miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015


Göbeklitepe. Source:

By Gundhramns Hammer
March 11, 2015
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There is no doubt that archaeology is a fascinating field. It gives us a window into our own history as a crazy species. 

It takes us back to the pool of time so we can take a good look at ourselves in the beginning when we started the habit of living in a "civilised" manner against Mother Nature´s grain.

From that time to our present junk food and ecocidal days, 12,000 years have come to pass, according to the experts.

Well, at least this is what the experts tell us even though they use fancy words to tell us what they should tell us in plain words to keep us from getting lost as they tell us what they want to tell us.

But what they tell us may be what they have been told to tell us or what they think they see to tell us when wrapped in the excitement of discovery and when they think of their own agrandissement in the public´s or colleagues´ eyes when they will tell us what they want to tell us.

Since images can be used as powerful strategic tools to help maintain social power structures in place, we must beware of  any images created on top of other images in order to keep us within a wall of stones like cattle without ever realising that we are surrounded by walls built by the masters of stones.

With this in mind and no intention of spoiling the party but thinking that documentaries are tools to mould people´s minds along the lines of hidden agendas to keep the status quo from collapsing, let us look at some stones without getting stuck under their stones.

Here is a documentary (Videos 1-2) with a lot of stones: The impressive ruins of Göbeklitepe, Turkey:

 Video 1. Göbeklitepe: Cradle of the gods.

Video 2. Göbeklitepe: La cuna de los dioses.

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