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Mummy donkey and her cute baby. Source: Daily Cuteness. |
By Gundhramns Hammer
August 10, 2014
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Since the beginning when they were first domesticated around 3000 B.C., perhaps earlier, in Egypt, Mesopotamia or more likely ancient Persia, donkeys (Perissodactyla: Equus asinus) have been taking and still take a lot of crap from humans around the world.
Apart from large predators such as big cats, humans or naked apes (Homo insapiens) have been and still are donkeys´s hell.
The exceptions are when donkeys become part of a human family as a dear pet for life or are kept in donkey sancturies or havens provided by some animal welfare charities.
Apart from large predators such as big cats, humans or naked apes (Homo insapiens) have been and still are donkeys´s hell.
The exceptions are when donkeys become part of a human family as a dear pet for life or are kept in donkey sancturies or havens provided by some animal welfare charities.
But from a lot of people´s economic and cultural perspective, asses are not only seen as objects to exploit, experiment with and discard like an old dish rag at the end of the line but also, as we will see later, these animals have to withstand some degenerate men´s biomechanical undercover orange.
Humans parasitising on donkeys
Humans parasitising on donkeys
Humans parasitising on donkeys is a common thing around the world. This type of human parasitism can take may shapes.
In some places this naked ape parasitism may be carried along with praying to warmongering gods or demons which could be interchangeable upon closer inspection.
One of the most frequent types of human parasitism on donkeys is a duality.
Asses are exploited for their meat (Video 1) and/or for their milk (Video 2) usually in poor nations, those countries whose leaders suck up the national treasury and head to the safest tax haven and thereby making their fellow countrymen eat a lot of crap.
In some places this naked ape parasitism may be carried along with praying to warmongering gods or demons which could be interchangeable upon closer inspection.
One of the most frequent types of human parasitism on donkeys is a duality.
Asses are exploited for their meat (Video 1) and/or for their milk (Video 2) usually in poor nations, those countries whose leaders suck up the national treasury and head to the safest tax haven and thereby making their fellow countrymen eat a lot of crap.
Video 1. Man slaughtering a donkey.
Video 2. A man drinking donkey milk.
A new type of human parasitising on donkeys has popped up in some countries used as human traps.
It has to do with the so called "ecotourism" which is basically more of the same crap except that is has been wrapped in a sophisticated silky rap.
For those of you who are economically or culturally minded, there is no question that ecotourism may help local communities. But it can also screw them up.
On the positive side, according to UNESCO (2004), "tourism can generate the financial resources needed to invest in the rehabilitation of historic buildings and conservation areas. Tourism can help to revive dying or lost traditions, arts and cultural practices and can provide the impetus for artisans to continue their traditional crafts."
Ecotourism may also bring beneficial effects by contributing to the environmental protection and conservation of the local flora and fauna.
But tourism has also a negative side.
The positive impacts "are often negated by the unintentional destructive impacts of tourism that rob a community of its ancestral heirlooms, undermine traditional cultural values and alter the physical character of a tourism destination through inappropriate development and infrastructure" (UNESCO, 2004).
Moreover, leaving any softiness aside, the negative side of tourism can be fucking terrible.
Tourism can intentionally be quite destructive on the environment and livelihood of entire communities.
In such case, we are dealing with what some experts refer to as "eco-terrorism". And they are damn right in using such term (Video 3).
For example, and this is not the only case in the world, in some parts of the coastline of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, mangrove forests have been destroyed by the global money laundering mafias to make room for infrastructures such as roads and airports, and "ecotourism" facilities such as restaurants, shops, golf courses, marinas and fancy hotels.
In the end, local people that depended upon the mangroves for their survival by fishing or catching shellfish to eat or sell are left with nothing.
And the local folks also eat lots of shit coming from the tourist complex. This crap one way or another finds its way to the ocean, thus polluting its waters. And at the same time, this crap also contaminates the mainland underground aquifers.
It is obvious that tourism is a complex issue.
Notwithstanding, since it always involves some kind of travelling by tourists to get to their destiny, this means fuel consumption which means crude oil which means some environmental impact at its source of extraction (Videos 4-5), tourism can never be green.
This is why we say that "ecotourism" is more of the same crap.
All in all, as the global tourism mafia, e.g., la Cosa Nostra (Romero & Díaz, 2009), has brainwashed the human slaves, the flocks from overindustrialised countries, along with the class belonging to the vampiric elites in poor nations, and pushed them into travelling day and night, year round, so that travellers can spread their shit all over the planet in the quest to "expand their culture" and meet other folks, with some men leaving some genes behind too, more and more money or debt loaded tourists can be seen riding donkeys in tourist traps.
When seen from a distance, this type of human parasitism called donkey ecotourism appears to be helping local folks by injecting some fresh cash into their pockets. It is true.
But it is also true that this money earned by the locals exploiting donkeys too frequently does not go into feeding the family but ends up in the local stores as weekly or monthly payments for their own "developed" bubble: Fancy stereos, colour TV sets living or sleeping room furniture or what have you to keep up with the Johns´ or simply to imitate the tourists´ style of overconsumption.
After all, consumerism is a disease that has gotten hold of most of humanity.
But from the asses´ point of view, the animals are being screw up, subjected to long hours of heavy work and other kinds of abuses and torture.
Ecotourism may also bring beneficial effects by contributing to the environmental protection and conservation of the local flora and fauna.
But tourism has also a negative side.
The positive impacts "are often negated by the unintentional destructive impacts of tourism that rob a community of its ancestral heirlooms, undermine traditional cultural values and alter the physical character of a tourism destination through inappropriate development and infrastructure" (UNESCO, 2004).
