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Source: GenaLivings.com. |
By Gundhramns Hammer & Salvatore Scimino
February 6, 2014
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Man, the naked ape with mental diarrhoea, the primatiform beast that goes around calling himself Homo sapiens, the naughty and haughty creature that believes himself to be the king of creation (Video 1) will not get some rest until he finds the rabbit down the hole.
Video 1. Man, the destructive ape.
But the problem is that man is an Alice chasing the rabbit down in Additiveland and the damn rabbit is a truckload of dangerous sophisticated stuff of his own invention. And this adventure is taking him down to his own tomb. Damn poisoned.
February 6, 2014
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Man, the naked ape with mental diarrhoea, the primatiform beast that goes around calling himself Homo sapiens, the naughty and haughty creature that believes himself to be the king of creation (Video 1) will not get some rest until he finds the rabbit down the hole.
But the problem is that man is an Alice chasing the rabbit down in Additiveland and the damn rabbit is a truckload of dangerous sophisticated stuff of his own invention. And this adventure is taking him down to his own tomb. Damn poisoned.
All along, as he is chasing this rabbit, man also
has invented all sorts of gadgets, machines and nasty weapons and has devised numerous protocols on how to
cook this rabbit, his fucking rabbit.
He is dwelling, enjoying or in hell, in a comfortable cave
called “home”, a place full of contraptions, some of which brainwash him (Fig. 1), many others are damn dangerous chemicals. These artificial substances are making him softly sick, little by little; or fast, turning him into a waste basket, scaring the hell out of him, so he goes running to the hospital searching for some help, if lucky. If not, he goes directly to the graveyard.
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Figure 1. Family watching the brainwashing machine, TV. Source: Goggle Images. |
So wrapped is in his dangerous and curious game of inventions, be it
convenient or inconvenient, that man is at the verge of becoming an alien inhis own backyard or joining the labyrinthodonts in the boneyard.
When it comes to feeding himself, man does not eat what he
was meant to eat but what he has invented to eat because he does not want to
eat what he is supposed to eat in a chain of what to eat and what not to eat.
So he ends up eating what is not good for him to eat and he
finishes up the line with his asshole inconveniently rotten, having eaten what
was not any good for him.
If you eat what you were not meant to eat, you will pay for
As an example, we can take the United States. People in this
country are eating too much of what they were not meant to eat. The result is
an “obesity epidemic”, as stated by Dr. Deborah A. Cohen (2014).
There are so many fat people walking around in the United
States that if these folks´ fatness were to be tapped and used as biofuel,
“Americans” would have found a final solution to their damn energy crisis. And
this way they would leave the Arctic alone!
Imagine fat people standing in line to go inside a “milking”
clinic to sell their fat tissue! Geez!! Fucking amazing!!
Which brings us to the subject of sophisticated or alien
Sophisticated or alien foods
Sophisticated food is a food product that has been adulterated in its structure, one that has been rearranged, processed, transformed and changed by adding additives, preservatives, artificial vitamins or any other substance not found in its original state (Video 1). It is a food with strange substances. Damn strange!! Perhaps alien!!!
It is a estranged food product whose raw material has been fractionated into different components, producing diverse components, each of which has been modified in one way or another.
This alien food may conserve its original appearance but its contents have been artificially changed in the wonderland of the food industry.
In other words, a sophisticated food is any food and beverages which have strange substances added to them by man in his attempt to “improve”, “enhance”, to “rearrange” to make them more “palatable” or more appealing and are usually attractively packaged to make them more alluring and marketable at the store.
Sophisticated foods contain additives of all sorts to keep microorganisms at bay and thus extend the products´ life spans at the shelf.
Curiously some sophisticated foods such as sophisticated ice cream which contains artificial vanillin or artificial strawberry flavour taste stronger and even better than the real thing! And by the way, the strawberry flavour may have come from a beaver butt!
