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Source: The Controversial Files. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
January 12, 2016
"We don´t know the results and
that´s why we´re experimenting."
John Hecksher
Project Manager - HAARP
He worked diligently on his project on a daily basis. At least three hours in a row in his spare time. It was his only dream.
One day he completed his dream. It took him nearly three months to complete his dream.
One day he completed his dream. It took him nearly three months to complete his dream.
It was about time to try it.
Finally testing time, the grand moment he had been looking forward to, had arrived.
Finally testing time, the grand moment he had been looking forward to, had arrived.
So, he got everything ready for such a purpose.
Once ready, he said:
- Five... Four... Three... Two... One... Fire!!!
Yes, as he had expected, the fucking thing indeed fired but he blew up his damn right foot!
His damn dream backfired!!
And with a mammoth explosion!!!
There was a huge scream: Ouch!!!
What happened to him?
His damn dream backfired!!
And with a mammoth explosion!!!
There was a huge scream: Ouch!!!
What happened to him?
He ended up in the hospital with a fucked up foot!!!
Luckily for him, there were good bone physicians at the hospital to put his foot right back in place after an intensive chirurgic operation that lasted over six hours.
After the operation, a whole year went by. By that time his foot had healed very well. He could run as if nothing had ever happened. He could also chase girls without limping.
What do you think he got busy doing again?
He went back to his old habits!
Despite his previous accident in which he almost lost his foot, he had not learnt his lesson yet. Not a damn thing!
And as before, Jesus, that was his first name, a workhand in our parents´ manor, started making the shot first. He got some lead and whatever else he needed for his next dream which still was the same old damn dream: To build a fucking gun.
All by himself and from scratch!
Doesn´t this sound familiar to you?
Perhaps not.
Let us explain it to you.
But we will make things simple for you.
For this purpose, we will have to do some comparison.
We will need also a grand new invention. And this must be dangerous, of course.
Let us take the HAARP installation (Figs. 1-2), i.e. the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program in Alaska, as an example.
So, for our comparison purposes, the mad scientists working on "understanding the earth´s ionosphere" using HAARP would stand for the man in our story above, i.e. Jesus.
And Jesus´ construction of his dream gun, the handmade weapon that almost made him lose his foot, would be the equivalent of the HAARP facility.
Naturally, it has already happened.
The Five... Four... Three... Two... One.... Fire!!! sequence.
Scientists have already fired HAARP many a time. They are quite excited about their damn HAARP.
According to the scientists playing their HAARP over and over since it was set up a few years back (1993), no backfiring has occurred yet. No backfiring is still in sight.
At least not visible.
However, the Earth´s weather patterns are going nuts all over the planet.
Being HAARP a ionospheric heater, some experts are pointing their fingers at this "doomsday machine" in Alaska and the like as one of the weather screwing culprits, in addition to many of our pervasive anti-biospheric activities (burning fossil fuels, cutting and burning forests, high altitude nuclear explosions, etc., etc.)
Another day, another try, another experiment using HAARP goes by. Another excitement in the scientists´ minds.
Soon, another publication on this kind of ionospheric experimentation using HAARP will appear on a fancy geophysics journal (e.g., Watanabe et al., 2015) somewhere.
But not knowing the results, scientists and whoever is behind them are playing with fire. Obviously.
So, one of these days, HAARP scientists & co., as Jesus in our story above, could trigger what they never dreamed of or thought of triggering and then get a nasty surprising backfire, screwing up the whole grand electric symphony on Earth.
Remember, Percy Bysshe Shelley said that "Man is no more than electrified clay" (cited by Ashcroft, 2012).
Life is electricity (Fig. 3). The whole planet is electricity (Fig. 4).
Also, keep in mind that the HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska, is not the only ionospheric research facility (ionospheric heaters) making plasma cavities, holes, artificial airglows, heating, causing optical rings and ionising cascades and who knows what else they are doing in, on and to this Earth´s life protecting ionic shell.
Besides HAARP, there are more ionospheric heaters spread all over the world.
Click here to see a list of HAARPing facilities and the like which scientists are using to "explore", "probe" and "poke at" the ionosphere.
Therefore, don´t you think Man (Homo insapiens) should not be messing around with this delicate ionic layer, "trying to fix it"?
Unknowingly, he could easily cross the no-return line.
If so, like Jesus in our story where he got his foot fucked up, we could all get blasted. Or if not blasted, quite fried, well cooked, little by little or all of a sudden (Video 1).
What do you think he got busy doing again?
