lunes, 30 de julio de 2012


By Salvatore Scimino
July 30, 2012
Source: big think

If you are really interested in finding out the truth behind the alien abduction phenomenon, you had better pay attention to Dr. Karla Turner. She was one of the most respected experts in the UFO community and has been exposing in detail the alien agenda on planet Earth.

She has written a few books on this subject: "Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Agenda" and "Masquerade of Angels". You can download them in the reference section at the end of this article.

Based upon a series of strange experiences and memories, Dr. Turner and her family came to the conclusion that they have been abducted by alien beings from another world.

One of the most interesting things Dr. Turner exposed was that aliens hide behind the New Age movement. Aliens are able to read our minds and project a virtual reality according to our beliefs. For instance, if you are a christian, aliens will come to you in the shape of benevolent and saintly persons. 

She says that the one thing aliens cannot stand from humans is anger. They do not like this feeling. So keep this in mind, just in case you are ever in a situation of a possible abduction by aliens. In such a case, make sure you project towards them a strong feeling of anger and they will leave you immediately alone.

Dr. Turner points out that there are two types of abductees: Those who are abducted by aliens and the abductees abducted by secret government agencies interested in studying the abductees experiencies.

Many abductees come from families whose parents and grandparents have been abducted by aliens as well. This pattern has possibly been going on since the beginning of mankind. 

Grays, or whatever alien force is behind them, are supposed to have created mankind. In other words, aliens from another galaxy created man. They own you and me and the rest of humans. Earth is their chicken farm!

Dr. Karla Turner died of a rare cancer in January 10th, 1996. Some people believe she was murdered for having exposed the alien grays agenda.

Nonetheless, she has left us a very important message (Video 1): The importance of becoming aware of the alien invasion on Earth. 

                              Video 1. Dr. Karla Turner exposes the alien agenda.

After reading her books and various works on extraterrestrials and demonology and religion, I have come to the conclusion that aliens and demons are the same thing. Two different faces of the same coin. At least this is what I think now. But I keep my mind open.

The alien subject is a delicate matter to discuss with most people. Just mention to them the simple word extraterrestrials and they will run away from you or think you are crazy, completely out of your mind. They are scared by the unknown.

The extraterrestrial issue is worth studying. After all, there is more to it than meet the eye!


Turner K. (1992). Into the Fringe: A True Story of Alien Abduction. Berkley Books, NY. 241 pages.

Turner K. (1994). Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Agenda. Rose Printing Company, Inc., FL. 155 pages.

Turner K & Rice T. (1994). Masquerade of Angels. Kelt Works, Roland, AR. 257 pages.


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