When it comes to food sophistication, food chemists know how to trick our taste buds, and of course ultimately our brains! Indeed!!
In a nutshell, alien foods including drinks or beverages are alienated or sophisticated products.
Understanding by alienation or sophistication the process by which a food item is adulterated with strange substances, to be redundant.
A sophisticated food (SF) is the result of man´s chemical sorcery at the lab.
Some people refer to SFs as shit foods or metafoods.
And metafoods can also be called matafoods (Spanish: mata, of matar = to kill), that is killingfoods. Because many of the strange substances they contain are risky, hazardous or even dangerous to our health. An example is MSG. Read Schwartz (1999).
If you eat SFs full of these life subtracting chemicals, they will not kill you right away but will work their way slowly, chewing and fucking you up little by little until you burst with some type of cancer.
We have to make it clear that not all sophisticated foods are necessarily bad for you.
Some sophisticated foods such as cheese or any dairy products made at home without any nasty, life subtracting artificial chemicals are good and nutritious.
But they are also considered bad for your health after childhood.
We were not meant to be drinking milk after being weaned, let alone cow´s milk or any other type of lactating stuff.
Good dairy products are history, anyway.
The dairy products processed and produced industrially – sophisticated dairy products – contain additives and other man-made chemicals, some of which can be harmful to our health.
Furthermore, these dairy products have often been irradiated with gamma rays.
We repeat, man was not made to drink milk beyond his infancy.
If you consume these products, you are the one who will suffer or enjoy any consequences.
And depending on the authorities you put your hands on or what the economical interests of the dairy lobby say to you in the media, you are bound to becoming a ball in a football field.
We will not get into the argument whether or not dairy products are good or bad for you.
Except for one thing: sophisticated dairy products, especially cheese, rich in hazardous additives such as MSG conveniently disguised as “natural flavour”, “natural protein”, etc., will make your ass itch and burn your colon.
If you consume alien dairy products in large quantities, the first thing you will notice is a burning sensation when you piss, but later, as you continue gobbling these foods, you will end up with colon, prostrate, testicle and breast cancer sooner or later.
And if you are a rational being, a caring and responsible person, a loving human being, and not a maniac biological robot, you will understand that we cannot talk about dairy farming without dealing with the issue of ethics: The Rights of Animals.
It is not fair that after so years of work at the dairy farm, a cow is disposed of like a piece of old rag (Video 2) at the end of her productive life.
Video 2. Cow torture for your glass of milk.
Cows are sentient beings just like humans. They do have a well developed nociceptive system. So, cows experience pain. Thus, they should not be treated like pieces of shit.
If you have not developed the empathy realm in your brain yet, which means that your are still living in darkness, living on automatic gear like a biological robot, you will not give a damn about the cruelty that goes on at the animal farms and at the slaughterhouse.
Remember that even when farmers treat their domestic animals “humanely” whilst people exploit them, these living and sentient beings eventually have their throats cut with a knife at home or are sent to the slaughterhouse, the animal hells.
There is not such a thing as a “humane death”.
But if you are already at the point of having awakened within you a certain level of empathy, the kind that goes beyond your own species, what may be called transpecific empathy, you might consider our point.
There is life after quitting eating or consuming any kind of meat or dairy product; in other words, there is life after an animal based diet.
Being a phytophagous human being is healthier indeed.
Why do you think Bill Clinton switched to a vegan diet?
It is obvious that if we humans belonged to the Plant Kingdom the whole issue would be approached from a different angle.
But we will leave it at that.
Each to his own although sometimes what appears his own is not his own but what the media or the social soup which contains him has made him believe is his own. His own may well be not his own after all.
Moreover, most people are following not what is their own but what they have been made to follow as his own as part of an enslaved herd of human cattle that is used solely to suck their blood to feed parasitic humans who belong to an exclusive elite in charge of the global show.
Now, if foods derived from animal sources are badly sophisticated, so are those obtained from plants.
