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By Gundhramns Hammer
April 29, 2014
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So much wealth in his hands and yet so poor!
There is an old saying that says
that “you can´t squeeze blood out of a
However, if you know how to squeeze the
energy accumulated in the turnip to convert it into another form of energy that
can be used and sold in the market, you might get blood or milk from a turnip.
And indeed, this is what some people
have been able to do. They have taken someone else´s turnips and turned them
into lots of blood and milk, which means lots of profits.
This will happen in any society full
of moronic people with short-circuited brains to let a few astute human devils
to take and get away with everybody´s turnips.
This is how we come to what we call piezopolitics.
The word piezopolitics is
derived from Greek "piezein", which means to "squeeze"
or "press".
We use piezopolitics to refer
to the squeeze effect a wealthy and
powerful person or oligarch, in other words, a plutocrat, can have on politicians in any given human society.
The oligarch´s piezopolitic effect can be direct, indirect in and with a cascading
The direct effect is when an influence is generated by the oligarch and
applied directly on the politician. It amounts to a “gift” or “convenient arrangement”
given or done by the oligarch to or with the politician for a gainful purpose.
Keeping in mind that, as someone
once said, if a poor person gives the city mayor a hen, this is considered a “bribe” whereas if a wealthy person
gives him a large quantity of money, this is called a “gift” or a “contribution”.
On the other hand, the piezopolitic
effect can be indirect. In this case,
it is a sociomechanical movement created by the application of a hidden power
coming from the oligarch through a chain of steps which may be influences working
in and with a cascading effect with the assistance of specific agents placed in
such a way that they are occupying strategic positions in the social fabric in
which the plutocrat is acting out his economic game.
In the end, the oligarch has the
upper hand. He utilises his piezopolitical power to harvest his economic crop
directly or indirectly.
There is a full array of
piezopolitical power factors at the disposition of the oligarch, the main one
being his great quantities of money.
So the oligarch has properties and
properties of the properties and properties of the properties properties to
play with in any given society.
These properties can be called S
factors, which are the direct measurements of his piezopolitical effect on
the sociomechanics in his own society.
Since the
conversion of piezopolitical to sociomechanical energy is not perfect due to
friction, resistance, waste and incoherence presented by any managed human
population, in other words the conversion is always leaky and incomplete, the S factors are always less than unity.
In piezopolitics, plutocrats always shoot for higher
S values in new socioeconomic
situations. These new socioeconomic structures are usually created by the same
plutocrats for such purpose.
Higher S values mean more economic gain (profit)
for these global chupopterans
(Spanish, chupar = to suck).
This also
means that more sweat and blood is sucked from the managed herds of humans.
And the
managed herds of humans along with their biospherically blind and ecologically
moronic global masters in turn put the full pressure upon the fabric of Nature (Biosphere)
in the end.
What we have
is that higher S values really mean higher Biospheric degradation and destruction.
Thus, as a whole, the sociomechanical
effect of the plutocrat´s piezopolitical power is the ability of his money to
convert one form of influence or arrangement to a sociomechanical apparatus set
up to make more money.
Piezopolitics is the plutocrat´s
cornerstone to his financial success and social grip maintained in the overall global
power pyramid.
The following clip (Video 1) will
give a good example of a piezopolitical
harvest gathered by one of the richest men in Canada: Paul Desmarais, Sr. (1927-2013), a man who went from a simple and
starving bus driver in Sudbery, a little town in Ontario, with the helping hand
of the local monsignor in the beginning and then via loans from banks, to becoming the 4th wealthiest man
in Canada.
In conspiracy circles, this man,
Paul Desmarais, Sr., who was CEO of the Power Corporation of Canada (PCC) (Fig.
1), an officer of the Order of Quebec and a member of the Bilderberg Group, the
North American Competitive Council and the Council on Foreign Relations, was
considered to be “an agent of the
Vatican´s economic empire in Canada and beyond its borders”.
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Figure 1. PCC: Connecting the power. Source: westernstandardblogs.com. |
To his sons, Paul Jr. and André Desmarais, now correspond to continue with their father´s anti-biospheric empire.
again and more:
It is the branch of human knowledge that studies the squeezing, presssure or
wealth power and influence an oligarch or plutocrat has on politicians in order
to create, maintain and augment his own economic empire.
The word piezopolitics is
derived from Greek "piezein", which means to "squeeze"
or "press".
As in electrodynamics, this business
of piezopolitics, more specific the S
factors (S, from squeezing), can be
defined as follows:
- The square root of the ratio of the money available in sociomechanical form to the total piezopolitical input, or as,
- The square root of the ratio of the money output in piezopolitical form to the total sociomechanical input.
For the time being, we will not deal with and expand any more all of this piezopolitics universe in mathematical terms.
Be our guest!
Perhaps someone will take our lead and come out with an interesting book on piezopolitics.
Hopefully, this someone will not be one of those people inclined to writing long and boring books.
Let us hope he will not be someone who writes books to be somebody either, to stand out in the crowd of morons or in order to get some extra money to keep him from starving or to stash it away in a tax havens investing in phantom firms that have one way or another their feet stuck in the mud of the underworld.
Be our guest!
Perhaps someone will take our lead and come out with an interesting book on piezopolitics.
Hopefully, this someone will not be one of those people inclined to writing long and boring books.
Let us hope he will not be someone who writes books to be somebody either, to stand out in the crowd of morons or in order to get some extra money to keep him from starving or to stash it away in a tax havens investing in phantom firms that have one way or another their feet stuck in the mud of the underworld.
