Edward Karl Hanson – Tema - Road to Tibet.
Watch it in English: Click HERE.
By Salvatore Scimino
Millions of Americans (USA) start their weekdays with breakfast cereals, usually corn flakes. Like wearing blue jeans, this breakfast habit has now spread world-wide.
Corn flakes have invaded the shelves of most grocery stores around the planet. It is considered a convenient food item.
Surprisingly, wherever you shop for this industrial food, there is no warning of the hidden danger in corn flakes in the boxes.
It turns out that corn flakes are usually contaminated with dangerous mycotoxins: fumonisins.
The fumonisins are a group of related mycotoxins produced mainly by Fusarium verticillioides (formerly known as F. moniliforme) and F. proliferatum (Fungi: Ascomycota: Nectriaceae), which are known to infect corn crops around the world (Kim et al., 2003).
Depending on their chemical structure, fumonisins can be divided into FB1, FB2, FB3 and FB4.
The potential danger of fumosisins is explained by (Kim et al., 2003), where you will find the corresponding citations for each health problem given below:
·FB1, for example, is known to cause equine leukoencephalomalacia and porcine pulmonaryoedema
·It is also a kidney or liver carcinogen in rats and mice,
·It causes DNA damage in human fibroblasts and
·It is immunotoxic,
·Epidemiological studies suggest that FB1 may be associated with human oesophageal cancer, and
·Also, there is a possibility that fumonisins are connected with infant neural tube defects in South Texas, USA.
There is one big problem with these mycotoxins: The more we eat corn flakes and other industrial maize products (tortilla chips, popcorn, etc.), the more the risk of bioaccumulating fumonisins in our bodies.
So next time you are going to eat a bowl of corn flakes, if you care about your health in the long run, remember this.
For more information of fumonisins, check Google Scholar HERE.
Kim E.K., Scott P.M. & Lau B.P.Y. (2003). Hidden fumonisin in corn flakes. Food Addit. Contam., 20 (2): 161-169.
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Source: Wikipedia. |
By Wolfgang von Eschenbach
Here is a summary of the Papacy. This should give you a bird´s-eye view of what has been going on at the Vatican since Saint Peter´s days:
To continue reading, go to the following book:
The Autobiography of Satan: Summary of the Papacy. Read pages 308-311. Click HERE.
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Source: Wikipedia. |
By Wolfgang von Eschenbach
Whilst doing online research on the history of early Christianity, we came across a very interesting booklet which throws a lot of light on this topic.
This jewel let us see the real Jesus Christ, not the fraud that has been mounted on Him by the establishment in order to harvest the blood and energy of the working classes, from the 4th century, through the Middle Ages until nowadays, the XXI century.
Here it is: The Political Economy of Jesus, by A.W. Ricker (1912)
To get a copy, click on the link below:
Source: They´re trying to kill us. |
G. von Hammer
If you care about your health, want to live longer or stay healthier until the Parcae come finally after you, then the following documentary will put you on the right track as far as what not to eat.
To watch the film "They´re trying to kill us", click HERE.
Deadliest Roads - Bhutan: Happiness at All Costs.
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