miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012


Por Henri Cagnengues
23 de mayo de 2012

               “La ciencia es un aproximamiento
a la verdad de una realidad que no existe.”

Poco a poco el homínido sabanero (Homo sapiens) insensato fue pelando y destruyendo la piel de la Tierra. Donde una vez crecieron árboles, los arrancaba y forraba el suelo con concreto para no ensuciarse las patas o para hacer correr su amado vehículo.

Su cruzada contra la naturaleza le había convertido en un desgraciado habitante de la jungla de cemento, sujetando en una mano abundante tecnología y en la otra la locura, añorando inconscientemente las estrellas.   

Pasaron los años y estos cedieron a los siglos, uno a uno hasta llegar a la centuria L. A lo largo del camino nadie hizo caso de las advertencias de los especialistas en el medio ambiente, ni tampoco escucharon a los ecologistas. Lo que tenía que suceder sucedió. 

Ocurrieron cientos de veces cuando la población humana se fue a pique y siendo una especie flexible logró levantarse cada vez. Hoy día vivían en grandes cúpulas de poca capacidad autosuficiente. 

Desde el aire estas parecían tipis de indios de las praderas redondeados, esparcidos y situados a unos cien kilómetros de distancia cada uno, interconectados por medio de gruesos tubos cristalinos, lo suficientemente fuertes para aguantar las tormentas de arena que les azotaban frecuentemente.

Pero la lección de cuidar el medio ambiente, unas pocas isletas que de vegetación que había sobrevivido los embites del tiempo al margen de los grandes desiertos, aún estaba lejos en su agenda, Tenían otras cosas de las cuales preocuparse. Una costumbre ancestral de poner siempre el carro adelante del caballo.

Hubo una reunión de los mejores científicos especializados en genética humana, su objetivo era utilizar un portal teletransportador que habían desenterrado en la Luna, satélite que había sido colonizado hacía un par de milenios, después de haberse marchado los alienígenas que la habían estado ocupando desde los principios del tiempo.

La idea que tenía los expertos era poder usar el aparato teletransportador para intentar poner a unos intrépidos en pleno Siglo XX, para recoger unas cuantas muestras de ADN saludable de los humanos de esa época. 

Lo necesitaban para montar un experimento de ingeniería genética para restablecer  la antigua apariencia de la especie. Los humanos del Siglo L tenían la apariencia de puercos (Sus scrofa), incluso su genética era idéntica. 

Todo como porque sus antepasados habían tenido la costumbre de comer carne de cerdo, de manera exagerada, de generación en generación sin considerar cada una las consecuencias ambientales, su necedad fue convirtiendo poco a poco el planeta en un lugar yermo y desolado, y pocos protestaron. 

Aquellos que se atrevían a protestar les castigaban a comer chuletas de gente, material que nunca faltaba. No es de extrañar que floreciera un mercado negro para este tipo de mercancía. Había demasiados humanos y si alguno desaparecía se ponían todos contentos. La moral andaba por los suelos, algo tan común en esta especie desde que surgiese como depredador.

Llegó la hora de echar a andar el aparato que iba a llevar a los científicos al pasado. No sin antes haberles advertido de no coger especímenes contaminados con la carne de los millones de cerdos torturados y desangrados violentamente, carne cargada de derivados metilados de adrenalina (adrenocromas), neopterina, cortisol - las moléculas del terror del transporte y la muerte de los animales en el matadero -, sustancias que, junto con unos virus mutantes, eran los culpables de haber convertido el Homo sapiens en puercogente (pig people, hog people), el Homo tocinus (Therapsida, Mammalia, Homosuidae).

                      DEL CERDO A LA PUERCOGENTE

Cerdo bien cebado. Crédito: Ellis Cannon.

Medio puercogente. Crédito: People Who Trip!

Medio puercogente. Crédito: BelchSpeak.

                                             Puercoman. Crédito: SH765HT2.

Los viajeros del tiempo aterrizaron a finales de 2010 en Dinamarca, lugar donde encontraron que toda la gente tenía el ADN contaminado con cerdo. 

Luego pasaron a Alemania, a continuación Francia y así sucesivamente por toda Europa, pero el resultado seguía igual.

