domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015


Source: YouTube.

Source: 77GSlinger via YouTube
View original

This series destroys the lame academic theory created by the catholic priest Lematrie, called the BIg Bang. The idiocy of this impossible quackademic scenario is revealed in great detail. 

The theoretical foundations of modern Cosmology are in fact a bunch of guesses based on dysfunctional mythematics. Therefore ridiculous academic theories like: big bangs, black holes, neutron stars, event horizons, gravitational collapse, gravitational lensing, dark matter dark energy, too many to list here, ad nauseum, do not exist in the real Universe and are only artifacts of sophistry and criminal scholastic deception managed and promoted by the rich people of this world, so that they may know untold wealth power and control over their fellow man.

Watch The Big Bang Never Happened documentary, in nine parts, all uploaded by 77GSlinger:

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015


Andorra la Vella. Fuente: Wikipedia.

Por ET Detective
27 de agosto de 2015

Dicen que en Andorra no pasa nada de nada de la nada que no es nada aunque alguien dice que algo esconde entre la nada quien guarda su dinero sacado misteriosamente de la nada. 

Todo luce bien. Tan bien que algo falla en Andorra. 

Y lo que falla, entre otras cosas que fallan, es lo de siempre: la ley. 

Los cacos se salen con la suya. Son cosas de bancos y cacos podridos.

Por algo alguien ha dicho lo siguiente:

"Los órganos que tienen que evitar las operaciones de blanqueo de dinero y la 'Batllia' que las tiene que perseguir y castigar han fallado de manera clamorosa".

Andorra, un país podrido, por Jaume Reixach, 20-03-2015

Leer el artículo completo: cliquear aquí.


Uploaded by UFO Documentary.


Fresco of Approving of bylaw of Society of Jesus depicting Ignatius of Loyola receiving papal bull Regimini militantis Ecclesiae from Pope Paul III. Source: Wikipedia.

By Gundhramns Hammer
August 27, 2015

It has been said that all roads lead to Rome. More exactly to the Black Pope, the Jesuit General or the commander of all God´s marines.

We are talking about the head of the the Society of Jesus (Company of Jesus or Order of the Jesuits), headquartered in Rome, Italy.

As you all know, this Order was founded by Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish knight from a Basque converso family.

Acoording to the experts, Loyola was simply the man who gave his face to put a face on this transmutated military order, which was puppetered behind the curtains by the powerful Venetian nobility, i.e the Black Nobility.

That happened back on 27th September 1540, the official founding date of the Jesuits. 

Since then, there has been a total of 30 Black Popes. Adolfo Nicolás Pachón being the 30th Superior General of the Jesuits.

Ecce a complete list of all the Black Popes: Click here.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015


Source: YouTube.

By Gundhramns Hammer
August 27, 2015

First brainwash them thoroughly. Next make them unfeeling, callous, unforgiving, cruel, insatiable and totally self-centred. Make perfect zombies out of them. 

And then you can farm them as you please.

In a sense, the global masters are already doing whatever they want to do with the abundant human cattle

They own you!

So, one of these days you will wake up in a slaughterhouse!

Soon you will go from here:

Uploaded by Roberto Benítez.

To here!!!

Source: Daybreakers: Human farm.


Yes, you!

Are you ready for it?

Do you dare switching places with your meat?

Can you step back for a moment to see what you have never been taught to see?

Can you feel?

Do you care?

Can you spare some empathy?

Do you have any?

If you don´t, do not complain when they get you hung from a meat hook, ready to be slaughtered!!

Human meat on the menu?... It´s only a matter of time!!!

Only you can put light in their darkness!!

Be yourself their kind future now!

מקום שאין בו גבול (A PLACE WITHOUT BOUNDARIES)

Source: YouTube.

A Place Without Boundaries

A moving conversation with the singer and artist David D'or about his childhood in Holon, the meaning of life in the special nature at the sand dunes and the influcence on his life and creation.  [ranlevyyamamori]

Uploaded by ranlevyyamamori.

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015


Kilimanjaro (Tanzania). Source: tanzanianow.

