viernes, 31 de enero de 2014


Balto and Gunnar Kaasen. Source: Balto´s True Story.


Source: AvaxHome
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Documentary about an adventure that has become known as the greatest dog story ever told and captured the imagination of children and adults throughout the world for almost a century. On January 28, 1925, newspapers and radio stations broke a terrifying story - diphtheria had broken out in Nome, Alaska, a city separated from the rest of the world for seven months by a frozen ocean. With aviation still in its infancy and amidst one of the harshest winters on record, there was only one way to reach the town - dogsled. In minus 60 degrees, over 20 men and at least 150 dogs, among them the famous Balto, set out to relay the antitoxin across 674 miles of Alaskan wilderness to save the town.

Download documentary: Icebound: The Greatest Dog Story Ever Told (BBC)

Links (from AvaxHome):


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jueves, 30 de enero de 2014


Source: RT.

By Gundhramns Hammer
January 30, 2014
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                   Man is a heap of unsustainable meat. 

So, you are planning to travel some 500 miles (804 km) next weekend just to fuck or get fucked, aren´t you? 

The perfumed letter you received from your secret love factory yesterday has put your brains and gonads at top speed!

Of course, you won´t tell your mate about your rear or front end slippery game. You will tell him/her it is just a matter of business. As usual. Yes, some fucking monkey business!!!

This fucking trip to fuck or get fucked is definitely not sustainable

And like this unsustainable trip, there are other millions of trips done on a daily basis by car owners - or should we say car-owned people, since people are slaves to their cars. 

What for? 

To go shopping to save one dollar even when people spend 5 dollars in gas to get to the mall, to go to the movies to get some adrenaline rush to pep up their boring or fucked up lives, to escape from hell at home, to go to the convenient store around the corner to buy a pack of beers, to simply jack around, etc., etc.

Yes, these are the unsustainable trips of the supposedly last word on evolution, man, on planet Earth. 

Well, at least that is what he believes or is been told to believe at school, by the rat torturing scientists and by the press. 

Farther from the truth. The way this fucking naked ape behaves, so incoherent in his actions and thinking, he really is a Homo insapiens

As someone said once: "Man is an abortion of nature". And the way we "manage" this beautiful planet, so fucked up, upside down by our unsustainable activities, we agree.

If you add up all of the unsustainable wheelings and dealings of man, this is what you get: A fucked up planet (Video 1).

                              Video 1. Man, Earth´s cancer once more.

Hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, man´s squandering of the planet´s natural resources have come this: Man is buried in his own shit!! 

And sadly and unfortunately man is burying other species with his shit too!!!

And he still has the guts to say he is "wise", that he is so special, that he is god´s favourite child, that he is above any kind creature on the planet! And all that crap invented to inflate his ego! 


Phooey!!! Let us double the fuck for that!!! And why not a million fucks!!!!

He´d better learn the lesson of the slug!!! We all humans must!

But has happened to your slimy trip?

The race for some pseudo-reproductive action is still on.

And there comes, chomping along, the top executive in the tearing up nature company called "Naturally Nature", yes, you. There comes the number one "smart" kid at work, the top baboon, with what? An unsustainable trip. A fucking trip.

The hour to part for your gonad injecting and unsustainable trip has finally arrived. 

You are so excited by the thought of the next bed hopping that your ass sphincter is failing to do what is supposed to do, to sustain what you cannot sustain. 

The tired and worn out muscle can no longer sustain the flush of your unsustainable meals. 

But being sort of a business Popeye, out of your morning cocaine influx instead of spinach, you muster some squeezing power and sustain a bit longer the lower end of your digestive tube. 

Your bowels are so irritated by so much unsustainable food stuff you gobble up day and night at home or during your dining at fancy restaurants. 

And you hang on for dear life, putting off your next anal explosion. You have got to pretend you are strong, ain´t ya?

Before you leave on your unsustainable trip, you manage to do some heavy duty and strange faking that will leave your mate wondering what the fuck is going on. 

