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Source: LiveScience. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
March 29, 2014
Let crap be not your food and food be not your crap.
What is good for the taste is not necessarily good for the body. And what is good for the body not necessarily has to taste good.
For example, most people do not dig broccoli, even when this member of the Brassicaceae family is really good for human health.
Since our brains are hardwired for sweets, broccoli does not ring the evolutionary bell in our brains.
But numerous studies have shown that broccoli is a rich source of phytochemicals (e.g., glucosinolates), phenolic compounds, essential minerals (e.g., Fe, Zn, Mg, Ca, etc.) and antioxidants such as vitamins (e.g., C, K1), all of which reduce the risk of cancer (Moreno et al., 2006).
On the other hand, refined sugar and anything that contains this substance indeed make our hard disk go crazy.
Sugar rings our ancient limbic bell. It turns on the brain´s opioid system.
On the other hand, refined sugar and anything that contains this substance indeed make our hard disk go crazy.
Sugar rings our ancient limbic bell. It turns on the brain´s opioid system.
As a result, white table sugar has become one of the most powerful agents to bewitch and hook humans.
A fact that has not gone unnoticed by the food industry. They make sure sugar is omnipresent in our sophisticated diets.
This coupled with all of the unfulfilled emotional needs and storms brewing in people´s heads, the pressure of daily life, school or work, and other factors in the totaled humansphere, what you finally get is millions of people hooked on this substance around the world. Millions of sugarholics, sugar addicts or sugar junkies, whichever you prefer.
Now, if you put junk food on top of this sugar craze, then the result is an obesity epidemic worldwide.
Obesity is now a global issue. We now have in our hands, as someone has call it, a "globesity" (Video 1).
Obesity is now a global issue. We now have in our hands, as someone has call it, a "globesity" (Video 1).
With a diet full of refined sugar (white table sugar), junk foods and truckloads of sophisticated meats, i.e., full of nasty chemicals, extenders and fillers, all going down his gullet, in other words, gobbling up lots of crap, man is already suffering the consequences.
Generally speaking, man has got a totaled gutsphere and therefore poor health, is ridden with cancer and quite prone to having his heart quit working or explode anytime.
Generally speaking, man has got a totaled gutsphere and therefore poor health, is ridden with cancer and quite prone to having his heart quit working or explode anytime.
Croaking the food line, kicking the bucket due to the weight of food overconsumption, a process which makes really happy the undertakers who will dig his grave, has become a common occurrence in human society.
The Fastocene
The Fastocene
We are now in the Fastocene: Living times of fast in everything including deglutition (Video 2).
And of course, these are times of sudden deaths and fast inhumation too (Video 3).
So, let crap be not your food and food be not your crap.
Huffnagle G. B. & Noverr M. C. (Eds) (2008). GI Microbiota and Regulation of the Immune System. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol. 635. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, NY, USA. 149 p.
Huffnagle G. B. & Noverr M. C. (Eds) (2008). GI Microbiota and Regulation of the Immune System. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol. 635. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, NY, USA. 149 p.
Moreno D. A., Carvajal M., López-Berenguer C. & García-Viguera C. (2006). Chemical and biological characterisation of nutraceutical compounds of broccoli. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 41: 1508-1522.
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