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Source: friends of the earth. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
September 29, 2015
Mon Capitaine, there is something that needs your attention to put attention to those things most people do not pay attention because their attention is always on something that does not need their fucking attention.
So here is the question:
What the fuck do humans and their cities have in common?
Here we go, mon ami:
Humans and cities have black holes
Firstly, when we compare humans and their cities, mon ami, they both have things to hide.
Both have black holes. They hide their black holes.
In other words, humans and cities have assholes.
Humans have their stinking butts and cities have their stinking sewage and mafia systems.
In a nutshell, humans and their cities are full of fucking shit.
As far as people´s shit is concerned, humans go to a great deal of effort spending a lot of time and money trying to hide their fucking assholes wearing all kinds of sophisticated cheap or expensive clothes.
At home, people that can afford it do their best to keep their bathrooms full of fancy toilet seats, flower smelling paper rolls, “air fresheners”, towel rings, gold or silver-plated bathroom gadgets, etc., to hide and get rid of their shit and smell of shit in their personal dumping home spots.
Furthermore, whatever has anything to do with bowel dumping, i.e. assholes and shit, humans have turned them into a humongous shitty industry.
For example, in India, the bathroom industry value was over 400 million USDs in 2014. And it is estimated that this will almost double up (ca. 800 million USD) by 2018!
The curious thing is that, unless you are a degenerate - an asshole addict, an asskisser, an assholic, a shit drinker or enjoy any shit-wallowing or crap swallowing during your love making session - having a stinky and shit loaded asshole is always a secret for humans.
And remember, even popes, kings and queens shit!
So secret that there are even some people, for example in Japan, who wished they had no dumping asshole in their bodies!
Of course, not a secret for their pets like dogs.
In comparison, when it comes to human cities, these man-made nature-devouring cancers have many types of shit to hide under piles of bureaucratic shit and under the disguise of cloned gardens, trimmed parks or avenues full of beautiful or badly mutilated trees.
Unless you are a city worker in charge of getting rid of the trash, most people never realise that under their feet there is a vast and complex piping system to drain and get rid of their fucking shit. That is if you are lucky to have such a thing, for there millions of people who do not have one.
On the other hand, most people seem to be aware that there is another above-ground system to take care of their daily waste or shit in the city.
Once or twice a week, people send away their environmentally polluting shit to giant dumps (Video 1).
Humans and cities are blood sucking machines
Secondly, humans and cities are bloody messes.
Cities are blood sucking machines.
They suck animal blood. They thrive on blood.
All cities have one or more slaughterhouses (Fig. 1) which are always kept hidden from the public´s eyes, especially the children´s.
The slaughterhouse, according to Pachirat (2011), is “a place that is no-place”, “physically hidden from sight by walls and socially veiled by the delegation of dirty, dangerous, and demeaning work to others tasked with carrying out the killing, skinning, and dismembering of living animals”.
This way people think meat comes from heaven.
But it does not. Meat comes from hell (Video 2).
So, cities sit on an ocean of animal blood.
Cities sit on human blood too.
For example, if cities depend on oil to run its guts, chances are that their fucking warmongering armies went somewhere to beat up the hell and/or kill people to get this resource (Video 3).
Therefore, cities also suck human blood.
Have you had enough?
There is still more. Don´t go away yet!
Humans and cities produce a lot of shit
Humans are not only full of shit but are also big producers of mountains of shit (Video 4).
If you put or piled up all of the shit produced by humans in the entire world for a whole year, it would add up to a humongous mountain of crap higher than the Everest.
On a smaller scale, be it HAFO (human animal farming operations, i.e. a country) or PMHC (pen to manage human cattle, i.e. a city), there are a lot of heads of human cattle, i.e. individual human beings, who are always spending some saved or borrowed money to doll up their “enchanted” homes including lawns or gardens, trying to keep up with the Joneses, spending money like crazy on keeping them pretty, trimmed, adorned and attractive.
And poisoned too! In the United States alone, people apply over 90 million pounds of pesticides on lawns and gardens per year.
Their lawns are usually monocultures, contaminated with pesticides, where only one kind of grass is maniatically allowed to grow and everything else is kept at bay or exterminated.
A multimillion industry has been created for this purpose.
Considering that biodiversity is man´s insurance for survival, urban people would be better off if they left some spots in the front- or backyards untouched in their respective PHMCs all over their HAFOs, if possible, where Nature would be allowed to continue with her grand symphony.
Everybody would then gain in the long run.