But you have spitted your best lie on your mate at home. The war is won at this front. At least for the time being.

You get ready, say good bye, hop into your 2-tonne four wheel iron and plastic machine and off you go. 

Still squeezing damn hard below, of course.

Now, here is the question. 

Where the fuck do you think the gas for your greasy trip will come from?

Most oil comes from some poor or developing, or as lately called "emerging", nation. Some from the technological and polluting scratching done on their own turf by the "developed" nations. And soon a lot from the Arctic. 

Yes, the race to screw up the Arctic is on!! The marathon to fuck up the Arctic is on!! Fuck!!!

Here is a clip (Video 2) showing what those Homo insapiens who control the oil companies around the Arctic Circle are planning on doing, so that people - consumers - can jack around with their damn cars. And of course, for you. This way you can take your fucking unsustainable trip. 

Video 2. The Arctic battleground. Translation/Traducción: Click on icon (2nd L-R, bottom R) [Pinchar ícono (2º iz.-der, abajo a la der)].

Oops!! We are missing the fascinating birds who (why not who? they are who too!) are coming to our garden for their daily winter meal!!!! We enjoy staying at home serving our avian guests as last year (Video 3).

        Video 3. Red kites (Milvus milvus) in our garden in the Pyrenees (Winter 2013).

We are far from being sustainable, of course. That will happen only when we get to the tomb to be recycled by the worms. 

But we have simplified our lives quite drastically. So much so that most people could not stand the way we live. But we love it! 

Not many bills to pay and no debts means less slavery and therefore more time to learn the lessons given to us by Nature right in our garden.

We are always ruminating on the lessons of the slugs and other critters and "weeds" in our garden.

Cheers!! Have a good day!!! All of you out there!!!


Gärling T., Ettema D. & Friman M. (Eds.) (2014). Handbook of Sustainable Travel. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 341 p.

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014



¿Sabías tú que hay cazadores que están dispuestos a pagar hasta 9.000 euros en una subasta por el derecho a matar un lobo en España?

¿Te gustaría ayudar en la protección del lobo en España?

Did you know that there are hunters willing to pay up to 9.000 euros in an auction for the right to hunt down a wolf in Spain?

Would you like to help in the protection of wolves in Spain?

Aprender más/Learn more:

Por favor visita esta página web/Please visit this site: 

           Yo Soy Amig@ del Lobo


Source: Google Images.

By Gundhramns Hammer
January 29, 2014

Slugs are more than just annoying and troublesome creatures in your garden. Slugs have hidden secrets. 

Secrets that once unveiled can be useful to us. Useful to open our hearts to the beauty of life. 

And more important: Learning to love and care about Mother Nature.

Are you ready for the lesson of the slug? Do you want to find out what slugs have to teach us?



Go beyond your selfish ego!!!

Let your biophotons shine through!!!

Be a rainbow!!!


Source: Firefighter/Paramedic Stories.

By Gundhramns Hammer
January 29, 2014
Select, paste & translate

We are all in the waiting room, like it or not. Sooner or later we will get there. There are no exceptions. 

Now here are some big questions we should keep in mind before we kick the bucket: 
  • How are we preparing for this personal sunset? 
  • What  is our contribution to this world? 
  • Positive or negative input? 
  • Are we coming out of the boundaries of our egos and going beyond and extending our hands to others, human and nonhuman alike?

Now is the time. Tomorrow will be too late.

Make today a big day. Get involved and let your best pro-social behaviour come out. You can make a difference.

Don´t waste your time just jacking around!!!

How do you get started?

Very simple:
  • You can help an elderly neighbour by taking him or her in your car to the grocery store,
  • If you spend long hours building muscles at the gym with your friends or jogging to have the stamina of a hunting wolf, you and your friends might consider going to Africa, for example, instead and dig a well in a poor village,
  • You can adopt an abandoned pet,
  • You can support a poor family in a developing country (We do),
  • You can help Mother Nature by putting some restrain to your squandering habits,
  • You can help a turtle or any animal in need (Video 1) cross the street before it get crushed by other cars,
  • You can plant a tree or better yet, plant two or more (Video 2),
  • You can give birds a helping hand in the dead of winter (Videos 3),
  • You can plant flowers in your garden for the butterflies,
  • Get involved with an association or club working towards the preservation of biodiversity,
  • Etc.

