martes, 24 de marzo de 2015


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By Gundhramns Hammer
March 24, 2015
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As we have said a few times before, everything is connected on planet Earth. And one of the best examples is how the Swedish National Pension is contributing to the destruction of the world´s biodiversity.

Any country´s retirement fund would dwindle to nothing in a few years were it not for the fact that governments from "developed" nations - the most chupopterising bunch on the planet - have to come up with effective ways to make the juice extracted from their human cattle work by investing in companies that know well where to put these eggs under a good brooding hen to get extremely fat chicks.

Good investment returns mean juicy pensions for your uncle and his "compas" (friends), folks that enjoy basking their fat bellies and dining on lobsters in a fancy hotel built on what was once a mangrove on a tropical island half of the year, perhaps spiced up by some secret screwing here and there too.

But here is the problem. 

The world´s 3,000 biggest companies are responsible for causing an annual environmental damage and biodiversity loss around the world calculated to be worth US$2.15 trilion, according to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment report. 

And you know something, the Swedish National Pension Funds invest in these 3,000 mega-chupacabra companies, as reported by the Fair Trade Center (2014), a Swedish non-governmental organisation.

So, Sweden´s retirement funds via these 3,000 giant golden stock brooding hens that manage its capital are involved in screwing up the planet´s Biosphere. 

This way you can have a juicy pension cheque and go take care of your rotten colon once retired.

It is amazing what comes out when you add up each person´s chupacabring in a "nice and clean developed nation" like Sweden.

Mon Capitaine, you cannot eat a "developed" dinner on a mahogany table without killing a baby (Video 1) somewhere in a tropical or temperate forest or anywhere. 

Video 1. Green: Palm oil deforestation. A documentary by Patrick Rouxel.

Oui, mon ami. It boils down to you and I as consumers. And most consumers around the world are fucking zombies who do not give a fuck about the environment.

They should and must. We all must, mon ami. 

Otherwise, our kids will end up "comiendo cables" (a Panamanian expression meaning eating cables, i.e., eating shit) in the not too distant future, which already is here, anyway. It is just that most people don´t know their ass from a hole in the ground.

We´re are fucked, mon ami!

Anyway, read the full report Pushing the Planet to Retirement: The Swedish National Pension and Biodiversity Loss. Click HERE, mon ami.

And remember, Sweden is not only one on the block. This chupacabra tango is quite popular with the "developed" gang, mon ami.

So much for this business of being "democratically" advanced, mon Capitaine! 

Yeah, mon ami. It is all a bunch of shit. We are the daemocratic shit on this planet. And as long as we continue with our shit we will only get drowned in our own fucking shit.

Are you working on this fucking shit, mon ami?

You bet, mon Capitaine! 

But are you? Yes, you out there?

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