miércoles, 9 de julio de 2014


Source: The Opinion Pages.

By Gundhramns Hammer
July 9, 2014
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As above, so below. And what´s below may be below or above. All depends on what a person wants to put above or below to get what´s needed to go above or below when playing economic games above or below. 

This is why we can say that man is indeed a very strange kind of animal, an odd creature. Or maybe he is a devil, for out of his hands come more evil than good on planet Earth (Video 1), if seen from his own crooked perspective.  

Warning: Graphic images!
 Video 1. Extreme animal cruelty in Australia.

For instance, when a male of this species, Homo “sapiens”, is trying to maximise his genes during fake reproduction (fucking) just for fun, one of his tricks is asking for a “glass of water” to his female target at the door of her apartment just before he says good night. 

He is thinking or dreaming of being invited in by her with the hopes of getting some sweet candy after having invested a few bucks on his date. He wants to cash in his night hunt for a deposit for his semen (vagina). 

Such a simple gainful strategy at the individual level can be made into a mountain for bigger purposes when there is plenty of money to gather what´s to be gathered by the global gatherers that want to gather and contain all human flocks in a massive planetary farm to suck their sweat and blood for greedy gathering purposes at the planetary level. 

Thus, as small, so big. For massive projects, the “glass of water” may take any shape, the bigger the shape the better shape to shape what´s to be shaped in what is already taking shape which is in the shape of a global police state under the shape of what really does not have shape but nevertheless has lots of shape. Shape for the pocket, that is (Video 2).

 Video 2. Jesse Ventura: Corporations took over government.

This is how September 11 was planned, came about and took shape to shape what they wanted to shape in a world that because of the greedy economic system that has been shaped to shape what they want to shape to take their pocket shape each passing day is falling out of shape under the pressure of anti-biospherical economic projects without shape (Video 3). 

 Video 3. Anthopogenic pollution is a global killer.

Now, let us take a look at what already is taking shape under the shape of surveillance of the human flock to put it in a controllable shape by the master shapers (Video 4):

Video 4. State of surveillance: Police, privacy and technology.


Greenwald G. (2014). No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA and the Surveillance State. Penguin Books Ltd., London, UK. 522 p. (ePub).

Stanley J. & Steinhardt B. (2003). Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains: The Growrth of an American Surveillance Society. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Technology and Liberty Program, New York, NY, USA. 18 p.

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