What these lawn maniacs want is to be the envy in their neighbourhood. This is one of the reasons why they fancy up their dens so narcissistically.
But no matter what people do to their dens, their homes are still shit producing machines which are connected to a vast and complex underground sewage system (Video 5).
Of course, there are also people who do not give a shit about their home shit.
What else?
Cities have also their sheep-clothed people, some of them cunningly disguised as “philanthropists”, people that are directly or indirectly connected to piles of shit.
In any city, you can find many paedophilic and mafia-linked politicians, banksters, vampiric businessmen and evil religious leaders who are always pretending to be saints to hide their fucking shit.
But these motherfuckers´ shit is still there, although well hidden. Until one day their hidden shit blows up in their own faces.
At the individual level, each human is a big walking sack of stinky shit (Fig. 2). No one can deny this. It is a fact.
Ask any human anatomist or proctologist about this?
Anyway, we all are full of shit.
Thus, whether on a smaller or bigger scale, from a Homo insapiens individual all the way up to his grand city, both are married to piles of shit.
As we pointed it out before, mon ami, humans and their cities are full of fucking shit (Video 6).
It is obvious, mon ami, that unless we reduce or find a biospherically respectful way (if there is such a thing coming from us, humans) to get rid of our piles of shit - be it organic, e-trash and nuclear crap - and also stop being shitty to one another and to nonhumans and the environment, one of these days Mother Nature will say to us: Enough shittheads! And thus we humans (Homo insapiens) will be buried in our own shit forever.
Let´s wrap it up
By now, you have had enough of our own shit. But one last thing: Let us wrap it up.
Humans and their cities have a lot of shit in common.
Remember… If you shit others, you shit yourself. If you shit yourself, you shit others. Getting liberated from this shitty dilemma is one of our biggest problems.
Hey… How are you doing on this?
Pachirat T. (2011). Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, USA. e-Pub. 566 p.
Warning! Not for delicate folks!
Mon Capitaine, there is something that needs your attention to put attention to those things most people do not pay attention because their attention is always on something that does not need their fucking attention.
So here is the question:
What the fuck do humans and their cities have in common?
Here we go, mon ami:
Humans and cities have black holes
Firstly, when we compare humans and their cities, mon ami, they both have things to hide.
Both have black holes. They hide their black holes.
In other words, humans and cities have assholes.
Humans have their stinking butts and cities have their stinking sewage and mafia systems.
In a nutshell, humans and their cities are full of fucking shit.
As far as people´s shit is concerned, humans go to a great deal of effort spending a lot of time and money trying to hide their fucking assholes wearing all kinds of sophisticated cheap or expensive clothes.
At home, people that can afford it do their best to keep their bathrooms full of fancy toilet seats, flower smelling paper rolls, “air fresheners”, towel rings, gold or silver-plated bathroom gadgets, etc., to hide and get rid of their shit and smell of shit in their personal dumping home spots.
Furthermore, whatever has anything to do with bowel dumping, i.e. assholes and shit, humans have turned them into a humongous shitty industry.
For example, in India, the bathroom industry value was over 400 million USDs in 2014. And it is estimated that this will almost double up (ca. 800 million USD) by 2018!
The curious thing is that, unless you are a degenerate - an asshole addict, an asskisser, an assholic, a shit drinker or enjoy any shit-wallowing or crap swallowing during your love making session - having a stinky and shit loaded asshole is always a secret for humans.
And remember, even popes, kings and queens shit!
So secret that there are even some people, for example in Japan, who wished they had no dumping asshole in their bodies!
Of course, not a secret for their pets like dogs.
In comparison, when it comes to human cities, these man-made nature-devouring cancers have many types of shit to hide under piles of bureaucratic shit and under the disguise of cloned gardens, trimmed parks or avenues full of beautiful or badly mutilated trees.
Unless you are a city worker in charge of getting rid of the trash, most people never realise that under their feet there is a vast and complex piping system to drain and get rid of their fucking shit. That is if you are lucky to have such a thing, for there millions of people who do not have one.
On the other hand, most people seem to be aware that there is another above-ground system to take care of their daily waste or shit in the city.
Once or twice a week, people send away their environmentally polluting shit to giant dumps (Video 1).
Video 1. Voyage of the Mobro 4000 (famous NY´s garbage barge). Uploaded by The New York Times.
So, humans and their cities pamper and hide the black
holes at the same time.
Let us move on. Now, the blood issue in both, humans and cities.
Humans and cities are blood sucking machines
Secondly, humans and cities are bloody messes.
Cities are blood sucking machines.
