June 22, 2013
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Source: Google imágenes. |
A rat looked through a crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening
a package. What food might it contain? He was aghast to discover that it was a
rat trap. Retreating to the farmyard the rat proclaimed the warning, "There is a
rat trap in the house, a rat trap in the house!" The chicken clucked and
scratched, raised her head and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Rat; I can tell this is a
grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by
it." The rat turned to the pig and told him, "There is a rat trap in the house,
a rat trap in the house!" "I am so very sorry, Mr. Rat," sympathized the pig,
"but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured that you are in my
prayers." The rat turned to the cow. She said, "Like wow, Mr. Rat. A rat trap. I
am in grave danger. Duh?" So the rat returned to the house, head down and
dejected, to face the farmer's rat trap alone.
That very night a sound was heard throughout the house, like the sound of
a rat trap catching its prey. The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught.
In the darkness, she did not see that it was a venomous snake whose tail the
trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the
hospital. She returned home with a fever. Now everyone knows you treat a fever
with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the
soup's main ingredient. His wife's sickness continued so that friends and
neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them the farmer
butchered the pig. The farmer's wife did not get well. She died, and so many
people came for her funeral that the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide
meat for all of them to eat. So the next time you hear that someone is facing a
problem and think that it does not concern you, remember that when there is a rat
trap in the house, the whole farmyard is at risk. [The Rat Trap by Scott Futrell]
To tell you the truth, there are too many traps with delicious cheese set up by the human rats to trap stupid human rats. Beware! Don´t be trapped!
Internet is bursting at its seams under the weight of tonnes of information and disinformation. Some information can or could be catalogued as excellent, other as good and frankly there is too much that it is just pure crap.
You can spend hours upon hours swallowing shit about secret societies, new world order, freemasonry, aliens, global elite and many other offspring that after all usually come out of the same fucking farm that belongs to the masters that control the human slaves around the world.
Man, addicted to a trap of junk
A trap is a trap but there are also traps that do not like like traps but nevertheless they are traps. And there is one trap that has all of us well trapped.
Which one is this trap?
Our addiction to junk: Junk food, junk clothing, junk gadgets, junk books, junk news, junk music, junk movies, junk medicines, junk habits, junk thoughts... Endless junk. Junk upon junk. Lots of junk that boils down to another junk: oil. At least for now.
Hum... you are wondering why thoughts are in the picture. Yes, even the thoughts in your head had to go through the oil factory. Modern food production depends on this junk.
This black junk powers modern civilisation, including the so called "green and biofuel revolutions" that are far from being green. They are both a fallacy. They both depend on massive quantities of chemical fertilizers and insecticides, which in turn come from petroleum.
Oil is the junk that has humans (Homo "sapiens") trapped. Oil is the trap for human rats.
Are we not all human rats for the way we are screwing up the Biosphere?
But wait a minute! Rats are clean animals. They groomed themselves and keep clean.
We humans are the filthy ones and the rats have merely become symbionts in our cities, living in the sewage systems or in our waste dumps, happily munching away on the crap produced by we human rats.
Rats can be zoonotic (Gk, zoion, animal; nosos, disease) agents, that is true.
But it is also true that we humans are not only geonotic (Gk, geo, earth) (Video 1) but also quite geoclastic (Gk, klastos, broken in pieces) (Video 2), for it is us who are sickening up and screwing up Earth and not the real rats (Rodentia).
Video 1. Humans as geonotic agents.
Video 2. Humans as geoclastic agents.
So we apologise to the real rats (Rattus spp.) for comparing them with human beings, for humans are the rats and the rats are the humans. In terms of how we treat the Earth, this is the correct sequence.
But let us follow an oil trail. Under no circumstances we are claiming they are the best, but perhaps the following links may lead you to some key information about the traps set for human rats which you may be looking for :
You can spend hours upon hours swallowing shit about secret societies, new world order, freemasonry, aliens, global elite and many other offspring that after all usually come out of the same fucking farm that belongs to the masters that control the human slaves around the world.
Man, addicted to a trap of junk
A trap is a trap but there are also traps that do not like like traps but nevertheless they are traps. And there is one trap that has all of us well trapped.
