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Adolf Hitler and Francisco Franco (1940). Source: The Volunteer. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
September 13, 2014
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The whole power game that we see unfolding before our own eyes here on Earth is ancient. It has been planned all along to fit the evil whims of a
creature (and its cronies) that is not from this Earth and whose name in satanic circles is the "ancient one", a serpentoid beast.
At the time of Christ, gnostics, those who had been in charge of taking care of the Library of Alexandria in the olden days, used to know a great deal of this horde of non-organic, parasitic, intelligent and evil serpentine creatures - called by them "archons" - that invaded planet Earth long ago.
No one knows for sure what part of the Universe or dimension of the Multiverse these ET serpentoid aliens came from.
What is indeed known is that these aliens have the technology or ability to shapeshift, to take human or animal form, make themselves invisible and fold our reality and trick us to put us into a sort of holographic bubble.
Once they have enclosed us in such a warped reality they can suck all the negative energy given off by our bodies and activities. Animal and human suffering are delicacies for these alien beasts. They thrive upon it.
Archons love slaughterhouses. They can tap to the last drop all of the pain and negative energy (Videos 1-2) coming from these evil pits and allows them to renew their own energy.
Archons also love wars for the same reasons. They feast on these man-made hells (Video 3).
Video 1. cow torture.
Video 2. The humane slaughter myth.
Archons also love wars for the same reasons. They feast on these man-made hells (Video 3).
Warning: Graphic images!
Video 3. Man-made hells.
On the other hand, archons are known to keep away from any subtle positive energy stemming from love and kindness in the human sphere. Love weakens archons.
It sounds like science fiction but it is not.
Curiously, there is a Star Trek episode in which Captain Kirk and his team including Mr. Spock have to travel back in time to planet Earth to fight a serpentoid creature that lives in a cave.
This alien takes the shape of a boulder day and night so no human can see it. But upon the arrival of its slaves that are bringing its food, the serpentine alien wakes up and feeds upon the energy extracted from human beings from a 1940s Californian town.
Any human whose energy is sucked dry drops dead like a dish rag. The energy is collected in a box. Once this is filled, the box is taken to the den by the creature´s comrades where the energy is transmitted to the cave alien through a beam of light.
Kirk discovers all of this. In the fight, the captain tells the alien creature that he can put all of the Federation´s knowledge and scientists to its disposal as long as the beast quits feeding upon human´s energy.
The alien tells Kirk that it is useless since not even they know a solution for this dilemma, for they have not yet been able to find another way to eat to live.
The alien tells Kirk that it is useless since not even they know a solution for this dilemma, for they have not yet been able to find another way to eat to live.
In the end, the parasitic alien gets blasted by a bolt shot from the Enterprise. And off they go on another adventure in space to "boldly go where no man has gone before".
They tell us part of the truth in a science fiction story, do they not? And Gene Roddenberry knew it. After all, he was an initiated in the occult sciences. Some experts have even said that Roddenberry was a satanist.
Putting it in a nutshell, archons love and feed upon humans´ negative energies (e.g., hate, fighting, creepy and aberrant sex, etc.) and hate people´s positive energies (e.g., love, empathy, kindness, etc.) Real empathic love makes them weak.
This is why there are some experts including enlightened evolutionists we have talked to who believe that archons have been guiding the evolutionary matrix on Earth with their efforts put in obtaining a creature like man that would give them the most negative energy.
An earthling such as man (Homo insapiens) that would - and does - combine intelligence and excessive cruelty both at the same time to produce plenty of negative energy for archons.
It goes without saying that as we "climb" the evolutionary scale, snails are no fun for archons, for example. No violence to suck from.
But in the vertebrate world things change a lot. With humans, archons hit the jackpot. We are at the top of the archons´ food chain.
Archons feed upon us. We humans certainly give archons the most food (huge pack of negative energy) most of the time. Our violent history speaks for itself.
At the same time, archons have been behind and still are controlling world events on our planet, according to some experts.
Not even science escapes. It has become a tool for archons´ own designs.
This is also why some investigators point out that the real and hidden purpose of the LHC in Geneve (Switzerland), which is in the economic hands of the Hidden Hand and unbeknownst to the thousands of maniatic scientists playing with statistics in the physics ballroom, is to find a portal (wormhole) to allow the "ancient one" and his gang of serpentoid creatures to find a way of escaping the Terran quarentine to which archons were (still are) subjected to by another powerful alien race eons ago.