Plain vegetables and fruits sold at the grocery stores already wrapped in plastic, which contains phthalates, and/or packaged in a modified atmosphere, pumped with carbon dioxide or other gases to keep the microbes away or keep them fresh looking longer, can also be considered metafoods.
Unfortunately, sophisticated foods including beverages have the OK of sanitary authorities.
After all, “Poderoso caballero es don dinero” (a powerful gentleman is Mr. Money), once said the famous Spanish writer Francisco Quevedo.
The idea behind this business of sophisticated foods is to get the most out of any raw material used as food, to extend its life at the shelf and of course, to make the most money. It boils down to fucking money.
But with so many naked apes (Homo insapiens) living so damn crowded and cramped in cities, one on top of the other, what the fuck do you expect?
It is fucking hard to feed so many demanding urban naked apes in any metropolis.
City human dwellers are usually maniacs and demand “fresh” produce and at the same time they are usually brainwashed folks who are prompt to reject a real and “imperfect” apple which, for example, does not have anything to do with matafoods, but whose appearance is not “perfect” as those plastic ones found in the magazines.
The top of the straw is when an English consumer, for example, finds a tiny speck of dirt on one fresh string bean brought from Africa and makes a big fuzz about it, complaining to the store manager. This maniac consumer eventually passes on the “bad news” to his or her (it is usually a she) friends.
The supermarket big baboons have then to abide to the whims of the consumers, take the whole damn stock out and throw it away.
Here is an example of food waste at the supermarkets (Video 3).
Video 3. Food waste at one of Europe´s biggest supermarkets.
Man´s sophistication has reached a point that sophisticated foods are so antiseptic that kids who lead a sophisticated life are practically never exposed to naturally occurring microbes, so these brats are not inoculated and do not accordingly develop natural defenses against the most common of diseases.
And as a result they suffer from multiple allergies and other illnesses and usually have their intestinal microbiota fucked up. In fancy words, they suffer from dysbiosis.
But such is human insanity!
So sophisticated living or metaliving, living beyond what Mother Nature meant for humankind - e.g., living in a home or apartment full of furniture, fabrics and other stuff containing toxic substances such as brominated flame retardants - and far removed from the natural world, leads definitely to a life based on sophisticated, alien or metafoods.
If you are a cement jungle dweller, unless you grow your own veggies in the garden, if lucky, or on the roof of your apartment complex, if that is possible, otherwise you will eat alien foods, i.e., Scheiße.
It is no wonder that man can now be considered a metaman, an adulterated or sophisticated ape.
More so if he has strange objects incorporated or added to his body (pacemakers, silicone boobies, silicone butt, penile implants, etc.), sort of a Star Trek cyborg.
And as said before, metahumans depend on metafood industries or rather metaindustries, and thus are under the control of metaindustrialists and metabankers.
And what the fuck are metaindustrialists and metabankers?
They are businessmen whose economic pyramid sits directly or indirectly on drug money. That´s the truth, folks. Why beat about the fucking bush. As it was yesterday, it is today.
And there are lots of folks who are into money laundering, directly or indirectly. They are what we call narcocreeps or narcobastards.
Directly, they do it on a Pablo Escobar or Chapo Guzman style. Or on a lower scale.
If indirectly, narcocreeps are suave beasts, doing their thing quietly, disguising themselves as pro-social devils, hiring (personally or using a chain of testaferri) local creepy accountants who set up hundreds and hundreds of phantom firms in a tax haven to get the most out of money laundering and leave the least tracks on the mud.
As a matter of fact, some experts do believe that the whole fucking modern economic system on planet Earth is really based on money extracted from drug trafficking or other illegal activities in the end.
So, soft or hard junkies or any stupid consumer of narcotics are at the base of the modern economic pyramid and thus function as if they were Atlases, as in the Greek mythology, holding and keeping the whole establishment around, the world from collapsing. Economically collapsing, that is.
