miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018


Fuente: Google Images.

Por Gundhramn Hammer
31 de enero de 2018

Hace muchos años leíamos en un comic titulado Ripley´s Believe It or Not (Aunque Ud. no lo crea), algo que nunca se nos ha olvidado. La tira decía que los extraterrestres (ETs) eran humanos que venían del futuro y que no podían comunicarse con nosotros, pues para ellos nosotros ya estabamos muertos.

Lo que le faltaba decir es que los visitantes habían mutado, que se habían convertido en aliens en el patio de su propio hogar.

En cuanto a futuro, así como vamos, jodiendo y destruyendo la Biosfera, contaminando la atmosfera, directa o indirectamente exterminando cuanta especie se nos cruce por el camino, envenenando el suelo, los ríos y los oceános, entre otras canalladas típicas del humano (Homo insapiens), pueda que no tengamos ninguno como especie.

Ahora bien, si acaso lo tuviésemos, no dudamos que los humanos serían bichos mutantes.

¿Por qué?

La respuesta es simple. Ya estamos, además de estar respirando aire contaminado, comiendo y bebiendo mucha mierda, lo suficiente como para cambiar nuestro ADN y transformarnos en putos ETs. O autoexterminarnos de una puta vez por todas. Así dejaríamos en paz a las demás especies.

Estamos en tiempos que perfectamente podríamos llamar el agrotoxicoceno, el período durante el cual nos estamos fumigando y intoxicando a nosotros mismos. Envenenándonos no sólo a nosotros mismos a base de químicos tóxicos antropogénicos (plaguicidas, herbicidas, fungicidas, rodenticidas, etc.), sino también a los demás seres vivos que nos acampañan y pueblan con todo derecho jurídico esta bella nave espacial que nosotros llamamos "Tierra": Su planeta. 

A lo cual debemos añadir las miles de toneladas de residuos radioactivos de las plantas nucleares, la contaminación de la chatarra electrónica, la radioactividad procedente de la pruebas nucleares, etc., etc.

Como prueba de todo el desorden medioambiental que estamos causando a lo largo y ancho del planeta, aquí os va un documental sobre el impacto ecológico, médico y social del cultivo de la soja (Fabaceae: Glycine soja) transgénica (resistente al herbicida glifosato) en Argentina:

Documental: La Soja Asesina

Un documental [Video 1] sobre las semillas transgénicas de soja, así como los problemas surgidos por consumir sojas transgénicas en Argentina. En 1996, Argentina permitió la introducción de la soja transgénica de Monsanto en sus campos, sin estudios de impacto ambiental independientes, sin ningún tipo de consulta pública, sin ninguna discusión parlamentaria ni legislación que la avale. Ahora, mes a mes, se vive en Argentina la emergencia de un nuevo problema socio-ambiental debido a la invasión territorial producida por la imposición del monocultivo de soja transgénica de la mano de Monsanto.. Los impactos de las fumigaciones, el desmonte, el desplazamiento de campesinos, las nuevas enfermedades, son problemas causados por esta empresa. La soja transgénica es propiedad de Monsanto, la mayor empresa semillera del mundo y también creadora del glifosato, el herbicida que se debe utilizar para sembrar la soja transgénica. La gente sufre de enfermedades como; malformaciones, tiroides, problemas de fertilidad y abortos espontáneos. 

Video 1. La Soja Asesina. Uploaded by The VedicObserver.

The views and opinions expressed on the videos are those of the speakers or authors and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions held by the author(s) or the administrator of Gundhramns Hammer Blog.


Source: Google Images.

By Gundhramn Hammer
January 31, 2018 

According to, did you know that billionaire Donald Trump received free media attention estimated to be a whopping US$5 billion price tag? Did you know that Renaissance Technologies contributed over US$ 15 milllion  to his campaign? McMahon Ventures occupied the second place in terms of contributions, with over US$6 million. Followed by Walt Disney Co., a mammoth business that pitched in over US$5 million.

You can find out this and more by clicking here.

Mon Capitaine, what was that all about?

