martes, 28 de abril de 2015


Source: Climate & Capitalism.

By Gundhramns Hammer
April 28, 2015
Select, paste & translate 

Have you ever thought about the impact your consumption has on the environment? Do you care? 

We should all take a deep look at our consumption habits to plot and take a different course. 

We should all care about this.

At least we should put on hold or even change our squandering habits to bring them more on a sustainable line, like walking or biking instead of driving a car to work if and whenever possible to begin with.

If we do not we will be in deep trouble in the near future. If we ourselves do not, our children will for sure.

Just imagine each human on Earth overconsuming like an average American does. 

Anyway, we are heading that way with all the upcoming middle classes in the emerging economies with heavy appetites for all sorts of consumer goods.

At this pace, pretty soon we will need to have 5 to 7 Earths more to chew up and fill up with our crap.

Change we must. Otherwise we are doomed!

If we want to survive as a species, we must learn how to unfuck ouselves and how to unfuck our planet. The sooner the better.

Start at home with simple things like your fork and spoon at the table

When shopping, weigh the ecological footprint of each food  item or any product or consumer good you may have put your eye on before you buy it. 

By now all items at any store should have a label stating how much it screw up the environment, plain and without beating about the bush, for there are too many crooks that tell us the someting is "green" (a gimmick) when it is not.

Your fork and spoon are simple but powerful tools and keys to unfuck ourselves and begin our journey to unfuck our planet.

Why unfuck ourselves? 

Well, you might be eating something that is fucking you up, making you fucking sick. 

And as you should know by now, there are way too many food products out there in the market which are more suitable for ET aliens than for humans. And they are damn tastier than the real thing. They hook you up. They make addicted to them. But they fuck you up.

Some foods seem to have been design to chew you up inside out little by little. This way you will require a lot of medicines which will make the big pharma richer and richer.

So, get rid of them. Don´t eat this crap and this way you will be unfucking yourself and in turn Mother Nature will also be unfucked.

Remember, everything is connected on this beautiful planet. Beautiful indeed!

The following documentaries (English/Português/Español) will show what we are doing to Mother Earth in a graphic way. 

You will see that we are literally devouring her!

In other words and from another perspective, we are devouring ourselves!!

We will learn how to eat ourselves.

How much more fucking stupid can we get?

Here are the documentaries:

La Huella Humana (El Consumo Humano):

The Human Footprint (A Pegada Humana):

Part 1 (Ep. 1): Click HERE.

Part 2 (Ep. 2): Click HERE.

Each of us has only one chance. We will only go through this planet once. 

It is a matter of now or never.

Start your personal journey. Take good care of yourself and those around you, be them human or nonhuman. Take good care of Mother Earth.

Common... Unfuck yourself! Unfuck Mother Earth!

Now, what the fuck are you waiting for?

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