lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015


Source: Mystical Myth.

By Gundhramns Hammer
August 17, 2015

There was a time when economics was real eco-nomics, like in the Greek root oikos, home, habitation or a dwelling place; a simple household management.

The invention of agriculture changed all of that.

As time went by, we kept working at it, elaborating more and more sophistacated weapons, transforming the simple into a more and more complex system until we got to the point where we are now, with satellites in space, nukes and laser weapons to shoot our neighbours, amongst other invented things, and an ecological mess in our hands below. 

But this complex system of our own making is now backfiring. 

We have not been considerate towards our Mother Nature at all. Instead we have become Naturefuckers.

Because of this, we are now eating our own shit

But sadly, we are making other earthlings eat our shit too (Video 1).

Video 1. Borneo: Unmasking the truth. Uploaded by EarthConsciousOrgTV.

So... Today is more a matter of ego-nomics than eco-nomics because those "folks" (ETs?) who control the real eco-nomics have gotten too carried away, have become extremely sophisticated in human and nature blood sucking, mind-boggling and fucking greedy, even screwing around on top and under the same fucking bed with the mafia.

They are out there not to help you but to grab your hard earnt eco-nomics.

And to make things worse for your eco-nomics, our “democratic” governments, supposedly there to keep a fair balance, to keep at bay those that want to fuck you, instead of defending the rights of the people ("the public"), they take sides with these peoplefuckers.

Who are these peoplefuckers?

You know them damn well. They are the greedy “bankers”.

No wonder some people call them banksters.

Where the fuck did they get started?

Some historians tell us that this damn banking thing got started in Babylonia, with the “snake people”. The same lineage of usurers which Jesus Christ used to call “race of vipers”, because some of these had viper-like faces. They may have been human-serpentoid alien hybrids.

But no one knows where or when this blood sucking business will end. The when will only happen with man´s end, obviously.

In the meantime, bankers have become our boogeymen

We let them. 

And not many people can stay away from them!

They are everywhere!

Anyone who wants to tango with them is bound to become part of their grand "economic" cake. 

After all, "economic development", as they understand it, means debt. And a lot of fucking up Mother Nature to pieces too.

What a bubble! 

Heavenly when everything is going well and hellish when it bursts!

What a cycle!

And whilst dreaming and daydreaming, and being made to dream their dream so that your dreams can make their dreams come true when they are chasing their dreams of hidden agendas, almost everyone is now getting on their fancy bandwagon.

In many parts of the world, with the excuse of “development”, even the poor are getting wrapped in their banking veil.

So much so, for example and not the only example, that the founder (Father Marcial Maciel Degollado) of the Legionares of Christ, a Vatican´s religious Order, said once: “Poor are good business”, referring to that by extending microloans ("microcredits") to thousands of poor people to get them “developed”, to put an "end to their poverty", which is indeed a good idea, you can eventually fill up your coffer, like ants in an anthill.

How clever!

Hmmm.... What happens if the peasants cannot pay the microloan back?

The money lenders end up with the collateral, usually the peasant´s piece of land or home.

Mon dieu, mon Capitaine! It turns out to be a silent land grabbing and people do not even realise they are slowly being taken over!

This is on a small scale, mon ami.

But these boogeymen, mon ami, also do it on a grand scale, targeting whole countries. And from here the entire world, their most cherished goal.

Mon Capitaine, they are almost there!

Yeap, mon ami! Although they still need to hone their tools here and there to reach their beloved planetary goal: Owning everything and everybody.

Right now, they are experimenting with Greece galore.

Greece has become their ego-nomics laboratory.

What Greeks thought they had, it really had them. And who had them is now collecting the collateral: The land, infrastructures, mines, human cattle herds, etc.


Who will be next? Only God knows it! Truly!

Anyway, mon ami, a lot has been written about Greece´s “debt crisis”. Perhaps too much, as a way to cover the grains with piles of chaff.

Taking this “debt crisis” from a different perspective, how about reading a little bit more about Greece´s own boogeyman?

Are you up to it?

If so, mon ami, click here.

Now, don´t you get too carried away and confuse what they want you to confuse with what should not be confused in this confusing matter.

It is all up to you where you go from here.

Or perhaps should we say, where they will take you from here.

But beware! Don´t let your own eco-nomics fall in the hands of the masters of ego-nomics!

Furthermore, don´t you yourself become an ego-nomist!

We all live in a finite world and it is about time to turn the tables around for the better.

And in the end, down deeply, they are not better because you are not better. They can only be better if you are better.

You are the founding stock. Remember that!

Be better! For everyone around you!


Cassis Y. & Cottrell P. (2009). The World of Private Banking. Co-Edited by Pohle Fraser M. & Fraser I.L. Ashgate, Farmham, Surrey, England. 302 p.

Douzinas C. (2013). Philosophy and Resistance in the Crisis: Greece and the Future of Europe. Polity Press, Cambridge, UK. 234 p.

Mitsopoulos M. & Pelagidis T. (2011). Understanding the Crisis in Greece: From Boom to Bust. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK. 268 p.

Mullins E. (1992). The World Order: Our Secret Rulers. Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, Stauton, VA, USA. 299 p.

Smith P. & Thurman E. (2007). A Billion Bootstraps: Microcredit, Barefoot Banking, and the Business Solution for Ending Poverty. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA. 233 p.

Vradis A. & Dalakoglou D. (Eds.) (2011). Revolt and Crisis in Greece: Between a Present Yet to Pass and a Future Still to Come. AK Press, Oakland, CA, USA. 352 p.

See you later, alligators!

Source: Jessica´s Health Blog.

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