It was about the price tag of Donald Trump´s chair, mon ami

So it seems to me, mon Capitaine, that all wars including political campaigns require lots of money. 

That´s true, mon ami.

Mon dieu! 

Now it occurs to me that people who own and/or handle these huge amounts of money cannot and should never speak about "sustainability", when referring to the Biosphere. Don´t you think so, mon Capitaine?

Oui, mon ami. They should´nt. But it happens that they are amongst the ones who speak about it the most.


domingo, 28 de enero de 2018


Árboles y bosques, redes inteligentes. Uploaded by Consciencia Arbórea.


Video 1. El BIS: el banco central de los bancos centrales del mundo. Uploaded by LaGranjaHumanaMX.

Video 2. El BIS: el banco central de los bancos centrales. Uploaded by LaGranjaHumanaMX

Más información:

Banco de Pagos Internacionales (BPI)

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

The views and opinions expressed on the video(s) are those of the speakers or authors and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions held by the author(s) or the administrator of Gundhramns Hammer Blog.

sábado, 20 de enero de 2018


Source: Sea of Slaughter.

By Gundhramn Hammer
January 20, 2018

Indirectly and because of the way we have treated and still treat ocean creatures, this is what Farley Mowat is telling us through his powerful documentary "Sea of Slaughter" (Video 1). It is a man-made hell in the ocean.


"Based on the book by Farley Mowat of the same name, Sea of Slaughter is a hard hitting indictment, and an extraordinary natural history of the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean and bordering shores. Incredible historical footage is blended with gorgeous images of marines creatures and the environment. Released in 1989, it was the first major documentary film to reveal the extent of the ecological destruction in the Northwest Atlantic. Much of what it says still applies today." [nsauteur1]

Video 1. Farley Mowat: Sea of Slaughter. Uploaded by nsauteur1.

As you have  seen, we don´t have to go to Hell to meet the devils. The devils are us. 

So one of our biggest challenges as a species is: Can we give the world and everybody on it our best?

How many times during the day do you let your inner devils lose? How many times do you let your good angel within you come out?

Learning how to control and manage our own red button is what life is all about.

Our common future depends on this.

martes, 16 de enero de 2018


Father Adolfo Nicolás Pachón, S.J., saluting Father Arturo Sosa Abascal, S.J. Source: Facebook.

By Gundhramn Hammer
January 16, 2018

William Pardow (1916: 16), a Jesuit priest himself, once wrote thatIgnatius was not born a saint. He was much like ourselves. He did such human things as to be vain and to fall in love. Then came sickness, and he read a book. When he arose from bed, the world was changed." 

Since then, what they can directly change, they change. And what they cannot directly change, they work hard so that others change what they want to change to get what they want to change. The idea is to change what they think should be changed.

Living in a world that is in constant change, they themselves also change what they think should be changed to adjust their changes to changing times.

And they change in company, for they are the Company of Jesus.

The following video shows one of their changes: The 30th General, Father Adolfo Nicolás Pachón, S.J., from Spain, saluting and greeting the newly elected 31st General, Father Arturo Sosa Abascal, S.J., from Venezuela:

Watch the original video: Click here.


Pardow W. (1916). Searchlights of Eternity. The Encyclopedia Press, New York, NY, USA. 120 pp.

jueves, 11 de enero de 2018



Por Gundhramn Hammer
11 de enero de 2018

El mundo de la política es un zoológico humano con amplia diversidad de espectros. Puedes encontrar desde humildes servidores públicos bien intencionados arrinconados hasta putos reptilianos egoístas, muy daemocráticos. Es decir, bichos endemoniados, gente satánica, pedofílica y de gustos caníbales a la chita callando.

Siendo así, si son lo que son, cuando muy daemocráticos son, bailando al son de su pecuniofílica canción, aunque hablen mucho de "sostenibilidad" sin razón, el medio ambiente es lo de menos en su cagazón. 

Por lo tanto, los estudios de impacto ambiental no sirven de nada para atajar cualquier ecológico maltrato de sus tratos. Son amañados.

viernes, 5 de enero de 2018


Cruzando el Mar Rojo, de Nicholas Poussin. Fuente: Wikipedia.

