sábado, 29 de junio de 2013


Por Gundhramns Hammer
29 de junio de 2013

Fuente: ...Nada es Imposible...

Es sorprendente que la especie humana (Homo insapiens) se haya multiplicado sobre el planeta, casi 7 billones en la actualidad, pueda que más, tanto considerando todas las complicaciones emocionales y económicas que se interponen en el camino para su reproducción. 

Por ejemplo, primero el macho del humano debe de asegurarse que su fémina tenga un buen nido. Para lograrlo tiene varias rutas: ir a la escuela y la universidad, montarse un negocio, convertirse en un político o volverse un mafioso. 

Si puede combinar dos, más, o todas estas alternativas sin que la policía lo pille, maximizará más sus posibilidades de ser rico, con lo cual se volverá más atractivo para las hembras, con su parafernalia de pudiente, como los coches lujosos, una mansión, un avión privado, por mencionar algunas.

En fin, llenarse la vida con lujo, lo cual implica que de algún lugar tuvieron que salir estas cosas caras. Es decir, que su lujo causa agujeros en el tejido vivo de la Tierra. El lujo es antibiosférico.

Pero para maximizar los genes, también se puede hacer sabiendo jugar las reglas del juego. Aparentando ser rico y siendo muy labioso. 

Cosa que ocurre alrededor del mundo donde quiera que haya humanos. En los Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, entre los que se hacen llamar "afroamericanos", hay algunos hombres de las capas pobres, con poca educación, que van por allí preñando a las hembras y luego desaparecen. Practican la paternidad irresponsable.

Algunos machos muy machos que se las ingenian para vivir del cuento, a base del sudor de los demás contribuyentes, y tienen la costumbre de tener varias hembras en su harén no declarado. Es su secreto.

En las barriadas pobres de las ciudades, estos machos irresponsables suelen hacerse entre ellos la siguiente pregunta:

- Hey, how many turkeys have you got? (¿cuántas hembras tienes?), pregunta uno.

- I have five! (¡Tengo cinco!), contesta el otro.

A lo que el otro le dice:

- Man, that ain´t nothing! I have 14 turkeys in my sack and you can´t do better than that, man! (¡Hombre, eso no es nada! ¡Yo tengo 14 hembras en el saco y tú no puedes superar eso, hombre!).

Esta vieja costumbre de tener muchas mujeres y preñadas si es posible, pues es un símbolo de masculinidad de algunos hombres menos privilegiados económicamente, de etnia afroestadounidense, viene de la época de la colonia cuando los hombres traídos de Africa eran propiedad de los terratenientes blancos y algunos eran obligados a actuar como sementales para aumentar el número de esclavos en la plantación.

Pero a la hora de la reproducción, las moscas lo tienen más fácil que los humanos. No se joden mucho, no trabajan, tienen los montones de basura y mierda de los humanos a su disposición y no pasan por la máquina aburrida, aplastadora, uniformizadora y lavacerebros llamada escuela, que si la sobrevives sin ningún o pocos rasguños internos o externos está bien. 

La escuela viene muy bien en la vida. Te puede servir para comer abundante frito, para ralentizar o acelerar tu paso a la fosa. 

Y lo dejamos claro que no estamos recomendando aquí a que no vayas a la escuela, sólo que debes tener cuidado con los parásitos mentales que abundan por esos lares.

Pero vamos, con o sin escuela, si no tienes nada, estás completamente jodido, es difícil o imposible ir por la vida filosofando. Hay que atender la tripa primero si es posible. 

Y las circuntancias de la vida pueden ser extremadamente crueles y los humanos podemos emperorarla, directa o indirectamente, tan simple como tomarse una taza de café o una barra de chocolate.

Y aún ante semejante situación, con pobreza extrema, podemos encontrar personas que no dejan de sorprendernos con su vista puesta en el infinito y al mismo tiempo cantando de alegría en la vida, no maldiciendo, sino dando gracias por lo que cae y por todo que les rodea. 

Lo que poseen estas personas se llama fe. Lo poseen todo sin poseer nada. Llámala como quieres, pero está claro que lo infinito nutre al hombre también. 

