viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014



"El lobo es sólo el comienzo". En la Sierra de la Culebra (Zamora) todos los años se subasta la vida de los lobos para darles muerte. El año pasado se subastaron en la Reserva Regional de Caza de La Culebra cuatro lobos, por un total de 14.100 € ; dos a 3.400 €, uno a 3.600 € y otro a 3.700 €. Pero esta vez será diferente. Queremos, con tu ayuda, recaudar dinero para pujar y darles la vida. Y vamos a conseguir con vuestra ayuda salvar al menos uno de los que se subasten a principio de Marzo." [

Free translation: 

"The wolf is just the beginning". In the Sierra de la Culebra (Culebra Mountain Range) (Zamora, Spain), the lives of wolves are auctioned to kill them for sport every year. Last year, four wolves were auctioned at the Regional Hunting Natural Reserve of La Culebra. The wolves´ deaths brought in a total of 14.100 euros (two wolves for 3.400 each, one for 3.600 euros and another one for 3.700 euros). But this time is different. We want, with your help, to collect enough money to bid for the wolves´ lives and thus saving them so that they can continue enjoying life. With your help, we are going to save at least one wolf when they are auctioned early this March. 

¡Por favor, apresúrate! !La vida de lobos ibéricos en peligro de extinción pende de un hilo! ¡El tiempo se acaba!

¿Quieres hacer de la Tierra un mundo mejor para todas sus criaturas? Ahora es tu oportunidad. Demuestra que sí te importa. 

Por favor ir AQUI para aportar tu contribución. ¡Gracias!!!

Please Hurry! Endangered Iberian wolves´ lives are at stake! Time is running out!!

Do you want to make Earth a better world for all of its creatures? Now is your opportunity. Show you care.

Please go HERE for your contribution. Thanks!!!


Fuente: The 99 Cent Chef.

Por Gundhramns Hammer
28 de febrero de 2014
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La Historia es interesantísima. Leer un libro de un buen historiador es una delicia. Es un sorbo refrescante. Es una mirada al pasado que está justo debajo de nuestros pies, convertido en nosotros mismos. 

Entre los historiadores hay algunos que pueden ser catalogados como excelentes, su rigor se hace notar en la manera cómo manejan los datos arqueológicos e históricos para construir una imagen nueva del pasado, sin caer en la trampa de lo subjetivo y lo soba leva.

Pero hay otros que son pomposos y soberbios y poseen la habilidad de convertir la historia en un velorio.

Después de pasar por las aulas de la universidad, donde los estudiantes de historia son sometidos como las olivas a una prensa de pensamientos, muchos historiadores salen cuadriculados y lo único que saben hacer es escupir fechas y eventos desconectados de la parte oculta del iceberg histórico.

Y los pocos historiadores del bando oculto y que saben lo que nadie sabe, no lo cuentan porque si lo saben los que no saben entonces a los que saben se les acabaría el cuento de succionar la sabia a los que no saben.

Todos los historiadores reciben un buen lavado de cerebro en la universidad hasta que muchos salen miopes y con un cerebro repleto de extractos uniformizados y listos para saber adornar lo que no necesitan adornar.

Por supuesto todo debe ser adornado de acuerdo a los patrones de los patrones que hacen de patrones sin ser patrones pero fingen ser patrones, que cuando escriben escupen una secuencia de datos estrechamente hilados con intelectualidades pomposas y egocéntricas dando como resultado un: 

Bla... bla... bla.... en 1856... bla... bla... bla....el capitán al frente de su ejército de caballeros.... bla... bla... bla... luego surgió un percance fulminante.... bla... bla... bla... Pero no se mostraron petulantes.... bla... bla... bla... De la nada, como un rayo apareció el vengador.... bla... bla... bla... y atravesado por una bala perdida… bla... bla... bla..., bla... bla... bla..., entonces, al despuntar el alba, murió nuestro héroe. 

Toda una mandurriería infinita, un show de alarde de manejar las retahilas de palabras como todo un presidente de una academia de lengua, esos que viven del cuento, felizmente rascándose las fábricas de espermatozoides o la puerta del castillo y bebiendo vino tinto de cuando en cuando, y que, a estas alturas un historiador acotado ya llevaría 200 páginas sólo para decir que ¡al capitán le zamparon un tiro en el culo! 

¿En el culo?

Oui, mon capitaine! ¡En el mero culo!

