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LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT YOU DO TO US! Source: Animal Pictures Gallery. |
By Gundhramns Hammer & Salvatore Scimino
May 26, 2014
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animals are taken by millions to slaughterhouses worldwide around the clock and
only a small percentage of the planet´s human population is really concerned about this daily holocaust.
animals have their heads shot with electric gadgets (Figs. 1-3; Video 1) in what human zombies in
charge of this slaughter and health authorities paid to watch over this killing
field call a “humane death”.
Video 1. Shocking slaughter footage in English slaughtershouse.
Did you skip the video? You should watch it! Get to know what your meat!
In some countries, the live animals (e.g., chickens) are dragged through electrified vats containing water. The "humanely killed" animals are simply paralysed. They are still conscious when they get to the next hellish step.
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Figure 1. Cow at hell. Source: twinsphere.org. |
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Figure 2. Goat at hell. Source: twinsphere.org. |
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Figure 3. Pig at hell. Source: twinsphere.org. |
Did you skip the video? You should watch it! Get to know what your meat!
In some countries, the live animals (e.g., chickens) are dragged through electrified vats containing water. The "humanely killed" animals are simply paralysed. They are still conscious when they get to the next hellish step.
If no electric paraphernalia is used, then there is the knife or sharp blades.
The poor four-legged creatures have their throats mercilessly cut mechanichally or by hand and left to bleed to death slowly.
The poor four-legged creatures have their throats mercilessly cut mechanichally or by hand and left to bleed to death slowly.
In some cases, this throat cutting is done right after a man mumbles a socially convenient “blessing” stemming from archaic religious “laws” over the animals to be “sacrificed”, in order to please strange blood thirsty and blood loving gods that hide in hell.
Another living
universe has come to pass by. Its life has been severed in the slaughterhouse.
To humans, the
killing seemed fast and “humane” but to the sentient being (cow, pig,
horse, goat, sheep, etc.) forced into these tunnels of the industrial animal
hell, its execution probably lasted an eternity.
The paralysed but still conscious
or semicounscious animals are next “inhumanly” hanged on hooks
anchored on a conveyor´s belt (Fig. 4). It does not matter at all that they kick and
shake, trying to stay away from danger. A behavioural marvel of life protecting
life, as old as life itself.
There is no empathy in the slaughterhouse. Nobody at the animal hell gives a damn about the tortured and killed sentient creatures.
The butchers work like zombies. They get busy in the slaughterhouse, functioning like pieces of a giant bloody machine.
Indeed, these people are. These “humans” are vampires. And so are consumers of this kind of Molochian meat.
The “humane” process continues at the animal hell.
Supposedly “unconscious”, the animals, for example cows, will undergo processing (Video 2) such as skinning and have their guts yanked out of their bodies, mechanically or by hand, sprinkling and spreading shit all over the floor, on the carcasses and the workers´ white clothes.
Video 2. Slaughterhouse: Cow killing.
Somewhere along this bloody line, pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, ostriches or horse corpses are given another electric shock.
This one goes to “break” the rigor mortis, according to the experts in vampirising animals.
The animal´s life is not yet finished, for their bodies are full of billions of cells still alive. But with no oxygen at hand, the miraculous cells switch to other metabolic pathways (anaerobic glycolysis), trying to keep the collective alive.
In their last efforts, these cells will produce lactic acid which, along with other enzymes broken free from the lysosomes, will accumulate in the muscle fibres.
Hanging in the air and pervading the entire slaughterhouse, the decomposing bacteria now get their chance to do what they were meant to do. They get busy to work. These bacteria find themselves in heaven in and out on the animal corpse.
Because of this, the hanging cadavers are hosed down with nasty chemicals (chlorine) to hopefully kill any bugs on the carcasses.
Heads and feet are finally chopped off, carcasses are halved or cut into pieces ready to be thrown into the freezing room or shipped inside temperature controlled containers carried by Chinese liners all over the world.
In the end, the meat you get is not just meat. It has been also injected, pampered, aesthetical attended with health-approved chemicals to stop decomposition and keep any bacteria away, enhance flavour, etc.