Muchas personas le llaman Dios, Todopoderoso, Altísimo, etc., es un camino estrecho por el cual muy pocos humanos entran de verdad.

Y por esta ventana que hemos abierto entramos. 

En la película que hemos traído, La Bella y la Bestia, en inglés titulada Beauty and the Beast - A later-Day Tale, una idea sacada de un viejo cuento pero adaptada a la vida moderna, dos hombres están interesados en una chica llamada Belle Watson (Stephanie Wood). Parece el tema de siempre. Pero hay más.

Uno es joven pobre y el otro es un millonario. Ambos son lo que en en inglés se les llamaría "jerks" (una persona tonta e irritante, cabrón). 

El millonario está amargado, es duro de corazón porque la vida le ha quitado a su esposa en un accidente automobilístico. Mientras que el pobre es un tipo simple de pocas luces y no tarda en meter la pata, bueno, es una manera barata de quitarlo de enmedio en la película, haciendo una llamada telefónica que es una mentira para que echen del trabajo al padre de la chica Belle.

Al final, ¿quién crees tú que se lleva a Belle? El millonario, Eric Landry (Matthew Reese), por supuesto, porque sufre una transformación hacia lo empático, ante la cual Belle sucumbe enamorada en los brazos del metamorfoseado jerk

Es el "pago de la vida" por portarse bien. Se gana el dulce de Belle. Sobre lo cual podríamos escribir un sendo volúmen pero lo dejaremos aquí.

El joven tonto, el pelagatos llamado Craig (Everest Bishop), se queda sin pan porque se hunde en la intriga baratera y diabólica. En pocas palabras le sale el tiro por la culata.

Hay una escena interesante que podría pasar inadvertida por la mayoría de la espectadores. Es donde la chica entra en un salón amplio y bien amueblado en la mansión de Mr. Landry

Se puede ver al fondo un candelabro de bueve brazos, para ser más exactos un "Menorah", es decir un candelabro judío. Cosa que si hubiesen sido más cuidadosos los productores de la película no lo hubiesen mostrado. O ¿lo hicieron a propósito? Sólo los directores lo saben (B. J. Alexander y Brian Brough).

Pero ver el Menorah (Menorá) allí podría dar lugar a sesgadas interpretaciones de aspecto cultural e histórico. Esto deja espacio para estereotipos y puede indirectamente transmitir la idea de que Eric es un judío y para colmo de males en el momento que mostraron el candelabro en el film, el personaje millonario estaba comportándose como un jerk, aunque luego al final él cambia hacia lo positivo.

No nos vamos a meter en camisa de once varas. Debemos recordar que no todos los judíos son malos. Entre ellos hay personas que valen más que un imperio y también hay individuos no de buen fondo que van mucho más allá de jerks

Todos sabemos que la cuestión de buenos y malos es algo que depende de cada cultura humana, aunque hay virtudes consideradas como universales como son no matar, la generosidad, etc. Entonces, buenos y malos los hay en todas las "nacionalidades".

Finalmente, antes de que caigáis mareados pasemos a lo que hemos venido. 

La película de hoy (La Bella y la Bestia/Beauty and the Beast - A later-Day Tale, 2006) está marcada por el consumismo desenfrenado y todo el mundo anda como loco, robotizado.  Despiertos pero dormidos.

Además, a la hora de comer, nadie llora por el sufrimiento y la muerte de las gallinas y los pollos de las factorías de animales ni tampoco por los cerdos asesinados para fabricar las salchichas o por las vacas degolladas para ser convertidas en las hamburguesas y los biftecs. Ni siquiera se les ocurre pensar en ello. Están totalmente hechizados por el barato mundo de los humanos.

Todos los humanos que aparecen en esta película están atrapados en su jaula particular dentro de su cabeza, buscando ese algo que les dará rumbo y sentido a sus putas vidas.

Pero aún así esta película es agradable y tiene su lección que salta a la vista: ser amable con tus congéneres, no maltrates a nadie, debes ser generoso, mira lo que tienes y disfrútalo, sea poco o mucho, porque la vida es demasiado corta para andar por allí quejándose. 

