lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


Detroit is in bankruptcy, but once upon a time, Detroit was the heart of the American Dream. Good jobs, big cars, and the world's most profitable companies placed the city at the heart of the global economy. But as this empire of cars began to crumble and the jobs evaporated, Detroit became the crime capital of America, and a new business, illegal drugs, took over the economy. Now the city lies in shambles: Detroit is the poorest and most violent major city in America. The heart of the American Dream has been shattered. From corrupt narcotics cop Henry Marzett to the infamous Young Boys Inc, White Boy Rick, and the Best Friends Murder for Hire gang: see the Kingpins and Killers that called Detroit home and became the Henry Fords and Lee Iacoccas of a new generation. What happens when the Ceo's and Politicians fail in their plans? It's called DETROIT. [Al Profit via YouTube]


Las carabelas de Cristobal Colón. Fuente: Oculto.

Por Gundhramns Hammer
29 de septiembre de 2014
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En estas cuestiones de descubrir, todo el mundo está galopando en descubrir lo que ya está descubierto. La vida misma lo ha descubierto

Pero si le queremos dar el crédito a aquellos que supuestamente han descubierto algo, en el caso del que conocemos ahora como el "Continente Americano", antes que Cristobal Colón ya habían llegado los vikingos y antes que éstos los polinesios y posiblemente los sumerios, los fenicios, los romanos, los chinos, algunos africanos occidentales, y quien sabe si también los egipcios y los persas, entre otros  pueblos.

También, quién sabe si mucho más antes que todos los demás otros pueblos lo hicieron, pues según el investigador Arthur Posnansky, la ciudad de Tiahuanaco en el altiplano andino, cerca del lago Titicaca, en la más antigua del mundo. Cuenta con más de 12.000 años de antigüedad.

Algunos investigadores han avanzado otra hipótesis. Dicen que fueron los solutreanos, un pueblo paleolítico del sur de Francia, quienes primero llegaron a "Norte América", alrededor del año 17.000 a.C. 

Y la historia no acaba aquí.

Incluso hay relatos de un imperio que existió a finales del Período Pleistoceno, allá por el año 14.000 mil a.C.

Dicen que estos marineros antiguos tenían una civilización muy adelantada y que mapearon el mundo entero. Cuentan que algunos de estos mapas estaban en el museo privado del rey Enrique el Navegante de Portugal.

Estos mapas eran un asunto de secreto de Estado para Portugal. Pero hubo una persona que logró colarse allí y sacar datos de esos mapas para alimentar sus ambiciones de exploración de nuevos mundos.

¿Quién? Nada menos que Cristobal Colón. Este intrépido explorador tenía muchos secretos en su saco. Este es uno de ellos.

En fin, podemos decir una cosa.

En realidad, el gran océano que conocemos como el "Atlántico" nunca ha sido una barrera sino una autopista marina para los pueblos antiguos, según algunos investigadores. 

El problema es que nos rehusamos a aceptar la abundante evidencia al respecto. En nuestro caso, los viajes pre-colombinos transatlánticos (e.g., Sorenson & Johannessen, 2004).

O si a la mano escondida que controla la Tierra no le conviene que se sepa nada al respecto, lo tapará y callará el pico de los expertos, los cuales miedosos de perder su empleo lo harán, pues si lo pierden se acaba su chupadera académica.

Y si se atreven, serán ridiculizados y descreditados. Además, la gente no les creerá, pues los borregos humanos sólo creen lo que les machacan y sirven en el plato a cada rato a través de los medios de comunicación, los cuales son propiedad de la misma mano escondida.

Pero sea como sea, en cuanto al descubrimiento de "América", los mismos aborígenes ya estaban allí.  

Y antes que estos aborígenes, ya los pavos (Melagris gallopavo), los bisontes (Bison bison), las palomas migratorias (Ectopistes migratorius), aves cruelmente asesinadas hasta la extinción por los colonizadores en "Norte América", entre muchos otros animales, ya estaban allí.