He went back to his old habits!
Despite his previous accident in which he almost lost his foot, he had not learnt his lesson yet. Not a damn thing!
And as before, Jesus, that was his first name, a workhand in our parents´ manor, started making the shot first. He got some lead and whatever else he needed for his next dream which still was the same old damn dream: To build a fucking gun.
All by himself and from scratch!
Doesn´t this sound familiar to you?
Perhaps not.
Let us explain it to you.
But we will make things simple for you.
For this purpose, we will have to do some comparison.
We will need also a grand new invention. And this must be dangerous, of course.
Let us take the HAARP installation (Figs. 1-2), i.e. the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program in Alaska, as an example.
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Figure 1. HAARP facility in Alaska. Source: Diario Registrado. |
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Figure 2. Antenna array at the HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska. Source: Diario Registrado. |
So, for our comparison purposes, the mad scientists working on "understanding the earth´s ionosphere" using HAARP would stand for the man in our story above, i.e. Jesus.
And Jesus´ construction of his dream gun, the handmade weapon that almost made him lose his foot, would be the equivalent of the HAARP facility.
Naturally, it has already happened.
The Five... Four... Three... Two... One.... Fire!!! sequence.
Scientists have already fired HAARP many a time. They are quite excited about their damn HAARP.
According to the scientists playing their HAARP over and over since it was set up a few years back (1993), no backfiring has occurred yet. No backfiring is still in sight.
At least not visible.
However, the Earth´s weather patterns are going nuts all over the planet.
Being HAARP a ionospheric heater, some experts are pointing their fingers at this "doomsday machine" in Alaska and the like as one of the weather screwing culprits, in addition to many of our pervasive anti-biospheric activities (burning fossil fuels, cutting and burning forests, high altitude nuclear explosions, etc., etc.)
Another day, another try, another experiment using HAARP goes by. Another excitement in the scientists´ minds.
Soon, another publication on this kind of ionospheric experimentation using HAARP will appear on a fancy geophysics journal (e.g., Watanabe et al., 2015) somewhere.
But not knowing the results, scientists and whoever is behind them are playing with fire. Obviously.
So, one of these days, HAARP scientists & co., as Jesus in our story above, could trigger what they never dreamed of or thought of triggering and then get a nasty surprising backfire, screwing up the whole grand electric symphony on Earth.
Remember, Percy Bysshe Shelley said that "Man is no more than electrified clay" (cited by Ashcroft, 2012).
Life is electricity (Fig. 3). The whole planet is electricity (Fig. 4).
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Figure 3. Bioelectric field of plants: Kirlian photograph of a Coleus leaf. Source: Wikipedia. |
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Figure 4. Electromagnetic waves (low-frequency waves) in the Earth´s
troposphere-ionosphere. (1) Schumann resonance (ELF); (2) sferics (VLF); (3) geomagnetic
pulsations (ULF-ELF); (4) Alfvén waves—magnetosonic mode (ULF-ELF); (5) Alfvén
waves—shear mode (ULF-ELF); (6) whistler (VLF); (7) VLF propagation back-scattered
by ionospheric duct; (8) VLF wave reflected by magnetic mirror point; and (9)
VLF subionospheric propagation (Trimpi effect). Source: Simões et al. (2012).
Also, keep in mind that the HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska, is not the only ionospheric research facility (ionospheric heaters) making plasma cavities, holes, artificial airglows, heating, causing optical rings and ionising cascades and who knows what else they are doing in, on and to this Earth´s life protecting ionic shell.
Besides HAARP, there are more ionospheric heaters spread all over the world.
Click here to see a list of HAARPing facilities and the like which scientists are using to "explore", "probe" and "poke at" the ionosphere.
Therefore, don´t you think Man (Homo insapiens) should not be messing around with this delicate ionic layer, "trying to fix it"?
Unknowingly, he could easily cross the no-return line.
If so, like Jesus in our story where he got his foot fucked up, we could all get blasted. Or if not blasted, quite fried, well cooked, little by little or all of a sudden (Video 1).
Video 1. HAARP (Frankenscience). Uploaded by PEREXUSREX.
But there is one big problem with that.
If that ever happened, we will not have a hospital to get fixed like Jesus did in our story!!!
We´d all be dead meat!!!
Mon Capitaine, assuming we´d fucked up our only Earth, i.e. the Earth well cooked, neither would we have another Earth-like planet standing by to go to!
True, mon ami. Astronomers have already discovered a few "potentially" Earth-like planets. For example, Wolf 1061c, spotted by Australian astronomers. But it is 14 light years away!!