They suck animal blood. They thrive on blood.
All cities have one or more slaughterhouses (Fig. 1) which are always kept hidden from the public´s eyes, especially the children´s.
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Figure 1. In the slaughterhouse, Lovis Corinth, 1893. Source: Wikipedia. |
The slaughterhouse, according to Pachirat (2011), is “a place that is no-place”, “physically hidden from sight by walls and socially veiled by the delegation of dirty, dangerous, and demeaning work to others tasked with carrying out the killing, skinning, and dismembering of living animals”.
This way people think meat comes from heaven.
But it does not. Meat comes from hell (Video 2).
Video 2. A visit to a slaughterhouse. Uploaded by Carmel DeAmicis.
So, cities sit on an ocean of animal blood.
Cities sit on human blood too.
For example, if cities depend on oil to run its guts, chances are that their fucking warmongering armies went somewhere to beat up the hell and/or kill people to get this resource (Video 3).
Video 3. Invasion of Iraq, 2003. Uploaded by williebrucieestewie.
Therefore, cities also suck human blood.
Have you had enough?
There is still more. Don´t go away yet!
Humans and cities produce a lot of shit
Humans are not only full of shit but are also big producers of mountains of shit (Video 4).
Video 4. The sewage system of Mexico City, Mexico. Uploaded by National Geographic.
If you put or piled up all of the shit produced by humans in the entire world for a whole year, it would add up to a humongous mountain of crap higher than the Everest.
On a smaller scale, be it HAFO (human animal farming operations, i.e. a country) or PMHC (pen to manage human cattle, i.e. a city), there are a lot of heads of human cattle, i.e. individual human beings, who are always spending some saved or borrowed money to doll up their “enchanted” homes including lawns or gardens, trying to keep up with the Joneses, spending money like crazy on keeping them pretty, trimmed, adorned and attractive.
And poisoned too! In the United States alone, people apply over 90 million pounds of pesticides on lawns and gardens per year.
Their lawns are usually monocultures, contaminated with pesticides, where only one kind of grass is maniatically allowed to grow and everything else is kept at bay or exterminated.
A multimillion industry has been created for this purpose.
Considering that biodiversity is man´s insurance for survival, urban people would be better off if they left some spots in the front- or backyards untouched in their respective PHMCs all over their HAFOs, if possible, where Nature would be allowed to continue with her grand symphony.
Everybody would then gain in the long run.
What these lawn maniacs want is to be the envy in their neighbourhood. This is one of the reasons why they fancy up their dens so narcissistically.
But no matter what people do to their dens, their homes are still shit producing machines which are connected to a vast and complex underground sewage system (Video 5).
Video 5. The U.S. ailing sewer system. Uploaded by PBS NewsHour.
Of course, there are also people who do not give a shit about their home shit.
What else?
Cities have also their sheep-clothed people, some of them cunningly disguised as “philanthropists”, people that are directly or indirectly connected to piles of shit.
In any city, you can find many paedophilic and mafia-linked politicians, banksters, vampiric businessmen and evil religious leaders who are always pretending to be saints to hide their fucking shit.
But these motherfuckers´ shit is still there, although well hidden. Until one day their hidden shit blows up in their own faces.
At the individual level, each human is a big walking sack of stinky shit (Fig. 2). No one can deny this. It is a fact.
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Figure 2. Bristol stool chart. Source: Google Images. |
Ask any human anatomist or proctologist about this?
Anyway, we all are full of shit.
Thus, whether on a smaller or bigger scale, from a Homo insapiens individual all the way up to his grand city, both are married to piles of shit.
As we pointed it out before, mon ami, humans and their cities are full of fucking shit (Video 6).
Video 6. Landfill solid waste in Vancouver, Canada. Uploaded by Tay Van Eng.
It is obvious, mon ami, that unless we reduce or find a biospherically respectful way (if there is such a thing coming from us, humans) to get rid of our piles of shit - be it organic, e-trash and nuclear crap - and also stop being shitty to one another and to nonhumans and the environment, one of these days Mother Nature will say to us: Enough shittheads! And thus we humans (Homo insapiens) will be buried in our own shit forever.
Let´s wrap it up
By now, you have had enough of our own shit. But one last thing: Let us wrap it up.
Humans and their cities have a lot of shit in common.
Remember… If you shit others, you shit yourself. If you shit yourself, you shit others. Getting liberated from this shitty dilemma is one of our biggest problems.
Hey… How are you doing on this?
Pachirat T. (2011). Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, USA. e-Pub. 566 p.
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