Y si tú te quieres a tí mismo sumado a si alguien te quiere, ¿qué más pedir? Lo tienes todo, ¿no?

Vale la pena verla. ¡Disfrutadla!


viernes, 28 de junio de 2013


By Gundhramns Hammer & Salvatore Scimino
June 28, 2013

Source: HD WPapers

The flying saucer flew around at lightning speed a few times before landing on Central Park in New York City, the famous Apple. One of the biggest breeding colonies of Homo "sapiens" on planet Earth. 

The 2012 census had thrown almost 9 million people, 8,336,697 to be exact, according to Wikipedia, living crammed and stacked in all kind of sizes of dwellings from apartments in high rise buildings to a tent or a cardboard refuge under a bridge, for the poor and neglected that survive eating out of the garbage bin.

Which means that somewhere along the line of time, there had been more than 9 million fucks, hot perhaps or cold, taking place at night or during the day, and most likely all the sexual couplings were to release stress accumulated during the chase.

A chase not for warm-blooded prey, seeds, insect larvae or digging up roots, life to feed life, as in the olden days, but pseudohunting for cold metal coins or pieces of paper adorned with exotic and mysterious symbols. 

Lifeless money to buy lifeless packaged food to stuff up rumbling bellies and altered egos in one of the most populous cities in the world. 

Life may range from easy to damn hard for these primates in their own made Calhoun´s universe. Humans here, like everywhere else, are still trying to figure out the reason of their existence under the Sun. 

It is common for these naked hominids to fall prey under the claws of depression and a feeling of boredom, despair and senselessness as they go about pursuing their modern lifestyles in the jungle of concrete and steel. 

New York City inhabitants, and by that matter each human being, are living proof that this species of ape is a sex maniac. 

Such a large number, almost 9 million of people, when seen from a distance, looks like crawling maggots in a decaying carcass. 

The dwellers of New York City require a lot of natural resources, functioning as a giant machine chewing up big chunks of the Earth. They are worst than swarms of hungry locusts. 

This city or any other on the surface of the Earth suck up life and expel mountains of garbage, toxic shit and tonnes of human waste and dung into the environment (Video 1). Cities are cancer on a planetary scale. Cities are Earthsores.

                     Video 1. America´s megadump garbage mountain.

It takes a lot of food and water to keep alive such a vast number of antibiospheric two-legged hominid beasts.

Lots of things happen in this large city at any time, good and bad. It never sleeps. 

The sun came out as it always does. At least until it runs out of atomic fuel. 

Something very special was about to happen today. Everybody knew it. Even abroad.

On the last circle, the occupants inside the alien star ship were confident that things were alright on the ground, they would not be in danger of losing their necks under the ax of these belligerent apes, and they finally came down.

It was the year 2030. Everything was ready, including the towers with the laser beams just in case. But still too primitive war tools for this advanced outer space race.

The star ship landed silently, without even blowing away the dead tree leaves on the grass. No sound was heard. A squirrel saw the UFO and scurried away as fast as it could on a nearby tree. To this sciurid mammal, the ET ship was a giant hawk.

Out of the air, like in Star Trek, a body materialised in a few seconds. A skinny and paled humanoid creature, dressed in one piece golden suit came forward, towering almost 3 metres tall.  Whether it was a male or female was hard to tell. There was a small round platinum coloured box around the alien´s neck. 

The atmosphere got really tense on the human side. Many men and women in the crowd shitted and pissed in their pants, out of emotion and fear alike.

The alien creature said they wanted to learn more about the human civilisation. With the help of the box hanging from the extraterrestrial´s neck, the first words translated sounded like these, in perfect English:

- We have been watching you for over 100.000 years, and now we finally meet. My first question is this. Should you answer honestly, as you say, we shall stay and teach you our ways.

That sounded like glory to the ears of the military who were nearby.

The alien continued. The people were all ears. The EBE (extraterrestrial biological entity) went like this, the voice coming from the galactic creature´s neck box:

- I will use the language you use in those moving pictures you are so fond of watching. Here is our question.

