domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2017


Source: Wikipedia.

By Gundhramn Hammer
December 31, 2017

Soon everybody will be abducted. Abducted another time by an alien from another time which comes loaded with a lot of time as people understand time. 

This alien comes loaded with a lot of days that you will have to face your own way, happy or unhappy whenever it shows us its face, every single day wherever it reaches you in your days. 

It will abduct you, reminding you that as your days come and go, one of these days you will have to go where everybody must go at the end of the road.

The alien is almost here!! It will abduct everyone! Tomorrow everybody will wake up in another time!!

We will let Boston rock this alien from another time full of time (Video 1):

Video 1. Boston - More Than a Feeling. Uploaded by TheTainted 0.

Remember, this alien´s code is 2018!

We wish you all out there 


Thanks for visiting our blog!!!

miércoles, 27 de diciembre de 2017


Source: Wikipedia.

By Gundhramn Hammer
December 27, 2017

There was dimension in the tension. Also aprehension. Enthu, the captain spoke. Ladies and gentleman, this is the captain speaking to you. Welcome aboard. Please fasten your seat belts. We are ready to take off. Enjoy your trip!

Following the usual sequence in his neural circuitry, the captain thought to himself: One! Two! Three!... Until five. But nothing happened. The damn thing did not take off. Another counting of five came by and the same thing. Nothing. He insisted, but nothing occurred, not even an fart. 

Then, following a route that would cause the least tension in this human situation, the silence of the loudspeakers was broken once more by a male voice, saying: This is the captain again, he said. I am sorry to tell you that we are going to be delayed, for our jumbo doesn´t want to take off. He´s pissed off. We recommend you to get off and get ready to wait until 2018. Maybe 2019. Perhaps 2020. Fuck, no one knows!! (Video 1).

Video 1. Berlin´s Brandenburg white jumbo. Uploaded by DW English.

What the hell happened? Was it corrosion?

As far as to what happened, it was and still is development undeveloped by people who want to overdevelop their pockets. 

Regarding corrosion, it appears there was none. It has to do with corruption. Fucking corruption has eaten its guts!

This is why Germany´s white jumbo has not been able to take off. It´s got corrupted guts.

Mon dieu, mon Capitaine! It looks like it is a matter of some legality and illegality tangled up sucking the suckers!

Yeap, mon ami.

In the meantime, someone is getting richer. Including the mafia.

At least they should have warned the public, with a sign saying something like this:  
  • Warning! Crapped naked monkeys crapping! 
That´s all for now, folks!

See you later, alligators!


Construction of Turkey´s new airport. Source: DW English.

By Gundhramn Hammer
December 27, 2017

Turkey... well, the folks who are in control of this human farm, wants to top everyone in the global tribe. It is under the grip of the "development fever" that is tsunamiying the entire world. Man is screwing up Earth´s every corner where he can get to and shit.

Where once stood an old forest, it is now the construction site of what´s supposed to become the "largest airport on the world" (Wikipedia, 2017): Istanbul New Airport (İstanbul Yeni Havalimanı). For now, Turkey´s biggest mammoth.

This new baby will be able to handle 150 million Homo sapiens per year (Wikipedia, 2017). This means that if it ever gets this point, the environmental authorities will have to deal with 30.000 tonnes of human shit (200 g/Homo sapiens/d) dumped at the airport, anally and annually. Plus urine, garbage, etc.

Obviously, since they are mere formalities coming from the contracted formals who inform the public about the doings of the informals who are beyond any formality (i.e., the oligarchs), the EIAs (Environmental Impact Assessment. Click here and here) didn´t stop the development masters from screwing up local farmers (Video 1) and the flora (e.g., 2.5 million trees on the Black Sea coast; Blaser, 2014) and fauna (lots of species). After all, everything is done in the name of "progress". But it always boils down to this: Whoever controls the purse always gets away with his way.

Video 1. Turkey´s mammoth airport. Uploaded by DW English.

In the end, the Turkish people and whoever gets caught in this tide will have to camel up the mammoth airport cost: 22 billion euros (Blaser, 2014). That´s what human cattle are for!

Eventually, directly or indirectly we all end up eating our own "developed" crap. Sooner or later.

So much for "economic development". Certainly, crapped "prosperity".

Anyway... is Homo sapiens really sapiens, mon Capitaine?



Blaser N. (2014). One year on, Turkey´s environmentalists embattled. DW: Made for minds. Top Stories/World/Europe.