Asi es que esto de "quién descrubrió América" es un asunto relativo. 

En realidad, la misma Fuerza de Vida lo descubrió y pobló con vida.

Sin embargo, para cerrar, podemos decir una cosa importante: que cuando Cristobal Colón "redescrubrió América", el "Viejo Continente" estaba listo, pues la puerta de las especias del Oriente (Constantinopla) había sido cerrada y caído en manos del imperio de los otomanos en 1453. 

Necesitaba abrir otras rutas. Y comienza la lucha para encontrarlas.

Fue entonces cuando, la península "asiática" que conocemos hoy como "Europa" - la niña de los ojos anchos (griego, eurys, ancho, ops, ojo) - se cristalizó con el "descubrimiento" del "Nuevo Mundo".

Este es el verdadero mérito de Colón. Este explorador contribuyó a esta cristalización. 

Por supuesto para la desdicha de los "indios". El resto es historia.

Vamos que este aniquilador de "indios americanos" era muy ambicioso pero también tenía huevos (cojones) para semejante aventura y además, un pacto con el diablo. Otro de sus secretos. Pero este es pan de otro saco.

Ahora echémosle un vistazo a uno de los tantos secretos de Cristobal Colón.

A continuación presentamos un documental de J.J. Benítez: El secreto de Colón (Video 1):

Video 1. El secreto de Colón con J.J. Benítez.


Agradecemos las conversaciones sobre el tema de exploraciones del mundo antiguo al Dr. H.M.G. von Österreich und von Toskana.


Sorenson J. L. & Johannessen C.L. (2004). Scientific Evidence for Pre-Columbian Transoceanic Voyages. Sino-Platonic Papers, 133: 1-270.


Earth´s magnetic field. Sources:

The Earths magnetic field, the protector of all life on Earth is under constant attack from deadly cosmic radiation. This invisible shield that we live in is weakening in a region over the South Atlantic, leaving it exposed to potentially lethal radiation. Is the Earth losing its magnetic field and doomed to a fate similar to Mars? Many scientists believe the answer lies in paleomagnetic data, and that this weakening may be a precursor to a magnetic field reversal; scientists know Earth is long overdue. However, humans were not around when the last reversal took place, so what does this mean for life? [Sarah Livesey via YouTube]

"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for -fair use- for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."


Campo magnético de la Tierra. Fuente: Wired.

Por Gundhramns Hammer
29 de septiembre de 2014
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Muchas de las cosas realmente importantes para nuestras vidas no las podemos ver. Puede ser porque nuestros ojos no tienen la abilidad para percibirlos, o porque a veces no nos enteramos o simplemente porque no queremos enterarnos, somos demasiado egoístas y mezquinos. 

Sin embargo, sí podemos sentir sus efectos.

El aire que respiramos es un buen ejemplo. 

Sin el oxígeno que nos brindan los seres fotosintéticos (árboles, algas, fitoplancton, etc.) que tanto maltramos, cortamos, trituramos (Video 1) y envenenamos (Video 2; English here), nosotros los humanos o los demás seres que necesitan este esencial elemento para su metabolismo no podríamos existir. 

 Video 1. Máquina cortadora de árboles.

 Video 2. Basura antropogénica en el océano.

Y ni aquellos ni nosotros, nada vivo de lo que existe en la Tierra, podría existir si la Tierra no tuviese un campo magnético que nos protege contra la mortal radiación solar o de la hostilidad del espacio exterior. 

En pocas palabras y repitiendo, sin el campo magnético terrestre el agua se evaporaría, la atmósfera se esfumaría y la vida no existiría. La Tierra sería una masa redonda sin vida flotando en el infinito espacio.

Dejando la ciencia de lado, el campo magnético terrestre es un milagro. Es el manto protector de la Madre Tierra para proteger a sus hijos (Video 3). ¡Y no lo vemos!