It is no wonder the the whole fucking system is rotten, stinks of shit and is bursting at its seams.
So much sophistication. It sounds like Trini Lopez: Sophistication in the morning, sophistication in the evening. Sophistication all day long. Ooo...Ooo... Ooo!
Sophistication in foods, sophistication in business, sophistication in human relationships, sophistication in banking, sophistication in travelling.... Sophistication all over this Earth!
Man is swimming in a sea of sophistication.
This business of sophistication has gotten to the point that most people look like people but they are no longer people.
Some people are already transforming into posthumans, being more on the alien side from eating so many fucking sophisticated foods.
What the fuck do you expect when people consume hundreds of additives?
According to Learning Seed (2008), a person consumes 150 lbs (68.03 kg) of food additives every year on the average, of which 147 lbs (66.67 kg) are salts and sweeteners!!!!
Whereas other human folks walking around, maybe your own neighbour, are indeed extraterrestrial aliens, well camouflaged as humans and infiltrated amongst humans and posthumans.
In other words, some humans are already metahumans not only because they have, carry or drag a body full of xenobiotics but also because some of them are really infiltrated extraterrestrial aliens living amongst Homo insapiens populations.
If you are still one of those humans who can still do your own gardening and are not lazy to do so, and live far way from any city or live off the land, there are still some around the globe, then you are a lucky man or woman.
Enjoy it, for it will not be long before you will be electronically chipped or thrown into modern man´s fucking economic churning machine.
The very same machine that Homo insapiens has invented chasing the rabbit down the hole.
And this fucking economic machine has gotten out of hand and is now on the lose, on a straight path of swallowing humans and nonhumans alike on this planet.
Man, an Alice chasing the bunny down in the Sophisticated Land, has got to be fucking crazy!!!
Next time we will look into the issue of sophisticated spaghetties. Don´t miss it!
Cohen D. A. (2014). A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind the Obesity Epidemic – And How We CanEnd It. Nation Books, New York, NY, USA. epub, 557 p.
Deville N. (2011). Death by the Supermarket: The Fattening, Dumbing, and Poisoning of America. Greenleaf Book Group Press, Austin, TX, USA. Epub, 649 p.
Greenspan J. D. (1997). Nociceptors and the peripheral nervous system´s role in pain. J. Hand Ther., April-June, 1997: 78-85.
Kader A. A., Zagory D. & Kerbel E. L. (1989). Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Fruits and Vegetables. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 28 (1): 1-30.
Learning Seed (2008). Food Additives. Chicago, IL, USA. 20 p.
Minich D. M. (2009). An A-Z Guide to Food Additives: Never Eat What You Can´t Pronounce. Conari Press, San Francisco, CA, USA. 160 p.
Moss M. Z. (2013). Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us. Random House, New York, NY, USA. epub, 926 p.
Schwartz G. R. (1999). In Bad Taste: The MSG Symptom Complex. Health Press, Santa Fe, NM, USA. 387 p.
Smith J. & Hong-Shum L. (2013). Food Additives Data Book. Wiley-Blackwell, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, West Sussex, UK. 1107 p.
Statham B. (2007). What´s Really in Your Basket? AnEasy-to-Use Guide to Food Additives and Cosmetic Ingredients. Summersdale Publishers Ltd., Chichester, West Sussex, UK. 335 p.
Sophisticated or alien foods
Sophisticated food is a food product that has been adulterated in its structure, one that has been rearranged, processed, transformed and changed by adding additives, preservatives, artificial vitamins or any other substance not found in its original state (Video 1). It is a food with strange substances. Damn strange!! Perhaps alien!!!
Video 1. Holy shit!! What the fuck is this? Man... it´s a damn machine cranking out your sophisticated chicken nuggets!
It is a estranged food product whose raw material has been fractionated into different components, producing diverse components, each of which has been modified in one way or another.
