sábado, 25 de enero de 2014



By Gundhramns Hammer
January 25, 2014
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To drown or not to down is a glass of water in our lives is the gist of the movie today. It is worth watching as new for anyone who missed it or again.

Bruce Nolan (Jim Carry) will go from a discontented and self-centred asshole to a human full of compassion for his beloved Grace (Jennifer Aniston) and mascot Sam. 

All happens after being given divine powers by God (Morgan Freeman). First he will use them for funny and prosaic things, next he tries complying everyone´s wishes with odd results. Then, in the end, once he has kicked the bucket, he understands the message of life: Loving others is one of the most beautiful things in life. Loving is eternal life.

Isn´t any moment eternal and brief at the same time?

Why waste life hoping for the arrival of a very special moment when each one in our lives is?

Whilst you are still alive and kicking, why wait until you are bound for the other side to say "I love you" and really show it to those you love? Don´t wait!!

No one knows for sure what´s on the side.

But we do know what´s on this side. 

Let us then make the best out of each instant and gear it for the best. The best for everyone, human and nonhuman alike.

Anyway, we hope you enjoy this movie.

Let´s get to it!

Today´s movie: Bruce Almighty (Todopoderoso):


Tras pasar el peor día de su vida, el descontento reportero de televisión Bruce Nolan consigue un poder divino, pues recrimina a Dios a que no tiene ni idea de cómo está llevando "el asunto". Ante tal desafío, Dios decide darle todos sus poderes para ver si es capaz de hacerlo mejor que Él. [Sinopsis10]


Bruce Almighty stars Jim Carrey as Bruce Nolan, a “human interest” television reporter in Buffalo, New York who is discontented with almost everything in life, despite his popularity and the love of his girlfriend Grace (Jennifer Aniston). At the end of the worst day in his life, Bruce angrily ridicules and rages against God – and God responds. He appears in human form (Morgan Freeman) and, endowing Bruce with all of His divine powers, challenges Bruce to take on the big job and see if he can do it any better. []

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