Video 3. Campo magnético de la Tierra.

Sin artilugios sofisticados, podemos tener un vislumbre del manto protector cerca de los polos cuando partículas solares quedan atrapadas y aceleradas a lo largo del campo magnético terrestre y se producen las auroras boreales o polares (Video 4). ¡Es un espectáculo realmente maravilloso!

Video 4. Espectacular aurora boreal en Noruega.

Entonces, dejando la borrachera de lógica de lado en la que estamos todos atrapados, por qué no decirlo: ¡La Tierra está viva!

Merece la pena cuidar la Tierra, ¿no?



By Gundhramns Hammer
September 29, 2014
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Europol cops have been busy cracking down on the mafiosi operating at their will in the European Union (EU). Recently, cops from 28 EU nations set up the Operation Archimedes for such purpose:

Check the following clip (Video 1):

More than 1,000 suspected criminals have been arrested in what Europol calls the biggest ever cross-border anti-organised crime operation in Europe. Operation Archimedes was carried out in stages over the past week.

Police officers from 28 EU nations worked together with six partner countries on the operation. The idea was to tackle organised criminal activities such arms trading, human trafficking and drug smuggling
.[euronews via YouTube]

Video 1. Europol´s Operation Archimedes.

Chasing small peanuts

Generally speaking, cops chase small peanuts. Any operations to get rid of the crooks is good, of  course, but it would be a lot better if they put in jail all the legalised mafia walking around sucking people´s blood with the law on its side.

When cops are chasing small peanuts, this type of "anti-mafia operations" are what some criminologists or mafia experts call "getting rid of the competition in the block", for law enforcers will enforce only where they are told to enforce. They will never or seldom enforce where they should really enforce unless they want to risk their neck or be kicked out of the enforcement forces that enforce only upon the forces that work for the forces that are out of the reach of the law forces.

The law forces will not dare touch any big baboons in the upper layers or at the top of the power pyramid. This is where the real crooks are found.

This happens only when big baboons fall out of grace in the eyes of their own ranks or the gang of big shots want to do some "sanitation" in their dark mansion.

For the time being, as some experts indicate (e.g., Dr. Henry Makaw), we are ruled by a gang of "satanists and pedophiles".

Let us hope some day enlightened forces will chase not only the small peanuts but also the planters of these rotten peanuts in our society.

Folks, it will not happen unless we all wake up!


Source: Financial Markets.
Traducción (Español):


Papa, estoy considerando una carrera en crimen organizado.


¿Gobierno o sector privado?


Source: Diabetes Mine.

By Gundhramns Hammer
September 29, 2014
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A couple of pennies can buy you a piece of candy and if you are generous you could cut the sweet into two pieces and share it with a friend. Then, everybody would be happy. 

And it happens. Upon getting home with his mother from a trip to a small town, we once saw a poor child cut one single piece of candy into seven bits to share it with his little brothers and sisters in a mountain hamlet in Panama. When he did this, everybody was happy.

Sweetness brings joy, quietness, contentment and satisfaction to people. We may call it a short-lived happiness. Some people cannot tell happiness from the former apart. 

Anyway, both can make you feel a connection with everything or forget about yourself. At least for an instance.

The thing is that sweet is sweetness, not bitterness. And the good things that candies are still inexpensive.

So, sweets are things that can be shared and make people happy in a broad sense. Sweets can give you a piece of heaven in this world. 

If you are not a diabetic, an infiltrated ET, an ET-human hybrid, ill or in bed ready to say good bye to this world, sweets are inexpensive heavens.

After all, we “humans” (PIE dghem, dung, shit, dirt, humus, soulless, spiritless) are archaetypical monkeys. And all monkeys love sweets.

Well, at least most people, for nowadays children are being born who do not seem to be attracted to sweets that much. It could be that thay got too much of this stuff in their foetal stage from their mothers or they are hybrids of ET aliens and humans.