        Video 1. People helping a tree sloth (Bradypus variegatus) get across the road.

                       Video 2. People get together for a reforestation project in Mexico.

                Video 3. Bird parade in our garden in the Pyrenees (Winter 2013)

The possibilities to help and be pro-social are endless and life itself puts them in front of our eyes!

Our lives are full of opportunities to be pro-social!!!

But do it now before the moment of truth arrives!!

When the moment of truth catches up with you, depending on how you acted and responded to others, be it human or nonhuman, the environment and life as a whole, the total sum of all the actions in your life will show on you face. 

Either you will go into eternal sleep with a smile on your face or with a grimace of rage, with your hands gripped to the sheets on your death bed.

Why wait to become part of the change for a change we all need to change what we must change?

                                                  WE MUST CHANGE THIS!!!

Cease the moment!!!! Transcend the boundaries of your own ego!!! 

Let your Me become a We!!!

lunes, 27 de enero de 2014


Fuente: Las Cosas Que Nunca Existieron.

Por Gundhramns Hammer
27 de enero de 2014
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¿Existen o no existen los demonios? Sí existen. ¿No somos nosotros mismos, los humanos? Claro que sí. Entre los humanos hay muchos diablos. ¡Hay demasiados, según las estadísticas ponerológicas! (Videos 1-2).

                               AVISO: CRUELDAD CONTRA ANIMALES
                    Video 1. El cruel festival del cerdo en Nem Thuong, Vietnam.

                             Video 2. La crueldad en la plaza de toros.

Pero aparte de lo anterior, la pregunta de si estos seres incorpóreos e inmundos denominados demonios, genios, djinns, entre otros nombres, son reales o no lo son aún permanece sin una respuesta plenamente satisfactoria. Al menos para muchos que sólo creen en lo que ven o tocan.

Desde el punto de vista científico, los diablos tal como los pintan en la mitología o religiones alrededor del mundo no existen. 

Los científicos necesitarían capturar unos demonios para experimentar con ellos o ellas. Y de la manera como la biotecnología va avanzando, no sería nada extraño que a los científicos tarde o temprano se les ocurriría crear demonios transgénicos (los GMDs), unas quimeras salidas de mezclar el ADN plásmico de los diferentes tipos de demonios que componen la daemodiversidad del infierno (Fig. 1).

Figura 1. Demonios del "Livre de la Vigne nostre Seigneur". Fuente: Conway (1879).

Según las leyendas, las cuales en varios casos no son leyendas pues son leyendas que parecen leyendas pero son más que leyendas, los campesinos en Panamá aseguran que tal cosa o tales cosas, es decir los demonios transgénicos, entre ellos estarían los chupacabras y el hombre toro violador de tumbas, ya existen. 

Sí, ya existen, de acuerdo a algunos panameños que han visto o han sido atacados por  estos seres malignos de la oscuridad. 

Y los GMDs han sido creados en un laboratorio subterráneo secreto que supuestamente estaría ubicado en alguna parte de la selva en la región del Darién o en el laberinto de cavernas de la Cordillera Central, especialmente en la provincia de Coclé, de acuerdo a los reportes panameños. Sobre este tema ya hablaremos en otra ocasión.

De esta manera, utilizando los demonios capturados como conejillos de Indias, los científicos, al menos aquellos no ortodoxos, podrían llegar a una respuesta, la cual como tal sólo sería temporaria, pues la ciencia es una búsqueda sin cesar, cambiante y una tarea inacabable. 