En todos países notaron que el proceso de transformación ya estaba en marcha, bien avanzado y se asustaron.

No tuvieron ningún problema de llamar la atención de la gente por su apariencia de cerdo aunque bípedo. Pasaban desapercibidos. 

Ya podían ver muchos eslabones entre el cerdo y la puercogente, humanos de ambos sexos y direrentes edades cargados de toneladas de grasa, por las calles de cualquier metrópolis del planeta (Fig. 1), especialmente en los países provistos de abundantes recursos, donde habían miles de granjas de cerdos, lugares peor que los campos de concentración, algo que aún en esa época era obligatorio estudiar en la academia en los cursos de historia antigua de la Tierra.

                      Figura 1. Eslabones de puercogente. Crédito: When Life Gives.

Notaron que los niños crecían a base de salchichas, jamón de York, embutidos, mortadela y un sin fin de productos elaborados (Fig. 2)  de los hocicos, orejas, penes, vulvas, patas, fetos y tripas de tocinos pues nada se desperdiciaba en la fábrica. Y los adultos eran aficionados a bocadillos de jamón (Fig. 3) y a las chuletas de cerdo acompañado de vino. 

Figura 2. Embutidos de cerdo para los eslabones de puercogente. Crédito: Goggle images

     Figura 3. Eslabón de puercogente devora un bocadillo de jamón. Crédito: Anger Burger.

En ciertas partes de España encontraron gente que guardaba la carne de cerdo en jarras llenas de un aceite que ellos llamaban aceite de oliva.

Por doquier en los países ricos, incluso en los pobres la gente estaba obsesionada por ese alimento, comían carne de desayuno, carne para la comida (almuerzo) y carne para la cena, una dieta muy insana de verdad. 

Aún no se habían enterado que las adrenocromas de la carne creaban adicción en quien las consumía, tal como lo hacía la cocaína, opio u otros narcóticos del mercado negro tan imperante en esta época.

Las madres preocupadas por la salud de sus hijos y para que no soltaran berrinches (Fig. 4) les atiborranban de comida chatarra y leche y yogures llenos de pus

Figura 4. Cachorro de puercogente atiborrado de comida chatarra. Crédito: La Diva Cucina.

Y la gente le preguntaba al médico el por qué estaban tan enfermos de problemas de hígado, la válvula de escape trasera (culo) adornada de gajos de hemorroides, arterias atascadas de colesterol, artritis, cáncer de tetas y cojones y un sin fin de patologías, además de que los hombres se volvían tergiversados (ovarizados) y las mujeres machorras y garañonas (cojonizadas).

Cerdo comes y en cerdo te convertirás, recordaban vehementemente los exploradores del futuro. Aunque pareciese mentira, existía cierta verdad en esta máxima. Era la segunda cosa que siempre se les venía a la mente. 

Otra cosa que no olvidaban era que cada vez que una persona ingiere carne de cerdo en realidad está consumiendo ADN porcino

Los aminoácidos del cerdo pasan a formar parte del cuerpo humano. Es decir que después de tu cena de chuletas de cerdo eres un cerdo. 

En más que de una ocasión los exploradores tuvieron que explicar a unas cuantas personas del siglo XXI, ignorantes a pesar de que tenían la maravilla, para esos tiempos, de la internet, ciertas cosas de la biología. 

Por si no te enteras, les decían, hay que recordar que el intestino es el hábitat natural de una comunidad bacteriana muy dinámica, un mundo que está interesando a la comunidad médica cada vez más desde que varios estudios han determinado el importante papel de estos microorganismos en la salud y enfermedad de los humanos.

El intestino de un solo humano contiene de 300-500 especies diferentes de bacterias y el número celular bacteriano es casi 10 veces más que el número de células eucarióticas en el cuerpo humano, según lo indicaban unos científicos de su época, Guarner y Malagelada (2011).

A esto hay que sumarle, continuaban ellos, el zoológico que los humanos llevan en la piel, el pelo, la boca, las vías respiratorias, aparato urogenital, parásitos en la sangre, etc.

Por lo tanto un ser humano es un conglomerado de ADN de diversas formas de vida, empezando por las mitocondrias que son estructuras de origen microbiano con su propio ADN.

