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Source: theguardian. |
"By different means the World Bank is one of the major and most influential promoters of the prevailing monoculture tree plantation model. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) -a part of the World Bank Group, whose specific task is the promotion of private sector investment in "poor" countries- has been directly investing in projects linked to tree plantations, for example in Kenya and Brazil.
The IFC has recently signed two agreements to fund two of these initiatives in West Africa. One of them consists of the reopening of a rubber company in Liberia that was shut down during the civil war, while the other is the set up of an oil palm plantation in Cote d'Ivoire." [The Bitter Fruit of Oil Palm: Dispossesion and Deforestation, by World Rainforest Movement (2001), page 36]]
"By different means the World Bank is one of the major and most influential promoters of the prevailing monoculture tree plantation model. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) -a part of the World Bank Group, whose specific task is the promotion of private sector investment in "poor" countries- has been directly investing in projects linked to tree plantations, for example in Kenya and Brazil.
The IFC has recently signed two agreements to fund two of these initiatives in West Africa. One of them consists of the reopening of a rubber company in Liberia that was shut down during the civil war, while the other is the set up of an oil palm plantation in Cote d'Ivoire." [The Bitter Fruit of Oil Palm: Dispossesion and Deforestation, by World Rainforest Movement (2001), page 36]]
"A través de diversas
vías, el Banco Mundial es uno de los mayores y más poderosos impulsores del modelo
de monocultivos forestales que prevalece actualmente. La Corporación Financiera
Internacional(CFI), que forma
parte del Grupo Banco Mundial y tiene como cometido específico la promoción de inversiones
del sector privado en países "pobres", ha estado invirtiendo
directamente en proyectos vinculados a plantaciones forestales, como ser (sic) en
Kenia y Brasil.
Recientemente la CFI
ha suscrito dos acuerdos para financiar sendas iniciativas en Africa
Occidental. Una de ellas consiste en la reapertura de una compañía productora
de caucho en Liberia, que había cerrado sus puertas durante la guerra civil,
mientras que la otra se trata del establecimiento de una plantación de palma
aceitera en Costa de Marfil." [El amargo
fruto de la palma datilera: despojo y deforestación, por Movimiento
Mundial por los Bosques Tropicales (2001), pág. 40]
The Bitter Fruit of Oil Palm: Dispossesion and Deforestation, by World Rainforest Movement (2001)
Read the full document: Click HERE.
El amargo
fruto de la palma datilera: despojo y deforestación, por Movimiento
Mundial por los Bosques Tropicales (2001)
Leer el documento completo: pinchar AQUI.
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