By Salvatore Scimino
June 19, 2013
June 19, 2013
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Konovalov Vyacheslav, miembro de la academia Ucraniana de Ciencias tiene un potro
conservado mutado en Zhitomir, Ucrania, el Lunes, 11 de marzo 1996. Konovalov
había estado estudiando las mutaciones biológicas que aparecen después de la
explosión de la central nuclear de Chernobyl. El potro fue apodado "potro
Gorbachov," después de Konovalov trajo una foto tamaño natural de la misma al
Soviet Supremo en 1988 para mostrar el presidente soviético Mijaíl Gorbachov lo
de Chernobyl estaba haciendo la vida silvestre del país. (Foto AP / Efrem
Lukatsky). Fuente: Taringa!
Konovalov, member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences has a preserved mutated colt in Zhytomyr, Ukraine, Monday, March 11, 1996. Konovalov had been studying biological mutations that appear after the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear plant. The colt was nicknamed "Pony Gorbachev," after Konovalov brought a lifesize photo of
it to the Supreme
Soviet in
1988 to show
Soviet President
Mikhail Gorbachev what Chernobyl was doing the country's wildlife. (AP Photo / Efrem Lukatsky)]
Pandora´s box has been open by man (Homo insapiens). The nuclear energy genie is out. And it is really up to us where we will go from here.
But we all must educate ourselves very well of the dangers of radioactivity (Video 1) and be aware of the clever marketing of the advocates of nuclear power before we wake up in hell.
The truth is that the best thing to do is to say: Hell with nuclear power!!!
We will leave with the following quotation to ponder about:
There is NO SAFE level of exposure to Radioactivity.
There is NO SAFE dose of radioactive poison, and when corporations & their purchased governments & junk ‘scientists’ claim there is a safe, ‘acceptable’ dosage, they are LYING, LYING, LYING.
Japanese are STILL being afflicted with the radioactivity released in 1945 in the American atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. STILL, because radioactive elements can live – in You and in the Environment – for hundreds, even thousands of years!!
CHERNOBYL – ONE MILLION PEOPLE DIED from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. ONE MILLION!!!" (Vital Issues)
Mara W. (2011). The Chernobyl Disaster: Legacy and Impact on the Future of Nuclear Energy. Marshal Cavendish Benchmark, New York, NY, USA. 111 p.
Nelson D. E. (Ed.) (2010). Perspective on Modern History: Chernobyl. Greenhaven Press, Farmington Hills, MI, USA. 220 p.
Onishi Y., Voitsekhovich O. V. & Zheleznyak M. J. (Eds.) (2007). Chernobyl - What Have We Learned? The Successes and Failures to Mitigate Water Contamination over 20 Years. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 289 p.
Mara W. (2011). The Chernobyl Disaster: Legacy and Impact on the Future of Nuclear Energy. Marshal Cavendish Benchmark, New York, NY, USA. 111 p.
Nelson D. E. (Ed.) (2010). Perspective on Modern History: Chernobyl. Greenhaven Press, Farmington Hills, MI, USA. 220 p.
Onishi Y., Voitsekhovich O. V. & Zheleznyak M. J. (Eds.) (2007). Chernobyl - What Have We Learned? The Successes and Failures to Mitigate Water Contamination over 20 Years. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 289 p.
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