The following list of chemicals will give a good idea of what the meat industry uses to make meat "safe" and "pretty". the data have been extracted from Feiner (2006):
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Figure 4. Cows hell. Source: The KC Star. |
There is no empathy in the slaughterhouse. Nobody at the animal hell gives a damn about the tortured and killed sentient creatures.
The butchers work like zombies. They get busy in the slaughterhouse, functioning like pieces of a giant bloody machine.
Indeed, these people are. These “humans” are vampires. And so are consumers of this kind of Molochian meat.
The “humane” process continues at the animal hell.
Supposedly “unconscious”, the animals, for example cows, will undergo processing (Video 2) such as skinning and have their guts yanked out of their bodies, mechanically or by hand, sprinkling and spreading shit all over the floor, on the carcasses and the workers´ white clothes.
Somewhere along this bloody line, pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, ostriches or horse corpses are given another electric shock.
This one goes to “break” the rigor mortis, according to the experts in vampirising animals.
The animal´s life is not yet finished, for their bodies are full of billions of cells still alive. But with no oxygen at hand, the miraculous cells switch to other metabolic pathways (anaerobic glycolysis), trying to keep the collective alive.
In their last efforts, these cells will produce lactic acid which, along with other enzymes broken free from the lysosomes, will accumulate in the muscle fibres.
Hanging in the air and pervading the entire slaughterhouse, the decomposing bacteria now get their chance to do what they were meant to do. They get busy to work. These bacteria find themselves in heaven in and out on the animal corpse.
Because of this, the hanging cadavers are hosed down with nasty chemicals (chlorine) to hopefully kill any bugs on the carcasses.
Heads and feet are finally chopped off, carcasses are halved or cut into pieces ready to be thrown into the freezing room or shipped inside temperature controlled containers carried by Chinese liners all over the world.
In the end, the meat you get is not just meat. It has been also injected, pampered, aesthetical attended with health-approved chemicals to stop decomposition and keep any bacteria away, enhance flavour, etc.
The following list of chemicals will give a good idea of what the meat industry uses to make meat "safe" and "pretty". the data have been extracted from Feiner (2006):
- Salts (citrates, lactates, potassium chloride, sodium chloride),
- Phosphates (sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium metaphosphate, trimetaphosphate, tetrametaphosphate),
- Hydrocolloids (carboxymethylcellulose, locust bean gum, carrageenan, pectin, alginate, agar agar, guar gum, xantham gum, gelatin, modifid starch),
- Fillers (flour, maltodextrin, wheat fibre, konjac, cereal binder, rusk),
- Flavour enhancers (monosodium glutamate, inosine-5-monophosphates of sodium, potassium and calcium, E-631, E-632, E-633),
- Antioxidants (tocopherol, carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid, phenols),
- Colours (Red 2G, E-120, E-124, E-150, E-162, E-129, paprika oleoresin, fermented rice),
- Acid regulators (citric acid, Glucono-δ-lactone),
- Emulsifiers (lecithin, monoglycerides and diglycerides from fatty acids: palmitic, stearic and oleic acids)
- Etc.
Incidentally, chicken meat (e.g., breasts) and fish are also bleached to make them more appealing to you, according to the cultural programme you have in your head. The bleaching agents used for this purpose are titanium dioxide (E-171), hydrogen peroxide, chlorine and sulphites (Feiner, 2006).
If you have any food allergies, now you know why, at least in part.
How about hygiene in the slaughterhouse?
The meat industry does its best to project a heavenly picture of its gruesome business in the media. If workers, clothes and killing and butchering rooms are ever shown on magazines or TV, what you will see is people dressed in immaculate white clothes and thouroghly clean installations. But the reality is another story.
Forget about hygiene in slaughterhouses. The fact is that where there is shit and blood splashed all over there can never be 100% hygiene for the final meat consumer.
In other words, the consumer will eventually eat shit particles (Video 3) loaded with billions of bacteria, parasites and viruses.
Forget about the nasty chemicals killing all the bacteria munching on the animal cadaver.
These decomposing bacteria are being subjected on a daily basis to an evolutionary process in the slaughterhouse and the microorganisms will respond to the pressure with new adaptations.
But the demonic picture does not stop here. There is the matter of antibiotics.
For example, 900 tonnes of antibiotics are given to domestic animals in Germany alone each year.