Les resumían y señalaban, lo que comes eso es lo que eres.

Su búsqueda por el santo grial del ADN no contaminado de carne de cerdo continuó y se trasladaron a la India donde sí encontraron unas personas que reunía todas las características que tenían especificado. 

Hablaron con ellos y llegaron a un acuerdo. Tomaron las muestras, pagaron con una bola, la cual al ser frotada vibraba y daba alegría y abundante salud, no sin antes haberla probado en el abuelo enfermo de la familia, quien al tocar la bola se levantó y se sintió como un adolescente, y todos contentos. Los exploradores se marcharon. 

Dice la leyenda en esas partes de la India que unos raros viajeros con cara de cerdo se les aparecieron en casa un día a esta familia, les preguntaron sobre poder extraerles unas muestras de sangre. Consintieron y les entregaron la bola mágica que lo cura todo. Eso fue todo y ya no dan más explicación. 

Es el gran secreto de la aldea, donde las personas pueden llegar gozando de plena salud a los 100 años.


Para los maniáticos de la gramática del castellano, un latín mal hablado, que sepan que me gusta más como yo lo digo.

Pedimos disculpas a los cerdos no humanos (Sus scrofa) por compararlos con los cerdos humanos (Homo sapiens) y a éstos por glotones con los Sus scrofa. De ambos los primeros (Sus scrofa) son los verdaderos humanos.


Sinceramente les estamos muy agradecidos a todos los cibernautas que contribuyen con su granito de arena a la red electrónica global (www) aportando material, como ha sido el caso de SH765HT2 cuyo puercoman ha servido de inspiración para este post. Y a los administradores del portal Gundhramns Hammer (e-rastrillo) por abrirnos la puerta y a Blogger por montar estas ventanas digitales gratis.


Breinekova, K, M. Svoboda, M. Smutná & L. Vorlová (2007). Markers of acute stress in pigs. Physiol. Res., 56: 323-329.

Dunn, Rob (2011). The Wild Life of Our Bodies. Predators, Parasites, and Partners that Shape Who We Are Today. Harper. 304 p.

Guarner, Francisco & Jaun-R Malagelada (2003). Gut flora in health and disease. Lancet, 361: 512-19.

martes, 29 de mayo de 2012


By Salvatore Scimino 
23 de mayo de 2012

                “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she
              will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter
              the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.”
                David Spangler
                  Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

Are there any human sheep? The answer is yes and lots of sheeple (sheep people). The technology to control humans is already available and is being used. We are guinea pigs to evil powers that control Earth. 

This world belongs to satan and his deeds can be seen everywhere. Perhaps he owns the whole known visible universe, as suggested by the Cathars. Here on Earth, even Christ (Fig. 1) was tempted by satan up in the mountain.

The devil came to Him and said: "I will give all of this to you, if you will bow down and worship me." Jesus answered: "Go away satan!". Matt. 4: 9-10.

                   Figure 1. The Temptation of Jesus Christ. Credit: Angels Heroes.

The Bible´s story is most likely truth. It tells that there was a battle between the dark angels led by Lucifer against the light angels. The latter won and threw the former down onto Earth. The fallen angels were imprisoned in this planet forever. Lucifer´s legions (Fig. 2) have been in control ever since.

                     Figure 2. Lucifer falling. Credit: Haunted America Tours

Some experts believe that this war was real but instead of angels fighting against each other there were extraterrestrials (EBEs) engaged in battle over the control of this part of the galaxy. The EBEs, let´s call them the bad guys, that lost were put into quarantine on Earth. 

So the demons are EBEs or viceversa, whichever way you like, but the thing is that they are mean knowledgeable critters, possibly from 60.000 to 1.000.000 years ahead of modern human beings. We concurred with the UFO experts who indicate that even the EBEs that are supposedly good guys are simply wolves in sheep´s clothing, just as the EBEs in the TV  series V. 

In this series the EBEs announced that they were people of peace and that they have come to Earth to help human beings. The gullible people believed so until they found out the bastards were gators (Fig. 3) who were only interested in humans as a food resource. 

                  Figure 3. Series V gator unmasking. Credit: Google image.

