viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014
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By Gundhramns Hammer
October 31, 2014
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Terrorised animals (Videos 1-2) in the hands of humans, Earth´s devils:
Video 1. Cows in transport truck bound to hell.
Video 2. Pork factory: Pig slaughterhouse.
Terrorised humans (Videos 3-5) in the hands of other humans, Earth´s devils:
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Source: CrossRoadsNews. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
October 31, 2014
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They work for you. They sweat their butts for you. They suffer heat and cold waves, desert storms, rainstorms, insect and snake bits... In other words, they risk their butt for you. They invade for you. They fight for you. They do the gruesome and bloody job of war for you. They die for you.
They do everything for you: The maniac, demanding consumer.
They do it for you so that you can have all the things - anything and everything - at the stores and supermarkets anytime. Anything your media constructed whims tell you to have, anything you have been made to think is good for you even though the stuff may be killing you or the Earth´s Biosphere is being slowly killed by you in the long run.
In a nutshell, they fight wars at your demand. They do it for you!
And they are paid by you!
The companies that get the raw materials and manufacture all of the stuff for you at the end of the chain don´t paid a damn penny for those that are standing ready to fight and die for you.
The whole fucking system has been so cleverly mounted so that the butt-sweating taxpayers paid for all their own rides.
After all, the industrialists have figured out, if you demand what you demand in a never ending vicious circle, you should pay for it.
So, don´t go about complaining about wars. Check closely your damn maniac shopping whims and sprees instead.
Here is a documentary (Videos 1-3) about your army and its global bases, your people who are always ready to fight and die for your fucking wasting habits (Videos 4-5):
Video 1. Standing army.
Video 2. Standing army: Die geheime Strategie.
Video 3. Ejercito permanente.
Video 4. A bunch of Homo sapiens burning tires.
Video 5. Another buch of Homo sapiens burning bike tires.
Mon Capitaine... We are all fucked!
Hmm.... Homo sapiens?
martes, 28 de octubre de 2014
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Source: Free Wallpapers Images. |
She´s so beautiful!...
She sings!...
She flies!...
She swims!...
She flies!...
She swims!...
She dances!...
She´s alive!...
She´s everything for all of us!...
She´s all we´ve got! ...
And yet we don´t take good care of it!
Why are we humans so unthankful?
Uploader: Keep It Trill - The Blog.
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Por Gundhramns Hammer
28 de octubre de 2014
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Los hilos son muy largos. Pocas veces son deshilados hasta el fondo. Siempre quedan una hebras sueltas para volver a montar el hilado por quienes están metidos en esta hilandería que nada tiene que ver ni con hilados ni con hilanderías en el monstruoso ovillo de la globalizada economía donde se tejen complicadas telas con hebras de todos los colores sin ser hilanderías pero son hiladas e hilvanadas de maneras complicadas en un complejo laberinto para que nadie las descubra ni persiga aunque están en plena luz del día hasta que un día alguna sufre una caída.
La gente come y traga y no se entera de que lo que han comido y tragado podría perfectamente haber sido dragado de las profundidades del saco hilado por el crimen organizado.
Lo digan o no lo digan, el crimen organizado es parte del complejo ovillo del mundo del comercio globalizado.
En alguna parte del trayecto de los hilos - hilados de la economía globalizada para que la gente tenga lo que quiere tener donde y cuando lo quiere tener aunque no lo necesita tener - se han tocado y bailado al son de la melodía de la rumba del dinero que encanta y desencanta a todo aquel que sufra de ardor y picor por tener lo que nunca se puede tener para siempre en esta vida.
Hay veces que donde se han tocado arriba y abajo los hilos del ovillo de la economía globalizada, dulces cosas pueden florecer o aparecer en manos de adeptos hilanderos que aparentan ser panaderos de una buena panadería que en el fondo es una lavandería donde no se lavan ni platos ni tenedores ni cuchillos sólo plata sucia que nada tiene que ver con lo que aparenta durante la noche y el día.
Hace poco ocurrió el caso de una panadería que vendía panes y otras deliciosas comestibles mercancías que hacía feliz a toda la clientela que allí a comprar se metía.
Pero todo el mundo sabe que vendiendo pan, flautas y pasteles nadie se hace rico aunque trabaje como burro todos los días. Sólo da para pasar el día.
Pero lavando cierta materia prima escondida entre la harina y la mercancía la cosa cambia al son de otra melodía.
Y fue así como unos bandoleros en Argentina habían montado una panadería para disfrazar su sucia lavandería.