- Tell us, the alien went on, why is it that you designate some of your most violent people, some strong men who beat the hell out of the opponents, hitting and breaking their ribs and teeth in a ring, in what you call "boxing", after becoming famous around your world, as messengers of peace?

As evidence of this, the EBE projected a message in the air, a very sophisticated holographic image, along with a telepathic beam that penetrated the minds of every human present there, to make sure these apes missed nothing. This is what it read: 

Former United nations Messengers of peace

Muhammad Ali & Kofi Annan. Credit: UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

Muhammad Ali
Known worldwide as "the Greatest", three-time World Heavyweight Champion boxer Muhammad Ali (USA) was designated UN Messenger of Peace in 1998. Spending most of his time outside the boxing ring devoted to the pursuit of peace, Mr. Ali first came to the UN in 1978 to address the UN Special Committee against Apartheid with a message of peace and spirituality. He brings people from all races together by preaching "healing" to everyone irrespective of race, religion or age. Over the years Mr. Ali has been a relentless advocate for people in need and a significant humanitarian actor in the developing world, supporting relief and development initiatives and hand-delivering food and medical supplies to hospitals, street children and orphanages in Africa and Asia. UN Messengers of Peace,

Everyone in the human crowd was speechless. There was only mumbling from the authorities. Their heads were confused, looking at spinning stars. 

They had an alien from another world in front of their eyes and could not come out with an answer that could answer and satisfy the intergalactic intelligent creature. A body guard farted and after puked out of panic.

There was no way of deceiving this EBE. No government official could trick this ET as these aliens were able to read people´s minds.

- We came in peace that is not like your peace. Therefore we leave. Perhaps we will return.

Being said that, the ET boarded the space ship. It took off faster than the speed of light, leaving the crowd disappointed, especially the military bunch.

From the south edge of the mass of people, the dumbfounded humans that had seen the arrival and departure of the aliens, there came a loud voice. 

An old beggar woman that had just arrived to the park and was told what had happened with the alien visit spoke:

- It is because humans have this world upside down!!!!!, she yelled.

The school of life never seizes to amaze anyone who has the time to listen to what people on the streets learn and have to say.  These street people quite frequently have more common sense than a lot of dumb politicians whose life is only thinking of stuffing their swollen bellies with meat, worrying about their fat ass and getting laid.

But by then it was too late. The aliens were already beyond the Solar System, or as they now called it: "Noidmbavsciu", which meant "place of warmongering talking two-legged beasts for no reason", in the click-klack sounding language.

And damn it, it is upside down indeed!!!!!!! 

With the cart before the horse. 

A beggarman, who used to be an engineer but got fed up with the system and now lived on the streets and slept under a bridge, was asked:

- Is man sapiens? 

He said:  

- Fuck!!!

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jueves, 27 de junio de 2013


By Salvatore Scimino & Gundhramns Hammer
June 27, 2013

Source: bali-borneo

The woman was well dressed. She carried an expensive crocodile leather handbag with her. Her hair was long, immaculate clean and shiny. It shone golden under the soft morning sun rays that penetrated the narrow street. She was around forty.

She hid her eyes behind a pair of expensive sunglasses. By Western standards, she would be catalogued as pretty. But she was in an awful hurry and restless as if she had hundreds of ticks crawling on her skin. She was under the spell of her diamond studded watch, the mark of the modern slave.

A young man approached her. He was in his mid-twenties, with a fresh look on his face. His girlfriend, who was on another corner at the end of the street doing the same thing, was also young and as radiant as himself.

The approaching young man exuded happiness. So did his girlfriend. Both were quite conscious of what they were doing,  for their minds had been awakened by far away horizons that were tied to their own lives. 

They both have realised that all specks of life are connected on this Earth. They were firm believers that humans are going on the wrong track. It must be changed and there is no time left. And at this point in time, their own species needs universal minds more than ever, to survive.

Both were happy, that quality that is an almost extinct species in those countries where, if you have a job, people swim in abundance, which enters as packaged stuff in one end of the pipe and leaves the opposite end as shit, garbage and piles upon piles of squandered stuff. 