Which one is this trap?
Our addiction to junk: Junk food, junk clothing, junk gadgets, junk books, junk news, junk music, junk movies, junk medicines, junk habits, junk thoughts... Endless junk. Junk upon junk. Lots of junk that boils down to another junk: oil. At least for now.
Hum... you are wondering why thoughts are in the picture. Yes, even the thoughts in your head had to go through the oil factory. Modern food production depends on this junk.
This black junk powers modern civilisation, including the so called "green and biofuel revolutions" that are far from being green. They are both a fallacy. They both depend on massive quantities of chemical fertilizers and insecticides, which in turn come from petroleum.
Oil is the junk that has humans (Homo "sapiens") trapped. Oil is the trap for human rats.
Are we not all human rats for the way we are screwing up the Biosphere?
But wait a minute! Rats are clean animals. They groomed themselves and keep clean.
We humans are the filthy ones and the rats have merely become symbionts in our cities, living in the sewage systems or in our waste dumps, happily munching away on the crap produced by we human rats.
Rats can be zoonotic (Gk, zoion, animal; nosos, disease) agents, that is true.
But it is also true that we humans are not only geonotic (Gk, geo, earth) (Video 1) but also quite geoclastic (Gk, klastos, broken in pieces) (Video 2), for it is us who are sickening up and screwing up Earth and not the real rats (Rodentia).
So we apologise to the real rats (Rattus spp.) for comparing them with human beings, for humans are the rats and the rats are the humans. In terms of how we treat the Earth, this is the correct sequence.
But let us follow an oil trail. Under no circumstances we are claiming they are the best, but perhaps the following links may lead you to some key information about the traps set for human rats which you may be looking for :
Probing the Rockefeller Fortune. Click HERE
Rockefeller Power & the Rockefeller-dominated International corporate-cartel Oligarch. Click HERE
Corporate Cartels & the Corporate-Cartel Oligarchy. Click HERE
A serious problem that concerns all of us
Like in the story of "The Rat Trap" above, the environmental crisis, the destruction of the Biosphere, is an issue that we should all be seriously concerned about.
We have no place to go and if we don´t start taking good care of this planet, Earth, we will all end up dead, fucked up, including our children that are still hanging in the future.
Let us be sapiens! Let us act sapiens! Let us consume sapiens!
There are many ways to be, act and consume sapiens.
One way to do so is avoiding unnecessary oil waste. For instance, if you do not have to move, do not move, for I bet you have a car to hop into to cruise around when you get bored.
This machine is often used by bored people to go shopping for what they do not need and frequently on a hunt to find a vagina or a phallus to ease their loneliness.
So, don´t junk around the world with this piece of metal junk that is junk that consumes junk and shits junk which as a whole is producing so much junk that is junking up the planet with a hell of junk.
Be sapiens! Can you do that? But not a crapped moron "sapiens"! We already have too many of these.
We are talking about being Sapiens geared towards the healthy maintenance of the Biosphere. We already know enough to do this.
But don´t just talk green. Make it a habit to think and act green, to the level that you can. Every bit counts.
Or are you so wasted that you are a piece of walking junk ready for the junkyard?
Energy solutions of a lazy naked ape
Basically, in his quest to avoid physical work, for he is a very lazy naked ape, and his eternal search to get more fucking power (more vaginas to screw or keep happy in a palace the one he´s got), man has become addicted to abundant energy.
Moreover, modern man needs lots of carrots that have been sugared, wrapped and rolled up with sex to make him move to go to work. He is a sex maniac. In their adult stage, humans are always on the look out to fuck or get fucked.
So, with the right propaganda, the moneyed classes rapidly found a way to hook plain people on oil energy. Human rats are very gullible. And now human rats have a terrible addiction to energy.
Any solutions to this energy trap? Nuclear? Solar? Wind? Nanotechnology? Biotechnology?
We all know that nuclear is too dangerous and generates too much hellish radioactive waste. No wonder Japan is going solar.
But are solar and wind power really the solution? It remains to be seen. For the time being, both appear promising. At least this is what the global elite is trying to sell us.
Keep also in mind that some, nobody knows how much, of the capital invested in "green" energy is mafia´s money.