This alien food may conserve its original appearance but its contents have been artificially changed in the wonderland of the food industry.
In other words, a sophisticated food is any food and beverages which have strange substances added to them by man in his attempt to “improve”, “enhance”, to “rearrange” to make them more “palatable” or more appealing and are usually attractively packaged to make them more alluring and marketable at the store.
Sophisticated foods contain additives of all sorts to keep microorganisms at bay and thus extend the products´ life spans at the shelf.
Curiously some sophisticated foods such as sophisticated ice cream which contains artificial vanillin or artificial strawberry flavour taste stronger and even better than the real thing! And by the way, the strawberry flavour may have come from a beaver butt!
When it comes to food sophistication, food chemists know how to trick our taste buds, and of course ultimately our brains! Indeed!!
In a nutshell, alien foods including drinks or beverages are alienated or sophisticated products.
Understanding by alienation or sophistication the process by which a food item is adulterated with strange substances, to be redundant.
A sophisticated food (SF) is the result of man´s chemical sorcery at the lab.
Some people refer to SFs as shit foods or metafoods.
And metafoods can also be called matafoods (Spanish: mata, of matar = to kill), that is killingfoods. Because many of the strange substances they contain are risky, hazardous or even dangerous to our health. An example is MSG. Read Schwartz (1999).
If you eat SFs full of these life subtracting chemicals, they will not kill you right away but will work their way slowly, chewing and fucking you up little by little until you burst with some type of cancer.
We have to make it clear that not all sophisticated foods are necessarily bad for you.
Some sophisticated foods such as cheese or any dairy products made at home without any nasty, life subtracting artificial chemicals are good and nutritious.
But they are also considered bad for your health after childhood.
We were not meant to be drinking milk after being weaned, let alone cow´s milk or any other type of lactating stuff.
Good dairy products are history, anyway.
The dairy products processed and produced industrially – sophisticated dairy products – contain additives and other man-made chemicals, some of which can be harmful to our health.
Furthermore, these dairy products have often been irradiated with gamma rays.
We repeat, man was not made to drink milk beyond his infancy.
If you consume these products, you are the one who will suffer or enjoy any consequences.
And depending on the authorities you put your hands on or what the economical interests of the dairy lobby say to you in the media, you are bound to becoming a ball in a football field.
We will not get into the argument whether or not dairy products are good or bad for you.
Except for one thing: sophisticated dairy products, especially cheese, rich in hazardous additives such as MSG conveniently disguised as “natural flavour”, “natural protein”, etc., will make your ass itch and burn your colon.
If you consume alien dairy products in large quantities, the first thing you will notice is a burning sensation when you piss, but later, as you continue gobbling these foods, you will end up with colon, prostrate, testicle and breast cancer sooner or later.
And if you are a rational being, a caring and responsible person, a loving human being, and not a maniac biological robot, you will understand that we cannot talk about dairy farming without dealing with the issue of ethics: The Rights of Animals.
It is not fair that after so years of work at the dairy farm, a cow is disposed of like a piece of old rag (Video 2) at the end of her productive life.
Cows are sentient beings just like humans. They do have a well developed nociceptive system. So, cows experience pain. Thus, they should not be treated like pieces of shit.
If you have not developed the empathy realm in your brain yet, which means that your are still living in darkness, living on automatic gear like a biological robot, you will not give a damn about the cruelty that goes on at the animal farms and at the slaughterhouse.
Remember that even when farmers treat their domestic animals “humanely” whilst people exploit them, these living and sentient beings eventually have their throats cut with a knife at home or are sent to the slaughterhouse, the animal hells.
There is not such a thing as a “humane death”.
But if you are already at the point of having awakened within you a certain level of empathy, the kind that goes beyond your own species, what may be called transpecific empathy, you might consider our point.
There is life after quitting eating or consuming any kind of meat or dairy product; in other words, there is life after an animal based diet.
