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By Gundhramns Hammer
May 29, 2014
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The Central African Republic (CAR) is a rich country but has fallen prey to corruption and mismanagement. This nation has been in the hands of satanists and human alligators controlled by foreign powers lodged in freemasonry circles, especially in France, according to secret society experts.
The CAR´s mineral richness is notorious. It is ranked 14th amongst the world´s leading producers of diamonds by volume and the 12th amongst those that produce rough diamonds (Soto-Viruet, 2012).
But this country´s mineral treasure does not end here. The CAR has also large mineral deposits of iron, copper, graphite, ilmenite, kyanite, manganese, monazite, quartz, salt, rutile, tin, uranium (Soto-Viruet, 2012), gold (Matthysen & Clarkson, 2013) and phosphates (Straaten, 2002).
Despite the abundant sci-fi brainwashing crap printed and in the media, scientists are still far from finding a solution to the problem of man´s oil addiction.
Most likely, the solution which is not a solution, for this solution is a dangerous solution, will be going nuclear.
There are a few countries already building new nuclear plants (NPs) (e.g., China, India). Other countries such as France are planning on constructing more NPs in the near future.
MIT energy experts say that this nuclear tech will be coupled with less fuel consumption (less jacking around for wasteful people, perhaps a km tax), more fuel efficient cars by reducing drag and weight and putting them better designed combustion gadgets. And of course, the so-called "alternative energies" will be thrown into this sack too.
All of this will require mineral and energy deposits. And African countries have them galore.
This is one of the main reasons why Africa, a vast and "resource-rich" continent, has been maintained backward, sort of a safety deposit in the bank or a kind of a mineral ranch.
And the time has come to dig for the African treasure.
The zombied squanderers in the "developed" nations or the members of creepy and sneaky high income classes in "developing" nations are demanding stuff all the time.
They are also asking for lots of food (50% of which will be wasted), but they cannot eat chunk of minerals.
People (Homo insapiens) need real food and to grow crops for food you need one key ingredient: Phosphates.
The zombied squanderers in the "developed" nations or the members of creepy and sneaky high income classes in "developing" nations are demanding stuff all the time.
They are also asking for lots of food (50% of which will be wasted), but they cannot eat chunk of minerals.
People (Homo insapiens) need real food and to grow crops for food you need one key ingredient: Phosphates.
And it happens that phosphates are definitely nonrenewable resources and are in short supply wordwide. And the CAR has them!
In these geopolitical games, the people do not count. In other words, they can be fucked up, elimininated, send to hell.
Since the days when the colonial powers beat themselves to pulp in foreign horizons trying to grab as much land as possible are long gone, now the job is done by proxy.
All you have to do is pay under the table a few fucking guerrilla nuts and order them to go about shooting and chopping up every human being and wildlife they can find and thus devastate an entire area rich in resources.
The goal is to leave the spotted area empty of people, next you put a puppet on the command chair and voilà, the next thing you know a peace treaty is signed between the guerrilla faction and the puppet government, the official end of the "civil war", and soon the multinationals will move in to dig the minerals for all of us, the consumers, the human cattle.
This way the rich nations´ standing armies also get their sacks filled, for they need resources to have their fancy equipment, warheads, nukes and satellites ready for any "eventual war" and thus protect you and watch over the "national interests".
In the end, all of this anti-biospheric vicious circle is done so that the "developed" or sophisticated consumer wherever he might be can phone his mate and ask whether or not he or she wants to fuck or get fucked tonight or to talk any bullshit via electronic gadgets.
This is exactly what is going on in the CAR: A fight for its treasure (Video 1), so that anyone having enough money and willingness to spend it on high tech gadgets can have the "choice" and "freedom" to buy them.
Video 1. War in the Central African Republic.
In this tragic game, the human alligators is we humans, us, the consumers.
We humans are fucking mad!
And it is fucking sad poor African people get the end of the stick!
It is time to ponder about our consumption habits and change them.
Ecce our biggest challenge.
Matthysen K. & Clarkson I. (2013). Gold and diamonds in the Central African Republic: The country´s mining sector, and related social, economic and environmental issues. ActionAid and Cordaid, Amsterdam/Den Haag, The Netherlands. 36 p.
Soto-Viruet Y. (2012). The Mineral Industries of Central African Republic, Côte d'Ivoire, and Togo. U.S Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA. 5 p.
Straaten P. van (2002). Rock for crops: Agrominerals of sub-Saharan Africa. International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya. 348 p.
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