The canvassing man and the hurried rich woman had met on one of those streets where nature has no place, one that makes you forget that you too belong to the natural world.

Only connecting indirectly to the environment at meal time, through the toilet in the bathroom and in bed, the place where two chunks of human meat, sort of a sausage and a hinge, meet once in a while to rub like hell, trying to reach the unreachable, to forget their painful lonely life in the so-called rich countries. Rich in stuff to pamper their admired bodies that will rot one day but so poor in terms of spirit.

And that day, the rich woman was damn depressed. She was rushing to see her psychologist that morning. She had tossed and turned on her bed, all night long, thinking of a man she had met at a dinner party a day before. 

He told her he was going to give her a call but never did. She had seen her newest Apollo only once and only for a short while but she was already smitten, madly in love with him. Such things are so common in modern societies where dysfunctional humans abound.

-Madam, excuse! Can you help us to save the orangutans in Asia? Please, just take this brochure that talks about these animals. Read at your own pace at home and we hope to hear from you, said the young man to the dressed to kill woman.

The advocates never heard a word from the rich woman. Too "busy" in her little damn pathetic hole.

Busy to be noticed, busy to get to be loved, or simply get fucked, which she confused as the same thing, although the two are on opposite ends. Busy shopping what she did not need. Busy to do nothing in her rich and yet lonely life. 

She did have a cat as her pet, one named Peter. But Peter was beyond her reach. He had already solved the big questions posed by life.

Curiously, for some unknown reason, this rich woman had a biodiesel powered luxury car. Perhaps as a memory to remind her of the good times she had with her rich ex-husband, who had gone green. Green was appealing to him, for he thought this new wave would take him on a huge kill. 

Neither she nor he gave a damn about the environment. A wrong move on the grand chessboard that supports their lives, the Biosphere.

Crying voices go unheard by most people

The idea is good. There is no question about that. It just needs some trimming, cutting a few chippings here and there to mould it and voila! There it is! 

At least this is the point of view from the lords of science. But it is not as easy as that. It is more complicated.

The complication comes from the human perspective. This beast with a head harder than a rock is not easy to carve. To carve his consciousness to take a sound horizon and walk along a wise path, safe for human and nonhuman alike, is damn hard. 

To carve his head to do useless things as playing golf or chasing a ball, for instance, or going to war, is as easy as taking a breath.

No... Man, this stupid two-legged beast classified as "primate" and self-named with the flamboyant "Homo sapiens", needs more than chipping away here and there. That is not enough. 

A global wise dictator would not be such a bad idea. But he could get carried away anyway and if he chose the wrong ministers as his help, it would be difficult to move the loaded cart in the right direction. 

After he´d croaked, the harpies would most likely fight for a piece of the cake left behind, much as it happened with Genghis Khan´s empire, those Turkic people that made Middle Age Europeans shit in their pants.

Something of this sort is what the "new world order" crowd has in mind. At least, this is what it looks like. But this bunch is too selfish, shortsighted, stupid, only good at tearing up the Earth to make money in order to feed their flocks. Otherwise the world would not be in such a deplorable state.

What man needs is to be grabbed by the balls, or we should say, balls if males and teats if females, shake him up, in the hopes of waking him up from his silly dream of "development" that is taking him as a species directly to the hole, to adorn the fossil record. 

In his developing dreamland, he is waiting for this to happen anyway, for Nature is the only one that can and will do this. Unfortunately.

Can´t he put a little bit of his "sapiens" into practice before this happens?

For wherever man set his foot, smashed and burned forests, broken limbs and maimed arms of animals, dead fish, cesspools of shit, giant pits dugout for minerals, and other heartless footprints is the result. 

He is so damn stupid that in order to carve his fruitless life he is digging up his own tomb. He cannot adjust his life to Nature´s cycles and live by her laws. He pretends instead to dominate and destroy her so he can feel he is on top. 

He enjoys being on top. Even when fucking, he or she likes to be on top. He craves to be on top. On top of everything. 

But natural laws cannot be topped. His craving to be on top will take him to be topped by what is never topped, extinction, oblivion.

