jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015


Tar sands tailing pond, Fort McMurray, Alberta. Source: ForestEthics.

By Gundhramns Hammer
March 5, 2015
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Hey, have you tar-sanded your car today? 

If you live in Canada or the United States and own a vehicle or a float of them, chances are you have.

Learn how you have tar-sanded you car today. Watch the following clips (Videos 1-3).

Video 1. Tar sands oil extraction: The dirty truth.

Video 2. To the last drop: Canada´s dirty oil sands. Part 1/2.

Video 3. To the last drop: Canada´s dirty oil sands. Part 2/2.

More information on tar sands: HERE or HERE.

7 billion human apes without a solution

Mon Capitaine, one way or another we humans are all tar-sanded, for oil derived products pervade our lives everywhere in a globalised economy.

Mon ami, that´s a fact. 

What can we do, mon Capitaine?

That´s a tough question. 

However, it would help if people lowered or put on idle their overconsumption habits. But this would slow down the economy that depends on people consuming like maniacs. It a vicious circle.

If you live in an affluent society, reducing your squandering habits including jacking around in your car and not having children would certainly help. 

In today´s world, affluent families - who may be overconsumption psychos (Video 4) - raise children that usually behave like black holes

 Video 4. Psycho dad shreds video games.

These spoiled brats are the ultimate stuff chewing and wasteful biomachines (Video 5) in "developed" or "developing" nations. 

 Video 5. A spoiled brat throws a temper tantrum and destroys a family Christmas tree.

Besides, kids are the next generation of slaves that will serve directly or indirectly the elite chupacabras, a gang of satanists, according to some experts. 

So far, we are already nearly 7 billion human apes without a solution, causing havoc on Earth (Video 5). 

 Video 5. Overfishing: The consequences.

The idea that yours - your child - may bring the solution to this world is stretching what you have been told to stretch to keep you economically overstretched.

Faced with this dilemma, everyone is talking about the solution but almost no one wants to be part of the solution.

And the sad part of this issue is that there are way too many experts that are chupacabring this fat cow without finding a solution under the given or proposed solutions by the same folks who are not part of the solution, even though they talk a lot of shit about the solutions and get overpaid to find a solution. 

By doing so, they get farther and farther from the solution even though they tell their bosses and the public that they have almost reached a solution or that they will have a solution in the next five or ten years. 

They search over and over for a technological solution without finding a solution, hoping that one day they will find the solution. 

In the meantime, they get paid to hunt for the solution, thereby themselves becoming chupacabras in this rodeo without solution under the perspective of their hypothetical solutions to bring a solution to this problem that is making them mad without a solution.

If they ever do, by the time the experts find a possible solution, it will turn out that they will need another bunch of solutions.

Back to square one without a solution.

It is a never ending quest for solutions to a question that given the circumstances is more on the side of a new paradigm solution than going on a fancy wild goose chase for high tech solutions that sooner or later will require more high tech solutions.

The whole damn thing - our chupacabra system - needs right now a total overhaul including our own personal overhauls in our squandering lives, mon ami.

We all need take into account a philosophical personal solution: Consume less. Consume only what you need. And stick to it.

As simple as that, mon ami. 

Let us go now, mon ami. Let us eat and rejoice on our beans meal. Soon we will grow our own, when the Spring gets here. Let us be thankful we have such miraculous foods.

Are these transgenic, mon capitaine?

Maybe. They may very well be as part of a high tech lucrative solution that could turn into nightmare without a solution.

Anyway, our simple meal will not be the solution but could be a way to the solution if we all took a turn to a simpler solution: Your own solution on the solution.

And you can begin with your own spoon at the table.

Are you working on it?  

Are we?

You bet!


Nikiforuk A. (2010). Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent. Revised and Updated. Greystone Books, Vancouver, Canada. 268 p.

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