Someone beyond the idea of making money and/or writing to land somewhere along the line with a better paying job due to a new book in his pocket in a world already full of too much Scheiße.
Not someone whose books are full of ingenious but nevertheless
silly and useless mathematical formulae not understoood by anyone else except himself who wrote them
and which eventually lead to more Scheiße .
To more piles of shit because, after
all, our civilisation eventually boils down to tonnes of
shit and truckloads of genital juices which are also shit.
In other words, one way or another, the way it has been set up, our civilisation amounts to Nature mutilation and destruction. Sadly.
Thus, all the ways of the sociomechanics
of money lead to a mountain of shit.
Again, why boring?
Because predatory economics is boring except
for those people who want to get a contract, or already have one formally signed
with human blood, with satan.
It is never boring for people not so
people who secretely celebrate bloody sacrifice rituals to eat the body of a
fresh or roasted human child in dimly lit ancient dungeons and afterwards get busy
into sodomising one another. Doing this at least twice a year, one at the beginning of
Spring and another at Halloween.
As some experts have pointed out
that “the world of money is fucking boredom
at its best”.
This would explain in part why there
are a lot of bored plutocrats molesting and fucking animals, eating fresh brains with spoons from tied down live monkeys, stuffing themselves with smuggled human or
gorilla meat and giraffe pricks and messing up the lives of poor children. Human
children, that is.
And it would also explain in part
why some experts have said that we are ruled by a bunch of satanists and paedophiles.
Why in part?
Because, in our world, we have a fucking strange human zoo. A walking human and not so human zoo in which:
- There are some humans who are real humans who have been posessed by aethereal evil forces that are not human;
- There are also some humans who are humans but are not the original humans but instead they are the doubles, fakes or impostors of other humans who are no longer living amongst humans, i.e., the originals have been destroyed;
- There are also some humans who look like humans but are not humans;
- There are also some humans who look like and behave like humans but are not humans but are man-made humans or biological robotoid humans specifically made for other humans who may or may not be humans at all;
- And finally, there are also some humans who look like and behave like humans but are not humans but cloned humans of other humans who may or may not be humans at all.
And many of these specimens in this
bizarre zoo are fucking mad, insane and/or evil.
In a nutshell, money makes more
money. And the more money a plutocrat has, the more his piezopolitical effect
will be upon politicians in any human society. We all know that politicians are good at licking asses for gainful purpose.
Evil makes more evil.
Crap makes
more crap.
And as Honoré Balzac once said: “Behind every fortune there is a crime”,
then no human can ever become extremely wealthy unless he is standing or sitting
on top of mountains of human and nonhuman cadavers. In economics, it is a
physical law.
It is also said that filthy rich
people or plutocrats are “people who have
sold their souls to the devil”.
Anyway, we doubt they had any souls
at all to begin with.
No devil can enter anybody´s soul
unless he wishes so or has been born already tuned to the devil´s song.
Furthermore, anyone who is soaked
with real Love is impervious to these interdimensional evil forces. The
very same forces that have now overtaken and rule man´s world.
and still some more:
What do we humans who are humans get
with this fucking piezopolitical game in the end?
We all get a bunch of absolutely biospherically blind plutocrats
leading a flock of avid consumers of shit.
It boils down to a few global oligarchic
shitbags leading a herd of enslaved fucktards.
It is no wonder that we all are
eating a lot of shit. Lots of shit.
Here is an example of what we eat (Video 2). Radioactive Scheiße, that is:
Here is an example of what we eat (Video 2). Radioactive Scheiße, that is:
Video 2. Nuclear explosions compilation.
This is not surprising, for our own species
is characterised for its enormous appetite for shit.
Homo insapiens is the "most evolved" species consuming his own toxic shit on planet Earth.
The saddest part in this human shit
game is that our species makes other species eat shit. And this is not fucking fair
at all.
As a result, man, the supposedly “most intelligent species on Earth”, to
what some people would say Fuck!!, has made
a cesspool out of this beautiful and unique planet (Videos 3-5).
Video 3. Toxic garbage island. 1/3
Video 4. Toxic garbage island. 2/3
Video 5. Toxic garbage island. 3/3
And now he is making plans to go
into space to shit galore on the Moon and the other planets that dance around
the Sun and one day, he hopes, beyond.
In conclusion, thus far the evidence
shows that man (Homo insapiens) is
not only addicted to energy to masturbate his fucking mind but also to devouring
his own crap.
End of the line and out. Signing off
for now.
So much for mental masturbation for
you people out there. For you people who are basically only interested in
masturbating your minds without ever seriously bringing any change into and
around your overprogrammed robotic lives.
Anyway, we hope there are some
Let us hope some people out there are beyond squeezing blood out of their own turnips and have already found the Path of Light.
If not, then you have missed the
entire point!
See you later fucking alligators!
B. (2007). El Gobierno Invisible. Think-Tank: Los Hilos que Manejan el Mundo.
Ediciones Espejo de Tinta, Madrid, España. 333 p.
A. (2011). Le Règne des Oligarchies. Plon, Paris, France. 211 p.
C. (2012). Die Superreichen: Aufstieg und Heerschaft einer Neuen Globalen Geldelite. Westend Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt/Main,
Deutschland. 360 S.
Lynn B. C. (2010). Cornered: The New Monopoly Capitalism and the Economics of Destruction. John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., Hohoken, NJ, USA. 311 p.
Morck R. K. (Ed.) (2007). A History of Corporate Governance Around the World: Family Business Groups to Professional Managers. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Il, USA. 687
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