La historia sin rodeos, sin tapujos, sin rimbombancias, resultaría muy interesante a las masas de estudiantes zombies y académicamente oprimidos y exprimidos, por ejemplo, si los promotores de aprendizaje, se supone, llamados maestros o profesores les dijeran: al capitan le zamparon un tiro en el culo.

Así es la historia que muchas veces no es historia sino historia para mantener a los tontos con historias para que no comprendan su historia y no se acabe la historia de vampirizar las masas de gente aborregada con historias que no son historia.

Nos la cuentan bien adulterada, tergiversada y adornada. Salvo si perteneces al circulo interno. A veces ni allí. Y las masas de borrregos humanos gustan del pasto ajeno aunque tenga mierda.

Y si es mierda aunque bien adornada, mierda se queda.

¿Sabes tú cómo distinguir la historia de la historia que no es historia y que nos la venden como historia de la historia que de verdad es historia? ¿Sabes tú cómo distinguir un buen historiador de otro lameculos?

¿Sí? ¿No?

Si, sí, hay esperanzas. 

Si, no, estamos perdidos. 

Post´s title translated (English):



¿Miranda o Fidel Castro? Fuente: El Lagarto Verde.

Por Gundhramns Hammer
28 de febrero de 2014

Ni se lo llevaron los extrarrestres ni lo raptaron los demonios del subsuelo cubano para comérselo asado. El misterio de su muerte está encerrado en el misterio de la vida de su doble, su doppelgänger.

No, el "benemérito" revolucionario de Cuba, el "verdadero Fidel Castro", supuestamente otro doble, "estiró la pata" el 26 de julio de 1986, devorado por un infarto cardíaco causado por un hechizo vudú, según Alcides Herrera (2012).

Cuenta Alcides Herrera (2012) que a partir de ese día arranca la historia de Miranda, un agricultor de Banao mejor conocido en su zona por dos cosas: 

  • por saber cómo cultivar los ajos y cebollas más grandes y 
  • por su tremendo parecido a Fidel Castro.

La noche del fatídico infarto del "Comandante de la Revolución", Miranda desapareció de Manao.

Muy lejos de sus campos de verduras, el destino le deparaba a Miranda un importante papel en la historia de Cuba: convertirse en uno de los dobles, los doppelgängern, de Fidel Castro (Fig. 1). Los jefes de gobierno suelen tener de 5 a 12 dobles.

Figura 1. Miranda en uniforme verde-olivo. Fuente: El Lagarto Verde.

¿Verdad o ficción?

Averígualo tú mismo.

Leer la historia completa:

Miranda el Doble de Fidel Castro, por Alcides Herrera (2012), publicado en El Lagarto Verde.

Pinchar AQUI.

jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014


Source: Mail Online.

It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.

                                                Lena Horne

Traducción: "No es la carga la que te rompe sino la manera que la llevas."

Source: Words of Wisdom.


Source: Freaking News.

By Gundhramns Hammer
February 27, 2014
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Somebody has said that to be successful at fishing you have got to know the habits of the fish. 

This is exactly what the food multinationals have done with consumers. 
The big food companies, with the help of chemists, psychologists, food technologists  and marketing specialists, know what people do not know and what most folks do not care to know because average consumers just want to eat not what is good for them to eat but what is tasty to them to eat.

The food industrialists know the human fish´s habits inside and out.

To catch human fish is simple: Give consumers what stimulates the brain´s opioid system of them. And voilá... You have them hooked.

So, consumers are hooked on food hooks (Video 1). And along the way, the multinationals (i.e., the shareholders) get richer at the expense of the consumers´ blood and sweat. And humans get sicker, hooked on opioid foods! Hooked on food hooks! Hooked on junk foods!

                   Video 1. Chocolate, cheese, meat and sugar: Physically addictive.

Remember, what is good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander. 

The goose has the noose to get you in his money mousse. And the ganders have a lot to lose. 

If you go about eating what you think is good for the gander, you might find the neck chopping block sooner than you expected. Cooked by a giant cancer.


Le Merrer J., Becker J. A. J., Befort K. & Kieffer B. (2009). Reward Processing by the Opioid System of the Brain. Physiol. Rev., 89: 1379-1412.

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014


Fuente: Den of Geek!

Por Salvatore Scimino & Gundhramns Hammer
26 de febrero de 2014
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Todos estaban excitados. En la base, incluso se dio el caso de un experto mostrando tremendo paquete más abajo del ombligo debido a la aceleración de las hormonas en su torrente sanguíneo. 

