Timothy Pickering,, al comerciante Stephen Higginson, al Juez local de la Suprema Corte de Massachussets, Theophilus Parsons ( la famosa escuela de Diseño Parsons de la Quinta Avenida de Nueva York), en fin a un grupo selecto de “complotistas” encabezados por Aaron Burr, cuñado del Juez de Connecticut, Tapping Revé, según Anton Chaitkin, quien es autor de "Unauthorized Biography of George Bush,"  

Desde los mismos inicios de Harvard la familia Cabot, aparece como una de las grandes donadoras de dinero , no importaba a la Universidad que sus recursos vinieran de la piratería, su flota se dedicaba a asaltar barcos mercantes de España, Portugal, Francia, Inglaterra y Holanda (Fuente: Briggs, Vernon L., History and Genealogy of the Cabot Family, 1475-1927, privately printed, Boston, 1927, Vol. I, p. 196.), para 1792 la familia en cuestión le había arrebatado a la Nueva España (México) el control comercial de China y de las Filipinas y para 1830 controlaban todo el tráfico de enervantes (opio), esclavos y mercaderías de China, teniendo como base a Cantón y como su puerto de entrada a San Francisco ( Fuente: Russell B Adams Jr., The Boston Money, Tree ©1977), los nuevos socios de los Cabot fueron la familia Perkins y la familia Forbes, para 1840 empieza el juego lucrativo de lavar dinero (por ello la Harvard Business School desde sus inicios empezó a generar los cuadros ejecutivos para esos redituables y oscuros negocios, en México la Facultad de Contaduría apenas tiene de existencia 50 años y se maneja mas como escuela bancaria y comercial que como centro de negocios y mucho menos de espionaje y contra-espionaje comercial, financiero y bancario)."

Seguir leyendo AQUI.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author. If you have a problem with the correctness of the information, please contact the author.

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015


Source: Letralia.

By Gundhramns Hammer
February 24, 2015
Select, paste & translate
The man from other time, always thinking of other times, really had the hots for his sweet Dulcinea. He was head over heels, day and night dreaming of her sweet lips. His only concern was that no other man should ever penetrate her castle unless it was his rigid gallant cavalry.

But the wind was blowing strong and Don Quixote of La Mancha was able to pick up the smell of an impending battle. 

  • Don Sancho, wake up, you lazy bum, Don Quixote urged.
  • What!....what!..., Don Pancho mumbled, barely opening his eyes and yawning. But he immediately went back to sleep. At least he tried, for Don Quixote was shaking up scare shitless.
  • I hear a funny noise! I think it is a giant getting ready his weapons to fight me!, said Don Quixote.
  • Fuck!, go back to bed and we´ll deal with whatever is out there tomorrow!, Don Sancho muttered.

That night Don Quixote could not sleep at all. He kept his guard, lest the enemy would come to him whilst he was sawing oak wood.

And Don Quixote was damn right. A giant was really getting up his battle gear ready to fight his mighty spear.

And giant was it for sure! Don Quixote (Fig. 1) would soon face his biggest enemy ever!
Figure 1. Don Quixote de la Mancha and Don Sancho Panza. Source: Wikipedia.

But this time, Don Quixote was fucked. His enemy was a real monster. There was no way Don Quixote would beat this fucking bastard to pulp.

Next day in the morning, upon seen the monster on the vast plain whose noise had kept him awake, shaking and shivering like a recently plucked guitar string all night long, Don Quixote pooped in his pants and fainted right on the spot. So did Don Sancho!

Nonetheless, someone else was really happy about what happened that day. 

Rocinante, Don Quixote´s elegant horse, had the day off. The beast did not give a fuck about the biggest green devil taken out of hell his master had ever seen in his crazy crusades.

What in the hell did Don Quixote of La Mancha and Don Sancho Panza see that forced them to shit in their pants, an act that Dulcinea for sure would have intensively disliked or made her vomit on the spot?

Here is what they saw. Well, at least this is what they thought they saw that fateful and unforgetable day: A green giant from hell (Video 1):

Video 1. Don Quixote´s nightmare: The biggest windmill in the world.

Anyway, who could blame Don Quixote de la Mancha and his sidekick, Don Sancho Panza, for acting so ungentlemanly standing before such an enemy in the battlefield?

If you did not know what it was, you would probably be scared shitless too.

Considering that there is an invasion of these giants upon ourselves all over the world, Don Quixote would be extremely busy today, sweating it out, working his butt off to fight and bring down these monsters for a long, long time.

What would Don Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra, the creator of Don Quixote, have thought of it had he seen these giant wind turbines? 

His masterpiece would probably have another windy twist.

The green iceberg

This business of wind power is a green iceberg. We only see its tip. 

More so when you consider other things that the wind - the power that moves the rotor blades of the windmills - usually leaves out untouched many a nongreen things under the cover of green frills. 

You have to scrape your own granita to find out what the heck this green iceberg is hiding underneath.

So, the keen green investigator can dig the rest of the rest to rest what remains in the rest to rest to what everyone should rest to get to the bottom of the rest. To do the rest under the rest of what is now pushed as "green" in man´s nongreen economic machine. 

Now, upon scraping like crazy to get to see the rest of the green iceberg, don´t be surprise if you come up against a big laundering machine

How green are these giants?

By this time, we all know that that man has come up with a new bandwagon to excuse his anti-biospherical course: Green energy. 

But mon Capitaine, can we really call wind energy green? 

No, mon ami