Anyway, even if you could get there through some kind of weird wormhole, who knows what in the fuck you will find there.
Maybe hell!
Mon Capitaine, assuming we´d fucked up our only Earth, i.e. the Earth well cooked, neither would we have another Earth-like planet standing by to go to!
True, mon ami. Astronomers have already discovered a few "potentially" Earth-like planets. For example, Wolf 1061c, spotted by Australian astronomers. But it is 14 light years away!!
Anyway, even if you could get there through some kind of weird wormhole, who knows what in the fuck you will find there.
Maybe hell!
End of the story.
So, why not take care of our only nest: Earth?
Are we so fucking stupid not to do this?
Only time will tell.
So, why not take care of our only nest: Earth?
Are we so fucking stupid not to do this?
Only time will tell.
For more information on HAARP, including patents on various mad scientist´s gadgets, click here.
The HAARP facility in Alaska is not shut down as the media reported in 2013 or 2014. HAARP is still in operation. For more information on this, click here.
Ashcroft F. (2012). The Spark of Life: Electricity in the Human Body. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, NY, USA. 352 p.
Bernhardt P.A., Duncan L.M. & Tepley C.A. (1988). Artificial airglow excited by high-power HF waves. Science, 242 (4881): 1022-1027. DOI:10.1126/science.242.4881.1022.
Simões F., Pfaff R., Berthelier J.J. & Klenzing J. (2012). A review of low frequency electromagnetic wave phenomena related tropospheric-ionospheric coupling mechanisms. Space Sci. Rev., 168: 551-593.
Watanabe N., Golkowski M., Sheerin J.P. & Watkins B.J. (2015). Simultaneous multi-angle observations of strong Langmuir Turbulence at HAARP. Earth, Moon, Planets, 116 (1): 89-100. DOI: 10.1007/s11038-015-9471-0.
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The HAARP facility in Alaska is not shut down as the media reported in 2013 or 2014. HAARP is still in operation. For more information on this, click here.
Ashcroft F. (2012). The Spark of Life: Electricity in the Human Body. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, NY, USA. 352 p.
Bernhardt P.A., Duncan L.M. & Tepley C.A. (1988). Artificial airglow excited by high-power HF waves. Science, 242 (4881): 1022-1027. DOI:10.1126/science.242.4881.1022.
Bernhardt P.A., Tepley C.A. & Duncan L. M. (1989). Airglow enhancements associated with plasma cavities formed during ionospheric heating experiments. J. Geophys. Res., 94: 9071-9092. DOI:10.1029/JA094iA07p09071.
Bernhardt P.A., Scales W.A., Grach S.M., Keroshtin A.N., Kotik D.S. & Polyakov S.V. (1991). Excitation of artificial airglow by high power radio waves from the "SURA" ionospheric heating faciltity. Geophys. Res. Lett., 18 (8): 1477-1480.
Malmivuo J. & Plonsey R. (1995). Bioelectromagnetism: Principles and Applications of Biolectric and Biomagnetic Fields. Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, NY, USA. 508 p.
Manninen J. (2005). Some aspects of ELF-VLF emissions in geophysical research. Academic Dissertation, University of Oulu (Finland), Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory Publications No. 98, 194 p.
Pedersen T., Gustavsson B., Mishin E., MacKenzie E., Carlson H.C., Starks M. & Mills T. (2009). Optical ring formation and ionization production in high-power HF heating experiments at HAARP. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36 (18), DL18107. DOI: 10.1029/2009GL040047,2009.
Rodger C.J., Clilverd M.A., Ulich Th, Verronen P.T., Turunen E. & Thomson N.R. (2006). The atmospheric implications of radiation belt remediation. Ann. Geophys., 24: 2025-2041.
Rodger C.J., Clilverd M.A., Ulich Th, Verronen P.T., Turunen E. & Thomson N.R. (2006). The atmospheric implications of radiation belt remediation. Ann. Geophys., 24: 2025-2041.
Simões F., Pfaff R., Berthelier J.J. & Klenzing J. (2012). A review of low frequency electromagnetic wave phenomena related tropospheric-ionospheric coupling mechanisms. Space Sci. Rev., 168: 551-593.
Watanabe N., Golkowski M., Sheerin J.P. & Watkins B.J. (2015). Simultaneous multi-angle observations of strong Langmuir Turbulence at HAARP. Earth, Moon, Planets, 116 (1): 89-100. DOI: 10.1007/s11038-015-9471-0.
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