Hasta que un día se acabó su negocio de panadería y fueron descubiertos y atrapados con las manos en su propia harina que nada tenía que ver con su negocio del día.
Se derrumbó su negocio de panadería y lavandería.
¡Los muy cabrones se había montado nada menos que una narco-lavandería!
Los pícaros "panaderos" fueron horneados con su propia narco-harina y hasta aquí llegó su secuencia de la globalizada hilandería (Video 1).
Video 1. Desbaratan una narco-panadería en Argentina. Uploader: c5n.
Pero en algún lugar del mundo de este mundo patas arriba no lo dudéis que a alguien esta mañana ya ha despertado de sus pesadillas nocturnas, pensando en el mañana y con la idea de otra aventura de lavandería para que todos los caprichosos humanos tengan ropa limpia para usar y tirar a destajo en un planeta de recursos finitos, esclavizados por el maniático consumismo que los consumirá si no ponen atención a lo que de verdad deben atender para que les quede a los demás que aún están por nacer, si entendiesen lo que deberían entender.
Humanos zombizados, robotizados y narcotizados
El planeta Tierra y su milagrosa Biosfera nos cobija magnéticamente del hostil espacio exterior infinito y no la cuidamos, verdaderamente es todo lo que tenemos.
Efímeras son nuestras vidas y lo que tenemos no lo tenemos. Es sólo prestado. Por la Tierra.
La Tierra es todo lo que tenemos. Al fin y al cabo al arribar al cabo de nuestras vidas, nada más.
Narcos o no narcos, por doquier la gran mayoría de humanos van por allí zombizados, robotizados y narcotizados por un sistema chupóptero obsoleto rumbo a ser horneados.
El pan de la extinción es largo. Está lleno de fósiles.
Los humanos... ¿Despertarán, se hornearán ellos mismos o serán horneados por las fuerzas naturales que no perdonan a nadie?
Ser o no ser horneados es parte del gran dilema.
En fin... pin pan, pin pan... el horno espera.
Dicen que como una panadería es la vida.
¿Estás amasando o te están amasando? ¿Los dos? ¿Ninguno?
¿Estás amasando o te están amasando? ¿Los dos? ¿Ninguno?
La Tierra continúa rotando. Seguimos saqueándola.
Sin embargo, su horno sigue dándonos pan.
¿Hasta cuándo?
¿Hasta cuándo?
See you later alligators!
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Source: GeoEnginnering Watch. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
October 28, 2014
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Rosalind Peterson discusses geoengineering, weather modification and the impact of airplane contrails - condensation trails or persistent trails; some people call them chemtrails - on agriculture, health and environment in a Conference on Climate Change organised by the United Nations in 2007.
The session was titled "Coping With Climate Change: Best Land Use Practices" (Video 1).
Official summary of the Conference:
This panel will focus on innovative ways to minimise and cope
with the negative impacts of climate change, primarily as they present in
erratic weather patterns. These events aggravate famine and mass migrations in
areas already burdened, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. The
panel will address the effective local initiatives utilised in combating
desertification--planning and zoning techniques, which can stem the rapid loss
of agricultural lands to urbanisation. How can these be overcome without
sacrificing issues of equity? What can NGOs, national governments and UN
agencies do to encourage compliance?
In addition, the panellists will consider the vital role that
the preservation of biodiversity and reforestation policies can play in reducing
the amount of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere.
Video 1. Rosalind Peterson on climate change. Uploader: Alex Alexander.
domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014
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Source: dreamstime. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
October 26, 2014
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Some people are born with the dollar bill stuck in the butt. Others ain´t so lucky at all.
But don´t get too excited if you are into traversing traversed fields.
The lucky ones will get lots of peanuts throughout their lives. The unlucky ones will have to toil like slaves for peanuts all their lives or die of starvation without ever having had any peanuts.
Those in the middle will go through periods of feeling secure and suffocation chasing peanuts until they hit the final hole.
Anyway, who´s got peanuts?
But first what must come first.
We ain´t talking about Peanuts´ peanuts. Neither about peanuts, the nutritious legume of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea).
We are talking about money, the stuff that makes man´s economic merry-go-round go around all over the world since Babylonian times.
So, our peanuts mean money.
But... Is there a Charlie in our story like in the cartoon story?
Yes. And Jeez.... This Charlie has a hell of a lot of peanuts.
Find out all about Charlie´s peanuts. Click Here.
