lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015


The miracle of life. Source: Wikipedia.

Fields of atoms full of life singing.

By Gundhramns Hammer
February 9, 2014

She cries out in pain every time we rip her apart. But we do not want to listen to her!

We are too trapped, wrapped inside our own callous matrix shells of our own creation, out of fear of the unknown. 

One... Two... Three.... A hundred.... Thousands of her Children are left without a home or killed wherever we put our feet (Video 1).

 Video 1. Green.

We dream of living off this world (Fig. 1) when we already have a beautiful planet to take care of and be thankful to and for (Fig. 2).

Figure 1. Untethered astronaut inside a US$10 million space suit. Source: NASA via Harris (2009).

Figure 2. A gift from Her. Source: New Heaven on Earth.

One day the Sun will go nova but that is still far away in the future.

Now is time to give her our love and time!

Do you? 

Be kind to her!

Are you?

At this point, everyone should know what to do for Her!

Do you?

Will we ever learn to see what we must see, to feel what we must feel... Finding the reconnection to Her?

Hear her out!!!

Her beautiful voices and whispers.


Harris P.R. (2009). Space Enterprise: Living and Working Offworld in the 21st Century. Springer & Praxis Publishing Ltd., Chichester, UK. 616 pp.

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