Perhaps we will need to wrap the entire Earth with panels and wind turbines to get the same quantity of energy we are squandering today, which is fucking stupid.
As far as nanotechnology is concerned, there is the potential for danger. Some nanoinnovations could turn out worst than DDT in the end.
Scientists cannot foresee the future of their inventions. We already have more than 100,000 man-made chemicals (the figures vary depending on the authority) out of their Pandora´s Box, some of which are already killing humans burst with cancer.
It has been confirmed, for instance, that hazardous chemicals can be transmitted from mother to child via the umbilical cord.
According to a Greepeace report, our bodies have become repositories for toxic chemicals. It is thought that every human being on Earth may contain up to 200 synthetic chemicals.
How about biotechnology? Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) such as green algae look promising. But even if the entire United States, for instance, was covered with algae ponds, they still would not get enough energy to power New York City alone.
So scientists and biotechnologists keep looking for bacteria and other microorganisms to alter their genetic code with the hope of obtaining a panacea to achieve the country´s biofuel goals.
But going the GMO way is not that safe. There are risks for life on the planet, including human beings.
There is strong scientific evidence that transgenes of GMOs can cross the species barriers. Some bacterial transgenes that can hop from one species to another. This is called "horizontal gene transfer"(HGT). This HGT may give pathogenic bacteria resistance to antibiotics.
So GMOs, including GM crops, pose health and environmental risks.
We may end up as grey aliens in the future, if we have any.
All of which brings us to the following question:
Why in the hell not reduce our consumption level to the basics, especially those of us living in the "rich nations"?
But don´t expect the rich to do this. A lot of them are so stupid that think that milk comes from the grocery store. And the ones that do know, usually don´t give a dam about the environment, at least as along as the damage doesn´t hit hard in their ass.
Don´t tell either the "emerging economies" to reduce their sky rocketing path to "development". Don´t ask them to curb their energy waste. Besides, they have their hands and feet tied up to huge loans from the global banking powers.
After all, in this business of "developing", which really means tearing up and polluting the Earth, the "poor nations" have had good teachers from the West. Don´t you think so?
Furthermore, don´t the rich people who tend and are in charge of the flocks of sheeple (human sheep) in the "developing" nations belong to the same crowd with the ones found in the rich nations? "Birds of a feather flock together", don´t they?
Systematically, both the rich in the "developing and developed nations" can be classified as "blood suckers", can´t they? They are the real chupacabra on this planet.
So where are we?
We are all in a fucking mess.
It is time to go back to the drawing board whilst we can. It is time to rethink, find and take a new course. We need a new paradigm. The sooner the better.
Where are you on this important paradigm quest?
Can you tell your own asshole from a hole in the ground?
We already can. It is a beginning...
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A serious problem that concerns all of us
Like in the story of "The Rat Trap" above, the environmental crisis, the destruction of the Biosphere, is an issue that we should all be seriously concerned about.
We have no place to go and if we don´t start taking good care of this planet, Earth, we will all end up dead, fucked up, including our children that are still hanging in the future.
Let us be sapiens! Let us act sapiens! Let us consume sapiens!
There are many ways to be, act and consume sapiens.
One way to do so is avoiding unnecessary oil waste. For instance, if you do not have to move, do not move, for I bet you have a car to hop into to cruise around when you get bored.
This machine is often used by bored people to go shopping for what they do not need and frequently on a hunt to find a vagina or a phallus to ease their loneliness.
So, don´t junk around the world with this piece of metal junk that is junk that consumes junk and shits junk which as a whole is producing so much junk that is junking up the planet with a hell of junk.
Be sapiens! Can you do that? But not a crapped moron "sapiens"! We already have too many of these.
We are talking about being Sapiens geared towards the healthy maintenance of the Biosphere. We already know enough to do this.
But don´t just talk green. Make it a habit to think and act green, to the level that you can. Every bit counts.
Or are you so wasted that you are a piece of walking junk ready for the junkyard?
Energy solutions of a lazy naked ape
Basically, in his quest to avoid physical work, for he is a very lazy naked ape, and his eternal search to get more fucking power (more vaginas to screw or keep happy in a palace the one he´s got), man has become addicted to abundant energy.