There is no doubt that wherever intelligent life has evolved in any whichever part of this universe, chances are that they have evolved from some type of predator. It is more likely then that there are no good guys out there except mean chewing bone predators. 

The bad guys created humans using advanced genetic engineering technnology, knowledge was the only thing left to them, with the idea of leading and gearing these biped intelligent creatures into an evolutionary path that would eventually end up in today´s science as we know it.

These are the fallen angels or reptilians that David Icke talks about, the ones that are behind the scenes, those at the very the top of the power pyramid. And these EBEs are nothing but blood thirsty war mongers that don´t give a damn about human beings, they are simply using them to break free from this planet, something they are about to achieve.

This is where the Big Bang machine, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) (Fig. 2), comes unto the scene - the tool, some experts believe, that will set the fallen angels free once and for all from their quarantine. 

                                     Figure 2. Large Hadron Collider. Credit: Desy.

Undoubtedly the light angels have been keeping track of what has been going on on this planet. These could be the EBEs that are being reported with more frecuency ever since man tested his first atomic weapon, especially after the Allies dropped "Little Boy" over the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945.

In the meantime, a whole sleuth of weird contactees have made their appearance in the press and media. People contacted by the Pleiadians are the most popular. 

Along the way lots of sects and "special or initiated people" have sprang up like mushrooms around the world, with weird ideas such as "indigo kids" (bratty children) and "DNA changing for a new cosmic awareness" stuff, some of which are nothing but intelligence service slaves to infiltrate the unaware public, whereas others are people that receive the "Pleiadian messages" in their skulls via electromagnetic energy emanated from machines designed exclusively for such purpose by scientists at the service of the very same intelligent services.

To put it in a nutshell, the New Age has nothing new except new ways of controlling the masses with sophisticated technology. In this respect it is said that most of the EM energy radiating (70-80%) from the mobile telephone towers are subliminal messages to brainwash people in order to keep them docile.

Therefore a lot of the contactees and initiated people are simply humans whose brains have decoded the electromagnetic energy waves (Fig. 3) sent by the evil masters (the establishment) and converted them into images or messages from the "angels or the Stars" inside their heads. They are EM energy induced brain ghosts. Frey (1962) and White (2000, 2011) discuss in detail how it is done and what it is used.

                      Figure 3. EM induced head voices. Credit:

The target person (TP) ("the initiated, contactee") is really convinced that the "messages" (EM brain ghosts) come from the stars, although it looks like as if he/she had a microchip stuck in their brain, or may be they do. Some transcribed "Pleiadian messages" can be very long, describing life on the Pleiades, other worlds in our galaxy or even life beyond death. Sects form around the TPs and share the "messages" via internet or discuss the information at yearly gatherings to "heal the Earth". 

Lucifer, their legions and their human allies have found ways of keeping people dumb and useful fools at the same time by using not only the usual methods (consumerism, drugs, sex, etc) but also highly advanced EM technologies. 

In conclusion, we are a pathetic species. And to make things worst the vast majority of sheeple don´t want to wake up. Sheeple are only interested in sweety, soft, lovey-dovey, mellifluous messages or anything that has to do with their bodies (health, sexual power, sex appeal, fashion, etc.) It is a blooming pity!


Cisco, Wheeler & Fritz Springmeier (2000). The Illuminati Formula to create undetectable total mind controlled slave. Available at: Click here

Cooper, Milton William (1991). Behold a pale horse. Available at: Click here

Frey, Allan (1962). Human auditory systems response to modulated energy. J. Apl. Physiol., 17 (4): 689-692. Available at: Click here

White, Eleanor (2000). The state of unclassified and commercial technology. Available at: Click here

White, Eleanor (2011). Organized stalking: Information for people for whom this crime is new. Available at: Click here

lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012


Source: Wikipedia

Blue Man Group is an organization founded by Chris Wink, Matt Goldman and Phil Stanton. The organization produces theatrical shows and concerts featuring popular music, comedy and multimedia; recorded music and scores for film and television; television appearances for shows such as The Tonight Show, Las Vegas, Scrubs, FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman, and Arrested Development; and a children's museum exhibit ("Making Waves"). All of the organization's appearances star a trio of performers called Blue Men, who all wear blue makeup and bald caps.