On his way to top the untoppable he has come with this "neat" idea of going green. But the problem with his green is that it is not as green as the green found in Nature´s green but green as the one found on his dollar bill. 

So... This is how we come to the victims of man´s green that is nothing green but green stuff upon blood, the blood of his brethren who cry unheard by him (Video 1).

                      Video 1. Palm oil deforestation: green that is not green but red.

Damn! It hurts us so deeply to see our brethren, the orangutans, fall in such a ruthless way!!!!!

Hope out of nowhere
Out of nowhere came out a few people who have stepped out of the main self-destructive stream and got busy canvassing, risking spit and fire from the mouths of passerby pedestrians who abhor getting mud on their shoes in the city.

How many will be "sapiens" enough to hear and pay attention to their message?

These are the friends of the orangutans and other animals and plants (Video 2). Bravo!!!

                   Video 2. Orangutans are dying as demand for palm oil soars.

Orangutans are ourselves too

Although we may all look apart, we are all one. And one needs the other one. One is not only one but many ones hooked like one in unbeknownst ways to all the ones that compose the only one - the Biosphere- that looks like it is not one but it is one indeed.

Since we are all stuck on this beautiful Earth, we must join forces to change our fucking blind course. 

Being on top is definitely not sustainable.

Any "sapiens" out there left?

Let us hear your voice in support of those who look like they have no voices but indeed have voices. Not only their own but also yours and ours. 

We are all one after all. But we have got to act like one on this business of taking care of Earth.

Let us do something for ourselves. But we are talking about the ourselves that comprises all of ourselves. 

Even though they may not look like ourselves or they are not ourselves, they are indeed ourselves. All ourselves are one ourselves on this planet, our dear Earth.


Giampietro M. & Mayumi K. (2009). The Biofuel Delusion: The Fallacy of Large-Scale Agro-biofuel Production. Earthscan, London, UK. 318 p. 

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miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013


By Gundhramns Hammer
June 26, 2013

Animal Rights activists in Nigeria. Source: PETAAsia-Pacific-Hot & Sour Scoop.

Internet forums (fora) are sometimes full of cultural news, ideas and interesting information bits. Other times, they are only page after page of senseless crap or truckloads of bullshit. Anyway, forums are landscapes of people´s spontaneous thoughts. Windows on how brainwashed people are or whether or not there is some original thought in their heads. And as such, they cannot be disregarded so lightly. 

Here are some cultural bits on Nigeria taken from a forum:

Source: Nairaland Forum
View original
The way in which animals are treated in any culture is a direct reflection of how humans beings are treated by that society. Destitutes who die in the streets of Nigeria are NOT promptly collected by the "cadaver men" as they are in Mumbai, India. No sir, in Nigeria, human bodies are often simply ground to shreds by passing traffic, or just left to putrefy, swell and burst by the roadside, as indifferent pedestrians walk by, all totally inured to such horrific sights, by frequent exposure.

In such a surreal landscape of human misery and abject squalor, the spectacle of livestock being subjected to prolonged torture will never raises an eyebrow, any more than does the sight of accused witches or ittybits thieves being lynched and set alight by baying mobs. "Welcome to Hell", is what that Lagos airport road billboard sign ought to read, to really prepare visitors to Nigeria for what they will inevitably witness.

Yes, there is a fucking dark side in Nigeria as stated above. That is for sure. But what country does not have it?

Animals are abused, tortured, cut and maimed and most people do not give a fucking dam. Human life is also dirt cheap in Nigeria. 

And if you want to move things forward, you must use influences, if you know anybody who may help you through and survive the Nigerian bureaucratic labyrinth, or make sure you are carrying a suitcase bursting with the most persuasive power there is in man´s hellish world: The fucking money. 

Nigeria can be overwhelming, especially Lagos (Fig. 1), a city with 21 million people in the last count (2012). A breeding nest of humans, on a scale that goes beyond Dr. John B. Calhoun´s mice universe.

Figure 1. A crowded market in Lagos, Nigeria. Source: TNYT.