Por Gundhramn Hammer
5 de enero de 2018

La arqueología bíblica en un rompecabezas. Tiene piezas que ya se conocen. Otras están por ser descubiertas por los investigadores en las excavaciones arqueológicas. Es un campo de la ciencia muy activo, donde dependiendo de sus intereses, confluyen historiadores, paleografos, arqueólogos, teólogos, cazadores y ladrones de tesoros arqueológicos, mafiosos, falsificadores de piezas arqueológicas, contrabandistas, mercaderes de bienes culturales, militares, turistas, entre otros. Es un nutrido mercado de la Viña del Señor.

Ahora bien, en cuanto a ciencia, si se juntan las piezas de este rompecabezas ya conocidas, con una nueva visión de investigadores audaces, asistida por los nuevos adelantos en el campo de la arqueología de Oriente Medio y la ciencia de la computación, el resultado es sorprendente: Un mundo donde la Biblia se convierte en practicamente un registro histórico de eventos que ocurrieron hace miles de años y que fueron explicados según la visión de los entendidos de aquellos tiempos, con objetivos de caracter religioso, político, etc.

Así, el siguiente documental (Video 1) es una muestra del mundo de la arqueología bíblica en la actualidad:

Video 1. Ciencia bíblica: El éxodo descifrado. Uploaded by Mas Allá de la Matrix.

lunes, 1 de enero de 2018


Map of all the British empire´s territories. Source: Wikipedia.

By Gundhramn Hammer, PhD
January 1, 2017 

"Man is never happy unless he makes changes 
to what he changed and changed him."
- Gundhramn Hammer, 2017
Man changing his changes
Gundhramns Hammer´s Philosophia

Once upon a time there was a mighty empire. War ships, powder, cannons, horses, intelligence services, freemasons, theologians, preachers, missionaries, secrets (Fig. 1), ambitious merchants, trading vessels, exploited peasants and slaves, employed and deployed experts (e.g., anthopologists, historians, geologists, geographers, physicians, lawyers, botanists, zoologists, etc.), explorers, pimps, hookers, day-dreaming inventors, nature-chewing industrial contraptions, militaries, paid treasure hunters and thieves, crooked pirates and corsaires, greedy investors, cunning bankers, ass-kissing diplomats and reptiloid aristocrats, amongst other folks & things, all created its powerful machine. So powerful that it swallowed half the world. It got to possess a swarm of colonies globally. Historians baptised it the "British empire". It was a metamorphosis of the old into the new Venetian empire located in the north, under control of Babylonian-stemmed lords.

Figure 1. A military geographic secret from the British Intelligence Division in India. Source: Barrow (1893).

As time went by, things changed in the British empire. They changed when the oligarchs & Inc. that controlled (still do) the changes decided to change it to fit the changes done by others like themselves, continental autocratic capos who had also made some changes in their own domains, required changes to keep things from real changes. It was a matter of channelling their dirty water underground.

Thus, one day, due to these changes, the British empire looked like it had lost all of its colonies. A process called "decolonization" (McIntyre, 2014: vii). 

Well, that was done at least politically, because the British bankers soon came up with smooth ropes to keep their former colonies economically rounded up and strapped till today, organised into the "Commonwealth of Nations", and stuffed up with all kinds of "development" and "aid" schemes, loans with heavy interests to be paid by the "decolonised" folks´ great-grandchildren. A daemocratic game of free them all but not yet.

Eventually their changes had a boomerang effect at home. Their changes changed them. The world swallowers of yesterday are being swallowed today (Video 1). Although the British masters have gone from sucking to being sucked, for the British Government owes almost £1.56 trillion today (Wikipedia, 2017b), they have not forgotten to do some sucking and sacking suckers wherever they can find some suckers (see Marshall, 2012).

Video 1. London (UK): East in the West. Uploaded by globalvideopro1.

This British tango goes to show you that cultural, economic, military, industrial and other changes you make, change you. What you shape also shapes you. 

Man´s toys make him a toy too.