But there are some things (man-made) that are "shared" and do not give you or anyone any sweetness and joy unless you are on the "giving" or wheeling and dealing side.

But this "giving" and wheeling and dealing and the satisfaction you get from this deal is on the evil side. They are expensive hells.

What are they? How can this be?

In man´s cannibalistic economic system, there are many expensive hells. 

Amongst these, there is one that especially stands out in the block.

They are the nuclear weapons (Fig. 1). This answers our first question.

Figure 1. Nuclear weapons. Source: Asia Pacífico.

Regarding the second question, it will become obvious.

When a nuclear weapon is used upon living beings, anyone or anything on the receiving side can never get any sweetness but only gets hell, destruction, death and bitterness.

But on the opposite end, the people (archonised humans) that do business with these evil things do indeed get a smile on their fucking faces. They make humongous quantities of money selling these evil gadgets.

These evil merchants (humans? Demons?) are traders of hells. They are merchants of fear and death.

So, nuclear weapons – whatever the excuse to have them or make them – are indeed expensive hells (Table 1):

 Table 1. Total military and nuclear spending for 2010-2011. Source: Blair & Brown (2011).

According to Blair & Brown (2011)´s report, world spending on nuclear weapons is well over $1 trillion per decade!

But this is not the end of this story. Now comes the icing on this bloody cake.

The world’s nine nuclear-armed powers are planning on spending a total of $1,000 billion USD in nuclear weapons on modernisation programmes over the next decade.


And this war machine is a giant complex body that has a lot of human ticks sucking blood from it too!

This nuclear crap is big business!


Everybody should say FUCK!!! to these fear and death merchants and their evil contraptions.

We do. Here goes our: 


What if only these fucking bastards would spend their $1 trillion USD on solving real problems!

They would solve everybody´s problems on Earth!

Of course, they would need our help too.

We consumers must pitch in too. They could not do it alone with their money. It would disapear in the hands of so many crooks that hide in every corner of the world.

So crooks – whoever or wherever they might be - would have to be neutralised somehow.

But in the end, we consumers are the suckers. We all are responsible for this mess.

We all are – on the consumer side - the ones who give these evil merchants our own blood to make them strong.

And back to square one.

Folks, we must wake up!!


Blair B.G. & Brown M.A. (2011). World spending on nuclear weapons surpasses $1 trillion per decade. Global Zero Technical Report, Nuclear Weapons Cost Study, 2011: 1-10.

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014




Territorios de la Real Audiencia de Quito. Fuente: Wikipedia.

Fuente: Robinson Robles via YouTube


Según Cédula Real del rey Felipe II de España, expedida en Guadalajara (España) el 29 de agosto de 1563, los territorios de Quito se extendían: Por el norte hasta el Puerto de Buenaventura (inclusive), y por tierra adentro (actual República de Colombia), hasta Pasto, Popayán, Cali, Buga, Champachica y Guarchicona; y por el sur, hasta el puerto de Paita (exclusive), y por tierra adentro (actual República del Perú), hasta Piura, Cajamarca, Chachapoyas, Moyobamba y Motilones; incluyendo Jaén Valladolid, Loja, Zamora, Cuenca, La Zarza y Guayaquil.

En el año 1740, la Real Audiencia de Quito fue incorporada al Virreinato de Nueva Granada y se la mutiló en 130.000 km2.

El 1 de octubre de 1777, España y Portugal hicieron una nueva delimitación de sus colonias en América, y despojaron a la Audiencia de Quito de 140.000 km2 que fueron entregados a Portugal (Brasil).

El 25 de junio de 1824, la Ley de División Territorial de Colombia creó el Departamento del Cauca por medio del cual se le arrebató a Quito los territorios del norte del río Carchi, dándole por límites el río Caquetá. De esta manera, 81.290 km2 que incluían Buenaventura, Pasto, Cali, Buga y Popayán fueron hábilmente incorporados a Colombia.