La ciencia no es perfecta. De ser así no estaríamos respirando smog, chog, o comiendo xenobióticos, por ejemplo

Y sabiendo que el hombre está limitado por sus cinco sentidos y a lo que sus aparatos tecnológicos arrojan y que son una extensión de sus sentidos, él sólo puede captar una infinitesimal parte de todo lo que le rodea, entonces la posibilidad de que seres etéreos, ultra-terrenales o interdimensionales existan no puede ser descartada tan a la ligera. La cuestión sobre los demonios sigue latente. 

Por lo tanto, no se puede aseverar con 100% de seguridad que no existen, ni tampoco se puede negar con 100% de seguridad que no existen, los demonios. 

Su existencia o no existencia no depende de que nosotros creamos o no en su existencia o no existencia.

¿Y dónde nos encontramos hoy, con respecto a estos espíritus malignos? 

El interés por la demonología no ha muerto. Está vivo y coleando. En la actualidad hay mucha gente que adora a los demonios. 

A los seguidores del demonio mejor conocido como satanás o satán, se les denomina satanistas (Video 3).

   Video 3. Testimonio de rituales satánicos y sacrificios humanos por un ex-satanista.

Hay expertos, como el Dr. Henry Makow, que aseguran que "el mundo actual está regido por satanistas". Y para colmo de males, algunos países, como por ejemplo el Reino Unido, están "bajo el control de satanistas pedófilos", según David Richards.

Dicen los entendidos en satanismo que si una persona quiere logar el ansiado éxito económico, o sea hacerse multimillonario y famoso, tan famoso que la gente le lama el culo, el interesado debe pasar por un estricto colador de los satanistas. El o ella debe convertirse en servidor de la élite satanista y por supuesto del diablo.

En fin, el diablo está vivo. "El diablo anda suelto", como nos dijo una vez un campesino panameño. 

Y para estudiar y lograr comprender un poco este mundo oculto debemos tener una mente abierta. No negar lo que no podemos ver es un buen principio. 

Y esta cuestión de la existencia de los demonios es abordada de manera interesante por Anthony Head (Video 3). Este investigador explora el mundo de los estos seres ocultos. 

Para resolver este misterio, Head entrevista a máximas autoridades en exorcismo y a los entendidos en la historia de los demonios.

Para comenzar, el investigador Head se dirige hacia el Vaticano y habla con el Presidente Honorario de la Asociación de Exorcistas, quien probablemente sea el exorcista de mayor experiencia dentro de la Iglesia Católica Universal, el padre Gabrielle Amorth, con más de 70 mil exorcismos realizados.

Luego Head se dirige al desierto sirio para entrevistar a un profesor de Estudios Bíblicos de la Universidad de Oxford (UK). Se dirige hacia lugar donde en una época del lejano pasado hubieron pueblos que adoraban a ciertos dioses, esos que hoy son considerados los demonios. 

De principio a fin, Anthony Head no permite que tú pierdas el interés sobre el tema. No faltan las reconstrucciones de casos de posesión por demonios cuando es necesario.

La investigación de Head para revelar los secretos de estos espíritus malignos no desilusiona. Y él a su manera contesta muchas de las interrogantes que los interesados en demonología se puedan plantear.

Y en un mundo donde abunda la gente endiablada, este documental merece la pena verlo para averiguar no sólo sobre los demonios sino también sobre nosotros mismos, los verdaderos demonios sobre el planeta Tierra, pues cuando actuamos como los demonios no queda duda que somos demonios (Videos 1-2).

Ahora vayámonos directo al grano, al documental (Video 4) de Anthony Head sobre los demonios:


Click on translator icon (2nd left to right, lower bottom on the right) for other languages.

                                        Video 4. Noche de terror: los demonios.



Conway M. D. (1879). Demonology and Devil-Lore. Henry Holt and Company, New York, NY, USA. 2 Vols. (Vol. I, 428 p.; Vol. II, 472 p.

Guiley R. E. (2009). The Encyclopedia of Demons & Demonology. Facts On File, Inc., Infobase Publishing, Inc., New York, NY, USA. 302 p.


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