sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2021


Richard Grant White. Source: Wikipedia.

By H.G. von Österreich und von Toskana

The way they are mounted, schools are basically institutions where our minds are encapsulated and molded to serve the Beast. 

In a long process and upon completion, at school we learn to kiss the Beast´s ass in exchange of wads of money. Luckily and hopefully.

Thus the higher the degree we reach the more we are rewarded with money so that we may be able to expand our own and at the same time the Beast´s invisible jail that always surrounds us.

Furthermore, schools turn you into sort of a dairy cow. The more milk you produce, more taxes can be extracted from you and thus you become a cog in the system´s wheel, besides feeding many an oligarch and a bureaucrat whose jobs are milking and managing the Beast´s entire herd of hived people.

And surprisingly most people get to like it!

For the obedient ones that can afford this or climb to the top, it is a source of wealth, fun and orgasms!

But we should be paying attention to its price tag: Rich feeding off poor, overfed humans vs. starving people, social turmoil, natural resources overexploitation, anthropogenic species extinction, pollution … A deteriorated Biosphere.

Obviously this complex issue has and has had its own critics. I will not dwell on it. Instead I will just give you someone else´s conclusions on the school system. So check the interesting linked references at the end of this post.

Now let us get to the point.

According to Wikipedia (2021), “Richard Grant White (May 23, 1822 – April 8, 1885) was one of the foremost literary and musical critics of his day. He was also a prominent Shakespearean scholar, journalist, social critic, and lawyer, who was born and died in New York City.”

He is well known for his critics on the American public school system. In a nutshell, he considered it a failure (White, 1880). Read his essay for more information on this matter.

Following the same track, on September 14, 1881, Rev, Thomas Scully delivered a lecture on the educational question in the Town Hall, Malden (Cambridgeport, Cambridge, MA). He then cited some of White´s words which have a lot of relevance to the state of things in our time.

These words are something to ponder upon:

“Our large cities are swarming with idle and vicious boys and young men, having no visible mean of existence; our rural districts are infested with vagabonds. … The corruption of our legislative bodies is so profound and so well known that great corporations and business men of large fortunes are so sure of obtaining the laws they need, be they good or evil. Bribery at elections is open practiced by all political parties. … Politics, instead of being purified and elevated, have become a mere traffic, in which success is annually more and more certain to be in favor of inferior men, who have plenty of low cunning.” (Page 458)


Interesting words, aren´t they?


Thank you for your visit!




Scully Rev. Thomas (1881). The school  question. A lecture delivered in the Town Hall, Malden, Cambridgeport, Wednesday evening, September 14, 1881. The Family´s Defender, Magazine and Educational Review, Vol 1 (10), October, 1881: 454-464.

White, Richard Grant (1880). The public-school failure. The North American Review, Vol 131, December 1880: 537-550.


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