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Fuente: The ViewsPaper. |
Por Gundhramns Hammer
24 de julio de 2014
Translation below
El mundo de los políticos es un búnker de leyes. Se valen de ellas para proteger los intereses económicos de los que los mandan para mandar lo que quieren mandar donde desean mandar todo lo que les convenga mandar para mandar donde les conviene mandar aunque los que son mandados no les guste cómo los mandan los que los mandan al final no les queda más remedio que dejar que los que mandan se salgan con la suya.
Así, para este propósito, los políticos utilizan una jerga sofisticada que sólo ellos entienden para que no entiendan las masas de gente y de esa manera cabalgar sobre las espaldas del pueblo.
Tomemos un par de ejemplos:
Letra N
- No prioridad: Se dice que algo no tiene prioridad para los políticos cuando no les beneficiará a ellos ni a sus amos en nada aunque pueda que sí beneficie a los que aguantan con el peso de ellos, el pueblo.
Letra P
- Prioridad: Es todo lo contrario del anterior. Se entiende por prioridad en el mundo de los políticos todo aquello que les va a redundar en máximos beneficios para sus propios bolsillos y los bancos de sus amos.
By Gundhramns Hammer
July 24, 2014
The politicians´ world is a
bunker filled with laws. They use laws to protect the economic interests of
those that are in command to be able to command what they want to command where
they wish to command whatever is convenient for them to command, even though
those that are commanded might not like the way they are commanded by the ones
that are in command so in the end the commanded ones have no choice but let
those that are in command get away with it.
Thus, for this purpose,
politicians utilize sophisticated jargon that can be understood only by
themselves and not by the masses of people, this way politicians are able to
ride on everybody´s back.
Let us take a couple of
Letter N
- No priority: It is said that something has no priority for politicians when it will not benefit them nor their bosses at all, even though it might benefit those that carry their weight on their backs, people.
Letter P
- Priority: It is the opposite of the one above. In the world of politics, priority is understood as anything that will maximise benefits for their own pockets and those of their bosses, the bankers.
It will continue…
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