By Gundhramns Hammer
August 23, 2015

No place is left alone by Man (Homo insapiens). And Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa is no exception. This snow-capped Tanzanian mountain has become the target of many a trekkers and climbers. 

It is a matter of "I have been there" amongst these mountain climbing addicted people´s talks.

Now, without you huffing and puffing, you can be part of this crowd via Internet, sort of being more on the "sustainable" side, for no airplane travelling was involved from your part.

By this means we are not telling you go should there, but simply, go there without going there, sitting comfortably at home in front of the PC screen, and enjoy the breathtaking beauty of this African mountain.

So, what the fuck! 

Happy viewing! And happy cybertravelling!!

Here it is (Videos 1-3):

Source: Dan Sped via YouTube

An adventure of the human spirit that follows five trekkers/climbers and a local Chagga guide to the top of Kilimanjaro, the largest free-standing mountain in the world. Along their journey of courage and endurance, this diverse group of trekkers encounter strange landscapes and endure harsh conditions as they travel through five climate zones ranging from the lower rainforest reaches of Kilimanjaro to the summit's Arctic glaciers, all the while learning about the formation of the African continent and the Great Rift Valley. 

Video 1. Kilimanjaro: To the roof of Africa. 1/3. Uploaded by Da Sped.

Video 2. Kilimanjaro: To the roof of Africa. 2/3. Uploaded by Da Sped.

Video 3. Kilimanjaro: To the roof of Africa. 3/3. Uploaded by Da Sped.

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015


Laguna de Gallocanta (Aragón, España). Fuente: Wikipedia.

Por Gundhramns Hammer
22 de agosto de 2015

No veréis al caballero andante don Quijote de la Mancha y su inseparable amigo, don Sancho Panza, en las llanuras de las comarcas de Campo de Daroca y Jiloca en Aragón (España) a no ser que echéis andar vuestra imaginación. 

Si es así, allí estará este caballero, hechizado por la belleza de la campiña aragonesa.

Pueda que vosotros también. No sólo por la belleza del lugar sino también por otro fenómeno natural: la migración de las aves.

Estamos a finales de agosto una vez más y pronto las grullas y otras aves migratorias se lanzarán al aire en su viaje épico hacia el sur. 

Y la Laguna de Gallocanta es un lugar increíble para observar la gran migración de aves en otoño y primavera cada año.

¡No te lo pierdas!

Os dejamos unos links sobre las aves migratorias en la Laguna de Gallocanta: cliquear aquíaquí y aquí.


Source: Barnaby is Right.

By Gundhramns Hammer
August 22, 2015

The root of the problem may be the way you deal with the root that causes the root of what you want to uproot. 

To change such a problem is a big challenge.

What to do?

Firstly, you will have to take a good look at your own root so that you do not go around trying to uproot what you think is the root even though it may be something that has nothing to do with the root because you are the root which needs to be uprooted to connect with the root to avoid any frictions with the course of each other´s root.

Secondly, do not try to tell someone to uproot what you think is the root unless you have changed your root.

Thirdly, be careful if you see the other´s root as the root of your root because you may be in for an uprooting surprise when you are dealing with their root.

Fourthly, never assume your root is the only way to change someone else´s root. 

Fifthly, be respectful and kind.

And last, even though you may think you have the right root to uproot what you want to uproot, there is no "one root to rule them all", when applying the measure of your own root because, living on a planet of limited resources, their root is your root too.

You´d better pay close attention to what most people ignore: Life in a finite planet should always be weighed together before you attempt to change anyone´s root to uproot what may in the end leave everyone without a root at all.

So watch your root!

What is true for your own root is also true for your own nation´s root, when dealing with someone else´s root. 

An example?

What better example than the way the United States relates with the Islamic world.

The following paper may give you an insight of one root looking at someone else´s root:

Levi Michael A. & D´Arcy Michael B. (2005). Untapped Potential: US Science and Technological Cooperation with Islamic World. The Brookings, Washington, DC, USA. 98 p.

