lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015



By Gundhramns Hammer
March 9, 2015
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 Man is the atom trying to vainly destroy itself.
 Gundhramns Hammer (2015)

In this world, millions of people go to bed on an empty stomach and dream of having a piece of bread. The following day, they get up hoping to make reality their nightly dream. 

But the cruel reality made reality by the consumer reality of millions of selfish zombies consuming Earth hit them damn hard from dawn to dusk.

At the other extreme of this cruel reality, other people dream of finding ways how to spend and waste their piles of money on more crap.

Thanks to its oil and the industrial wizards, Saudi Arabia is on this extreme.

Enter energy uncertainty and people´s wasteful habits in this equation and what do you get?

You get a Saudi Arabia dreaming of having its own genies in nuclear bottles.  

Thus, Saudi Arabia will spend US$80 billion in the construction of 16 nuclear power reactors in the next 20 years, according to a recent report by the World Nuclear Association (2015).

Like the rest of countries around the world, this desert country is also thirsty for energy. 

Faced with the fact that oil was not meant to last forever and having adopted their own homemade Arabian dream tailored after the American´s squandering dream, a craziness for economic "development" (i.e., screwing up the environment) and a booming human population demanding more and more energy and natural resources all the time, Saudi Arabia has set its eyes on nuclear power to meet its future energy requirements.

By 2040, the Saudi government is shooting for a whopping 17 GWe from nuclear power plants. 

At the same time, this will be combined with huge fields full of solar panels to milk 40 GWe from the Sun.

Considering that man is fucking hooked on his self-made leaky energy boat, Saudis going nuclear seems an attractive way to make sure you as a consumer will always have air conditioning to cool your butt off on your daily routines in the desert, energy to keep bright and pretty your chain of shopping malls (Video 1) to catch shoppaholics, plenty of desalinated water for you to hop into your fancy Jacuzzi and never go without electricity when you are bored and want to watch a sex or comedy movie to masturbate your brains.

 Video 1. Consumers´ paradise in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).

Also, Saudi Arabia will then have enough nuclear crap to build its own ultimate weapons. 

So, throw on this bag a couple of undisclosed nukes hidden somewhere under the desert dunes to keep possible enemies at bay. May be it already does and is not telling anyone, anyway.

But at the same time, Saudi Arabia can also have a sure ticket to go to hell in an eyeblink should these nuclear babies blow up like in Fukushima

Despite the science mumbo jumbo, these nuclear contraptions ain´t perfect and are big producers of dangerous radioactive shit that you do not know what to do with. 

Moreover, nuclear power plants will not last forever. Like you, they age and get wrinkled too. 

And older means more danger, for cracks appear in the containment nuclear bottles.

But the money? $US80 billions is a lot of money, mon Capitaine!

No problem, mon ami. Saudis have plenty of money.

Obviously, with oil earnings of $US1 billion per day, Saudi Arabia can afford 16 or more nuclear power plants if it wishes so without going broke. 

With such a purse, mon ami, the 16 damn nuclear power plants can be paid in just 80 days!

Since Saudi Arabia has a heavy smell of money, it is not surprising that the money hounds standing behind the nuclear reactor building companies have picked up the trail easily to aim and shoot high to make a big kill.

The nuclear industry has one of the most powerful lobbies in the world to push its nuclear cookie down everybody´s throat. It seems determined to throw everyone on the nuclear bandwagon. 

Of course, provided the customers can pay good money for its dangerous toys, mon ami.

Mon Capitaine, having a living equation full of crap, from cancer producing transgenic foods, food full of residues of pesticides and additives on top of more crap to a deep passion for ecocide, man is really determined to turn himself into a homegrown alien wandering around like crazy in a waste land.

Oui, mon ami. Man (Homo insapiens) is basically a fucking stupid beast: Full of sex, crap and piss.

Man is the atom trying to vainly destroy itself, mon ami.


Read more: Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia

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