El 11 de agosto de 1830, la Gran Colombia -de la cual el Ecuador era parte- firmó con el Perú el Protocolo Pedemonte-Mosquera y le cedió al país del sur los territorios de la ribera derecha del río Amazonas. En esta oportunidad el Ecuador perdió 181.000 km2.

El 16 de mayo de 1904 se firmó el Tratado Tobar-Río Branco por medio del cual el Ecuador cedió al Brasil 60.000 km2.

El 15 de julio de 1916 se firmó el Tratado Muñoz Vernaza-Suárez, por medio del cual, y para que Colombia pueda tener un acceso al Amazonas, el Ecuador le cedió 175.000 km2.

El 24 de marzo de 1922 Colombia firmó secretamente con el Perú el Tratado Salomón-Lozano, gracias al cual el Perú obtuvo de Colombia los territorios que el Ecuador le había cedido por medio del Tratado Muñoz Vernaza-Suárez en 1916. Este Tratado entre Colombia y Perú fue repudiado por el propio pueblo colombiano que consideró que su gobierno había traicionado la buena fe del Ecuador.

Ecuador cambió de presidente en más de veinte ocasiones. Durante la década de 1970, se normalizó la situación democrática, pero, a finales del siglo XX, una nueva crisis alteró la vida de la sociedad ecuatoriana.

Tras el intento de aplicación de un programa liberal radical por parte de Eloy Alfaro (presidente desde 1906 hasta 1911), Ecuador quedó bajo la influencia económica de Reino Unido.

Leónidas Plaza Gutiérrez, liberal como Alfaro pero más moderado, y que ya había sido presidente entre 1901 y 1905, volvió a serlo desde 1912 hasta 1916.

En 1925, un golpe de Estado militar abrió un nuevo periodo reformista y puso fin a los gobiernos liberales moderados (encabezados por las clases altas de Guayaquil y por los exportadores de cacao). El nuevo régimen no pudo superar la grave crisis económica mundial iniciada en 1929.

En 1941, Ecuador se enfrentó a Perú en una breve guerra fronteriza. Finalmente, el 29 de enero de 1942, el presidente ecuatoriano, el liberal Carlos Alberto Arroyo del Río, firmó con los peruanos el Protocolo de Paz, Amistad y Límites. Por este acuerdo, Ecuador renunciaba a sus reivindicaciones sobre una extensa parte de la Amazonia


Nuclear power plant in Germany. Source: inhabitat.

By Gundhramns Hammer
September 24, 2014
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Rich is the one who has inner peace in Mother Nature´s grand palace: Life. 

The authors.

It is too far away to worry about. Besides, you don´t see it. And it is dangerous to those who happen to live nearby.

Furthermore, if you have a hard heart you won´t give a damn about it. Often closing this matter just by repeating like a parrot what can I do?

If you are one of those millions of voluntary “democratic” modern slaves happily tethered to the power that sucks up your power at the end of the power line, living in a powerful nation whose power comes from debt power managed by powerful banks in the end, all you care about is to always have power to power anything that needs power in your home.

If powered by electricity that comes from a nuclear power plant, then this power is ultimately based on the power extracted from uranium which comes from a distant and unseen foreign mine.

At the mine, once the uranium is squeezed out of the ore, the radioactive tailings contaminate the mining spot with subtle yet powerful invisible radiation (Video 1), with enough power to turn anybody alive around into a mass of lifeless and powerless meat sooner or later or leave your body without any power to fight against the economic forces behind the contaminating power coming from the nucleus power or against the political power in the hands of powerful enterprises which care only about gathering all of the power money can give them in their global quest for power to meet the demand of masses of consumers that want power at any cost to power whatever needs power at home.

 Video 1. Geiger counter at uranium min tailing in Moab (Utah, USA).