Moreover, leaving any softiness aside, the negative side of tourism can be fucking terrible.
Tourism can intentionally be quite destructive on the environment and livelihood of entire communities.
In such case, we are dealing with what some experts refer to as "eco-terrorism". And they are damn right in using such term (Video 3).
Video 3. Destruction of mangroves forests in Cancun (Mexico).
For example, and this is not the only case in the world, in some parts of the coastline of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, mangrove forests have been destroyed by the global money laundering mafias to make room for infrastructures such as roads and airports, and "ecotourism" facilities such as restaurants, shops, golf courses, marinas and fancy hotels.
In the end, local people that depended upon the mangroves for their survival by fishing or catching shellfish to eat or sell are left with nothing.
And the local folks also eat lots of shit coming from the tourist complex. This crap one way or another finds its way to the ocean, thus polluting its waters. And at the same time, this crap also contaminates the mainland underground aquifers.
It is obvious that tourism is a complex issue.
Notwithstanding, since it always involves some kind of travelling by tourists to get to their destiny, this means fuel consumption which means crude oil which means some environmental impact at its source of extraction (Videos 4-5), tourism can never be green.
Video 4. Oil spills in Nigeria: The true price of crude oil.
Video 5. Tar sands pollution in Alberta (Canada).
This is why we say that "ecotourism" is more of the same crap.
All in all, as the global tourism mafia, e.g., la Cosa Nostra (Romero & Díaz, 2009), has brainwashed the human slaves, the flocks from overindustrialised countries, along with the class belonging to the vampiric elites in poor nations, and pushed them into travelling day and night, year round, so that travellers can spread their shit all over the planet in the quest to "expand their culture" and meet other folks, with some men leaving some genes behind too, more and more money or debt loaded tourists can be seen riding donkeys in tourist traps.
When seen from a distance, this type of human parasitism called donkey ecotourism appears to be helping local folks by injecting some fresh cash into their pockets. It is true.
But it is also true that this money earned by the locals exploiting donkeys too frequently does not go into feeding the family but ends up in the local stores as weekly or monthly payments for their own "developed" bubble: Fancy stereos, colour TV sets living or sleeping room furniture or what have you to keep up with the Johns´ or simply to imitate the tourists´ style of overconsumption.
After all, consumerism is a disease that has gotten hold of most of humanity.
But from the asses´ point of view, the animals are being screw up, subjected to long hours of heavy work and other kinds of abuses and torture.
Anyway, one way or another, heavy-duty tourists have joined the crowd of local folks that already are into loading, overloading, killing and eating, milking, abusing and fucking up asses.
Yeah, literally, fucking them up as we will soon see below.
Yeah, literally, fucking them up as we will soon see below.
When donkeys are used as load animals, they are fucking loaded indeed (Video 6). And by loads we mean heavy elephant-size loads (Fig. 1).
Video 6. Men abusing donkey with overloads.
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Figure 1. Overloaded donkey with an oversized tourist. Source: The Rock. |
In "developing" nations, it is not uncommon to see a donkey being overworked and tortured as pull animals (Videos 7-8) including donkey cart races (Video 9).
Video 7. Overloaded donkey hanging in the air.
Video 8. Patient overloaded donkey abused by callous men.
Video 9. Donkey cart races in Pakistan.
When we turn our eyes away from plain folks, who many not be human folks after all but something else (infiltrated ET aliens, demons, etc.) disguised as human beings, and look closely into the academic world which contains many animal hells (Video 10), we will also find that some scientists use, abuse and kill donkeys in experiments in pharma and army laboratories or vet schools (Video 11) as well.
Video 10. Monkey hell: Evil medical experiments.
Video 11. Asino-hell: Young donkey electrecuted in a university.
Finally, the last straw of human parasitism on donkeys.
Donkeys as sex objects
We now come to the dirty stuff. And we mean really dirty stuff. Dirty tainted stuff. This type of stuff is extreme human parasitism. It is extreme anthropology.
A kind of stuff practiced since Summerian or Babylonian times till today by some heated and desperate men. And the legend goes than some exceptionally designed and desperate women too.
But to these desperate men this stuff is not tainted meat but a means of releasing their volcanic energy from their own body climate change from their reproductive sacks.
In Caribbean Colombia some men prefer donkeys (bestiality). Some men are in love with donkeys (Fig. 2) (zoophilia).
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Figure 2. Men in love with donkeys. Source: devianART. |
So without beating about the bush, some Colombian men love and fuck donkeys. We call this aberrant human behaviour asinophilia.
In a nutshell, this asinophilia is an ass fuckophilia (Video 12).
Video 12. Fuckophilia of northern Colombian men.
Summing up: Abusing, torturing, exploiting, killing and devouring and fucking donkeys is part of many people´s daily life on this devils factory called "Earth".
See you later alligators!
Summing up: Abusing, torturing, exploiting, killing and devouring and fucking donkeys is part of many people´s daily life on this devils factory called "Earth".
See you later alligators!
Buades J. (2009). Do Not Disturb Barceló: Viaje a las Entrañas de un Imperio Turístico. Icaria Editorial, S.A., Barcelona, España. 197 p.
Romero A. & Díaz M. (2009). La Costa Nostra: Las Mafias en la Costa del Sol. Colección Observatorios. Atrapasueños Editorial, Sevilla, España. 218 p.
UNESCO (2004). The Effects of Tourism on Culture and the Environment in Asia and the Pacific: Tourism and Heritage Site Management in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR. Bangkok, Thailand. 130 p.
It's impossible to feel no shame of our own kind after such a terrible/ terrifying read. A worldwide human mega slaughter sounds like an ethical solution. ..