An event that somehow got distilled albeit in a corrupted way in the Genesis of the Bible.
In the Nag Hammadi codices (Stroumsa, 1984; Lüdemann & Janssen, 1997; Robinson, 2000) found in December 1945 by an Arab peasant in a cave near the town of Naj `Hammádì at the Jabal al-Tárif in upper Egypt (Robinson, 1998), gnostics used to referred to the aliens´ boss, i.e., the "ancient one", as Yaldabaoth, the first archon (leader, authority).
In the Jewish tradition this chief archon was identified with "Satan".
According to the ancient text Apocryphon of John (59: 15-18), this archon chief was weak and had three names: the first is "Yaldabaoth"; the second is "Saklas"; and the third is "Sammael" (Waldstein & Wisse, 1995).
The same text explains that Yaldabaoth fell in love with "Eve", chased her and finally got his fill with her. In other words, the first archon Yaldabaoth violated, fucked and seeded Eve.
Out of this forced sexual union, Eve gave birth to "Elohim" and "Jahwe".
But the trickster Yaldabaoth changed their names. He/it called his/its two archonic children "Cain" and "Abel" in order to deceive naive people at the time.
If you are familiar with the Bible these two names will ring a bell.
If you are familiar with the Bible these two names will ring a bell.
After studying ancient texts and codices from the Old and New World - remember the Aztecs had their "Quetzalcoatl", the fearhered snake - and without delving into this matter any more, we have found evidence that these archons are still with us to this day.
Archons and their cronies (archon-human hybrids, corrupt and anti-biospheric leaders and politicians, etc.) - i.e., Archons & Inc. or Archones & S.A. (Spanish) - control Earth. The rest of people are just sheep. The vast masses of humans are sheeple.
On another occasion, something we have been putting off for a while now, keep in mind this subject requires a lot of time, we will discuss the evidence of a colony of archons led by a chief named Kouru or Korou which is living underground near the city of Penonome, province of Cocle, in Panama.
However, this is not the only colony of this shitty aliens. There are others.
However, this is not the only colony of this shitty aliens. There are others.
But for now, let us take a look at Europe, an archons´ playground since ancient times.
We will get started and skim over only on one thing that took place not long ago, during the nasty event historians call "World War Two". WWII for short.
It happened during Franco´s Spain.
The Archons´ European chessboard
It is up to you to refresh your memory about WWII. Go to the library, spend some time there and you will soon get tired of reading a lot of books on this subject.
Most books on WWII are loaded with all sorts of clouds of ink like a squid. It is a smart way to keep people in the dark.
In a nutshell, Francisco Franco and Adolf Hitler were both puppets of the Hidden Hand (Archons & Inc.)
Francisco Franco´s job was to hand in Spain´s economy to the English and "Americans" (USA) who were - and still are - already owned by the Vatican via Jesuits, some experts point out.
Most books on WWII are loaded with all sorts of clouds of ink like a squid. It is a smart way to keep people in the dark.
In a nutshell, Francisco Franco and Adolf Hitler were both puppets of the Hidden Hand (Archons & Inc.)
Francisco Franco´s job was to hand in Spain´s economy to the English and "Americans" (USA) who were - and still are - already owned by the Vatican via Jesuits, some experts point out.
On the other hand, Adolf Hitler´s main job was to sack and strip Europe of all its gold and treasures to hand it to the same boss.
Adding to this archon´s equation, Emperor Hirohito in Japan was another puppet. He was used as a convenient war tool to plunder Asia out of its gold and treasures as well.
So, all the gold in the world is now in the Hidden Hand´s palm, according to some historians.
And who controls all the gold controls man´s world.
Now we enter a confusion domain in which some historians or conspiranoics think the Hidden Hand is the Vatican, or the Jews, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Jesuits or what have you. There´s something for everyone.
Nevertheless, there is only one Hidden Hand. And well hidden indeed. And a globe trotter as well, mind you.
Adding to this archon´s equation, Emperor Hirohito in Japan was another puppet. He was used as a convenient war tool to plunder Asia out of its gold and treasures as well.
So, all the gold in the world is now in the Hidden Hand´s palm, according to some historians.
And who controls all the gold controls man´s world.
Now we enter a confusion domain in which some historians or conspiranoics think the Hidden Hand is the Vatican, or the Jews, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Jesuits or what have you. There´s something for everyone.