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Source: Frost´s Scottish Anatomy

Scotsman - 25th May 2012

Human sperm

A new male contraceptive pill could be created after scientists in Scotland discovered a key reproductive gene. Experts are also hopeful the breakthrough could also lead to new treatments for male infertility.

Researchers from Edinburgh University have found a key gene essential for sperm development. They hope the study will lead to the creation of new methods of male contraceptives that do not disrupt the production of hormones, something which often creates side effects including mood swings and acne.

The researchers have discovered the gene, KATNAL1, is critical to enable sperm to mature in the testes. They now hope to find ways to regulate the gene to prevent sperm from maturing, making them ineffective.

Dr Lee Smith, reader in genetic endocrinology at the Medical Research Council Centre for Reproductive Health at the university, said: “The identification of a gene that controls sperm production in the way KATNAL1 does is unique and a significant step forward in our understanding.

“If we can find a way to target this gene in men, we could potentially develop a male non-hormonal contraceptive.”

He said initial studies showed any drugs produced to control the gene would not have a long-term effect on a man’s ability to reproduce.

He said: “The important thing is that the effects of such a drug would be reversible because KATNAL1 only affects sperm cells in the later stages of development, so it would not hinder his overall ability to reproduce.”

The research could also help in finding treatments for cases of male infertility, when malfunction of the KATNAL1 gene hampers sperm development.

In trials the Edinburgh-based team found male mice, which were modified so they did not have the KATNAL1 gene, were all found to be infertile.

Tests showed this was because the gene was vital to enable the sperm to develop and mature.

Dr Smith said: “Many cases of male infertility remain unexplained and as such KATNAL1 is a good example of a previously unknown gene that when mutated causes male infertility.

“This study could help identify the causes underlying unexplained male infertility.”

The researchers found that KATNAL1 was needed to regulate a structure, known as microtubules, which forms part of the cells that support and provide nutrients to developing sperm.

The breakdown and rebuilding of these microtubules, enable the sperm cells to mature and KATNAL1 acts as the essential controller of this process.

The study, which was funded by the Medical Research Council, also revealed the possibility of introducing a DNA sequence that permanently blocked KATNAL1 as a method of permanent sterility, which the team have dubbed “genetic vasectomy”.

The researchers said any treatments which could be developed on the back of their findings were at least five to ten years away.

The Family Planning Association last night welcomed the findings, saying: “This is an exciting development and we welcome as much research as possible into new ways for men to control their sexual health.”

domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012


Source: Animal Friends Croatia

                                  THE HORRORS OF THE FINAL JOURNEY

Although animals are living creatures which, like people, have a conscious, feel pain, hunger and thirst, experience feelings of sadness, fear and panic and have a will to live, during transport they are treated as objects. Numerous photographs and video footage recorded throughout the world's transportation routes, especially at animal loading and unloading sites, testify to frequent and extraordinary cruelties which the animals are exposed to on their final journey.

Frightened, wounded, hungry and thirsty with broken limbs, these animals are unloaded at their final destination after enduring long voyages in all weather conditions with no rest. Not being able to moving fast enough or in the direction expected, they stumble and fall, ending up exhausted or paralyzed by fear, no longer able to stand up. Many of them continue to lie on the feces covered floors of the trucks, often trampled to death in overcrowded trucks, suffocating due to the immense heat or frozen to death in the subzero temperatures.

These animals will never be able to "testify" forthemselves. Therefore, in order to draw attention to the horrors that animals endure in transit, Animal Friends' activists will march in protest on Saturday, May 26, 2012, starting at Trg kralja Tomislava and arriving at Trg bana Josipa Jelacica in Zagreb at 12:00 noon where they will stage an impressive visual performance.

