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Source: A Hive of Activities. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
December 5, 2014
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The 2013 fiscal year ended with good news for the oligarchy that apparently controls the Itshmus seaway. The Panama Canal Authority (la Autoridad del Canal de Panamá: ACP) contributed to the Republic´s coffre 981.8 millions of USD.
That´s a lot of bread that most Panamanians will never see.
That´s a lot of bread that most Panamanians will never see.
Most folks in Panama will only get a few bread crumbs and some contraceptives to keep the population of "comearroces" (children) in check, if lucky.
Poor people are used by the Panamanian oligarchy only as a step ladder to get to the top in politics, where they soon find out that they are not the ones in charge but the hidden hand´s hidden hand of the hidden hand. They are mere peons in a global chupacabra frenzy.
These corrals have gained independence only on paper. The rest, including national independence celebrations, are nothing by a charade to keep human cattle quiet and obedient with tales full of over twisted historical lies.
In the closet, it is a different story.
This is one of the many ways used by the hidden masters to manage their herds of human cattle all over the world.
This bunch of global chupacabras is only interested in keeping on stage their global chupacabra feast for good.
These hidden chupacabras do not give a fucking damn about anybody or anything.
Biospherically speaking, the hidden masters are a bunch of morons.
The evidence clearly shows that they have only one thing in their minds: Money. heavily intertwined with sex, of course.
One of these days, these hidden chupacabra masters will wake up in a barren land.
When this happens, they will be served their own shit on the plate for breakfast.
It is a blooming pity!
These corrals have gained independence only on paper. The rest, including national independence celebrations, are nothing by a charade to keep human cattle quiet and obedient with tales full of over twisted historical lies.
In the closet, it is a different story.
This is one of the many ways used by the hidden masters to manage their herds of human cattle all over the world.
This bunch of global chupacabras is only interested in keeping on stage their global chupacabra feast for good.
These hidden chupacabras do not give a fucking damn about anybody or anything.
Biospherically speaking, the hidden masters are a bunch of morons.
The evidence clearly shows that they have only one thing in their minds: Money. heavily intertwined with sex, of course.
One of these days, these hidden chupacabra masters will wake up in a barren land.
When this happens, they will be served their own shit on the plate for breakfast.
It is a blooming pity!
So, despite the whopping 981.8 millions of USD, poor Panamanians will continue "comiendo cable" (eating cable), especially in the ghettos in the big cities like the capital.
Poverty and drugs are two of the main problems of Panama. Both generate violence and crime.
This is a multi-purpose tool which politicians used for their own benefit.
First, they keep people scare this way, a nasty form of social control.
Secondly, they pay a lot of lipservice to this problem, saying that they will solve it.
This is done with the idea of using it as a prop to climb higher in their own power pyramid.
Third, for the hidden hand´s master plan and its local cronies, poverty is a cornerstone not only to keep the drug machine grinding but also as a vast reservoir of mind-controlled or hived workers for the cannibalistic global economy.
In the mean time, at the bottom levels in the Ithmian corral, people leave their guts on the sidewalks in bloody gunfights, trying to get something to eat or some money to buy drug to keep their personal hell afloat.
Here goes an example of a gunfight in the Panama Corral (Video 1):
Poverty and drugs are two of the main problems of Panama. Both generate violence and crime.
This is a multi-purpose tool which politicians used for their own benefit.
First, they keep people scare this way, a nasty form of social control.
Secondly, they pay a lot of lipservice to this problem, saying that they will solve it.
This is done with the idea of using it as a prop to climb higher in their own power pyramid.
Third, for the hidden hand´s master plan and its local cronies, poverty is a cornerstone not only to keep the drug machine grinding but also as a vast reservoir of mind-controlled or hived workers for the cannibalistic global economy.
In the mean time, at the bottom levels in the Ithmian corral, people leave their guts on the sidewalks in bloody gunfights, trying to get something to eat or some money to buy drug to keep their personal hell afloat.
Here goes an example of a gunfight in the Panama Corral (Video 1):
Video 1. Gunfight during a robbery in B Ave, Panama City (Balacera durante
robo en Avenida B, Ciudad de Panamá). Uploaded by La Estrella de Panamá.
Business as usual in Panama.
But somewhere in the city, a hidden master had a sinister smile on his old face...
A poor woman´s misery
There were three men sitting at the table. They were about to make a kill. It was early in the morning. The sun was already over the horizon, promising it was going to be another hot and steamy day.
Whilst this happened, far away in the mountains, a poor mother had to go out to get a "camaroncito" (a little job).
She was lucky that day. She sold her body to a passing man who had the hot pants that morning.
For how much? For one buck.
Feeling sad but happy at the same time, after cleaning her genital mess and fixing her dress, she immediately headed to the next "kiosko" (countryside store) in her neighbourhood.
With her pussy-earned buck, she bought:
The owner of the kiosko got a book out and jotted her name down and a number he only understood.
She left owing half a buck to the store shark.
Another day went by in her misery.
In the end, how many times has this poor Panamanian woman been "comida" (fucked) by hot men to raise her family?
She and God only know.
A "machetero" (a man who uses his machete to cut grass) who told us this story in Coclé province, in an angy mood he puffed out:
What do you think?
It happens all the time
Nobody knows how many times this fucking story repeats itself all over Panama for poor women.
Nonetheless, it happens all the time...
See you later alligators!
Beluche O. (1996). Pobreza y Neoliberalismo en Panamá. Panamá. 120 p.
Soler R. (1976). Panamá: Nación y Oligarquía 1925-1975. Ediciones de la Revista Tareas, Panamá. 67 p.
Business as usual in Panama.
But somewhere in the city, a hidden master had a sinister smile on his old face...
A poor woman´s misery
There were three men sitting at the table. They were about to make a kill. It was early in the morning. The sun was already over the horizon, promising it was going to be another hot and steamy day.
- "No big deal. Tomorrow we´ll sign the contract. We´ll make sure your shopping mall will be built to your own specifications and on time. We already have a bunch of our own experts working on an environmental impact study. Our press will do the rest", standing up and talking at the same time, the taller man said to the other two, who judging by their looks were obviously not from town.
Whilst this happened, far away in the mountains, a poor mother had to go out to get a "camaroncito" (a little job).
She was lucky that day. She sold her body to a passing man who had the hot pants that morning.
For how much? For one buck.
Feeling sad but happy at the same time, after cleaning her genital mess and fixing her dress, she immediately headed to the next "kiosko" (countryside store) in her neighbourhood.
With her pussy-earned buck, she bought:
- two pounds of rice,
- two little bags of coffee,
- a little pillow of vegetable oil and
- a pound of sugar.
The owner of the kiosko got a book out and jotted her name down and a number he only understood.
She left owing half a buck to the store shark.
Another day went by in her misery.
In the end, how many times has this poor Panamanian woman been "comida" (fucked) by hot men to raise her family?
She and God only know.
A "machetero" (a man who uses his machete to cut grass) who told us this story in Coclé province, in an angy mood he puffed out:
- ¿Dónde putas está las gran plata de la ACP? (Where the fuck are the ACP´s big bucks for this woman?)
What do you think?
It happens all the time
Nobody knows how many times this fucking story repeats itself all over Panama for poor women.
Nonetheless, it happens all the time...
See you later alligators!
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Source: Jessica´s Health Blog. |
Beluche O. (1996). Pobreza y Neoliberalismo en Panamá. Panamá. 120 p.
Soler R. (1976). Panamá: Nación y Oligarquía 1925-1975. Ediciones de la Revista Tareas, Panamá. 67 p.
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