Al ver semejante bulto, algunas mujeres se pusieron más nerviosas. Una pocas babearon. Un "macho" exclusivo se acercó más a la tienda de campaña ajena.

Los científicos y los militares estaban tan ansiosos de ponerle la mano encima. 

No al paquete del gaznápiro sino a la nave alienígena recién capturada por los militares.

Nadie se aguantaba en averiguar lo que la nave alienígena contenía.

Pero, ¿qué demonios encontraron al penetrar la nave extraterrestre?

Esto es lo que encontraron en la nave alien (Videos 1-2):

                                        Video 1. El cargamento alienígena de la nave.

                                                   Video 2. Más aliens en la nave.

Queda por averiguar la procedencia de la nave alienígena. 

Estamos rodeados de vida alienígena en la Tierra

Estamos rodeados de vida alienígena en la Tierra. No sólo de organismos que han evolucionado en "nuestro" planeta sino que también por alienígeas extraterrestres infiltrados en la poblaciones humanas. 

Bien podría ser tu vecino un ET y tú no te enteras. 

¿Cómo los distingues a los ETs? Este es pan de otro saco y lo dejaremos para más tarde.

Sin embargo, el hombre gasta billones de euros buscando vida en otros planetas cuando aquí tiene suficientes maravillas biológicas en la misma Tierra.

Mejor sería poner estos dineros "espaciales" en resolver los serios problemas que acosan la aldea global humana y no humana. 

Por supuesto, si tú tienes una empresa que chupa de los grandes proyectos espaciales o eres un esclavo bien entrenado al servicio de tu bolsillo y del sistema que sólo sirve para desgastar y joder los ecosistemas de la Tierra, no estarás de acuerdo.  

Pues bien, si te interesa conocer más sobre los alienígenas de la Tierra que pueblan tu nave, date una vuelta por la internet. Puedes comenzar aquí.

Otra alternativa.

Leer más sobre alienígenas de tu nave:



Source: formiche.

By Gundhramns Hammer
February 26, 2014

When you talk about the National Rifle Asociation (NRA) in the United States, people listen to you. And when the NRA talks to people, people listen to it including politicians.

Humans are extremely social beasts.  People are packed animals like wolves. 

But it is much easier to love wolves (Canis lupus) than people (Homo insapiens). 

Wolves do not go around throwing nukes and destroying people and Nature on a planetary scale like people do. These mammals take only what they need. 

Furthermore, wolves keep those animal populations upon which they feed biologically fit. Wolves are ecosystem engineers. On the other hand, humans are ecoclasts.

Generally speaking and being pack critters, people follow a leader. This behaviour is ingrained in their hard disk.

However, humans do not listen to the small man unless this happens to have a lot of bread. People will only listen to the big guy, the flashy and powerful one. 

So, if you want to be listened to, you had better get some powerful fellows in your roster.

This is exactly what the NRA has done. In its roster, there are people with a lot of political clout and social gathering power. 

Find out who they are. Read the following article:

Meet the NRA's Board of Directors by Dave Gibson (2013). Mother Jones. 2 p. 

Click HERE and HERE.


And along the way, you might also be interested in reading this too: Click HERE.


Source: Care2

By Gundhramns Hammer
February 26, 2914

This is what we humans have done to the North American Bison (Bison bison) not long ago (Fig. 1):

Figure 1. Bison (Bison bison) holocaust (ca. 1870). Source: Have Dice.

And this is what is been planned to continue with the bison holocaust:

"Yellowstone is home to one of the last genetically pure herds of bison left in North America. Up to 1,600 of this 4,600-strong herd could be killed under this appalling scheme, once again preventing the herd's expansion and setting back bison restoration to other areas of their historic range.

Bison are icons of the American West. Slaughtered by the millions a century ago, they were driven to the brink of extinction. Today we have an opportunity to reverse this national wildlife tragedy. 

Tell Governor Steve Bullock to stop the slaughter and let bison roam outside of Yellowstone National Park!" [Care2]

Let us stop this bison slaughter!!!!!

Please hurry!! Time is running out!!

Flood the Governor´s office with e-mails!

Sign Petition: Click HERE.

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014


Source: Daryl Gagle´s Political Cartoon.

By Gundhramns Hammer & Salvatore Scimino
February 25, 2014
Select, paste & translate 

Man is a neotenic creature. A human might be 30, 40, 50 years or beyond this age, an old bag or rooster, but deep down in his amygdala gland, in his limbic system, his hard disk, emotionally speaking, he is still basically the same.  He is what he is and what he is, is.