As of today, what is left of this imperial monster is changing. And no one knows where those riding on its back will go with the changes from the present changing point.

Whatever change that might be, it will certainly not please everyone for sure in the future. 

History tell us that what man does will do him too.

Faced with an environment that is always changing, man does like to change things, a lot faster - be it to make more bucks, to cope with or to somehow adapt. But when he is changed by what he has changed, he is not always happy with his changes. And back to square one. Again, he gets busy changing what he does not like about his changes in a sequence of never-ending changes.

In a nutshell, "man is never happy unless he makes changes to what he changed and changed him" (Hammer, 2017).

Such is the nature of this earth-chewing, fucking-loving naked primate (Therapsida, Mammalia, Primates, Homididae: Homo sapiens).

Biophilosophising: Mon Capitaine on the British Boomerang Effect

Mon Capitaine, isn´t it ironic that those who once went about cannibalising everyone around the world, today they are being cannibalised.

Oui, mon ami. What goes up must come down. You reap what you sow. The little fish are eating the big fish. Sooner or later, the little fish will change, at least those incorporated into the British modern machine, and also become big fish, as undoubtedly ocurred in the past (see Cooper, 1862; Shaw, 1911, 1923; Ungerer, 2008. Fig. 2), and start heartlessly eating small fish themselves, slowly or rapidly wherever they might be. 

Figure 1. Cover from William Durrant Cooper´s book on aliens in seventeeth-century England. Historically, some of their descendants have undoubtedly become part of modern Britain´s system.

As a matter of fact, it is happening now, mon ami. Little fish are changing and becoming big fish, for the lucky and perseverant ones go to schools and universities to learn the tricks on how to be unsustainable Biosphere-chewing creatures, two-legged dressed-up naked primates that will on swallowing little fish directly or indirectly, performing all sorts of "sustainable" unsustainable jobs for their unsustainable masters, in a process called "social integration" (Wikipedia, 2017a). All living cooped up and crammed up in cities like sardines, cranking up lots of crap daily. 

Let us face it, right now man is busy "harvesting the biosphere" (Smil, 2011). 

We humans have become an environmental cancer on this planet.

Although he talks a lot about changes, the grand inner change that should change what man wants to change is not yet part of his planned changes. 

For now, he is lost in his ever-changing labyrinth of his own changes. And crapped by his own crap.

See you later, alligators! 



Barrow Major E.G. (1893). The Military Geography of Afghanistan. Part I. Badakhshan. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India. 19 pp, 1 map.

Cooper W.D. (1862). Lists of Foreigners Protestants, and Aliens, Resident in England 1618-1688. From Returns in the State Paper Office. The Camden Society Nº 82. J.B. Nichols and Sons, Westminster, England. 119 pp.

Hammer G. (2017). Man changing his changes. Gundhramns Hammer´s Philosophia Blog. December 31, 2017.

Marshall P. (2012). UK aid funded firms "linked to Nigeria fraudster Ibori". BBC News, 16 April 2012.

McIntyre W.D. (2014). Winding Up the British Empire in the Pacific Islands. Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA. 278 pp. 

Shaw W.A. (Ed.) (1911). Letters of Denizations and Acts of Naturalization of Aliens in England and Ireland 1603-1700. The Publications of the Huguenot Society of London, Volume 18. Chas. Y. King, Lymington, England. 412 pp.

Shaw W.A. (Ed.) (1923). Letters of Denizations and Acts of Naturalization of Aliens in England and Ireland 1701-1800. The Publications of the Huguenot Society of London, Volume 27. Sherrat & Hughes, Manchester, England. 276 pp.

Smil V. (2011). Harvesting the biosphere: The human impact. Popul. Develop. Rev., 37 (4): 613-636. 

Ungerer G. (2008). The presence of Africans in Elizabethan England and the performance of "Titus Andronicus" at Burley-on-the-Hill, 1595/96. Mediev. Renaiss. Drama England, 21: 19-55.

Wikipedia (2017a). Social integration. Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA. USA.

Wikipedia (2017b). United Kingdom national debt. Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA. USA.