Wikipedia (2017). Istanbul new airport. Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA. USA.

lunes, 25 de diciembre de 2017


By Gundhramns Hammer Team
December 26, 2017

They tell us it is a date. Whatever it is you can make it whatever you wish. It is certainly a feeling. Feeling what you feel when you are happy around this time of the year nearing the end of the calendar and then be able to capture it and extend it year round in your life. That´s a good Christmas!

Although late, have a good one the rest of this year and next year!

Source: YouTube.

Hans Zimmer - Time (Inception). Uploaded by Revista Level Up.


"Let us try to feel
what the mother earth wants to tell us."

- Gennady Tkachenko-Papizh

sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017


Source: Wallpapers.

By Don Chopo´s defenders
December 16, 2017

Did you know that defending an old tree can be dangerous in Jaca (Huesca, Spain)?

For more information, we invite you to read de following article, titled "Defender un árbol centenario es peligroso en Jaca (España) [Defending a tree can be dangerous in Jaca (Spain)]: Click here & use translator on righht side of blog.

Por los defensores de Don Chopo
16 de diciembre de 2017

¿Sabías tú que defender un árbol centenario puede ser peligroso en Jaca (Huesca, España)?

Para más información, te invitamos a que leas un artículo al respecto, titulado "Defender un árbol centenario es peligroso en Jaca (España)": Pinchar aquí

jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2017


Source: Pinterest.

By Gundhramn Hammer
December 7, 2017

They saw it would be good and did it. It didn´t matter who got fucked. That´s how they do things. 

These luciferian agents want to control everything and everyone on this planet. This goes beyond the popular "New World Order" which doesn´t have anything new anyway. It is an old plan which got started in Babylon.

We´re talking about the narco-creation under the control of "Dark Lords" in soutane. It has to do with Madame Cocaine´s global farm to control human cattle.

Read more about this narco-creation. Click here.

miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017


Polar coordinate system. Source: Wikipedia.

By Gundhramn Hammer
December 6, 2017

It is a coordinate system. In this system, mon ami, they do what they do when they do it in such a way that you don´t notice what they are doing. They draw the lines on your own lifeline.

That´s how they do it. 

They are experts at doing what they do. They know how to manage the system and everyone else within the system. Their system.

Mon Capitaine, who are they?

They are the Trilateral Commission (TC), mon ami.

Now, mon ami, if you pay close attention to their system within a much larger system inside another well-planned global system, you shall find footprints of their system´s system

Here is a good example: A comparison between the TC´s symbol with another one in our everyday unsustainable system (Figs. 1-2): 

Figure 1. The Trilateral Commission´s symbol. Source: Wikipedia.

Figure 2. Recycling symbol in your everyday system. Source: Wikipedia.

Is this a coincidence, mon Capitaine?


So, mon ami, it is a good idea to have an idea of what they are doing when they get to do what they do to manage what you do

Here is one of their reports. A bit old, but what the heck. What they do is sort of as ancient as "civilisation" itself. 

Click here to get it, one of their manuals on "managing the international system"

Mon dieu!

See you later, alligators!

domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017


San Carlos de Bariloche (Provincia Río Negro, Argentina). Fuente: Wikipedia.

Por Gundhramn Hammer, PhD
3 de diciembre de 2017

En cuanto a lo que ocurrió durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, todo lo que digan cuando lo dicen no es necesariamente lo que deberían decir cuando dicen lo que dicen en su historia dentro de la historia que ha sido reconstruida después de la gran guerra.

Por lo tanto, dentro de este marco, el siguiente documental debe ser evaluado con pesos, contrapesos, sobrepesos y subpesos para quien quiera saber la verdad, pues necesita considerar que todo lo que nos cuentan sobre este conflicto mundial como verdad no es necesariamente la verdad.

Así, teniendo esto en cuenta, ahora pasamos al documental titulado Bariloche - Pacto de Silencio (Video 1)


Cita (Fuente: ScoutsArgentina):

"En los años cuarenta, Erich Priebke, antiguo comandante de las SS nazis, se oculta en Bariloche, Argentina, ciudad en la que crece Carlos Echevarría, director de este documental. La comunidad alemana de Bariloche vive condicionada por el espíritu del Tercer Reich y respalda a Priebke a pesar de conocer los crímenes que ha cometido. Cuando conoce este hecho, Carlos comienza una ardua y dura labor de investigación que dura hasta el día de hoy. En su papel de testigo, Carlos rompe el "Pacto de Silencio" para realizar este documental."

Extracto del Video 1:

"Los judíos dominan muy bien el arte de la información.
Entonces, con la información que es el cuarto poder, 
mueven montañas."

- Raimund Runge

Video 1. Argentina: "Bariloche - Pacto de Silencio". Uploaded by ScoutsArgentina.