Both the negative and positive sides can be found in Nigeria, with a preponderance of the former. Apart from the psychopaths and crooked weirdos that walk around or are sitting somewhere in an office disguised as good citizens, we must remember that most human beings are always poised on an ethical balance, motionless or on the verge of jumping to one side.  

The result whether the balance tilts towards light or darkness is all up to each individual. Nonetheless, there are more people who choose to serve the devil around the world at any time.

Dealing with human beings implies making and taking decisions that may or may not be liked by those around you and affect one or more individuals, or all. 

At times, you will get the feeling that you are walking on some sort of a minefield or a plain full of eggshells. People are basically grown up babies, emotionally dysfunctional and so delicate that any innuendo puts them ready to cry, love, be loved, scream, yell, or kill. 

Furthermore, it is easier to please the devil than people. Humans are such distempered creatures, harder to lead than a flock of sheep and yet so easily to bend and twist.

Human relations are therefore more difficult than mathematics, nuclear physics or any damn hard science.

But has to be done must be done.

Nigeria´s bright side: Animal Rights

The light side of Nigeria´s coin can be as bright as any, anywhere on the planet. It can be even more outstanding, considering the huge mountain of problems and crap anybody has to surmount to achieve any goals that will benefit humans and nonhumans alike in the end.

Where needed, attitudinal and sensitization campaigns on Animal Rights, for instance, are not an easy task to carry out in Nigeria. 

Anytime and any place, most people tend to resist changes in their lifestyles, especially when it comes to anything that has to do chiefly with their mouth (how or what to eat), genitalia (how or what to fuck) or pocket (money spent on necessities or vanity and fucking nothings).

Laws are required and made, otherwise it would be a pandemonium, passed along to the  police force, which is sometimes a vast field of brainwashed morons, to enforce them upon humans and the mass of people is pressured to obey, and even so there are those individuals who will rebel. 

The crooked people will always go their on way. Most citizens will abide to the laws but some law abiding citizens who understand the nooks and crannies of the mysterious lawyer´s world and the lurking ways of the rich, may smell anything fishy, for not all laws are right and/or wise anyway. 

And when any law is not right, it should be challenged and pushed to be changed by the people, if they get to agree where to go before someone tells them where to go.

On the other hand, politicians have the obligation of paying attention to the public´s clamor. The public is their bread and butter. All claims should be examined and when necessary heed. Unfortunately, this is not the case. 

Always keeping in mind that masses of people seldom think but are frequently pushed. Masses are usually just that, formless masses to be molded at anybody´s whims, to be used as a ladder, as steps for the ambitious who think are eternal gods who drool to climb to the top of the power hill to wallow in the money cesspool.

Politicians have become a law unto themselves, a separate "species" that is too frequently a nasty hardheaded and unyielding crowd, especially if it is in place solely to protect the interests of the fucking rich.

Therefore, any effort from individuals who are ahead of the crowd and are interested in tilting the balance on the positive side for Animals and Nature, for instance, a goal that we should all have, can be hard and arduous work indeed.

This is the case for advocates of Animal Rights in Nigeria. And there are people who love animals in Nigeria, for it is not a barren land of unconcerned and callous people.

There are many Nigerians that do care about animals and the environment, although it is not a topic that occupies the front pages of European and American newspapers.

A while back, eminent lawyers and famous artists gathered at a book launch on a campaign for animal protection and animal rights in Nigeria. A book entitled Legal Framework for Animal Rights and Game Management in Nigeria, written by Sikiru Olanrewaju Adeoye was something much needed in this African country.

An EBE´s report on Africa

If an EBE (extraterrestrial biological entity) came to Earth and landed on any city and picked any newspaper or book, or watched a nature documentary, he/she/it would discover that people are always talking about Africa as the cradle of mankind and yet this continent has been trampled, sacked, fucked up by foreign powers and still is under the hold of multinationals, of course with the help of the crooked locals who enjoy ass kissing and crave for power.