Despite the accumulated experiences and education (his software) picked up along the years, people basically behave like brats (Video 1).

                                 Video 1. Temper tantrum in the parking lot.

What this means is that chronological speaking, man might be old but psychologically, emotionally, he still behaves as if he were in his infancy: Demanding, full of whims, possessive, insecure, easy to get temper tantrums, megalomaniac, and so forth. 

Of course, an adult selfish, sneaky, spoilt brat can modulate, hide or expose these characteristics, depending on the age, experience, situation, state of emotion and timing. 

But basically the only difference between an adult brat and child brat is that the adult brat is more in control of his behaviour than a child brat. 

Well, at times, because if you push adult brats´ red buttons too far, they will get mad (Video 2). Sometimes too damn mad, enough to even kill anyone or everyone!

                                Video 2. Homo insapiens damn mad!

And killing rampages happen all of the time. The world is full of damn too many emotionally fucked up, dysfunctional humans, people with short emotional wicks. 

Nothing has changed, only the coat of paint (Video 3).

                                         Video 3. 2001: Space Odyssey.

Only the coat of paint? Yes!

Have you ever seen any parliamentarians, legislators, senators, or whatever you want to call them, the people that basically make laws to protect their own egg baskets or their buddies´, fighting in a city hall or parliament, damn mad (Video 4) because they cannot get through and across their point of view or get their bratty toes stepped on in the assembled “legal” crowd of tax sucking and allotting vampires? Such bickering and fighting happen all the time year round, worldwide!

                         Video 4. Indian parliament politicians gone berserk.

Of course, what you have just seen above (Video 4) is some sort of a “civilised” way of fighting in a gang of academically trained and "morally" strapped people.

These mad people do not go too far and cross the killing line because they are afraid of jail. 

They do not want to get fucked in prison. They do not want to lose their image before their respective families and friends and community. 

But one way or another, humans are always fighting. 

Whether in the battle field, at home, at work, at play, in bed, doing business, etc., people are always in the boxing ring or getting there. 

As far as playing is concerned, humans have gone so far as to inventing numerous games to ritualise their fucking quarrels and wars: Competitive sports, Olympic games, etc. 

And by the way, when academicians compete to win the Nobel Prize, isn´t this another type of sophisticated, subterfuge and ritualised war? 

And for the inconvenience and hell of a lot of folks and economic and political gain of a few, neotenic humans do make fucking bloody wars too. Terrible wars (Video 5). All the time.

                                             Video 5. Irak war 2003.

Seen from an extraterrestrial point of view, man (Hominidae: Homo insapiens) behaves like a cross between a maniac, short tempered and quarrelsome chimpanzee (Hominidae: Pan troglodytes), and an easy going bonobo (Hominidae: Pan paniscus), always fucking or getting fucked. 

And who knows, perhaps bonobos and chimpanzees are devolved, are downloaded humans, if we follow the Vedic Cosmology or the Gallertoid Hypothesis (Grasshoff & Gudo, 2002). 

According to the Gallertoid Hypothesis, it is believed that man and great apes evolved from a marine, bipedal, humanoid creature, a  marine homonculus (Figs. 1-2), which in turn comes from a gallertoid (German gallerte, jelly, gelatin, i.e, a sack of gelly and fibre), an ancestral metazoan. We concur. 

Figure 1. Phylogenesis of the marine homonculus (aquatic pre-hominid). Source: C.E.R.B.I. (2002).

Figure 2. Reconstruction of the marine homonculus. Source: Sarre (2001).

So the quadrupedal position of apes is phylogenetically derived from an ancestral bipedal morphology. 

And it happens that humans possess the most number of ancestral characters. They are the "least removed from the ancient prototype" (C.E.R.B.I., 2000).

In other words, using street language, humans are basically more primitive than apes! 

Phylogenetically and anatomically speaking, apes are dehumanised forms of life

In such a case, humans devolving into apes, their scientific names of chimps and bonobos would be Homo paniscus and Homo troglodytus, respectively. 

The whole thing might be true. The problem is that nobody was there, at the exact moment when these three species sprouted on Earth, so we will never know the truth.

But back to our brat line. 