War: Iraqi Special Forces In heavy clashes fighting and firefights with ISIS. Uploader: WarLeaks.
Homo sapiens?
Homo sapiens?
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Source: BAE Systems. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
October 26, 2014
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Man is basically not only a fearful but also warmongering primate. If this were not the case, there would be no businesses profiting from this limping.
As a matter of fact, there are many companies that make a great deal of money from selling weapons & related high-tech gadgets including nasty land mines.
And some of these are top giants in this field. One of these is BAE Systems.
BAE Systems is a "British multinational defence, security and
aerospace company headquartered in
London in the United Kingdom and with operations worldwide", according to Wikipedia (2014).
Many ticks suck blood from this top dog. By this we mean that the number of employees is huge.
Nearly 90.000 employees depend on BAE to make a living: 35,000 in the US; 33,300 in the UK; and 19,800 in international markets such as Saudi Arabia and Australia, according to BAE´s 2013 report.
How peace loving these employees are, only God knows.
How peace loving these employees are, only God knows.
As of December 31 2013, BAE´s sales were £18.2 billion, with a net profit of £176 million.
As you can see BAE Systems handles a lot of peanuts.
And, according to some reports, some of these peanuts may be rotten.
How about shareholders?
As of 31 December 2013 BAE System listed some of the shareholders (Table 1):
Table 1. List of BAE Systems "significant direct and indirect" shareholders. Source: BAE Systems Annual Report 2013.
For more information on BAE, read the following report:
BAE Systems Annual Report 2013. Click HERE.
Also, read Wikipedia´s BAE Systems article: Click HERE.
Enough about this defence baby.
Now, a couple of questions:
What can we say about the defence industry´s "sustainability"? "Where is the beef?"
Is the global defence octopus "sustainable"?
"Sustainable", one of the most popular words in the media and scientific circles now, can mean different things for different people. It all depends what they are up to.
But all in all, from an ecological point of view, no matter what the defence industry lobby people say or how pretty they paint the picture, these mega-industries and their branches cannot be considered "sustainable", for they are tentacles of the global octopus which contaminates and destroys the environment (Fig. 1).
Remember one thing. No war is ever kind onto the environment. Neither on people nor on any living creature.
A war always means destruction.
Weapons are made for wars, wars are a matter of economics, and man´s present cannibalistic economics always mean a hole in the biospherical fabric, near or far away.
So, how the fuck do you expect any defence industry to be "sustainable" or environmentally friendly?
We will now sign off saying something for you to think about.
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Figure 1. Environmental consequences of conflicts and wars in the Middle East. Source: Partow (2008). |
Remember one thing. No war is ever kind onto the environment. Neither on people nor on any living creature.
A war always means destruction.
Weapons are made for wars, wars are a matter of economics, and man´s present cannibalistic economics always mean a hole in the biospherical fabric, near or far away.
So, how the fuck do you expect any defence industry to be "sustainable" or environmentally friendly?
We will now sign off saying something for you to think about.
Don´t cry for more!
Since everything is connected under the Sun, humans, whether directly or indirectly, are all ticks sucking dry the Earth´s Biosphere, then what can you do?
Crying out for more - usually to be wasted or dumped - will only speed up the process.
So, don´t cry for more!
This way big companies will not respond digging deeper for more into Nature´s fabric so that you can get more and more and more in a vicious cycle of more and more and more until one day there will be nothing left for any one anymore.
Earth´s natural resources are finite.
It is high time we do take care of this wonderful planet!
See you later alligators!
Jenkins T.F., Walsh M.E., Thorne P.G., Miyares P.H., Ranney T.A., Grant C.L. & Esparza J.R. (1998). Site Characterization for Explosives Contamination at a Military Range Impact Area. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Cold Regions Research & Enginnering Laboratory (CRREL), Special Report 98-9:1-38.
Majeed A. (2004). The Impact of Militarism on the Environment: An Overview of Direct & Indirect Effects. Physicians for Global Survival (Canada), Ottawa, Canada. 40 p.
Partow H. (2008). Environmental Impact of Wars and Conflicts. Chapter 12. In: Pp. 159-172, Arab Environment: Future Challenge, Tolba M.K. & Saab N.W. (Eds.), 2008 Report of the Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED). 266 p.
Partow H. (2008). Environmental Impact of Wars and Conflicts. Chapter 12. In: Pp. 159-172, Arab Environment: Future Challenge, Tolba M.K. & Saab N.W. (Eds.), 2008 Report of the Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED). 266 p.
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