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015



By Gundhramns Hammer
August 20, 2015

Fist blows flying all over!.... Bang!.... Bang!!! Ouch!.... Ouch!!... Man... That hurt!! ******!!! Right on the face or the genital package! ******!!! 

They are totally mad!!

They fight like mad everytime they feel their selfish interests get threatened and fear that their parasitic life may come to an end.

Also, they fight like mad because they are afraid of not getting what they fight for and are not even sure whether they should fight for what they fight for but nevertheless they fight for because they get paid directly or indirectly to fight for the Hidden Hand´s interests hiding behind the global door.

But what the fuck can you expect from these mad politicians who fight for what they should not fight for and usually do not fight for what they should fight for, you know, the public interests?

Let us take a look at the world leaders fighting like fucking mad (Video 1):

Video 1. Compilation of  world leaders getting in fights. Uploaded by asdfghjkl97843's channel.


Caricatura por Gundhramns Hammer.

Por Gundhramns Hammer
20 de agosto de 2015

Había una vez un cura que no tenía cura pero buscaba su cura para la cura que sólo lo cura una cura que, después del dinero que principalmente sirve para esta cura, motiva a todo el mundo a seguir con su locura y que no es para el cura.

Leer el artículo entero: cliquear aquí.


Mutated eggplant (Solanum melongena). Source: Fukushima Mutations.

By Gundhramns Hammer
August 20, 2015

If you are one of the those people who were born without any expressed biological defects, with a wholesome set of five fingers and five toes, for example, consider yourself lucky.

Read the full article: Click here.

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015


Source: Mystical Myth.

By Gundhramns Hammer
August 17, 2015

There was a time when economics was real eco-nomics, like in the Greek root oikos, home, habitation or a dwelling place; a simple household management.

The invention of agriculture changed all of that.

As time went by, we kept working at it, elaborating more and more sophistacated weapons, transforming the simple into a more and more complex system until we got to the point where we are now, with satellites in space, nukes and laser weapons to shoot our neighbours, amongst other invented things, and an ecological mess in our hands below. 

But this complex system of our own making is now backfiring. 

We have not been considerate towards our Mother Nature at all. Instead we have become Naturefuckers.

Because of this, we are now eating our own shit

But sadly, we are making other earthlings eat our shit too (Video 1).

Video 1. Borneo: Unmasking the truth. Uploaded by EarthConsciousOrgTV.

So... Today is more a matter of ego-nomics than eco-nomics because those "folks" (ETs?) who control the real eco-nomics have gotten too carried away, have become extremely sophisticated in human and nature blood sucking, mind-boggling and fucking greedy, even screwing around on top and under the same fucking bed with the mafia.

They are out there not to help you but to grab your hard earnt eco-nomics.

And to make things worse for your eco-nomics, our “democratic” governments, supposedly there to keep a fair balance, to keep at bay those that want to fuck you, instead of defending the rights of the people ("the public"), they take sides with these peoplefuckers.

Who are these peoplefuckers?

You know them damn well. They are the greedy “bankers”.

No wonder some people call them banksters.

Where the fuck did they get started?

Some historians tell us that this damn banking thing got started in Babylonia, with the “snake people”. The same lineage of usurers which Jesus Christ used to call “race of vipers”, because some of these had viper-like faces. They may have been human-serpentoid alien hybrids.

But no one knows where or when this blood sucking business will end. The when will only happen with man´s end, obviously.

In the meantime, bankers have become our boogeymen

We let them. 

And not many people can stay away from them!

They are everywhere!

Anyone who wants to tango with them is bound to become part of their grand "economic" cake. 

After all, "economic development", as they understand it, means debt. And a lot of fucking up Mother Nature to pieces too.

What a bubble! 

Heavenly when everything is going well and hellish when it bursts!

What a cycle!

And whilst dreaming and daydreaming, and being made to dream their dream so that your dreams can make their dreams come true when they are chasing their dreams of hidden agendas, almost everyone is now getting on their fancy bandwagon.

In many parts of the world, with the excuse of “development”, even the poor are getting wrapped in their banking veil.