Nevertheless, there is only one Hidden Hand. And well hidden indeed. And a globe trotter as well, mind you.
But the Hidden Hand is not the same thing as the Vatican or any of the above mentioned powerful dynastic folks.
They are different things. One is on top of the other but the other is not what the other tells the other should do with the other. There is only one other in this game of power to get the juice out of the others.
They are different things. One is on top of the other but the other is not what the other tells the other should do with the other. There is only one other in this game of power to get the juice out of the others.
Which one do you think is on top of the other that is not the other but takes orders from the other?
Of puppets and Nazis
Puppet Francisco Franco was always told what to do by the Hidden Hand´s cronies.
One of the things that this pawn and peon disguised as dictator following hidden orders did was to provide a safe haven to the Nazis in Spain.
On 4th October 1937, Franco went even to the extent of condecorating his comrade Adolf Hitler with the highest fancy power delirium in Spain at that time.
The Spanish dictator made Chancellor Hitler a "Grand Knight and Grand Collar of the Grand Imperial Order of the Red Arrows" (Fig. 1). Birds of a kind flock together, do they not?
Of puppets and Nazis
Puppet Francisco Franco was always told what to do by the Hidden Hand´s cronies.
One of the things that this pawn and peon disguised as dictator following hidden orders did was to provide a safe haven to the Nazis in Spain.
On 4th October 1937, Franco went even to the extent of condecorating his comrade Adolf Hitler with the highest fancy power delirium in Spain at that time.
The Spanish dictator made Chancellor Hitler a "Grand Knight and Grand Collar of the Grand Imperial Order of the Red Arrows" (Fig. 1). Birds of a kind flock together, do they not?
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Figure 1. Francisco Franco´s grand condecoration on his comrade Adolf Hitler. Source: Foro por la Memoria. |
But dictator Francisco Franco did not stop there. He was told what he should do next, amongst other things: To let in any Nazi that wanted to make Spain his own home. He obeyed.
indeed Spain was a safe haven for Nazis of all sorts.
Nazis came into
Spain with convoys of trucks loaded with stolen gold, jewels, money and museum art.
Today, the descendants of those Nazis are extremely wealthy, well intertwined in Spain´s economic fabric.
Do you want to know more? There is a way.
Today, the descendants of those Nazis are extremely wealthy, well intertwined in Spain´s economic fabric.
Do you want to know more? There is a way.
on thousands of declassified allied documents, Eliah Meyer´s book gives
you exquisite details of all the 4.000 or more Nazis protected by Franco´s Spain.
Read or download it here:
gang of Nazis were in charge of quite a large number of businesses:
Import-export, chemical factories, banks, restaurants, etc., and were
also responsible for the control of espionage, financial and contraband
webs and Nazi politics on Spanish soil.
Spain, Nazis were also able to penetrate Latin American soil with ease.
They were able to establish extensive and solid webs in Mexico, Central America and south as far as Argentina. Some of which still remain to this day.
They were able to establish extensive and solid webs in Mexico, Central America and south as far as Argentina. Some of which still remain to this day.
For example, have you ever heard of the Operation Pastorius?
The Operation Pastorius was a well orchestrated Nazi infiltration in the Mexican political system (Cedillo, 2007).
a matter of fact, some colonial trading trails and routes in Mexico were
rediscovered by Nazis and readily employed in contraband and other monkey
businesses back and forth between Mexico and the United States.
Nowadays, those ancient routes have not gone unnoticed.
Other puppets - indeed, puppets of the Hidden Hand - are making use of them for organised crime purposes.
The Mexican criminal groups (Mexican Mafiosi & Inc., MMI) along with other mafias (colombiana, rusa, china, nigeriana, etc.), now operating in the Mexico-US border, are still using these same ancient trails and routes - the ones used by Nazis - for smuggling drugs to the north (USA, Canada & Alaska) and weapons and humongous quantities of mafia money (Fig. 3) to the south (Mexico, Central America and South America) and beyond this continent.
Other puppets - indeed, puppets of the Hidden Hand - are making use of them for organised crime purposes.
The Mexican criminal groups (Mexican Mafiosi & Inc., MMI) along with other mafias (colombiana, rusa, china, nigeriana, etc.), now operating in the Mexico-US border, are still using these same ancient trails and routes - the ones used by Nazis - for smuggling drugs to the north (USA, Canada & Alaska) and weapons and humongous quantities of mafia money (Fig. 3) to the south (Mexico, Central America and South America) and beyond this continent.