Which means that any bacteria found in the stomach of the animals get used to the rain of antibiotics and build resistance against these chemicals.
As a result, we now have to deal with extremely tough pathogens.
Experts are now talking about extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing strains of bacteria (e.g., Escherichia coli), with special enzymes (β-lactamases) that open the β-lactam ring by adding a water molecule to the common β-lactam bond, and this inactivates the β-lactam antibiotic from penicillin to carbapenems (Tham, 2012). This makes these critters hard to get rid of.
This way you get new strains that no chemical, antibiotic or even heat can kill them.
This is the reason why there are some bacteria such as Escherichia coli O157:H7 that can perforate the intestine of a human meat consumer and send him or her her directly to the hospital or the funeral home.
Eating meat is a risky business for humans.
On top of that, meat is not only full of crap but also is a natural source of hundreds of chemicals which when cooked will combine in multiple ways to produce even more chemicals.
So far, scientists have identified over 300 new chemicals formed at the time of cooking animal meat.
In the human gut, these chemicals will interact with those produced by the intestinal microbiota.
The resulting chemical molotov contains some nasty chemicals (e.g., amines and heterocyclic hydrocarbons) hazardous to human health.
The next thing you know is that your doctor tells you that you have got colon cancer (Video 4).
End of the line for you.
The clock keeps ticking away. Another animal is shot in the head. Who cared? Sadly, few people.
Do you care?
Yes? No?
If not, your ingrained cultural patterns (software, cultural programme) stuck in your head and sucked from your family keep you from seen and understanding what you should see and understand to get where we all should get: The universe of empathy.
Globalised Molochian mega-hell in Ethiopia
The killing of animals in slaughterhouses has been globalised. People´s thirst for blood cannot be quenched.
Vampirising on animals has become more fashionable as humans make more money.
To add wood to this blood bath fire, most doctors who have never taken a nutrition or toxicology course in their fucking lives highly recommend that all Homo insapiens should feed a lot on animal cadavers (Fig. 5).
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Figure 5. Roasted pig head. Source: pikdit.com. |
Meat is more than meat.
Since ancient times, meat eating has been considered a symbol of power and strength. And in human societies, power is the name of the game.
And where there is business and power, the mafia steps in.
For example, there is now what is called "trafficking in sacred cows".
In places like India and Bangladesh (Video 5), the sacred cows are being butchered illegally to meet the demand as the new generation of human biological robots ask for animal blood and flesh.
Furthermore, some investors from the Indian subcontinent are cashing in as well. Intensive factory animal farms are popping up not just in India but also everywhere around the world.
The Indian new rich have more money than they know what to do with. These new millionaires are amongst the land grabbing elite hitting Africa and Latin America.
This is why a few anti-biospheric Indian wealthy entrepreneurs have spotted Ethiopia as an ideal place to do business at.
Although there are a lot of people going to bed without eating or having a hard time to keep alive in Ethiopia, Indian investors are setting up huge farming complexes (e.g., giant rose greenhouses).
Their products are being exported to the “developed” nations. Money is the name of their game.
And as expected, slaughterhouses are part of this economic invasion in Africa.
Some Indian entrepreneurs are setting up what perhaps will be the biggest slaughterhouse in Ethiopia.
The meat plant will start killing animals by september 2014. Right now, constructions workers are busy building the new animal hell.
The plant´s goal is to produce 75 tonnes of meat daily, which really means that 200 cattle (25 tonnes) and 5000 sheep or goats (50 tonnes) will lose their lives on a daily basis. Fuck!
As expected, this animal hell will be tucked away in a fancy building away from people´s eyes.
But some experts warn that there is more than meets the eye. They smell something fishy about this kind of investments in Africa.
Besides making money on animal suffering, there is the chance of going narco and meat washing.
Narco-hamburgers, narco-liver, narco-meat....
From the business point of view, Ethiopia was probably chosen as the place for this animal mega-hell for various reasons: availability of cheap animals, lax laws, government corruption, confluent international commercial routes, etc.
Some foreign investors choose African countries for two main reasons, according to some economists.
One is cheap labour. Workers get low wages and are nonunionised.
The second main reason is the possibility of Money laundering on site or via tax havens far away.
