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Source: 30bananasaday.com. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
May 23, 2015
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After screwing around from end to end our galaxy for a long time, some extraterrestrials (ETs) have come to the conclusion that there are not many planets around like Earth with so many natural resources.
Furthermore, Earth has a humongous population of naked apes (Homo insapiens) that can be used in many ways by the ETs such as food, slaves, experimentation, etc.
They are determined to take over the Earth.
ETs have been watching humans for some time by now and have seen that this destructive creatures are always searching for what they do not know what to search although they say they search not what they search but what they imagine to search to get a kick out of their search in a perpetual search to get what they want to search even though they are never satisfied with what they have searched and found along their search.
Thus, humans are easy to trick.
But there is one problem with these talking apes (people, humans), though. They are too damn warmongering.
So, in order to avoid any dangerous confrontations with humans, the ETs have come with a neat idea which consists of using what people eat as a vehicle to get rid of them with some sort of slow soft kill.
Therefore, the key to their successful invasion is giving toxic food to humans.
But previous to making humans eat this toxic crap, there was a silent alien infiltration in all layers of human society, especially at the top to dictate what the rest of the human herds will do at the lower layers of their hierachical structured society.
After all, the ETs have noticed that these naked biped apes do not give a shit about their own planet, for they are fucking it up.
These weaponised monkeys (Homo insapiens) are turning their planet into a fucking cesspool (Videos 1-2).
And this matter of toxic crops is not a matter that matters only to those that think that we would not have enough food if we did not use toxic matters - pesticides - to kill other species we call "pests" in agriculture.
This is another matter.
Besides we already know enough about these matters to not use toxic matters that are damaging the environment beyond repair.
Anyway, the matter what matters is this:
We are killing ourselves. And sadly other species along the way as well.
No wonder some people are asking themselves the following questions which may sound dumb since there is "no scientific evidence for it":
The world´s supermarkets are bursting with processed foods manufactured using pesticide laden edible raw materials. Generally speaking.
Too often highly addictive. And nicely packaged but shit nevertheless.
Not to mention the toxic junk food.
Mon dieu!
Mon Capitaine, we are eating shit!!
Oui, mon ami. Fucking shit!!
Brotons Mª, Barba A. & Escribano J.A. (1986). Residuos de insecticidas organofosforados en frutos cítricos de exportación (1). Bol. San. Veg. Plagas, 12: 121-134.
Petersen A., Jensen B.H., Andersen J.H., Poulsen M.E., Christensen T. & Nielsen E. (2013). Pesticide Residues: Results from the Periods 2004-2011. National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark. 135 pp.
Video 1. Radioactive waste: Dumped in the ocean and forgotten.
Video 2. Inside the plastic of the world.
Thus, ETs have figured out that if humans do not give a fuck about other humans or other nonhumans (Video 3), why should they give a fuck about the human species.
Video 3. Humans are destroying Earth.
Some experts have been warning us about this all the time but we do not want to listen because we think is all science fiction. Maybe or maybe not.
But overall we do tend to avoid anything that makes us see what were are really doing to Mother Earth as a whole. Experts are telling us so.
Most people do not give a fuck about Earth. This is one of our biggest problems we must confront and solve.
So the experts might be right in what we think they are not right. And they are damn right when we do not think right.
Not right as we think is or should be right but right as we do not see it right even though we have it right in front of our own eyes.
Here we will not deal with whether infiltrated ETs are controlling humans or not. Neither will we whether there is a silent alien invasion on Earth or not.
But one thing is for sure: We humans are being fucking stupid the way we are growing our food.
We are already eating toxic crap.
In a globalised economy, not even our beloved oranges or wheat muffins escape from containing a dosis of pesticide residues (Videos 4-8):
We are already eating toxic crap.
In a globalised economy, not even our beloved oranges or wheat muffins escape from containing a dosis of pesticide residues (Videos 4-8):
Video 4. ET spraying pesticides in citric plantations.
Video 5. Spraying pesticides in citric plantations.
Video 6. Spraying pesticides in citric plantations.
Video 7. Spraying pesticides in citric plantations.
Video 8. Spraying pesticides on a cereal monoculture.
And this matter of toxic crops is not a matter that matters only to those that think that we would not have enough food if we did not use toxic matters - pesticides - to kill other species we call "pests" in agriculture.
This is another matter.
Besides we already know enough about these matters to not use toxic matters that are damaging the environment beyond repair.
Anyway, the matter what matters is this:
We are killing ourselves. And sadly other species along the way as well.
No wonder some people are asking themselves the following questions which may sound dumb since there is "no scientific evidence for it":
- Have extraterrestrials taken over man´s agriculture on a large scale?
- Is the global elite controlled by demonic or reptiloid ETs?
Some people think so.
Nicely packaged but shit nevertheless
The world´s supermarkets are bursting with processed foods manufactured using pesticide laden edible raw materials. Generally speaking.
Too often highly addictive. And nicely packaged but shit nevertheless.
Not to mention the toxic junk food.
Mon dieu!
Mon Capitaine, we are eating shit!!
Oui, mon ami. Fucking shit!!
Brotons Mª, Barba A. & Escribano J.A. (1986). Residuos de insecticidas organofosforados en frutos cítricos de exportación (1). Bol. San. Veg. Plagas, 12: 121-134.
Petersen A., Jensen B.H., Andersen J.H., Poulsen M.E., Christensen T. & Nielsen E. (2013). Pesticide Residues: Results from the Periods 2004-2011. National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark. 135 pp.
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