Click here to enlarge.
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Figure 2. Flow of transnational crime and violence to North America. Source: Catholic Endtime Truths. |
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Figure 3. Drug money. Source: Buzz Inn. |
MMI´s trafficked weapons become people´s nightmare in the south (Video 4).
But what about their tonnes - literally - of fucking dirty money?
Video 4. Military vs. narcos in Juarez (Nuevo León, México).
But what about their tonnes - literally - of fucking dirty money?
What the fuck do you think the armies of the MMI do with their money?
This money is thrown into a sophisticated washing machine.
MMI pushes it into giant and complex maze of tangled threads and flexible pipes - from large fruit groves, art auctions, brothels, narco- and nonnarco-farming, "narcoganadería" (narco-cattle ranching), human and animal trafficking and bitcoins to hypermarkets, TV stations and aviation businesses, i.e., an infinite web of phantom firms in tax havens (i.e., Hidden Hand´s safety deposits) - until eventually it comes out washed and freshly clean through the faucets down into the tubs of the banks and other financial institutions throughout the world.
It is all about money. Fuck!!!
More on Franco´s fascist game
Here are a few links for you to learn more about Franco´s fascist game and Nazis´ smuggling. To make things more interesting, you will also find a link to Matahari´s games:
TOP 10 FAMOUS PIECES OF ART STOLEN BY THE NAZIShttp://www.toptenz.net/10-famous-pieces-of-art-stolen-by-the-nazis.php
Concluding remarks
Folks, we are afraid this world belongs to the Archons and their cronnies.
This is the main reason, complemented and aided with everybody´s greed and vices, why this world is upside down.
The rest of people, the herds of human cattle around the world, are just that: Cattle. They are nothing but chunks of meat to get the juice from.
This is the main reason, complemented and aided with everybody´s greed and vices, why this world is upside down.
The rest of people, the herds of human cattle around the world, are just that: Cattle. They are nothing but chunks of meat to get the juice from.
One single hidden hand on top of the others. And these others fuck others up and others screw others and others until others fuck you up.
So, if you are a devil, deviled or evil human being you will certainly get into this archonic power game and will end up fucking up others below you and get fucked by others on top of you.
So, if you are a devil, deviled or evil human being you will certainly get into this archonic power game and will end up fucking up others below you and get fucked by others on top of you.
Where the fuck are you in this fucking power game?
Still being sucked, fucked up and sucking blood from nonhumans and humans?
Still being sucked, fucked up and sucking blood from nonhumans and humans?
Folks, it´s time to wake up!!!
See you later alligators!
Cedillo J.A. (2007). The Nazis en México: la Operación Pastorius y nuevas revelaciones de la infiltración al sistema político mexicano. Debolsillo, Querétaro, México. 214 p.
Lüdemann G. & Janssen M. (1997). Die gnostichen Schriften aus Nag Hammadi. Bibel der Häretiker. Die gnostichen Schriften aus Nag Hammadi. Göttingen, Deutschland. 348 p.
Robinson J.M. (Ed.) (1988). The Nag Hammadi Library In English: The Definitive Translation of the Gnostic Scriptures Complete in One Volume. Revised Edition. E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. 296 p.
Robinson J.M. (Ed.) (2000). The Coptic Gnostic Library: A Complete Edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices. 5 Vols. E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. 5148 p.
Scholer D.M. (2009). Nag Hammadi Bibliography 1995-2006. Nag Hammadi Studies Vol. 65. E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. 256 p.
Stroumsa G.A.G (1984). Another Seed: Studies in Gnostic Mythology. Nag Hammadi Studies Vol. 24. E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. 195 p.
Susskind L. & Lindesay J. (2004). An Introduction to Black Holes, Information and the String Theory Revolution: The Holographic Universe. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore. 183 p.
Waldstein M. & Wisse F. (Eds.) (1995). The Apocryphon of John: Synopsis of Nag Hammadi Codices II, 1, III, 1, and IV, 1 with BG 8502,2. E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. 244 p.
Wilson R.McL. (Ed.) (1978). Nag Hammadi and Gnosis: Papers read at the First International Congress on Coptology (Cairo, December 1976). Nag Hammadi Studies Vol. 14. E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. 178 p.
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