Moreover, modern man needs lots of carrots that have been sugared, wrapped and rolled up with sex to make him move to go to work. He is a sex maniac. In their adult stage, humans are always on the look out to fuck or get fucked.
So, with the right propaganda, the moneyed classes rapidly found a way to hook plain people on oil energy. Human rats are very gullible. And now human rats have a terrible addiction to energy.
Any solutions to this energy trap? Nuclear? Solar? Wind? Nanotechnology? Biotechnology?
We all know that nuclear is too dangerous and generates too much hellish radioactive waste. No wonder Japan is going solar.
But are solar and wind power really the solution? It remains to be seen. For the time being, both appear promising. At least this is what the global elite is trying to sell us.
Keep also in mind that some, nobody knows how much, of the capital invested in "green" energy is mafia´s money.
Perhaps we will need to wrap the entire Earth with panels and wind turbines to get the same quantity of energy we are squandering today, which is fucking stupid.
As far as nanotechnology is concerned, there is the potential for danger. Some nanoinnovations could turn out worst than DDT in the end.
Scientists cannot foresee the future of their inventions. We already have more than 100,000 man-made chemicals (the figures vary depending on the authority) out of their Pandora´s Box, some of which are already killing humans burst with cancer.
It has been confirmed, for instance, that hazardous chemicals can be transmitted from mother to child via the umbilical cord.
According to a Greepeace report, our bodies have become repositories for toxic chemicals. It is thought that every human being on Earth may contain up to 200 synthetic chemicals.
How about biotechnology? Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) such as green algae look promising. But even if the entire United States, for instance, was covered with algae ponds, they still would not get enough energy to power New York City alone.
So scientists and biotechnologists keep looking for bacteria and other microorganisms to alter their genetic code with the hope of obtaining a panacea to achieve the country´s biofuel goals.
But going the GMO way is not that safe. There are risks for life on the planet, including human beings.
There is strong scientific evidence that transgenes of GMOs can cross the species barriers. Some bacterial transgenes that can hop from one species to another. This is called "horizontal gene transfer"(HGT). This HGT may give pathogenic bacteria resistance to antibiotics.
So GMOs, including GM crops, pose health and environmental risks.
We may end up as grey aliens in the future, if we have any.
All of which brings us to the following question:
Why in the hell not reduce our consumption level to the basics, especially those of us living in the "rich nations"?
But don´t expect the rich to do this. A lot of them are so stupid that think that milk comes from the grocery store. And the ones that do know, usually don´t give a dam about the environment, at least as along as the damage doesn´t hit hard in their ass.
Don´t tell either the "emerging economies" to reduce their sky rocketing path to "development". Don´t ask them to curb their energy waste. Besides, they have their hands and feet tied up to huge loans from the global banking powers.
After all, in this business of "developing", which really means tearing up and polluting the Earth, the "poor nations" have had good teachers from the West. Don´t you think so?
Furthermore, don´t the rich people who tend and are in charge of the flocks of sheeple (human sheep) in the "developing" nations belong to the same crowd with the ones found in the rich nations? "Birds of a feather flock together", don´t they?
Systematically, both the rich in the "developing and developed nations" can be classified as "blood suckers", can´t they? They are the real chupacabra on this planet.
So where are we?
We are all in a fucking mess.
It is time to go back to the drawing board whilst we can. It is time to rethink, find and take a new course. We need a new paradigm. The sooner the better.
Where are you on this important paradigm quest?
Can you tell your own asshole from a hole in the ground?
We already can. It is a beginning...
Giampietro M. & Mayumi K. (2009). The Biofuel Delusion: The Fallacy of Large-Scale Agro-biofuel Production. Earthscan, London, UK. 318 p.
Van Bueren E., van Bohemen H, Itard L. & Visscher H. (Eds.) (2012). Sustainable Urban Environments: An Ecosystem Approach. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 429 p.
Wrigley E. A. (2010). Energy and the English Industrial Revolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 272 p.
Van Bueren E., van Bohemen H, Itard L. & Visscher H. (Eds.) (2012). Sustainable Urban Environments: An Ecosystem Approach. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 429 p.
Wrigley E. A. (2010). Energy and the English Industrial Revolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 272 p.
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