Power to power stuff in a labyrinth of power to power countless numbers of electric gadgets from coffee pots to wake you up in the morning or at noon and sex machine guns (Video 2), to extract a human body´s orgasm power to freeze time for a jiff of time, all the way up to factories to mass produce weapons (Video 3) for crooks, personal or national security purposes or for wars of any kind (Video 4), killing machines at hellish slaughterhouses (Video 5) or for the robots used to pump out thousands of cars (Video 6) so that people can buy them to go to work to be sucked out of their life power, shop what they need or don´t need most of the time or to just simply jack around on a Friday night, searching for a substrate whereupon to discharge their genital power, and so forth. 

Warning: May offend some viewers.
 Video 2. Crazy sex machine to keep people in the moron´s box.

 Video 3. Inside a UAE weapons factory.

 Video 4. Battle for Iraq.

 Video 5. Humans and their cattle killing machines.

 Video 6. Inside look at Nissan Motor Kyushu Co. in Fukuoka, Japan.

Along this power line there are some useful things to power, of course. 

For example, hospitals where people if lucky get back their power also need power.

Modern food factories where edible commodities are stuffed with additives and other chemicals that can turn you into a zombie which is good for those in power to keep their power but bad for you because you lose your power, they too need to get powered.

In a city, this kind of food gathering out of the supermarket to put power back to the body is part of living crammed in a space like rats with abundant power but away from the production line rooted in Nature where all the power comes from.

Folks in a city are more exposed to the whims not only of economics but also of politics maverickly handled by powerful hands.

And on and on.

Anyway, this business of power is an endless line that underlines and also undermines our lives.

So, in such a power circle, why would you care about where this power comes from?

In the case of nuclear power, we should.

Do you want a nuclear power plant in your backyard?

Some people don´t give a shit.

Others already have this kind of facility in their backyards and are not happy about it.

There is evidence that people that live near nuclear facilities may get or die from bone cancer, especially children.

Denying this is lying or being paid or being afraid of losing the precious job to speak up otherwise.

But a nuclear power plant is only the end of the power line.

Let´s look at the opposite end of this nuclear power line.

What do we find here? 

Here is the thing of the uranium mines (Video 7).

 Video 7. Living near uranium mines in Niger.

And wherever uranium is mined, whatever the powerful mining interests tell us - sugar-coated stuff - on this matter, there is always an awful mess left behind at the mining site (Video 8).

Video 8. A slow genocide of the people: unranium mining leaves toxic nuclear legacy on Indigenous land.

It is a fucking mess nobody wants to have. Who can blame anybody for that?

No one should get this fucking mess.

We will give you another example, this time the story comes from one of the biggest stores for uranium in the world: Australia.

If you live in Europe, get to know the other end of the power line that powers your line if your line is hooked to a nuclear power plant (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Germany´s nuclear plant (Bjoern-Schwarz). Source: inhabitat.

Get to know the messy nucleus of the nuclear: The point of origin of the power to get power with enough power to leave the planet without life power.

Now, let us get to know this nuclear industry´s asshole located in our dear Australia (Video 9).

Video 9. Australia: Uranium mining story.

Uranium mining bad? Uranium tailings bad? Is radioactivivity beyond the line to which our bodies can cope with and remain healthy just another fraud? Is this only a fear or some kind of neurosis?

Some people think so. 

These people call it - i.e., nuclear energy - the "Century´s neurosis".

Be our guest. 

We for sure do not want to live near a pile of uranium tailings or a nuclear plant.

How are you doing?

How are you doing?

Feeling dizzy? Have gotten this far? Ready to quit reading? Tired of reading this fucking post? Mad? Worried? Carefree? Feeling ready to blow up? Not giving a fuck? Poodling crap in your brains ready to scream at us Fuck you?

Whatever it is (or was).... It is not surprising.

Although we humans are capable of massive amounts of neuronal permutations that what the crazy ancient Greek thinkers came to call “intelligence” – a word we often repeat like fucking programmed robots – folks, why not say it: 

We humans are fucking stupid. Ecologically speaking, that is. 

