jueves, 23 de julio de 2015


Source: YouTube.

By Gundhramns Hammer
July 23, 2015

Cindy was out of control. And out of her mind too. Nobody at home or school could put up with her crap. Not even her parents who were even crazier than their beloved offspring. Everyone in this family was really mentally screwed up.

Fiction? Yes and no.

According to a report from the National Alliance  on Mental Illnes (2013), one in four adult Americans suffers from mental illness. This is only in the United States.

How about the rest of the world?

In Europe, for instance, a friend of ours who happens to be a psychiatrist tells us that here almost everyone is mentally fucked up to a certain degree. Many Europeans have already collapse, others are near total mental collapse and a few have been "mentally neutralised" (turned into vegetables) to keep them from "disturbing society" (fighting against the prevaling satanic status quo). 

Were this not be the case, our friend says, Europeans would not be going after all kinds of shit like maniacs and their fucking lives would be more coherent.

Another example? 

Mental illness is rampant in Australia. Each year, approximately one in every five Australians will experience a mental illness (Mindframe, 2014).

Even the "Orientals", so often portrayed as "wise folks" in the media, are mentally fucked up as well.

In Singapore, for example, you will find all kinds of mental illness in the population, from "major depressive disorder (MDD), dysthymia, bipolar (bipolar I & II) disorders, generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence" (Chong et al., 2012).

All of this keeps the big pharma folks smiling.

Anyway, mentally ill, mentally disturbed or weird folks can be found in any corner of the world, from cities and the depths of the tropical jungles to the circumpolar regions.

Otherwise, anthropologists, other experts or you would never get to see people getting high on drugs (cocaine, opium, etc.) in any town, bored men fiddling away a dry gourd with a stick all day long or adolescents screwing banana trees under the effects of hallucinogenic potions a la Johnny Wadd in the South American jungles, or Inuits committing suicide galore in Greenland nowadays, for example.

It goes to show you that today, a civilised nation is one that has not only suffocated and contaminated Nature from top to bottom but also one which has its folks dropping like dead flies full of cancer or any other major human-flesh chewing diseases and also its population turned into convenient zombies using high-tech social engineering. 

We could go on and on but we would basically end up with the same pattern around the world: An ocean of wackos. 


Because humans have delicate brains which can be damaged or twisted easily in a snap of a finger. They are programmable biological robots.

This is the wide-opened window through which the greedy Masters of Deceipt (MoD) in control of the world´s economy enter people´s lives to screw them up or screw them even further. 

Guess what? People let these bastards in voluntarily or are brainwashed from day one to let them in "democratically".

And what better way to keep people compliant, sucked, zombied and dumber inside the present invisible prison or Matrix than high tech. 

And people love it!!

The MoD and their paycheck scientists at their feet never sleep. They already have many high tech surprises for you in store. 

Ecce! The global oligarchy will zap you with new gadgets soon!

Here is an example of the MoD´s future technology to control their herds of human cattle (Video 1): 

Video 1. Future technology to control human cattle. Uploaded by GC.

It will be up to you to be their guest.

Mon Capitaine... So much high tech fuss to get laid!

It boils down to that, doesn´t it?

Oui, mon ami.

And in the meantime, mon ami, the Biosphere gets more fucked up with each passing day. By humans, naturally.

Don´t we have enough e-crap, mon Capitaine?

We are up to the gills, mon ami.

E-crapping Earth and ourselves is good for the economy, they say.

Hey, have you been e-crapped today?

Aren´t we all?



Chong S.A., Abdin E., Vaingankar J.A., Heng D., Sherbourne C., Yap M., Lim Y.W., Wong H.B., Ghosh-Dastidar B., Kwok K.W. & Subramaniam M. (2012). A population-based survey of Mental Disorders in Singapore. Ann. Acad. Med. Singapore, 41 (2). 49-66.

Lieneweber M.J. (2000). Modernization and Mental Health: Suicide among the Inuit in Greenland. Doctoraalscriptie, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 48 p.

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