Since colonial times, cattle ranching and animal slaughtering have been quick and easy means to an end: To “wash” money siphoned off from the underworld.
Cattle farming and meat businesses were used to quickly launder any money obtained from contraband in the olden days.
And now in modern globalised times, the profits coming from drugs, diamonds, weapons, humans and human meat and organs, ivory, bushmeat, and exotic animal and plant trafficking can be immediatelly put through the global money laundering machine by creating a complex web of apparently legal bussinesses all over the world, especially in emerging economies.
And some of these "legal" businesses may also include cattle ranching and cow slaughter. This is what some experts call "narco-ganadería" (narco-cattle ranching).
Just as Honoré de Balzac said that "behind every fortune there is a crime", so it is with some global businesses or giant multinationals.
Hidden in a tax haven, big businesses and corporations may have hundreds of phantom firms with their fucking feet deeply stuck in the shit of the underworld.
In some cases, slaughterhouses, for example, are just the tip of a fucking filthy mafiosi iceberg.
So, what appears to be only a hamburger or piece of liver on your dinner plate may well be a narco-hamburger, narco-steak or narco-liver!
Do you want that?
Mega-slaughterhouses in Africa mean for you meat eaters one thing: Watch out!
It means that after September 2014, your globalised hamburger most likely will contain bits of Ethiopian animals. Or there is a good chance that your chunk of meat for dinner may have come from Ethiopia as well.
And considering that most people have a price and thus some health officials can be bought anytime and anywhere, who knows what kind of pathogens (including BSE, bovine spongiform encephalopathy) you will be consuming.
So, your next hamburger could well be your own personal September 11th!
The hidden horrors of modern society
There are horrors hidden from the public eyes in any modern society. There is one that is quite violent, bloody and cruel and hides inside a complex of buildings usually located in the periphery of the city.
This nasty hidden bloody world has been perfectly exposed by Dr. Timothy Pachirat (2011), Assistant Professor of Politics at the New School of Social Reseach in New York, who worked undercover in a slaughterhouse.
Obviously, these animal hells cannot function by themselves. Some particular people work at these slaughterhouses.
What kind of people?
Basic pleistocenic or poverty stricken people. Trafficked or migrant workers hit by terrible poverty or psychopathic people who function as programmed biological robots and enjoy killing are found in this vampiric business. Their job is killing. Animal blood is the name of their game.
Although these human killing machines might have a family, they would never dare bringing their children to their work place: The slaughterhouse.
If they ever did, rest assure that their kids would shit in their pants in front of the horror and nightmare taking place before their own eyes.
Even a child knows the difference of what is good or bad for him, let alone when confronted with the terror of slaughtering or any nasty bloodshed.
In our travels around the world, we once witnessed how a five year old boy saw with his own eyes how another his father and two more men castrated his dog with a sharp pocket knife without anaesthesia in Latin America.
The poor dog, held by two robotic men, screamed and wriggled like hell due to the terrible pain.
This live horror movie haunted this kid for a long time.
We were told by his mother that the poor child had recurrent vivid “nightmares of having his own balls cut for a long time”. She said this happened almost every night, for three years right after he had seen the brutal “surgery” done on his dog.
In the child´s mind, his dog and himself were still one before the fucking “logic” of the adults took over and erased forever this sacred connection.
And some kids have gone a step further. In their secret emotional world, they have come to the conclusion and know the difference that any god that likes animal or human blood is no god at all but a demon instead.
Yes, it is a demon, they would tell you.
We have met the devil and the devil is us, humans.
Tough conclusion but absolutely true.
It is up to all of us to move the dial towards the opposite side, deep in our hearts: To the realm of love and empathy for everyone, humans and nonhumans alike.
Are you working on this? We are.
Feiner G. (2006). Meat Products Handbook: Practical Science and Technology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA. 648 p.
Mahajan V. (2012). The Arab World Unbound: Tapping into the Power of 350 Million Consumers. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA. USA. 432 p.
Pachirat T. (2011). Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialised Slaughter and the Politics ofSight. Yale Agrarian Studies. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, USA. 320 p.
Tham J. (2012). Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae:Epidemiology, Risks Factors, and Duration of Carriage. Doctoral Thesis, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. 85 p.
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