Being a phytophagous human being is healthier indeed.
Why do you think Bill Clinton switched to a vegan diet?
It is obvious that if we humans belonged to the Plant Kingdom the whole issue would be approached from a different angle.
But we will leave it at that.
Each to his own although sometimes what appears his own is not his own but what the media or the social soup which contains him has made him believe is his own. His own may well be not his own after all.
Moreover, most people are following not what is their own but what they have been made to follow as his own as part of an enslaved herd of human cattle that is used solely to suck their blood to feed parasitic humans who belong to an exclusive elite in charge of the global show.
Now, if foods derived from animal sources are badly sophisticated, so are those obtained from plants.
Plain vegetables and fruits sold at the grocery stores already wrapped in plastic, which contains phthalates, and/or packaged in a modified atmosphere, pumped with carbon dioxide or other gases to keep the microbes away or keep them fresh looking longer, can also be considered metafoods.
Unfortunately, sophisticated foods including beverages have the OK of sanitary authorities.
After all, “Poderoso caballero es don dinero” (a powerful gentleman is Mr. Money), once said the famous Spanish writer Francisco Quevedo.
The idea behind this business of sophisticated foods is to get the most out of any raw material used as food, to extend its life at the shelf and of course, to make the most money. It boils down to fucking money.
But with so many naked apes (Homo insapiens) living so damn crowded and cramped in cities, one on top of the other, what the fuck do you expect?
It is fucking hard to feed so many demanding urban naked apes in any metropolis.
City human dwellers are usually maniacs and demand “fresh” produce and at the same time they are usually brainwashed folks who are prompt to reject a real and “imperfect” apple which, for example, does not have anything to do with matafoods, but whose appearance is not “perfect” as those plastic ones found in the magazines.
The top of the straw is when an English consumer, for example, finds a tiny speck of dirt on one fresh string bean brought from Africa and makes a big fuzz about it, complaining to the store manager. This maniac consumer eventually passes on the “bad news” to his or her (it is usually a she) friends.
The supermarket big baboons have then to abide to the whims of the consumers, take the whole damn stock out and throw it away.
Here is an example of food waste at the supermarkets (Video 3).
Man´s sophistication has reached a point that sophisticated foods are so antiseptic that kids who lead a sophisticated life are practically never exposed to naturally occurring microbes, so these brats are not inoculated and do not accordingly develop natural defenses against the most common of diseases.
And as a result they suffer from multiple allergies and other illnesses and usually have their intestinal microbiota fucked up. In fancy words, they suffer from dysbiosis.
But such is human insanity!
So sophisticated living or metaliving, living beyond what Mother Nature meant for humankind - e.g., living in a home or apartment full of furniture, fabrics and other stuff containing toxic substances such as brominated flame retardants - and far removed from the natural world, leads definitely to a life based on sophisticated, alien or metafoods.
If you are a cement jungle dweller, unless you grow your own veggies in the garden, if lucky, or on the roof of your apartment complex, if that is possible, otherwise you will eat alien foods, i.e., Scheiße.
It is no wonder that man can now be considered a metaman, an adulterated or sophisticated ape.
More so if he has strange objects incorporated or added to his body (pacemakers, silicone boobies, silicone butt, penile implants, etc.), sort of a Star Trek cyborg.
And as said before, metahumans depend on metafood industries or rather metaindustries, and thus are under the control of metaindustrialists and metabankers.
And what the fuck are metaindustrialists and metabankers?
They are businessmen whose economic pyramid sits directly or indirectly on drug money. That´s the truth, folks. Why beat about the fucking bush. As it was yesterday, it is today.
And there are lots of folks who are into money laundering, directly or indirectly. They are what we call narcocreeps or narcobastards.
Directly, they do it on a Pablo Escobar or Chapo Guzman style. Or on a lower scale.