So much so, for example and not the only example, that the founder (Father Marcial Maciel Degollado) of the Legionares of Christ, a Vatican´s religious Order, said once: “Poor are good business”, referring to that by extending microloans ("microcredits") to thousands of poor people to get them “developed”, to put an "end to their poverty", which is indeed a good idea, you can eventually fill up your coffer, like ants in an anthill.

How clever!

Hmmm.... What happens if the peasants cannot pay the microloan back?

The money lenders end up with the collateral, usually the peasant´s piece of land or home.

Mon dieu, mon Capitaine! It turns out to be a silent land grabbing and people do not even realise they are slowly being taken over!

This is on a small scale, mon ami.

But these boogeymen, mon ami, also do it on a grand scale, targeting whole countries. And from here the entire world, their most cherished goal.

Mon Capitaine, they are almost there!

Yeap, mon ami! Although they still need to hone their tools here and there to reach their beloved planetary goal: Owning everything and everybody.

Right now, they are experimenting with Greece galore.

Greece has become their ego-nomics laboratory.

What Greeks thought they had, it really had them. And who had them is now collecting the collateral: The land, infrastructures, mines, human cattle herds, etc.


Who will be next? Only God knows it! Truly!

Anyway, mon ami, a lot has been written about Greece´s “debt crisis”. Perhaps too much, as a way to cover the grains with piles of chaff.

Taking this “debt crisis” from a different perspective, how about reading a little bit more about Greece´s own boogeyman?

Are you up to it?

If so, mon ami, click here.

Now, don´t you get too carried away and confuse what they want you to confuse with what should not be confused in this confusing matter.

It is all up to you where you go from here.

Or perhaps should we say, where they will take you from here.

But beware! Don´t let your own eco-nomics fall in the hands of the masters of ego-nomics!

Furthermore, don´t you yourself become an ego-nomist!

We all live in a finite world and it is about time to turn the tables around for the better.

And in the end, down deeply, they are not better because you are not better. They can only be better if you are better.

You are the founding stock. Remember that!

Be better! For everyone around you!


Cassis Y. & Cottrell P. (2009). The World of Private Banking. Co-Edited by Pohle Fraser M. & Fraser I.L. Ashgate, Farmham, Surrey, England. 302 p.

Douzinas C. (2013). Philosophy and Resistance in the Crisis: Greece and the Future of Europe. Polity Press, Cambridge, UK. 234 p.

Mitsopoulos M. & Pelagidis T. (2011). Understanding the Crisis in Greece: From Boom to Bust. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK. 268 p.

Mullins E. (1992). The World Order: Our Secret Rulers. Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, Stauton, VA, USA. 299 p.

Smith P. & Thurman E. (2007). A Billion Bootstraps: Microcredit, Barefoot Banking, and the Business Solution for Ending Poverty. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA. 233 p.

Vradis A. & Dalakoglou D. (Eds.) (2011). Revolt and Crisis in Greece: Between a Present Yet to Pass and a Future Still to Come. AK Press, Oakland, CA, USA. 352 p.

See you later, alligators!

Source: Jessica´s Health Blog.

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015



"Para crecer debemos sacar a luz y fortalecer lo que no dejamos crecer porque no queremos crecer donde debemos crecer. Y es que crecer no tiene nada que ver con lo que la mayoría de gente entiende por crecer."

Gundhramns Hammer´s Philosophia, 2015

Continuar leyendo aquí.

sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015


Pintura de la artista Elena Gastón Nicolás (España).

A partir del 22 de agosto hasta el 9 de septiembre de 2015 en Nuévalos (Calatayud, España), los amantes del arte y en especial de la Naturaleza encontrarán en las pinturas de la artista Elena Gastón Nicolás lo que buscaban: la delicadeza y lo sublime del mundo natural y el remolino de la civilización humana.

Diversos cuadros sobre la Naturaleza infinita combinado con el arte multidimensional de Elena Gastón Nicolás os impactarán!

Quedáis invitados!! No os lo perdáis!!


Source: FanArt.TV.