The protest and performance aims to draw attention to the appalling statistics on the transport of live animals:
  • Broken bones, bleeding and hematomas occur most often in injured birds (multiple bone fractures in chicken "broilers" areestimated at 95%), as a result of extremely rough handling and overcrowdingin dirty and narrow crates or transport cages.
  • Increase in physical and mental stress in pigsfurther aggravates these animals as they suffer from so-called "motion sickness" (they show a high level of sensitivity to noise, movement, changes in the environment etc.), which is manifested by salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, increased body temperature and lethargy.
  • Overcrowding and other stress factors which cattle are exposed to during transportation significantly impair their immune system. One particular illness, which manifests itself during the transport of cattle is pneumonia induced by bovine herpes or the Pasteurella bacteria.
  • Studies have shown that sheep and lamb may lose up to 8% of body weight after 24 hours in transport, as a consequence of the expulsion of feces. This reaction is the result of extreme psychological stress. Even after long periods of thirst, sheep refuse to drink water from unknown sources. Common causes of death are dehydration, suffocation and trampling to death.
It is estimated that, in Europe, more than six million animals are transported annually for more than eight hours at a time. Such prolonged exposure to severe transport conditions results in extremely high levels of mental and physical stress, the consequences of which are fatigue, exhaustion, injury and death. Even though Croatia does not meet all criteria for animal transport, due to its lack of rest stopsand adequate border crossings for animals, its roads are still full of overloaded trucks.Animals are kept up to ten hours on border crossings even though the maximum time should be two hours and only in extremely exceptional circumstances. Theharrowing journey of animals transported from the European Union can last up to several days.

The practice of transportation demonstrates the overwhelming truth about the many vague terms within the statutory provisions and their inefficiency and inability to control said practice in accordance with legal regulations. Animal Friends believes that the transport of live animals is completely unnecessary, unethical and cruel and should, as such, be completely banned.

The most effective way for each individual to make a pledge for the ban of transport of animals is to switch to a plant based diet – automatically refusing to take part in animal suffering. Choosing a diet which excludes foods of animal origin improves our health and safeguards the environment thus directly reducing the suffering of animals during transport.

Protest is organized in collaboration with FARM Sabina Fund.


By Courtney Comstock 

Count Miguel Pais do Amaral, an amateur race car driver

Oakland Institute just completed the most thorough investigative report on who's buying land in Africa we've seen yet: "Hedge Funds Grabbing Land in Africa," as BBC called it.


As commodities prices rise and inflation picks up, the OI made the report public, they say, because the number of capitalists buying up land in Africa concerns them.

For obvious reasons, there isn't much out there about who's buying what and how much in Africa. But what OI has discovered is a small number of investors paying sometimes nothing for large plots of land in some African countries.

The lease deals are arranged between seemingly corrupt African leaders, reportedly without disclosing the details to the members of the communities that will be displaced because of the land development, and investors such as hedge fund managers.

The end result -- beating villagers, digging up their cemeteries, and taking over land that villagers have lived on for centuries -- looks a lot like a less cruel version of what history tells us colonizing Americans did when they ousted the Indians, according to this one report anyway.

Original source: Business Insider


                                                         Source: ourstorian.

Our brethren in Africa need urgently your signature to stop land grabbing which is generating a lot of landless people. They need 250.000 signatures and so far they only have 240. Please pitch in!!

Please visit this site for the details.

Watch videos about Africa Land Grab: Click here.


Source: Damn Fresh Pics

By Damn Fresh Pics

Could you survive on 49 cents a day? If you lived in China and earned 49 cents per day, you’d have no alternative but to stretch those cents as far as they could go. Photographer Stefen Chow started a project called “The Poverty Line – China” which shows what the Chinese living below the poverty line can afford with the daily wage. One picture - one day.

It is no wonder Chinese sometimes are tempted to eat human flesh!! Or eat anything that crawls, flies or swim!! 

China´s got lots of money now but also too many people to feed. A bunch of mad hungry humans are no longer a society but a group of people each looking for himself! They can be dangerous!


No mother likes it when her toddler starts crying, but at the Naki Sumo baby crying contest wailing is actually encouraged. Held every year, at the Sensoji Temple, in Tokyo, the baby crying festival is a 400-year-old tradition, believed to keep rug-rats in good health. Amateur sumo wrestlers hold the babies high in the air, and try to scare them into crying, while a sumo referee judges the match. The toddler who cries longest and loudest is considered the winner. Japanese parents bring the babies to the contest, of their own free will, and truly believe the sumo induced crying keeps their children in good health, and wards off evil spirits. This year, 80 babies, all under one year old, participated in Naki Sumo. As you might have guessed, the whiniest contender won.