And many a times, in the way we lead our everyday lives or affairs too!

Just look at the anthropogenic mess around or go to where one is found (Videos 10-11).

 Video 10. The devastating effects of pollution in China: Vice´s report (1/2).

  Video 11. The devastating effects of pollution in China: Vice´s report (2/2).


Not convinced yet?

How about man´s world spending on nuclear weapons?

World spending on nuclear weapons surpasses US$1 trillion per decade, according to a 2010-2011 Global Zero report.

We humans are not only fucking stupid but also fucking mad!!

Mad? Offended? OK?

Good. We are going in the right direction.

Let us continue.

It was not long ago we came out of the "DDT madness", according to some authorities. 

Although there are now some people that claim that this "DDT business" was only a fraud, we would never drink a cup of this fucking stuff. We do not advise anyone to do so either. 

No matter what, we are back at it. 

Today, we are producing thousands of tonnes of all sorts of pesticides and other toxic substances in the labs and factories and using them to protect food crops or in industry and thus poisoning Mother Nature and ourselves in the end like mad. 

And this crap is already coming right back at us and making us sick!

We are working damn hard to turn ourselves into homegrown mutated aliens (Video 12) or joining soon the fossil crowd.

Video 12. Fallujah babies with birth defetcs due to depleted uranium WMD contaminated dust.

Oh, well... It´s all part of the "green revolution", the "electronic revolution" or the "economic revolution"!

And the invention ball keeps rolling. It is good for economics, isn´t it?

We are busy now into the "madness of genetically engineering the whole living world" to fit man´s economic whims (Videos 13-14).

 Video 13. The world according to Monsanto.

Video 14. El mundo según Monsanto.

It seems we will not be happy until we create a GM critter in the lab, one that once loose in the wild can turn back on us and eat us alive from the top of the head down to our assholes.

Oh, well... It´s only part of the "GMO revolution". It´s furthering our knowledge via science!

Hmm... Something smells fishy here!

No doubt some science stuff is damn good. But a lot of it such as biological weapons is fucking madness!

Anyway, we humans seem to love getting ourselves inside technological traps of our own making to get sooner or later fucked up to the gills.

We humans also love screwing Mother Nature to get what we think or dream we want and which pretty soon we do not want and throw it into the trash can to be taken to the city dump (Video 15).

 Video 15. Garbage truck chewing up furniture.

We do so until we get whipped back by Mother Nature.

Unfortunately, along our anti-biospheric madness we fuck others up (Video 16). Not fair!

 Video 16. Green: Palm oil deforestation.

We proudly call this “progress”. 

And here again we repeat this word – “progress” - like robots anytime we are confronted with a dilemma. 

Some is. No question about that. 

But some of this “progress” is fucking nasty. 

Some of this progreso is truly fucking up the power of life out of this planet.

Here is the grande problema.

As Joanna Lumley, through Egypt on her Nile River journey, longing for a different life far from petro fumes, whilst standing by a twig house of a Sudanese family living in open spaces, breathing fresh air in the desert and a long distance away from any crowded city, once pondered:

“I´m not sure we got it right... I´m not sure we got it right in the Western world...”   

We need to question our way of life and above all, our direction. Now more than ever.


We can´t give you any. You are the master.

We just shake your shit up. 

We all need our shit to be shaken up. Indeed! 

Unless we want to join the labyrinthodonts, we must wake up!

But come to think about it, there is one thing you can do:

Dont´t consume so much crap.

It is a good start.

How are you doing on this matter?

We are working fucking hard on it! 

Voluntarily, we already live below the poverty line.

But of course, with a different definition of richness embedded in our bones.  

Rich is the one who has inner peace in Mother Nature´s grand palace: Life. 

Time to sign off, folks. May all of you out there have a good day!

See you later alligators!!

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