The EBE would see that people are dying of starvation each day, forests are disappearing rapidly, the megafauna is being shot to extinction under the gun of mafia hunters, endangered animals and plants are traded illegally in local and international underground markets, gorillas and other great apes are being killed to put them in the boiling pot (Bushmeat) or hang their heads as home trophies (Video 1), lions are being poisoned (Video 2), snakes are hunted by the hundreds for the local and international markets (Video 3), elephants are poached for ivory (Video 4), many animals are on the verge of extinction, and on and on, and nothing happens. Most people don´t give a damn about this. Too damn selfish and blind. They can´t see beyond their nose!

                           Video 1. Great apes victims in bushmeat market.

                                    Video 2. Poisoning of African lions.

                                   Video 3. Snake market in Nigeria.

                                  Video 4. Elephants killed for ivory.

The EBE would then conclude that the African continent is being vacated of its people and flora and fauna by an insipid two-legged beast that he calls himself "Homo sapiens". 

Groups promoting animal welfare and vegetarianism in Nigeria

Standing before this tragic drama, this massive destruction, slow or at racing pace, only a few people have enough foresight and are brave enough, have the balls and big ovaries, to say: Enough!

Amongst these brave people, there are some Nigerians that are working damn hard to bring their fellow citizens into some sense to show them the only important sense that should be the sense of all the senses to be followed on the path to put all of their senses on the planet, with just one common goal that makes sense of all the senses:  Taking care of Mother Earth.

We recommend you to check out the following links to find out more about Nigerians´efforts to promote kindness and prevent cruelty to animals and to teach their society the benefits of vegetarianism, both of which overlap:

Animal Rights in Nigeria. More information HERE.

Animal Rights in Nigeria. More information HERE.

Nigeria Vegetarian Society. More information HERE

The World Animal Directory gives the following list of animal welfare and vegetarian groups for Nigeria: 

Animal Welfare Education Collaboration
Vegan, Farm Animals, Animals in Entertainment

Canine Welfare
Animals in Transport

CERCOPAN Forest Monkey Rehabilitation & Conservation
Primate Protection
Equine Foundation
Wildlife Conservation, Environmental, Equine Protection

Nigeria Animal Welfare Foundation
Environmental, Vegetarian, Vegan, Cat Protection, Farm Animals, Animals in Transport, Pet Adoption, Disaster Relief

Nigeria SPCA
Environmental, Shelter, Law Enforcement

Nigerian Vegetarian Education Network

Pandrillus, Drill Rehabilitation and Breeding Center
Primate Protection, Sanctuary

Society for the Welfare of Animals Protection (SWAP)
Environmental, Primate Protection, Farm Animals, Animals in Transport, Animals in Entertainment, Pet Adoption, Wildlife Rehabilitation

Soul Vegetarian Society

Walter Uzowane

This listing is by no means exhaustive and most likely there are other associations and blogs that are working on the same goal in Nigeria. Some internet navigation will give you some more leads.

Perhaps you may also want to read the meatless journey of Toyin Akinbuli, a remarkable Nigerian woman who says that "veganism became herself".

What are we waiting for?

In the end, we are all blind men and women who are touching the elephant on different parts and come out with different conclusions. 

But if we all agreed on a goal that advances the welfare of nonhumans, humans and Nature alike, we all will be on the right track. 

What the hell are we waiting for? 

We now know enough and we do not have much time to waste. The future of mankind is on the balance and we only have a "small window", as Professor Dr. Steven Best says.

We will sign off saying that wherever there are humans beings there is always darkness. In abundance. There is no question about that.

But there is also light. The minority, but it is there. A flickering light, but light nevertheless.

Let us all choose the Light.

The beginning can be as simple as planting a tree, sharing your bread, being kind to those around you, animal or human... 

Or as immense as coming to the realisation that you have been dwelling in the dark cave of selfishness and are able to come forward, step outside to feel the infinite breeze of love...


Cavaleri P. (2001). The Animal Question. Why Nonhuman Animals Deserve Human Rights. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA. 184 p.

Rowlands M. (2009). Animal Rights: Moral Theory and Practice. 2nd Edition. Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK. 234 p.

Varner G. E. (1998). In Nature´s Interests? Interests, Animal Rights, and Environmental Ethics. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA. 154 p.

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