If indirectly, narcocreeps are suave beasts, doing their thing quietly, disguising themselves as pro-social devils, hiring (personally or using a chain of testaferri) local creepy accountants who set up hundreds and hundreds of phantom firms in a tax haven to get the most out of money laundering and leave the least tracks on the mud.
As a matter of fact, some experts do believe that the whole fucking modern economic system on planet Earth is really based on money extracted from drug trafficking or other illegal activities in the end.
So, soft or hard junkies or any stupid consumer of narcotics are at the base of the modern economic pyramid and thus function as if they were Atlases, as in the Greek mythology, holding and keeping the whole establishment around, the world from collapsing. Economically collapsing, that is.
It is no wonder the the whole fucking system is rotten, stinks of shit and is bursting at its seams.
So much sophistication. It sounds like Trini Lopez: Sophistication in the morning, sophistication in the evening. Sophistication all day long. Ooo...Ooo... Ooo!
Sophistication in foods, sophistication in business, sophistication in human relationships, sophistication in banking, sophistication in travelling.... Sophistication all over this Earth!
Man is swimming in a sea of sophistication.
This business of sophistication has gotten to the point that most people look like people but they are no longer people.
Some people are already transforming into posthumans, being more on the alien side from eating so many fucking sophisticated foods.
What the fuck do you expect when people consume hundreds of additives?
According to Learning Seed (2008), a person consumes 150 lbs (68.03 kg) of food additives every year on the average, of which 147 lbs (66.67 kg) are salts and sweeteners!!!!
Whereas other human folks walking around, maybe your own neighbour, are indeed extraterrestrial aliens, well camouflaged as humans and infiltrated amongst humans and posthumans.
In other words, some humans are already metahumans not only because they have, carry or drag a body full of xenobiotics but also because some of them are really infiltrated extraterrestrial aliens living amongst Homo insapiens populations.
If you are still one of those humans who can still do your own gardening and are not lazy to do so, and live far way from any city or live off the land, there are still some around the globe, then you are a lucky man or woman.
Enjoy it, for it will not be long before you will be electronically chipped or thrown into modern man´s fucking economic churning machine.
The very same machine that Homo insapiens has invented chasing the rabbit down the hole.
And this fucking economic machine has gotten out of hand and is now on the lose, on a straight path of swallowing humans and nonhumans alike on this planet.
Man, an Alice chasing the bunny down in the Sophisticated Land, has got to be fucking crazy!!!
Next time we will look into the issue of sophisticated spaghetties. Don´t miss it!
Cohen D. A. (2014). A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind the Obesity Epidemic – And How We CanEnd It. Nation Books, New York, NY, USA. epub, 557 p.
Deville N. (2011). Death by the Supermarket: The Fattening, Dumbing, and Poisoning of America. Greenleaf Book Group Press, Austin, TX, USA. Epub, 649 p.
Greenspan J. D. (1997). Nociceptors and the peripheral nervous system´s role in pain. J. Hand Ther., April-June, 1997: 78-85.
Kader A. A., Zagory D. & Kerbel E. L. (1989). Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Fruits and Vegetables. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 28 (1): 1-30.
Learning Seed (2008). Food Additives. Chicago, IL, USA. 20 p.
Minich D. M. (2009). An A-Z Guide to Food Additives: Never Eat What You Can´t Pronounce. Conari Press, San Francisco, CA, USA. 160 p.
Moss M. Z. (2013). Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us. Random House, New York, NY, USA. epub, 926 p.
Schwartz G. R. (1999). In Bad Taste: The MSG Symptom Complex. Health Press, Santa Fe, NM, USA. 387 p.
Smith J. & Hong-Shum L. (2013). Food Additives Data Book. Wiley-Blackwell, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, West Sussex, UK. 1107 p.
Statham B. (2007). What´s Really in Your Basket? AnEasy-to-Use Guide to Food Additives and Cosmetic Ingredients. Summersdale Publishers Ltd., Chichester, West Sussex, UK. 335 p.
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