Child brats and adult brats have one thing in common: Both are insecure (obvious or hidden) and love for being the centre of universal attention

Thus, we think that the fact of being neotenically brat and not having had all of the emotional needs fulfilled in a person´s childhood is one of the chief motors that drives any man´s or woman´s insatiable desire to have more and more, to possess more and more of whatever can never be owned forever since everything in life is borrowed. 

We mean possession of wealth. This is so typical of the rich, powerful and famous people around the world. It is never enough for them.

We are dealing with one of the roots of all evil on Earth. In part.

In part, because we cannot discount alien influences upon ourselves by evil unknown ethereal entities that cross the barrier into our density or dimension or from extraterrestrial aliens (reptiloids, greys, etc.) who are hidden from our eyes (i.e., cloaked) by some ingenious technological apparatus. 

So, summing up, rich, greedy people are emotionally empty. They have a heart with many emotional holes, many unfilled emotional needs. In other words, they are emotionally fucked up. 

And this is why they try to fill up their emptiness by grabbing and accumulating vast amounts of money and other possessions or whatever they can get their hands on in this world. 

Having a lot gives rich people a deep sense of control and security. Even when nothing is secure in life except death. 

It is never enough for rich people. As a result, they become immensely wealthy at the expense and blood of everyone else around them. 

And of course, at the expense of Mother Nature, which bears the entire brunt of the whole deal.

Our society calls this “being financially successful”. 

“Being financially successful” means having more land, more cows, more horses, more cars, more houses and buildings, more ships, more ship containers, more airplanes, more millions at the bank, more vaginas and penises to play with .... more and more. Anything that can be lawfully or unlawfully owned. 

Even though in the end, man has to let go of all of his possessions when he kicks the bucket. 

Unfortunately, being a pack animal, with an instinctive impulse built-in in his hard disk to follow a leader, man uses this metre – having mountains of possessions, money or being financially successful - to measure anybody and everybody´s worth around him. And sadly humans do it all the time. 

And when a adult brat has a huge hoard, he wants the whole world to know about it. 

He beats his chest, screams, shakes, makes a lot of noise, splashes, flashes, splurges, spends a lot, overconsumes, shows off his possessions, fucks or gets fucked a lot or pretends to, and a whole slew of stupid things and nothings. 

He will do anything to attract the public attention. And the fucking stupid public drools! 

Having said that, we can now get to our first example of adult brats. 

For the time being, we will get started with the Chinese alpha baboons, the gang of top leaders who control China.   

The Red Dragon´s gold mine: Whose revolution?

The Red Revolution has proven to be a gold mine for a few Chinese folks, especially to the gang of revolutionary brats who took control.

Or rather they were made to take control of China, because the Red Dragon is supposed to be ruled by the Jesuits, according to some experts. 

And of course, a gold mine for their red comrades and families as well. 

Which brings us to a curious picture we want you to see (Fig. 3), extracted from a documentary: 

Figure 3. Mao Zedong and his yellow and white comrades coming out of the plotting room. Source: BBC: China on Four Wheels.

Now, what the fuck was this "caucasoid" man, the one carrying a piece of paper on his left hand, doing in the room where Mao Zedong and his comrades plotted the fall of the nationalist government that brought communist rule to the country (Fig. 3)? 

What do you think he was doing?

Hmmmm.... Red Revolution in China? 

Whose revolution anyway? 

Revolutions to revolutionise, monopolise, refresh, fill up someone else´s pocket at the expense of the masses blood! 

Vampires here, vampires there, vampires everywhere!! Fuck!!

As you can see, scratching the ground like hens pays off. This way you can pick the good grains in the wheat chaff!

Do not forget that documentaries are also used to brainwash human sheep. Don´t be a zombie when you watch them! Think! Study!

At the present time, with the little loosening of the economic communist tight knot, hundreds of millionaires have sprouted like mushrooms in China. 

Now, let us get to our business of bratty people. 

Let us take a dive into China´s top adult brats, those folks who love to accumulate wealth which in the end does not belong to anybody. Death, the winner, takes it all.

China´s richest revolutionary brats and their tax havens

Since the Red Revolution, China has been a river of troubled waters, and if you know how to fish in these kind of waters, you can catch damn big fish. 

And in China, the gang of adult brats, the revolutionary brats, in charge of the helm has done some damn good fishing. 

But if you overfish, the smell of the fish will get too strong, the whiff being carried far away and consequently other people would want your big fish. 

So you have got to find a way to hide your beloved rotting fish. 

And this is exactly what Chinese revolutionaries have done. They hide their fish. 

