domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015


Source: Deviant Art.
By Gundhramns Hammer
March 22, 2015

A while back we heard a catholic priest say that that the “the world of the Jesuits is like entering a hall of mirrors in which you don´t know which one is the real image you are looking at”.

So, which one is which one?

Not many people get to know which one is which one.

But some people try damn hard to find the which one amongst the which ones.

And it looks like Adam 1984 has found something worth looking at.

Let us hear what he´s got to tell us about the Jesuits (Videos 1-2):

Source: Adam 1984

"The Jesuits are a priestly militia who aren't that known in our modern culture. In our digital age, truth seekers are obsssessed with secret societies, where the Papacy and its loyal soldiers the Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei have been overlooked, making their work of global control a lot easier. Respectable books on them are either out of print, or in some arrchive which most of the public won't have access to. The Jesuits are experts at covering their tracks and they have played a key role and have been behind many of the bloodiest wars and assasinations in almost five hundred years - The Spanish Armada (1588), The Gunpowder Plot (1605), The Thirty Years War (1618-1648), American Civil War (1861-1865), World War I (1914-1918) and World War II (1940-1945) and many modern wars in both Vietnam & Argentina. With the election of a Jesuit Pope what might you think is in store for the world?" 

Uploaded by Adam 1984.

Uploaded by Adam 1984.

Mon Capitaine, which one is which one?

The one which you don´t know which is one is not which is one but that one which is one amongst the which ones you know which is one, is one, mon ami.

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