By Gundhramns Hammer
August 15, 2015

Not all truth we are told to be truth can be held to be truth but in this case there is some truth to what they tell us it is not truth.

                    Gundhramns Hammer

We are living in times of an ecological crisis of our own creation. It is a scientific fact.

To come out of this mess, if we ever do, all of us will have to pitch in. 

Too much money is invested to bring to life just a single fucking movie. 

Continue reading and watch the movie here.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015


Source: Pics about Space.

By Gundhramns Hammer
August 14, 2014

As you would expect, when Michael Jackson released his album This It It in 2009, a two-CD set containing a movie of the same name and one of his poems called "Planet Earth"critics were quick to jump on him. 

As far as the poem was concerned, some people said that it was somewhat childish, others considered it sort of insipid or too mushy.

To some critics, the poem was seen as environmentally premonitory.

No matter what, Michael Jackson´s poem obviously has a message: We should pay attention to our home planet otherwise, for the way we are going, we are at risk of not getting any more tomorrows as a species in the not too distant future.

The time is now. We must act right now, following Mother Nature´s grain. 

We must seize the moment.

This is our challenge.

Our challenge as tourists on our fleeting sojourn on Earth.

We humans are all tourists on this planet. 

Michael Jackson was no exception.

And just when he was getting started on the environmental track, he kicked the bucket. 

Or was he made to kick the bucket?

Some people think so. They have suggested that Michael Jackson was killed by the Illuminati so that he would not mess up with the global oligarchy´s hidden agenda.

Whatever the case might be, he went through this planet only once, like everyone else, although sucking more Biosphere juice than most mortals, for he lived in extreme luxury. 

Despite all of the mambo jumbo to confuse the fandango, there ain´t such a thing as "sustainable luxury"

No matter what the "sustainable" entrepreneurs say, having millions of bucks always means sucking up a lot of Biosphere juice from Mother Nature.

Anyway, what did this mortal tourist leave behind?

Michael Jackson left piles of money, possessions, questions and a lot of recorded music.

So, for those of you who are interested on Michael Jackson´s recorded poem, here it is along with a clip (Video 1):

Planet Earth 

Planet Earth, my home, my place, 
A capricious anomaly in the sea of space, 
Planet Earth, are you just 
Floating by, a cloud of dust, 
A minor globe, about to bust, 
A piece of metal bound to rust, 
A speck of matter in a mindless void, 
A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid. 

Cold as a rock without a hue, 
Held together with a bit of glue, 
Something tells me this isn't true. 
You are my sweetheart, soft and blue. 
Do you care, have you a part 
In the deepest emotions of my own heart, 
Tender with breezes, caressing and whole, 
Alive with music, haunting my soul. 

In my veins I've felt the mystery 
Of corridors of time, books of history, 
Life songs of ages throbbing in my blood 
Have danced the rhythm of the tide and flood. 
Your misty clouds, your electric storm 
Were turbulent tempests in my own form. 
I've licked the salt, the bitter, the sweet 
Of every encounter, of passion, of heat. 
Your riotous color, your fragrance, your taste 
Have thrilled my senses beyond all haste. 
In your beauty, I've known the how 
Of timeless bliss, this moment of now. 

Planet Earth are you just 
Floating by, a cloud of dust, 
A minor globe, about to bust, 
A piece of metal bound to rust.
A speck of matter in a mindless void. 

A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid. 

Cold as a rock without a hue, 
Held together with a bit of glue, 
Something tells me this isn't true. 
You are my sweetheart, gentle and blue. 
Do you care, have you a part 
In the deepest emotions of my own heart, 
Tender with breezes, caressing and whole, 
Alive with music, haunting my soul. 

Planet Earth, gentle and blue, 
With all my heart, I love you.

Michael Jackson


Video 1. Michael Jackson: Planet Earth. Uploaded by TheEternalMoonwalker.

Now, it is all up to us to pay attention to Michael Jackson´s message.

And his message is not alone.

Indeed. We are surrounded by plenty of messages about the negative impact of our touristing on this beautiful planet.

Can you yourself name one? 

How is your Biosphere juice sucking?