These top Chinese adult brats use tax havens to hide their egg baskets (wealth) from their fellow mortals. 

Their favourite tax havens are the Caribbean British Islands for mainland China and Hong Kong residents, Samoa in the South Pacific for Taiwanese (Walker et al., 2014), and Panama, for some mainland Chinese corporations (e.g, the Tiens Group and Baidu). 

Who are they? 

Table 1 shows China´s wealthiest men and women. China´s top adult brats. Walker Guevara et al. (2014) call them the “Red Nobility”.

Table 1. China´s wealthiest men and women. Data from Walker Guevara et al. (2014) and Lin (2013).

Denj Jiagui
Married to president President Xi Jinping´s sister, Qi Qiaoqiao
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Wen Yungsong
Son of former Premier Wen Jiabao.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Liu Chunhang
Son-in-law of former Premier Wen Kiabao.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Hu Yishi
Son of Hu Jinxing and first cousin once removed of former President Hun Jintao
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Li Xiaolin
Daugther of former Premier Li Peng.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Wu Jianchang
Married to the painter Deng Lin, second daughter of former supreme leader of China Deng Xiaoping
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Che Feng
Son-in-law of Dai Xianlong, former central bank governor.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Wang Zhi
Son of Communist General Wang Zhen, former vice president.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Wang Jun
Son of Communist General Wang Zhen, former vice president.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Fu Shuen-ji
Son of Peng Zhen, one of the “Eight Elders” of the Communist Party.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Yeh Shuen-ji
Nephew of Marshal Ye Jianying, one of PRC´s founders.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Wang Jingjing
Granddaughter of Wang Zhen, former vice president
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Su Zhijun
Grandson of Su Yu, one of the best-known PLA commanders.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Ma Huateng
Co-founder of Internet giant Tencent.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Yang Huiyan
China´s richest woman. Daughter of Yang Guoqiang.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Zhang Xin
Co-founder of property developer SOHO China. Wife of developer Pan Shiyi.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Zhang Zhidong
Co-founder of Internet giant Tencent.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Shen Guojun
Chairman of Yintai Group.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Jia Yueting
Chairman of web video giant Leshi.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Huang Guangyu
Jailed founder of GOME appliances chain. He is the husband of Du Juan.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Du Juan
GOME executive and wife of founder Huang Guangyu.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Lu Zhiqiang
Chairman of Oceanwide.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Li Jinyuan
Chairman of Tiens Group.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Dai Zhikang
Founder of Zendai Investment Group.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Du Shuanghua
Chairman of Rizhao Holding Group.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Ma Jianrong
Chairman of Zhenzhou International. Zhang Huiming´s husband.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Wen Yibo
Founder of Sound Global.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Shi Zhenrong
Founder of solar-panel maker Suntech.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Zhou Zhengyi
Jailed Shangai property developer.
Walker Guevara et al. (2014).
Wang Jianlin
Chairman of Dalian Wanda Group.
Lin (2013).
Zong Qinghou
Chairman and CEO of China´s largest beverage makers Hangzhou Wahada Group.
Lin (2013).
Robin Li
Founder and CEO of China´s search engine giant Baidu.
Lin (2013).
Liu Yongxing
Chairman of East Hope Corp.
Lin (2013).
He Xianggjian
Co-founder of Midea.
Lin (2013).
Jack Ma
Chairman of Alibaba Group.
Lin (2013).
Yang Huiyan
She is the largest shareholder of the Country Garden Holdings
Lin (2013).
Wei Jianjun
Chairman of Great Wall Motor Co.
Lin (2013).
Li Hejun
Chairman and CEO of Hanergy Holding Group Ltd.
Lin (2013).

What the fuck do these rich Chinese need all of their billions for? Where the fuck do they get their billions?

There is more than meets the eye, of course. But this is another bread bag.

As far as this fucking business of hoarding, accumulating wealth is concerned, China´s elite, like any other around the world, behaves like ecovampires. 

In the end, all of this wealth comes from Mother Nature (Video 6). If she gets fucked up, all earthlings get chewed up too.

                            Video 6. Earth´s giant wounds: Diamond mining.

And now, to conclude:

If we shop or consume these people´s stuff, some people call it "crap", are we not behaving just as ecovampires as they? 

Finally, we leave you with one question:

Are you working on your inner brat? Are you working on integrating your inner Ouroborus? We are.

Remember, the key is in your dreams.

Have a good day!


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